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In her room, sanam eyes their picture lovingly, hopeful that they shall unite again, and this she shall ensure. Through the window, tanveer eyes her and thinks that she can stare at ahil’s picture, but she wont reach her destination as she has made all plans to ruin her and their relation. Tanveer thinks that this is their love-tragic sanam, and decides to find out where is her twin sister. She is surprised to know from gazalla and razaak that both the sisters reside in this house only, in Asad and zoya’s house only, and plot against her. Gazalla tells tanveer that seher infact is a fraudulent thief, and that she is known as sunehri. Tanveer is amused. Gazalla calls tanveer to her, and then tells her hesitantly that they befooled her, thinking that tanveer is blind, and then razaak boasts that they couldnt hide from him, and tells about how they broke the fake wall, and resided inside. tanveer asks why are they scared, as they have given her a big news, which is infact good, and then gives them a wad of notes, as a reward of their efforts. They hungrily eye the money. She asks them to leave. They comply excitedly. tanveer sits back, saying that now she would ruin them both.

At Rahat’s residence

As rahat and haya are asleep, she wakes up as she hears faiz’s whispers calling out her name. She looks around but doesnt find him. She tries to wake up rahat, but he doesnt wake up. She is terrified, as a shadow overpowers her. She is shocked to hear faiz’s voice behind her, saying that now he would wake up only in the morning. She is dumbstruck, as she finds faiz resting on the rocking chair, eyeing her evilly. She is distraught, as she desperately tries to wake him up, but he doesnt wake up. Faiz says that he just gave chloroform to him, to knock him out, but he is capable of much more. she is apalled. Haya is shocked, as she finds faiz approaching them with a knife, and then to her horror, stabs it in rahat’s chest as he sleeps. She wails out in horrifying screams. But she drops right within an inch of rahat’s chest, while she is shell shocked. Faiz smiles evilly. Haya begs him not to do anything to Rahat. He asks her to look at him, as this is the person who she loves, and who forced her to even kill faiz, and that his promises to keep her safe were all in vain, and hence he cant do anything, and he himself can come to her whenever he wants. Faiz comes to her, saying that she belongs to him, and he wont her become anyone else’s. He starts singing, taunting her and then leaves, while she is desperately in tears.

At Ahil’s residence

In the kitchen, Tanveer mixes flour and gum together, and she takes a pack of rodents too, trapped in a cage. She goes to their room, thinking that she shall await the effect of this on seher, and then applies the paste on sanam’s foot, at the underside, while she flinches a little in her sleep, as tanveer starts to put it. tanveer carefully applies the paste completely. She thinks that this would be a good lesson for seher to try and outplay tanveer, as tomorrow shall change everything, and cut her down to size and bring her back to earth. Then she opens the pack of rodents, thinking that they shall feast on her legs now. She is amused, as she eyes a sleeping seher, unaware of whats about to happen. she thinks that now her feet shall pain so much, every time she takes a step towards tanveer, against her, and this shall be nothing compared to the pain that she puts sanam through.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam is shocked to see seher’s legs in severe wounds, and asks her shocked as to why didnt she scream. she says that she couldnt, as that would have given their secret away. Sanam is apalled for her condition. She says that she would just be back with medicines. She leaves. Seher asks the lord how could he do this to her, as its paining very badly. Sanam and rehaan come with medicine, and seher starts throwing a tantrum, that she wont eat such bitter meds. Sanam insists that she wont listen like this, and they both force her into eating it. she is disgusted. Rehaan says that now its the turn of injection, as her leg would become septic, and she might have to amputate. Seher continues to throw a tantrum, saying that at no cost, she would get the medicine. Rehaan is amused at her plight, and says that rats can come tonight too for romancing her yet again. Seher pretends to be angry. sanam asks them both to fight, so that she can leave, so that others arent doubtful. she leaves. Rehaan gives her the injection, despite her displeasure. She is frustrated while he is amused, as he leaves.

Outside, tanveer rejoices her latest win, over sunehri, and how she would turn them against each other now. gazalla and razaak too enjoy with her, while tanveer smiles evilly.

In the hall, ahil while attending the phone call, is interrupted by the new bride, who wishes to give him tiffin. he turns around tensedly, and asks whats in this. She says that she saw that he went hungry last night, hence thought of packing some food. He asks her not to bother for him, and thanks her for what she did, but he doesnt need it, as he would have lunch with his client. He leaves. She stands distraught. she turns around to faze gazalla, who taunts her about her broken heart. She says that ahil might not have taken it, but she would take it. She complies. The new bride leaves, but gazalla taunts her again, that ahil has never refused to eat sanam’s prepared dish, and that it was more out of love than for taste. She says that she got to know that ahil ate the dessert made by sanam, and that he wouldnt have lost much, if he had eaten her dessert too, atleast confirming their marriage, and her as his wife. She turns around distraught. gazalla says that if she does nothing, she would forever keep lamenting only. Gazlla leaves. the bride is shocked. She hollers for latif, but in vain.

