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Inside, rehaan offers his prayers, praying that the lord should forgive him, for not knowing how to pray, but knows that if the intention is right, then prayers are blessed, and that seher should be kept safe while he is away. he says that she is naive and innocent, like a child. He says that he can give everything for one smile of hers. He says that since he has her, he feels complete, and that he wants to take her far away, and settle a new life, where she has truth in her eyes, and happiness on her lips, and that he doesnt even know if he deserves her, but her love is his life, and thanks him profusely for this. he requests him to keep her safe. He is oblivious that tanveer has arrives just then. Seher starts to dress as a wife and newly wed.

While rehaan is praying, while tanveer too arrives there. As rehaan turns around beside him, he doesnt see her, as the priest comes in between. tanveer hopes that ahil hasnt reached already, and leaves hurriedly. rehaan too leaves in the opposite direction. tanveer doesnt find them anywhere and gets frustrated that none of her people have been able to help her. Ahil meanwhile reaches and asks sanam on the phone to raise her hand where is he. Meanwhile, sanam takes directions, from ahil, and they finally see each other. He comes to them, and thanks suleiman for his help. Suleiman says that he didnt have the strength to face the truth. Suleiman says to ahil that sanam gave him the strength to tell the truth that he is going to say today. He says that its all credited to sanam only. Ahil looks at her with overwhelming gratitude. sanam eyes him lovingly. tanveer thinks that ahil must have been told the truth by now. She calls ahil, who is tensed to see her call. He picks it up, while sanam is tensed. Tanveer eagerly calls and asks where is he. Sanam asks him through signals, not to say anything. 

At Ahil’s residence and in the temple

Ahil lies that he is in the office for urgent work, and shall call after a couple of hours. tanveer is angry that he lied, and thinks that she heard water on ahil’s phone, and hence there’s definitely a pond nearby. She starts searching for it, oblivious that rehaan is stdning right behind her, who hasnt seen her too. They both turn around, walking towards each other, but their paths dont cross. They walk past each other. rehaan meanwhile is talking to seher.

Suleiman meanwhile tells that he doesnt know what shall become of him, after this, but irrespective of that, he wants to tell him the biggest truth of his life. Ahil asks him to spill it out, due to whom he and his mother had to suffer. Suleiman says the person he is searching for outside, is inside only. Ahil is shocked. Sanam stands tensed. he boggled turns to sanam, unable to grasp what he means. Suleiman says that a family person took his life. Ahil is shocked. Just then, a worshipping band comes, making noise. Tanveer spots them all, and thinks that she wont let her dreams be shattared, or her past be revealed. Ahil keeps asking suleiman to spill the truth. He looks at him with overwhelming emotions. Tanveer notices ahil learning the truth from suleiman and sanam, and aims the pistol at them. She decides to kill suleiman, as this is the easiest way to kill him, as no one shall doubt her. Suleiman says that the person didnt give any time for anyone to react, or speak and understand the truth, and controlled everyone. But then tanveer changes her mind, that since ahil knows everything, its better that ahil dies, as that shall solve everything. She aims the gun at ahil now. Meanwhile, in the background, rehaan goes past, and notices ahil. rehaan finds his mother doing so from the other end, and is shocked. Tanveer finally pulls the trigger, while rehaan rushes ahead, making his way through the crowd, and finally gets ahil out of the way of the bullet’s trajectory, and himself faces the bullet, and collapses on the ground, falling down the stairs and into the pond.

While Seher meanwhile tries on her look as a newly wed bride, she tries to give the finishing touch by putting vermillion on the forehead, but before she can do that, the box falls on the floor, shocking seher, as a bad omen.

Tanveer is distraught as she finds that she killed her own son, while rehaan wishes her goodbye. tanver muffledly screams rehaan. ahil and sanam are dumbstruck and shocked beyond belief. People rush to the stairs, while rehaan sinks down. Ahil screams out for him and dives in the water. Sanam in her distraught state, turns around and finds tanveer, with the gun in her hand, which falls from her hands on the ground, while she is shocked and disbelieving that she killed her own son. sanam is shocked as to how a mother could kill her own son. tanveer collapses herself on the ground.

Onlookers watch as Ahil drags out an unconscious rehaan, while suleiman stealthily escapes from there. But he turns around to find the new bride with the pistol aimed at him, and fires away, killing suleiman instantly. She turns from there and goes to tanveer, while she is grieved for her son. Ahil screams to call for the doctor or an ambulance, while rehaan doesnt respond. Sanam is in a state of shock, as ahil keeps screaming his name, while she remembers seher’s love fr rehaan, and her own equation with rehaan. Meanwhile, tanveer remembers rehaan warning her to face her own punishment many a times earlier, as she recapitulates her killing her own son. The new bride tells tanveer callously, that her son is dead and her crying wont bring him back. tanveer berserkedly says that she would have to go to her son, screaming her name. But the new bride stops her and drags her away from there. tanveer is distraught and apalled, as she is dragged away. Ahil remembers his moments with rehaan, and cries inconsolably, trying to nudge him into senses.

