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At Rahat’s residence

Faiz eyes Haya organising the almirah, from a distance and comes and hugs her from behind. she jerks him away with disgust and shock, and asks whats this nonsense. faiz pretends to be hurt and upset. haya says that she doesnt like this, and whatever between them wasnt right at all, and asks him not to ever touch her like that. she moves aside, and says that she doesnt know how can she commit such a huge sin, for which there’s no forgiveness. faiz smiles evilly at her torment, and tries to be concerned, while she shoves him away. He asks her to stop crying, as she isnt at fault, and says that she just did what her heart wanted, and that she can stop herself, but not her heart, and that things shouldnt have happened as they did, but it had to happen someday, as love knows no bounds, and if we love someone, then there’s no issue in expressing that love to the lover, and that night has reinstated his faith in her and their relation, and even if they cant express their feelings and emotions, but they are destined to be together, not by fate, but by the lord himself. She says that she isnt in a condition to think or understand anything, and wants to rest. she leaves hastily. faiz smiles evilly, eyeing haya’s pic, and then kisses the pic.

At Ahil’s residence

As tanveer hollers at sanam, seher comes and starts taunting her not to scream, as she doesnt want to hear any loud noises here, and secondly, if she takes the bed being sick now, she doesnt even have a good bahu to take care of her. tanveer is enraged. seher says that she is still ahil’s wife as they havent divorced yet, and that after 3 months of marriage, the entire property shall be ahil’s wife’s and ahil’s. They both would share the property. Seher asks tanveer who is she after all, and then recognises her as ahil’s mother and then rectifies it as his step-mother, and the mother, who killed ahil’s father with her own bare hands, cold bloodedly. tanveer gets enraged and is about to slap, her, when seher holds her hand midway. tanveer is shocked. 

At Ahil’s residence

Seher jerks tanveer around, with her hand, and tanveer winces in pain. Seher asks her to behave, or else she would regret later. tanveer gets sarcastic and teasing at her, asking what marriage is she talking of, which neither she nor ahil believes in, and her efforts are in vain, as she has lost her place in ahil’s life. seher says those people are included who have been taken out. she says that ahil’s mind might have been influenced but not his heart, and that he would understand his heart, later if not now. tanveer says that ahil’s heart too follows her orders, hence his belief too starts with her and ends with her. tanveer tells seher that when trouble befalls, the person is oblivious. tanveer tells sanam that in a month, ahil shall throw her out of the house, and thats her promise. seher says that people should promise that which they can fulfill, like the one she would make. she tells tanveer that in a month, tanveer would herself beg down on knees, and apologise for her mistakes from ahil, and then be thrown out of the house. She says thats her promise as Sanam raza Abrahim. tanveer says that ahil would himself dig her grave and rest her soul, and her grave shall be dug right next to her parents, who shall hear her screams. she says that she would see that ahil buries her alive. seher says that sanam shll love to thousand times die in the hanbds of ahil, and that anyways, she shall win, and if tanveer has to lose, then definitely she shall. seher says that she would light a diya at her parents’ grave only after tanveer learns a lesson. Both are determined. They both go separate ways.

Seher comes back to sanam’s hideout, which she is shocked to find it clean. She tells that she got tanveer boggled, wondering how sanam dared to confuse her. as seher continues with her rant of venting frustration against sanam, she breaks into laughter. Sanam asks seher not to underestimate tanveer, and seher starts using slang against that girl. sanam asks her not to be so casual, and seher says that they have to take a risk today, so that she gets ahil tomorrow, as this agression would lead tanveer to do something wrong, and that they have to win at any cost, as they have nothing to lose. she asks sanam to smile. As they discuss the new bride, while sanam cares for her, and seher asks her to think about herself instead of that girl, and asks sanam to focus just on the revenge. Seher tells sanam to just focus about the revenge and nothing else should bother her. Its shown that someone is peeping through the hole. Seher decides to leave, as it would rouse suspicion if she is gone for long. A silhouette finds seher adjusting the painting back again, while she is oblivious of it. She leaves for her room. The silhouette leaves too. Meanwhile, , who goes to the kitchen

The new bride asks Latif to save her for god’s sake as she did exactly what tanveer asked her to do, and that she is very scared, and asks latif to help her. Latif gets an idea, and says that for this, she woulod have to become her assistant, so that she gets to know ahil’s likeness, just likme sanam did being her assistant. She tells the new bride, that ahil is a grounded man, and can fall for her too. the new bride asks what would happen with sanam then. latif says that sanam and tanveer always keep fighting, and in their fight, she can take the advantage and win ahil’s heart. The bride is tensed.