In the store room, while she is playing with needles, the new bride remembers sanam and ahil’s relation, and his likeness for her. latif comes with lemons, and she hides the play board. She thanks latif, who is boggled and tensed. The new bride excuses her, but she is too stunned. She leaves nevertheless. She determinedly eyes the lemon bowl. latif comes and collides with sanam, who asks her whats the matter. latif is visibly tensed. before he can respond, tanveer hollers latif for not cleaning the house properly, and asks her to get to her chores. latif complies. tanveer wishes for a glass of juice, but sanam stands there only. tanveer reminds her that she is just as a servant, as per ahil’s instructions, and do as told. She leaves. sanam is tensed.

Later, Tanveer asks them to keep an eye for sanam. when they find sanam approaching, and intentionally to make her hear, tanveer speaks on the phone with someone, ordering them to have a fatal attack on ahil. She says that today should be his last dinner, which he should eat in peace, and that they shouldnt undermine the enemy, and ahil can fall in sanam’s trap anyday, and if that happens, her dream wont ever be fulfilled. She says that she couldnt win ahil’s heart but she shall control him. She says that she has sent ahil to the office to get some important papers. She asks them to keep an eye on him, and when he is deserted to administer the medicine. Sanam is distraught. tanveer says that he shouldnt die, but his body should stop working, even though his breaht is intact. tanveer is amused that sanam is boggled by this. tanveer then pretends to notice someone’s presence, and sanam rushes away. tanveer and gazalla and razaak, are amused.

Sanam goes to seher’s room, and narrates her everything, saying that she cant let ahil be hurt. seher tries to come along, but she is unable to, while sanam says that she cant lose time. seher asks her to tell it to ahil on the phone. But sanam says that he wont believe anything against tanveer, and thinks that she would have to tell ahil personally. Seher asks her to atleast take rehaan along. But she says that tanveer sensed that someone was hearing, and hence would speed things up, and hence cant afford to wait. she leaves hastily. Seher is frustrated wondering what tanveer wants, and prays to the lord to be with ahil and sanam, and feels highly helpless.

At Rahat’s residence

Haya is dumbstruck, while rahat arranges for the maximum security in the house. He assures her that they have arranged for the maximum security. She says that if he wanted, he could have killed them, as he was in their room. rahat says that he wont be able to, as noone shall come in the house without their permission. He tells her that he has to go to the police to file a complaint. She is scared and says that she cant let him go. He reminds her that she is an army person’s wife, and she has to be brave, so that faiz cant exploit her fear. he asks her not to bother as he would soon return. he leaves, while haya is tensed.

On the road

Sanam rushes out to the middle of the road. As sanam spots ahil’s car, she rushes to it, and opens the door. just then, razaak and gazalla, come from behind, and press a chloroform infused hankey on her face, and sanam falls unconscious. They stuff her in the backseat of the car. they inform tanveer that the job is done. they drive along with her.

At Ahil’s residence

While ahil comes back busy on his phone, razaak gets him juice, extremely concerned for him, which puzzles ahil. razaak leaves, and ahil drinks the juice nevertheless, but soon has a dizzy spell, and falls on the ground. Razaak says that ahil is right as he never does anything for free. Meanwhile, in her room, while seher tries to walk, gazalla springs from behind and hits her on the head with an iron rod. Then she drags her out of there. tanveer thinks that seher is unconscious, now its time for the other to gain consciousness.

Later, rehaan comes back with the mousetrap and is tensed to find the room empty, and blood stains of the feet leading out of the room. He rushes out.

On the road

Sanam gains consciousness, after razaak gives her an injection. He leaves. Sanam wakes up, startled wondering about ahil. She hurries from there.
At Ahil’s residence

While Sanam enters the house, searching for ahil, rehaan too goes after her, searching for sunehri. Sanam rushes to ahil’s room, and is shocked to find seher lying on the same bed, with ahil, bare torsoed, both completely spent and exhausted and peacefully sleeping away. rehaan too hurriedly comes and they both are shocked to find their lover in such a compromising situation. Gazalla, razaak and tanveer enjoys from a distance. sanam and rehaan are distraught. sanam almost collapses, and accidentally breaks the vase on the stand. The noise wakes up seher, who wakes up with a dizzy head. both sanam and rehaan eye her accusingly. Seher eyes ahil and at their positon, and then at sanam and rehaan, boggled and confused. Tanveer is amused at their plight, thinking that she worked so hardfor all this, as they remember how they had placed ahil and seher like that. gazalla applauds tanveer, for her brilliant mind, to come up with such evil plans. tanveer thinks that there were two people who sanam loved the most, and they both betrayed her, seher and ahil. tanveer says that love can bear anything, but not betrayal, and sanam wont be able to forget and forgive either ahil or seher. She says that she is already hurt with ahil, and now she would distrust seher too. rehaan too would be under the illusion that seher betrayed him, and that she ruined the sister’s life in one go, and both the sons shall be within her control.

