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At Ahil’s residence

The new bride is upset remembering ahil’s atrocities and indiffernec towards her since their marriage, and his affection towards sanam, and she thinks that when she knows that ahil likes sanam, still she is getting attracted towards him. Tanveer comes in and the new bride is startled. tanveer says that if this continues, she wont be able to ever win ahil’s heart. She asks her to feed ahil dessert tonight, under the blue moon. The new bride says that he likes sanam. tanveer tells her that she knows whats right for ahil, and who he likes, and she should do just whats told to her. She grabs the new bride, saying that she doesnt like hearing NO, and hence she should do as told. the new bride complies, scared and tensed. Tanveer leaves.

In her room, sanam is distraught as she remembers their memories. Seher is tensed to see her like this, thinking that the lord is testing her patience, and she understands what her sister must be going through, as she herself cant stand without being with rehaan for even an hour. She comes in front of sanam, and says that she never thought, ahil would be so angry, and that she doesnt know whats happening to her, and that she needs ahil, as she cant live without him and his love. seher asks her to stop crying, as she looks good smiling, and she cant see her cry. she says that she is such a brave girl, whose smile, gives her courage. She asks her to have faith on her marriage and love, and ahil would come back to her. She says that she would dress her up, and when ahil sees her, he would think of her as her bride. She dresses up sanam, in blue, saying that she got separated due to her, and he would come back too to her, due to this only. She compliments seher’s beauty.

Downstairs, Tanveer asks the bangle seller to show the new bride the blue bangles, pointing at them. Both the bangle seller and the new bride, are shocked. while tanveer continues to pretend that she is blind, and feels them by touch, the new bride is still boggled and confused. Suddenyl, as she is trying on the bangles, the new sanam winces in pain. Tanveer asks what happened. the new bride tells her that the bangles broke, and hurt her. Tanveer asks her to wash her hands and get ready. The new bride unhappily eyes her face, as she gets ready and eyes herself in the mirror.

In the hallway, rehaan is tensed thinking that she spoke a little too much to seher maybe. He starts dialling her number, and tanveer eyeing her from a distance, pretends to be hurt due to her blindness. He immediately gets to her care, and after she sits, she asks for a glass of lukewarm water. He leaves. She takes his phone. tanveer finds the call list full of a name, Jaan, and thinks that this must definitely be Sanam, and decides to send a beautiful and romantic message to Sanam, that they should resolve all their fights, and that he shall be waiting for her, in the front lawn, to have dessert by her hands, and he knows that she shall definitely come. As she eyes rehaan coming back, she again pretends to be hurt and blind. she takes the water and thanks him. He takes his phone and leaves. She smiles evilly. Seher meanwhile, gets the message and gets happy. Tanveer sees her and thinks that everything is happening according to her wish. tanveer presents the dessert to the new bride, asking her to wait with this, in the front verandah, and she shall send ahil to her, at ten o clock, as today is the day of lovers, and hence she needs to 

On the terrace, tanveer finds seher waiting for rehaan, and mistakes her as sanam. seher wonders where is rehaan after having called her here. She calls up someone, and asks them to do exactly what they have been told, without any mistake. She goes inside again. Meanwhile, gazalla and razaak, come with a message from ahil, saying that he is waiting for him, in the front lawn. He is confused, but thanks them. They leave.

Downstairs, Tanveer finds an adamant ahil, saying that he doesnt believe in this, and she tells him, that he should do this selflessly for the new bride, as she has saved their fame and name in the society, and that he shouldnt break her heart, as she was very excited about this. He resignedly leaves. She tells ahil that his new bride is waiting for him, in the front lawn, where she sent the message, to sanam to be ready. Ahil is gone. She thinks that the new bride is waiting, but not in the front lawn, somewhere else. As ahil leaves, tanveer thinks that she wants ahil to be heart broken, as he would be able to see, what his love, sanam is doing by betraying him shamelessly, and then she shall turn him to the new love, the new sanam, from whose arms, he wont be able to come out ever.

