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Ahil storms out in a rage, and enters his room, asking why sanam did this, while the bride is scared and fearful, as he throws and breaks things around, and collapses on the floor, asking why she left him like this, and if she wanted money, he could have easily given her all the riches in the world, and believes that sanam only wanted revenge, and then says that he wont ever see her face ever again, and that he hates her to the core. He sits in the lobby, reminisceing all of sanam’s romantic and memorable moments with him, bewildered and dazed, trying to still search for sanam around him, and then breaking into tears, inconsolably when that doesnt happen. He is shocked and drunk, while latif asks where is he going. Ahil starts saying that every corner and every inch of this house, reminds him of sanam and her memories. Latif asks where would he go at this time in the night. Ahil asks her to leave him alone. latif doesnt relent and says that she would go along.

AtPeer Baba’s Residence

Sanam tells them what tanveer did to ahil, and psychologically crippled him. She says Ahil never got to see tanveer’s true face, and she can make him do anything, as he feels whatever he is, is due to tanveer, but now he is changing, and loves her, and hence has started believing her, in whatever she says. sanam says that the minute tanveer is exposed, then he would know that tanveer doesnt love him, but has just used him. dilshad and seher listen intently and tensed.

Later, Sanam prays to the lord, that she is dying to meet ahil, as every moment spent without him, is meaningless, and that she is starting a new life tomorrow, and asks the lord to give strangth and power to their love and relation, so that nothing can break it.

At Ahil’s residence

As tanveer comes in the room, to assure the bride, she starts lamenting tearfully as to what was her mistake, as she was promised something, but that didnt happen. The bride asks tanveer that she said everything would be happy and merry, then why does this whole environment seem so gloomy and sad. tanveer tells her that destiny and situation dont change overnight, and that today she entered ahil’s room, and soon she would make sure that she also enters his heart. The bride is scared, while tanveer smiles, and adds that till then, she shouild just do what she is told, and not use her brains. the bride is scared, while tanveer is determined. She is about to leave, when she hears her footnail scraping, which reminds her of the way she had found her. She remembers how she had found her in the village. The flashback begins. Tanveer talks to a lady, while ahil’s bride is working in a village house, in white, while the lady says that this girl always brought them grief and sadness, and still tanveer wants to take her. tanveer asks her not to overthink and bother about them, but instaed just hand over the girl to her, as this girl shall change her destiny, and she shall be given so much money, that she cant believe. The girl is shocked and tearful. the lady tells tanveer not to get this girl back ever, and tanveer smiles. she starts rpogressing towards the girl, who is in tears. tanveer asks why is she crying, as her life is about to change, and that she doesnt need to cry, promising her all the riches and luxuries of life. She blesses the girl and leaves, saying that this girl belongs to her, and keep her safe till she doesnt come and take her. Tanveer leaves. the bride wonders what game is the lord playing with her, and how she came from the frying pan into the fire. 

On the road

While Latif stops Ahil from drinking, ahil says that now he wont be able to live in peace, as his rest, his love and his life were taken away by sanam, when she left. He says what all sanam did for him, and how he just got betrayal in return, after sanam made him a better man. He says that she could have said just once, that she wasnt happy or doesnt want to marry, he would have left her with a smile, or waited for her all his life, but now he would get nothing, but memories, of the once intimate moments, and which are now memories of her painful betrayal he collapses on the floor, saying that his love taught him a better lesson, and that its good that he got betrayed, as he got sense in him, but he wont let it ruin him. Ahil, in his drunken state, says that he would remove sanam and every memory of hers in his mind and heart, from this very second. latif is apalled, and ahil says that he doesnt need anything or anyone, not even the alcohol. Ahil throws the bottle far away, and they fall on sanam’s feet, and it pierces in her feet. Seher makes her sit down, and attends to her wound. she starts venting out her anger and frustration at the idiot and the careless person who did this. sanam asks her why is she so angry, as she isnt that hurt, but whoever threw the bottle, must have had a great wound on his heart, and hence is trying to find solace in the alcohol. she asks for mercy on the man, and seher is stunned at her generosity. She starts making fun and teases her for her caring nature, which doesnt even make her believe the pain. Sanam smiles, and says that she doesnt know that person, but she knows the pain of love, and when the love isnt near, then the person is distraught, and hopes that even enemies dont have to face this pain. she is oblivious that ahil is nearby. hearing this, seher is drawn to rehaan’s thoughts. Sanam asks whats the matter, and she asks her to come along, as its getting late. sanam asks who all praise her, and what do they praise her. Seher and sanam leave, to go to dilshad.