Meanwhile, Azhar’s parents talk about sanam’s aggression, and ask tanveer how could sanam talk and challenge her like that. Tanveer is frustrated, and wonders how did sanam get to know about the graves of her parents, as she had remembered that sanam didnt know anything about the past of her parents, but now she knows it all. She wonders how sanam got to know what tanveer did 20 years back. she deduces that there’s someone who told her about the past. Azhar’s parents are shocked. tanveer wonders that sanam isnt just a girl in love, but a woman in revenge, and knows about tanveer’s sins, from someone. Gazalla says that maybe she got to know from her family. Tanveer says that her only family is dilshad, and that there’s someone else who told her about the past, and wonders about razia, and gets to know that noone knows about razia. She hollers at them to find out about her.

While tanveer sits tensed, azhar’s parents come scared and tell her that razia died, and tanveer is shocked. They tell about the electrocution incident, and that the scene shows there was something wrong. Tanveer starts guffawing at their stupidity, saying that they dont know which news is good and which is bad. Tanveer thinks that she wants to know that this cant be a co-incidence, that the day sanam jilted ahil at the altar, the very same day, razia died so mysteriously, and that there’s definitely a link between the two, and is determined to find it out. Azhar’s parents find tanveer mumbling, and are tensed. She resolves to teach sanam a lesson soon, by giving her a torturous death.

At Ahil’s residence

Seher is excitedly taking breakfast for sanam in the kitchen, when the new bride walks in, and seher notices the weird toenail. Before she can react, the bride hides it, and then latif comes and is surprised to find sanam packing so much food. Seher asks her to mind her own business and walks off.the new bride is tensed, while latif is boggled. Stealthily, seher takes off the painting, and then gets inside, oblivious that the same silhouette is watching her again. Sanam recieves her, with relif as she was getting tensed for her. Seher asks her not to worry, as the hardships and turmoil have made her very strong. sanam says that she gets really scared when she even imagines how she must have spent her childhood. Seher says that its all over now, and that what matters is that they both are together, and feeds sanam. She says that she is reminded of haya, and tells her about her being dumb and deaf. Seher apologises for not having told her before, and then tells that hay got her voice back the day she married rahat. sanam is overjoyed. They happily banter.

At Rahat’s residence

Haya prays that whenever the heart is in dilemma, dilshad always told them to turn to the lord, and hence she has come to him, to be shown a way, as she seems directionless right now. Haya pleads to the lord to show her one way so that she can believe that rahat is innocent, and then she can be assured of the right destination. she reads the quran, that states that forgiveness and true penance, can resolve all sins, and begins to deduce, that rahat can definitely be resolved of this. She decides that if anyone who’s speaking the truth, its rahat and not faiz, and she desperately asks the lord to help him.

On the road

On the road, rahat is tensed that haya may have told, but his heart is unwilling to believe this, and thinks that there’s definitely some trap that haya has befallen into. rahat finds that same girl who haya had caught him with, walking on the road. he instantly gets down the car, and follows her. He finds her going to faiz, asking if he has brought the money, and is shocked. He asks what she needs money for, as she wont get money. she says that he paid only half the amount, and that if he doesnt pay full, she would expose him in front of everyone. faiz smiles and asks would he say to everyone, that nothing happened between her and rahat, or that she was planted by him. rahat is shocked. faiz says that rahat already knows it, and he can make haya believe in an instant, that she has been sent by rahat. He says that her efforts shall be in vain. He begins to leave. She says that she would add one more truth, that the masked stranger that day was he himself, and that she also has a copy of the DVD, that shows that he attacked haya, and that he lied to her, as nothing happened between them that night. Faiz is shocked. Rahat is stunned. Faiz says that she would get the remaining money. she says that she would give the DVD too tomorrow. faiz leaves. she begins to leave too, but is surprised when rahat confronts her, saying that he would pay her double the amount, and adds that he doesnt know how she fell in thbis trap, but he knows that god has given her another chance, and asks her to help him, save his relation and his marriage with haya. the girl is tensed.

At Ahil’s residence

Meanwhille, Azhar’s parents tell tanveer that the work is done. tanveer says that some more time, and then they shall enjoy the drama. Meanwhile, Sanam and seher start having convulsions and fits and then fall unconscious, their faces having gone pale, white foam coming from their mouths. Tanveer asks them go and see that sanam must be lying somewhere breathing her last. Tanveer starts getting impatient when they dont return. When they inform her, that sanam couldnt be found, she is boggled and angered too. tanveer is imaptient and asks them to go and search again, before ahil or anyone else finds her. They leave. Meanwhile, the same silhouette that saw seher going inside, stands on the door, and enters inside, eyeing both of them.


The stranger drags sanam across the hallway, on the first floor, while tanveer downstairs, in the hall, tells azhar’s parents to find the girl, before ahil comes back. They see a hand from the hallway, and rush to find out. Tanveer is shocked. Meanwhile, Rahat gets the DVD from the girl, who says that this is the one both the brothers desperately want. rahat says that if this DVD can save haya and his relation, then the money that he gives is too small a price to pay. Azhar’s parents tell tanveer that they went and found sanam’s dead body inside the grave itself. tanveer asks if its so, then how can she hear sanam’s voice here. the masked stranger hears them from a distance. tanveer is shocked to know this, and wonders how is this possible.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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