At Rahat’s residence

Meanwhile, rahat and haya too eagerly wait for this moon, and she starts getting impatient, saying that she is waiting for long now. rahat tries to romance her and keep her happy and smiling, and distracting her from the moon not coming. she shys away at his romance. A call comes, and rahat goes inside to attend it, while she is impatient, and sullenly asks if the call is important or her. He teases her that it maybe an old girlfriend, who remembered him on the moon night. He leaves, while haya pretends to be angry.

As the clock starts ticking towards ten, she excitedly gets ready with her dessert. Haya keeps her eyes closed and shouts, expecting rahat to be around, saying that he should come right in front of her, as she wants to see him, even before the moon, as she begins the countdown of the counting, and then wants to feed him. she holds out a spoon of dessert. Inside, rahat gets a call from the inspector, saying that the body they got from the farmhouse isnt faiz’s buit someone else’s. He is shocked. Meanwhile, Faiz comes out, hiding from the pool, and eats the dessert, from the held out spoon. She happily opens her eyes. She and is shocked to see faiz, as he dives back in the waters, pleased.

At Ahil’s residence

The new bride waits anxiously out on the proch, while Sanam waits on the other side. tanveer watches them in glee, from the terrace. Seher is anxiously getting frustrated as to why has rehaan not reached yet, having called her here. rehaan is surprised and asks whats she doing here. she asks if he was expecting anyone else, and begins to go away. She begins to go, but rehaan stops her amusingly, and turns her towards him. she eyes him lovingly. He tells her that there was noone before and there wont be anyone after, as she made him believe in love, and till his last breath, she would be forever in his life. He confesses his love to her, and she hugs him, overwhelmingly. Tanveer watches this amusedly, while gazalla and razaak too come, and are shocked to find sanam hugging rehaan, and tanveer being happy with it. Tanveer asks them to focus on what ahil shall do, when he sees the both of them together. In her nervousness, she anxiously drops the dessert, and goes to get another bowl, while ahil comes. Meanwhile, tanveer asks them to go and find why hasnt ahil come yet. they tell him that a tensed ahil has come in the garden. He walks tensedly oblivious that on the other side, rehaan is hugging seher. tanveer watches this in excitement, waiting for him to see the both of them together. She thinks that sanam would be exposed now.

In the garden, ahil is surprised to see sanam standing behind her, lovingly, with the dessert plate in her hand. He stands baffled as he watches her and her bowl. Tanveer meanwhile is boggled, as sanam’s back is towards her. she thinks that this is the new sanam, who was waiting for ahil, in the backlawn. gazalla tells tanveer that the moon is turning blue, as both the couples get to romancing. tanveer hopes that ahil sees the other side, and thinks that everything is okay, but ahil is still not seeing anything. Meanwhile, sanam says that she knew he wont be able to turn away from love, and she knew that he would come here. She says that it doesnt matter, whats his reason of being here, but it matters that he is here before her right now, and today is the blue moon night, and she had made dessert for him, which she shall feed him. Sanam finds ahil, and he gets tensed, as she tells him, that the fact they are here together, means that they are meant to be together forever. Rehaan too on the otherside, asks seher if she would just keep him waiting or feed him too. She lovingly complies.

Meanwhile, the new bride too come, and is shocked to see ahil and sanam together. Tanveer is boggled, as to who this girl is. As sanam turns around to feed the moon, tanveer is shocked to find both the sisters together, finally in front of her eyes. She is dumbfounded.

Both the sisters enjoy this moment, on the other sides of the lawn. The new bride is distraught, as she finds sanam about to feed ahil. her bowl drops in horror, and this distracts sanam and ahil’s attention, both of whom are tensed, at the awkwardness of the situation. From the terrace, Tanveer is shocked to see the both of them, one with ahil and the other with Rehaan, thinking that this means both of the twins, that zoya and asad were parents to, are alive. She is dumbfounded.