At Rahat’s residence

Haya wakes up, with her hair and clothes dishevelled, and then finds faiz sleeping bare torsoed beside her, under covers, as she eyes their reflection in the mirror. She remembers the earlier night, and the attack on her. faiz pretends to be asleep still. She starts composing her clothes and is distraught, refusing to believe her worst fears, that they consummated their marriage. faiz gets up and asks why is she crying. she desperately asks faiz what happened last night, and how did they end up in the same bed. She asks him to tell clearly what happened. He pretends to be hesitant. He says that yesterday that happened, which happens between two lovers. Haya is shocked. He says that there’s nothing wrong, as they are made for each other, and she had said that she accepted him whole heartedly, then why is she crying now. She says that this cant be. He asks her to look in his eyes, and says that this wasnt the way, they imagined their first night, but whats done is done, and they shouldnt talk about this with anyone else, not even rahat. She is distraught at his mention and rushes out. faiz smiles evilly.

At Graveyard

Dilshad picks up a leaf, filled with dew drops, from asad and zoya’s grave, and takes the drops on her hands. sanam asks whats she doing. Dilshad says that she is trying to take the memories back, and tells as to how her mother used to mix dew drops in their oil massage, and this would serve as her blessing once again. she put the drops on their heads, and prays to the lord, that they have suffered enough, and now they should be empowered so that, they can avenge their parents’ death, and can take the price of eah and every tear of theirs. Dilshad says that today is very special, as both the sisters are there with her, and she feels her responsibility is over now, and wants to go to punjab. They both vehemently protest that they won't let her leave alone. Dilshad says she is fine, and now that they two are together. Sanam asks how can she leave, at this happy juncture of her life, and seher adds that she met her just now, and she wont let her leave now. Dilshad says that she is helpless, as if she stays, then their lives are entwined in hers, and she doesnt want to be their weakness. Seher says she empowers them, and asks who would take care of her. Dilshad says that she would be at peace there. She asks them both not to stop her, if they love her. they both comply, and say that they wont stop her. Dilshad says that she knows today is special, as she is going to tell Ahil the biggest truth of his life, but it wont be easy on him, as he is blinded by tanveer’s fake love, and asks sanam not to lose hope. before going, Dilshad asks the girls to promise, that before going, they shall take their revenge, from tanveer, for every wound that she gave them, as she remembers tanveer’s massacre. She makes them realise that they have the energy and power and strength and courage, as twin sisters, of their parents, and that they cant ever leave each other, and makes them promise on that. They promise tearfully, with renewed determination and vigour to end this enemity once and for all, and have their revenge from tanver. 

At Ahil’s residence

Latif drags ahil inside, who is totally drunk, and saying that he would meet sanam, the new sanam who saved the respect of him and his family. latif is tensed. Ahil, in his drunken state, comes and finds the new bride, after her bath, and asks if she is the new sanam, who saved his and his family’s respect and name in the society. He starts hallucinating sanam in her place. He goes towards her, but begins to lose control, on himself. he is about to collapse, when the new bride comes and holds him, and falls on him, on the bed, while she is unable to take her eyes off him. ahil keeps ranting sanam’s name in his dazed state. tanveer comes and knocks on the door, and the bride embarassedly tries to say what happened. tanveer says that its good whatever happened, and that when he wakes up, he should find the new begum in her, by learning all the mannerisms, and then gives her sanam’s dress, and asks her to get ready soon and come down, so that when ahil wakes up, he has breakfast prepared by him. She silently complies, and gets down breakfast, wearing sanam’s dress, and looking pretty similar, as she walks through the corridor, carrying the breakfast tray. tanveer and azhar’s parents join too. tanveer picks up a snack, and asks whats she made. She names all indian snacks, and tanveer tells her that ahil only has english breakfast, and asks gazalla to get the breakfast that ahil likes, and not mess it up. she is frustrated. She destroys the entire breakfast spread, and the bride says that she could have eaten it. tanveer says that now she isnt the sanam, who used to eat leftovers, and shall behave like the Nawab’s queen, and shall eat only what ahil wants, so that he is able to forget his old sanam, and become what he wants her to become. she leaves angrily, while the new bride is scared.