Tanveer comes out to find sanam sitting sulken. tanveer pretends to be sad and heartbroken, and taunts her that she now has to face two stepwives, one the new bride, and the other, her own twin sister. she says that she know about her sister too. sanam is surprised. tanveer enjoys as she narrates that she knows everything. she pities sanam for trusting people blindly, and getting betrayed in return, as seher took away her husband, and that there was such a huge misunderstanding that they both had of being more smart than tanveer herself. She says that she trusted her own sister, and she betrayed her, and even ahil, who is her life, and he too betrayed her terribly. tanveer glaots that she ruined everything, for both the sisters. She asks her to atleast introduce her to the new sister, and taunts her if her sister is still in ahil’s bed. tanveer guffaws. sanam asks if she is done, and says that she would tell her what a mad person she is, as the girl who she told such a long story and wants to be introduced, is actually seher. tanveer is boggled. Then sanam comes saying that they know each other for a long time, and that today infact she wants to thank her, for having given the oppurtunity to spend a night with her husband, ahil. seher starts taunting tanveer, saying that she knows that they are twin sisters, and that they are connected by the heart, and hence would be alarmed if the other is in danger. Seher remembers how she got concerned, for her sister, and when she comes out of the house, she finds sanam, lying unconscious in ahil’s car. She breaks into the car, and wakes her up. sanam says that when she woke up, she understood that gazalla gave her chloroform, and then she joined the rat incident and this together, she knew that tanveer was at play, as she had understood that they are two and not one. So they decided to outsmart her, as per seher’s plan. Sanam took over the role of seher, and they switched places. Tanveer is dumbfounded, as she stands speechless. Seher taunts her at her defeat. She says that she got so enraged, but then she thought that this is what is expected of her, as she can even keep her own son away for money. Tanveer stands frustrated.
At Rahat’s residence

Haya finds rahat’s call, and thinks that he is asking her to relax, whereas he himself is calling her every ten minutes. faiz speaks saying that she is okay, as he wants her to be okay. she is terrified and she wonders how he got rahat’s phone, and where is rahat, and if he hasnt harmed him. He says that noone can separate them, and that rahat is an idiot, to save her, and go himself around, unattended, and that he thought that faiz wants to hurt her, but the easiest way to hurt her, is by hurting rahat, as her life is in him, and that once Rahat is out of the way, then noone can stop her from becoming his. He cancels the call. haya is in shock. She rushes out, and asks the security to go look after rahat, while they ask her to go inside and calm down. haya gets berserk but the security guards tell her that rahat called a few minutes back from the PCO, saying that his phone was stolen. haya is boggled, as she goes inside.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam taunts tanveer that she is unfortunate to have never fallen in true love, as then she would have understood the trust level, in such a relation, and hence she knows her sister, who can never do this even in sleep. seher asks tanveer, that she wants to give her one last chance, so that she can go to ahil, and say the truth, otherwise they shall go and expose her in front of ahil, as when he sees them together, then he shall believe. tanveer says that they may try all they want, but can never separete ahil from her, as he may trust sanam blindly, but she shall ensure that they both forever leave ahil’s life, and thats her promise. In front of tanveer, sanam shakes hand with seher, while she stands frustrated. She says that they arent two, but eleven when they are together, and she is just alone, hence she shouldnt even dream of defeating them. she remembers their promise to Dilshad, on their parents’ grave. Tanveer is frustrated.

Precap: The new bride comes determinedly, in front of Tanveer, saying that she wants Ahil and wants to make him hers, if not by love, then by any other means, and now that they both are aware of each other’s plan, which is to get rid of Sanam, from Ahil’s life, and hence they should have an equal partnership now. The new bride says she knows that tanveer has gotten her sight back. Tanveer is surprised yet amused too. Sanam tells the new bride that she is going to dargah with ahil, and asks if she should ask something for her too. She deny. Sanam is about to get inside Ahil’s room, when the new bride tells her that being Ahil’s wife, she cant allow her to go inside his room. Sanam is shocked. later, as Ahil and Tanveer are about to go, Sanam follows them in too. She does some move with her hand, and all of a sudden, sanam’s upper lip starts bleeding, much to her horror and surprise.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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