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As Faiz waits for her at the dining table, setting a grand spread of breakfast, she arrives tensed. he says that he knew they both wouldnt disappoint each other, and starts explaining the culinary spread, while haya eyes the knife. He asks if she is really silly, that she would be able to kill him with this small knife. she says that he is right, and if this knife cant kill him, it sure can kill her, as for the world she is already did. haya takes a knife, and threatens him that she would slit her vein, if he doesnt do exactly that she tells him to do, as she is capable of doing what she is saying. He asks her to put the knife away and stop this madness. she asks him if he wants to see her alive, then he should comply. haya asks him to put the phone on the speaker, and call the police station. He tensedly and resignedly complies, while she eyes him angrily, the knife placed on her vein. as the inspector picks it up, she is about to speak excitedly, when he cancels it, amused. He says that he would give her a better death, and points a pistol at her, instead. she is shocked, as the knife drops from her hand, in amazement. he grabs her by the hair, and asks if he should kill her right now, and she is using him and his love. He reminds her that if she kills herself, then rahat wont be spared at all, as the police would get a dead body, that would make rahat’s crime a proof. He says that the only thing that can save rahat is haya being alive, and leaves it on her. he leaves. She is appalled.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer calls the lawyer, and he comes saying that he got everything ready at the minute she asked them to sign. Ahil and Tanveer sit down with him. Tanveer smiles as Ahil and the lawyer keep getting impatient when sanam doesnt arrive. he hollers at latif to get sanam, while tanveer says that she would herself get it.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sanam takes the flour, and mixes it with water, and the minute she places her hand in the dough mixture to knead it, she winces in pain. She is shocked, to find her hand full of blood, and injuries, due to the glass shards. She rush out of the kitchen, leaing behind the blood filled bowl.

Tanveer meets Azhar’s parents in the hallway, who is told that there was blood all around, but sanam wasnt to be seen. tanveer smiles evilly. Tanveer says to azhar’s parents that she had told them that sanam would sign only when she is able to. She smiles evilly. 

Tanveer tells Ahil that she is sure Sanam wont sign as Ahil wants. Sanam says i can give my life for Ahil. Sanam says this is a very small thing. Sanam asks lawyer where to sign and lawyer explains that after she signs all property will be Ahils and she wont have any rights. Sanam happily asks where to sign. Ahil looks at her. Sanam shows her hand being perfectly alright. Azhars parents recollect how Tanveer had tried to hurt Sanams hand but its fine. They tell Tanveer who is shocked.

Faiz stares at Haya who is decked up in western wear. She brings tea and cookies for him. Faiz asks what is all this. Haya says i know u dun want me to be troubled but cooking is the only way to convince u that i care for u. She asks for apology from Faiz. She says i was confused but now i know what i want. Haya tells Faiz that her heart only desires him. Haya tells Faiz that he was right, they love each other and that such lovers cant be separated ever. Haya says ur my first hubby and u have every right on my breath. Faiz wonders if God is being kind on him or this is dream. Faiz says u wanted to kill me yesterday but today.. all this. Haya says if u doubt on me, i will eat this and prove u. Haya eats, Faiz watches. Faiz hugs Haya. Haya grimaces in pain. Faiz says today my love won, am very happy. Faiz keeps rubbing Hayas injured shoulder and she cringes face in pain. Haya self thought that i know am trapped by a dangerous man but if i wanna reach my true love, i gotta win his trust.

Lawyer asks Sanam to rethink her decision. Sanam says we think when we have doubt, this property, wealth is all Ahils, this is his right and will remain so. Tanveer fumes. Ahil takes the papers from Sanam and tears them off. Ahil tells Sanam she doesnt need to sign anything. He excuses the lawyer. Ahil says to Tanveer told you Sanam can never do anything like this. Seher thinks that the Sunehri who stole money is letting money go coz of her sister and I don't regret it one bit. Time changes us all. Ahil walks off from there.

Haya is setting the bedsheet. Faiz comes in the bedroom and checks her out. He wonders who can say she hates me a while back and now she is making our bed, is this true or is it a drama. He comes and backhugs Haya, who is taken aback. Faiz suggests Haya to go for long drive. Haya is taken aback. Faiz goes to get ready while keeping his moby on the table. Haya takes his moby and dials a number. She tips off someone. Faiz comes out of the bathroom and notices Haya using his phone. He asks her who she was calling. Haya says no one, just putting ur phone on charger. Faiz takes the phone and checks the call history. He cant find anything. He takes his wallet and phone and walks out. Haya sighs in relief.

Tanveer is pacing in her room and worries that the trick I played was full proof but she beat me this time. If this goes on, she will beat me soon by returning back in Ahils heart. Cant let this happen. Azhars parents are staring at food. Tanveer asks if they are listening to her or drooling at food. Azhars mom says empty stomach leads to acidity. They ask her to eat. Seher comes and asks how are the parathas. Tanveer stops eating. Seher says tasty parathas made of special maida u kept in the kitchen. Tanveer is shocked and starts drinking water. Seher laughs and says so scared, if only you could see ur face. She tells Tanveer there is nothing in this maida. Sit. Seher says there are few days left for the challenge to be completed. In these few days if you don't bow down and seek for forgiveness, I wont be AsYas daughter. She try to feed Tanveer but she doesnt eat, so she feeds Azhars parents. She walks off. Azhars mom asks Tanveer not to worry as Seher is fooling them. Tanveer says am not thinking what she did to me but what all she can do. Even rains turn course on encountering winds.