At Rahat’s residence

Haya is shocked and terrified to find faiz taking dessert from her spoon, while he stands evilly amused, as she remembers killing him. she drops her plate in shock, and retreats in fear, while he continues smiling. rahat hears her screams and concerned, rushes outside. She drops unconscious on the floor. Faiz dives back in water, wickedly amused. rahat rushes to haya, and finds her unconscious. He wakes her back up, and she is scared, and narrates her tale, saying that faiz was there. But rahat assures her that there was noone. She is apalled, as she hugs him.

Inside, she tries to convince rahat that it was faiz, who has come to kill her. she asks if he doesnt believe her, and assures him vehemently that faiz is alive. rahat says that he knows that she is not lying, and tells about the inspector’s phone call. Haya is shocked. She is boggled to know that faiz is alive, as she recounts that horror he had put her through. haya is berserk, and starts closing all the doors and windows. He asks whats she doing. She goes distraught, saying that he needs to take care or else faiz shall

At Ahil’s residence

From the terrace, Tanveer remembers the difference in the two sides of sanam, that she had been thinking all along, and how they had been playing the twin card. Tanveer is shocked to have seen the both of them, one with ahil and the other with Rehaan, thinking that this means both of the twins, that zoya and asad were parents to, are alive. She is dumbfounded. gazalla is tensed to hear this, that they have two enemies to handle now. Tanveer thinks that the children are alive, who she thought were dead, and is amused, and guffaws, while razaak and gazalla thinks that she has gone mad, and blame it on the shock received. Tanveer is amused at their bafflement. She asks them to remember that noone should know, that sanam has a twin sister, and asks them to go and have a background check, on sanam’s twin sister. tanveer says that the biggest mistake of sanam, was using her sister. Tanveer says that both the sisters thought that they could befool her forever with their trick, and were playing a smart game, but now she would play a game against both of them, and then she would find it better to die than live with the betrayal of her sister. She says that they both have given her much defeat, but now she would play one sister as a pawn against the other.

At Ahil’s residence

Seher asks the new bride to stop crying, as sanam is helpless too, even though she understands her plight. She tells hr that sanam is made for him, and noone can separate them as they are destined to be together, and they cant live without each other. She says that they feel bad for her, as she is being used as a pawn for tanveer’s evil plots, since no power can separate them. The new sanam is shocked. The new bride thanks her for believing in her, and says that she did what she had to, only because tanveer told her to. Seher is assured, and leaves. Meanwhile, the new bride removes her hand and its shown that the bed is smeared with soil.

In the kitchen, sanma cries at her failure, as she remembers the importance of the dessert as told by haya. she is about to throw it, but is unable to do so too, and keeps it on the sil, and rushes out, distraught. Ahil finds her running like that, and comes inside the kitchen to eye the dessert. He takes the bowl, and says that he still loves her immensely, but knows not whats going through her mind, and that he knows that sanam destroyed their perfectly happy life, but he cant shy away that sanam got him out of his nightmares, and also taught him how to laugh and love. He says that he doesnt know if sanam loves him or not, but he knows that he has always loved her, not for a time frame, but for eternity, and the lord knows this, and that he shall keep loving her forever. Ahil takes the bowl of dessert that sanam had made, and says that he eats it for sanam. sanam watches him from a distance, and is overwhelmed with emotions. The new bride watches from behind her and is shocked. Ahil hungrily eats the dessert. he has a faint smile on his face, as sanam too smiles through tears, thanking the lord, that she just needed hope to continue the struggle to win love, and she got many. Meanwhile, the new bride bleeds unknowingly through the throns that prick her hand, as her hand rests on the thorny bush kept on the stand.

PRECAP: Ahil takes the bowl of dessert that sanam had made, from the kitchen, and says that he eats it for sanam. sanam watches him from a distance, and is overwhelmed with emotions. The new bride watches from behind her and is shocked. Ahil hungrily eats the dessert. Meanwhile haya is shocked, as she finds faiz approaching them with a knife, and then to her horror, stabs it in rahat’s chest as he sleeps in the night.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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