Seher is shocked and distraught to see the vermillion sprayed on the floor, and gets down to overwhelmingly collect it back, fighting back tears, determined not to let it affect her, as she is oblivious of a dead rehaan, in Ahil’s arms at the temple.
On the road

Tanveer is berserk that she wants to go to rehaan, while the new bride drags her inside the car, astounding gazalla and razaak, who are shocked to see tanveer like this, and then knowing what she did. the new bride asks them to drive off soon, as the police might come. but tanveer keeeps screaming to go to rehaan. finally frustrated, the new bride stops the car. She asks tanveer to go back to her son and let rehaan’s sacrifice go in vain and let the two sisters win, and herself hang to death. tanveer is shocked. the new bride tells tanveer that she only pulled the trigger, but actually sanam and seher have killed him, as she forced her to kill rehaan, who may have died due to her, but not because of her. she says that she understands her pain, that she is going through after the trauma of a mother killing her son. she instigates tanveer against the sisters, that this was all their plan, as rehaan was to go to the airport, then how he landed at the temple. tanveer is boggled. the new bride says that seher told him to go to the temple, when ahil was meeting suleiman in the temple. she says that this is a well planned conspiracy, and she fell into the trap. she says that she was innocent, yet got involved. she eyes tanveer weirdly, and tells her that due to her, she too killed suleiman, so that her past doesnt ruin her future. she asks if she wants to let rehaan’s sacrifice and her contribution go in vain, then so be it. She asks tanveer that she would have to decide if she has to grieve her son’s death or take the revenge. tanveer is determined as tanveer falls prey to her haze, and asks her to take her home. tanveer sits sunned inside the car, while the new bride smirks evilly.

At Rahat’s residence

haya comes to faiz and insists that she shall give him a dressing change, and faiz is tensed. She says that she would get the water ready for his bath. She goes inside, and sprays the shampoo on the floor, to make it slippery. she comes out, and helps him take off his shoes, saying that his water is ready. faiz leaves for the bathroom. She eyes him. He comes inside, naked feet, and slips as expected. He screams in pain, and yells for haya, and haya eyes him, from a distance, thinking that this pain is nothing compared to the way rahat was tortured, and that soon, he shall face the same pain too.
On the road

Haya gets faiz out, in the wheelchair, on the road, asking him to get some fresh air. She then makes an excuse of being thirsty and asks him to wait, while she gets water. She bends down to pick up the purse, and then unlatches the wheelchair’s brakes. As she leaves, the wheelchair itself starts moving, and he starts screaming for haya in horror, who catches him in pain, from a distance, in much satisfaction, as she remembers what he put rahat through. Faiz is in a world of terror, as he finds himself in the way of a car approaching, which is actually tanveer’s. The new bride throws out the pistol, carelessly from the car, which faiz notices, as he lies hurt and tensed on the road, after his wheelchair topples over. He takes the gun in his hand, with a hankey, and wonders whats it doing in the hands of ahil’s new wife, and thinks that something is definitely fishy. Before he can react and understands, she comes and pretends to be shocked, apologises profusely, but faiz seems to get to know whats going on and eyes her tensedly. faiz hides the gun behind him.

At Ahil’s residence

Seher is very tensed for rehaan, and keeps calling him, frustrated that he isnt picking up. sanam enters in a daze. seher eyes her and asks when did she come back. Sanam eyes her dressed as a bride, and starts crying. seher asks whats the matter, and if suleiman told ahil the truth. she insistently keeps asking. sanam is unable to answer the question. Seher says that rehaan isnt picking up her phone too, and sanam blurts out that rehaan wont pick the phone now. seher is boggled, and asks why did she talk like this, and why wont he pick the phone. Sanam stands speechless, and she asks sanam to tell why rehaan wont pick up the phone, as she is scared now, and asks her to speak out. Sanam finally distraughtedly tells seher what happened at the temple, and that rehaan is dead, due to tanveer, and she refuses to believe it. sanam says that rehaan saved ahil, but couldnt save himself. she apologises to seher that neither she nor ahil could save rehaan, and tanveer won, and that due to one sister, the other sister’s life got ruined. Seher asks how can she be so scared of tanveer. she says that they cant fight amongst themselves, due to tanveer, and they have to be strong. she says that when pain gets over the heart, bad emotions happen, but she shouldnt give it a thought. Seher behaves ignorant, and reminds her his promises, and is in her own dream world, of him having gone to Dubai, while sanam is distraught for her sister and her ignorance. As seher comes to terms with the reality, she collapses on the floor, shocked and astounded, as she remembers her moments with rehaan, and his love for her, as she remembers the omens signalling something is wrong. seher screams out rehaan’s name, in deep grief, as she lies apalled and distraught. sanam eyes her deeply grieving herself.

PRECAP: tanveer eyes rehaan’s pic, and untangles her hair and swears that till the time she doesnt take any revenge from the sisters, she wont tie her hair. At the grieving downstairs, sanam comes and sits beside, frustrating Tanveer. tanveer asks seher not to even dare touch her son, as she has no right. sanam is shocked at her shamelessness. ahil is stunned and surprised too. At the burial ground, tanveer is told by seher that she would avenge rehaan’s murder from her. The new bride comes from behind and hits her on the head, and she falls unconscious. She tells tanveer that its time to avenge rehaan’s death. tanveer stands tensed.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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