Tanveer asks Azhars parents to show the property documents to new lawyer in town. Sanam says I cant even imagine Tanveer can go so low to defeat me. Seher says Tanveer is too shallow. I realized she had some tricks in her mind and so i outwit her. Ahil was so happy for what happened. Sanam says this is our first step to victory. First time Ahil realized that his mom can be wrong too. Seher says one after one, we will expose that Tanveer before Ahil. Sanam gets up and Seher says ur hand is badly cut. Sanam says dont worry will hide it and if they see will say hurt later. Seher asks Sanam to be careful.

There is a doorbell ring and Faiz gets worried. He shouts on Haya for tipping someone. Haya tries to explain but Faiz sendsd her inside. He opens and its a delivery guy with cake. Faiz brings the parcel to Haya. Haya gets up to leave. Faiz says sorry. Haya says all relations are based on trust, if u dun trust me then how can our love be fulfilled. Faiz says i trust u. I made my Princess cry. He wipes her tears and hugs her. Faiz says will take my Princess out. Its time for celebration, wont let you cry ever. Haya stays stoic.

At Ahil’s residence

While the gardener is watering the plants, the new bride comes and instructs him to put the plants in shade, back in light, and does so herself, despite him telling her not to. Just then, ahil arrives and is very angry to find them like this, and when he gets to know that the new bride did this, he lashes out at her. sanam sees this from a distance and jumps in her defence, saying that had she known, she wouldnt have done this, and next time she would take care. both ahil and sanam pick it up, to put it back. their eyes meet romantically. the new bride leaves tensedly. She meets gazaalla inside, who is tensed and then when asked by gazalla, whats bothering her, she doesnt respond and goes to her room. gazalla is shocked.

Meanwhile, ahil asks the gardener to get the plants, that tanveer wants, which are drying away. Ahil leaves to attend a phone call, after he notices sanam’s wounds, and asks her to get it properly treated with a doctor. sanam moves to the gardener saying that she wants to do this, and that she would go and get the plants for ahil. the gardener points that its very far away, but sanam gets the address from him, saying that she shall manage. gazalla pverhears this and calls someone. In her room, tanveer is ecstatic when gazalla comes and tells her that sanam has gone to the nursery and that she has sent one of her men, to take care of her, so that she never returns. she praises her and then gives her a handsome reward. gazalla is overjoyed. just then, the pone rings, and razaak asks gazalla to put tanveer on line. Tanveer asks the new lawyer if there is any loophole in this will. He surprised her by saying that indeed there is, which might cause ahil to lose the property. He tells her that in one year, if by any chance, Ahil’s wife dies, all of his property will go to trust. Hence they have to ensure that nothing happens to haya during this time period. Tanveer is shocked and apalled to hear this.

Tanveer and gazalla immediately go out in the car, while she continues to try the contract killer’s phone number, but he isnt picking up. tanveer is frustrated and asks her to continue trying, and continues to ask the same thing again and again. She hopes and prays that nothing should happen to sanam, and save her today. gazalla is shocked, thinking that anything is impossible, however miraculous it seems.

On the road

Faiz takes haya out on a long drive, and she pretends to be happy and smiles, as faiz takes her in his arms. She asks to have some coffee, citing a coffee shop. He denies at first, but when she insists emotionally blackmailing him, he agrees. they sit and order for coffeee. She expresses her desire to use the washroom. He insists on walking her there. She complies. As she gets in, she uses her eyeliner, to send as SOS message, giving a number, and the writes that she would be at the dargah today, and asks for Rahat to come and meet her there. Outside, faiz keeps wondering whats taking her so long. Before he can react, she comes out asking whats the matter. he asks what took her so long. she says that she isnt feeling well, and expresss that she wants to go home. He complies.

Back in the car, faiz says that he is very happy at his perfect date with her. she asks if she can ask something from him, and he romantically says yes. She says that she always wanted a normal life, but life has treated her to harsh situations, and that she had completely given up, and that she had prayed that when she gets her life back on track, she would go to Badi Dargah, for praying. She asks if she can be taken there. He asks if going today is necessary. she remembers her message, and then says that its not necessary, but the sooner the better. He sees her sad face, and says that they shall go today. she pretends to be happy, and hugs him, wondering if anyone even saw the message or not.

On the road and Mirza Nursery

Sanam, while in the auto, driving to the nursery, thinks that for ahil, she would not just get plants, but would make an entire garden, if thats what makes him happy, as that means the most for her. She finally arrives in the nursery and leaves. As she walks around, sanam is unaware of the killer that gazalla has sent for her, who eyes her cruelly. he gets sanam to a closed nursery area. As sanam picks up flowers and plants in the nursery, the same person turns on poisonous gas, and then closes the door. Meanwhile, tanveer and gazalla finally arrive. the killer comes and tells them that sanam is breathing her last, and that he did what he was told to do.

As Sanam try to come out, she is unable to, and finally the gas overpowers, and she becomes semi-unconscious, trying hard to scream for help.


Tanveer tries to search around for sanam, amidst the smoke, and asks the person to turn off the gas. Trying to search for sanam, Tanveer herself has a fainting spell, and falls unconscious, beside sanam. Ahil is shocked when tanveer tells him in front of sanam, holding a glass of milk, that sanam has poisoned this to kill tanveer. He asks whats this nonsense. She says that she shall prove by drinking it, and complies. she then falls unconscious in his arms, much to his horror and shock. In the middle of the dargah, haya starts screaming for a thief, trying to grab everyone’s attention. rahat identifies it as haya’s voice from a distance, and finds haya screaming in the middle. he calls out to her.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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