Sanam eyes the mansion, and thinks that she never thought in her wildest dreams, that she would return back to this house. she is overwhelmed with nostalgia. she opens the maingate, and is taken back to her conversation with ahil, regarding their dreamhouse. She says that with each passing step, she is going to ahil, and now nothing can separate them, and hopes to be given the strength so that she can tell ahil the truth.

While tanveer is having tea, the new bride comes to her distraughtedly, and hesitates to say something, adding that she did exactly what she asked her to do. She tells how ahil threw away the entire breakfast and got angry. She shows tanveer that ahil left in the car. tanveer asks where is he going. she says that ahil said that this house always gave him pain and hence he is leaving. tanveer asks her to frustratedly have patience, as ahil has married her in front of everyone, and hence wont leave him, but asks her to keep doing whatever she has been told to do. As latif comes to tell tanveer something, she is shocked, to find that sanam stands on the other side. tanveer and others are surprised to see her, as sanam eye tanveer tensedly.

At Rahat’s residence

Faiz starts romancing haya’s pic on the projector screen, reminisceing their consummation of the marriage, and very happy that he finally got her to be one with him, while haya desperately showers trying to wipe off every trace of faiz’s touch, crying incosolably, and distraugtedly, as to what she did, as she remembers waking up horrified next to faiz. haya thinks that she cant even imagine or remember what happened yesterday, and says that this all happened due to the masked stranger, and thinks that she would have to find out what exactly happened yesterday, as she cant let it go so lightly.

While haya is working resignedly in the kitchen, sad and upset, faiz eyes her from a distance, and thinks that his first plan was a success, and now he shall begin the wife-husband game. he goes and hugs her from behind. She gets scared, and she instinctively takes a knife, and turns around, causing a scar in faiz’s chest and then shocked at what she did. faiz says that its his mistake, and that he shouldnt have caught her from behind. He asks her to help once, as he wouldnt be able to apply medicine himself, and asks if she can do so. she stands uncomfortable, and tensed. He says that he would manage himself. He turns around, but she says that she would help him out. He agrees.

After doing the dressing, haya tells faiz that today they shall know who was the masked intruder. faiz is tensed and asks how. She tells about the highsecurity cameras, that rahat had installed for her security. faiz says that he never knew of the cameras, and hastily asks where are these cameras. Haya says that they are hidden, and he installed them when he went on duty last time, and says that she has ordered for yesterday’s footage, and they shall soon come. he is scared, but maintains him composure, and says that its good, as they shall now know that person. The doorbell rings and haya rushes out excitedly. faiz thinks that if haya found out that the masked person was he only, then his entire plan would fail completely. He is tensed.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer asks sanam to come ahead, as she cant forget her, and how she tried to ruin their life. sanam, remembers seher;s confession and stands dazed. tanveer brings the new girl, saying that she wants to introduce her to someone, and then identifies her as sanam, who is much more beautiful than her. Sanam tensedly asks latif about ahil, and then says that she would find out herself. tanveer stops her, and says that this isnt her house, that she can come in anytime, after walking out of ahil’s life and jilting ahil at the altar. sanam is shocked. Tanveer tells sanam, excitedly that this new girl is none other than the choti begum of bhopal, and her ahil’s new wife. Sanam is shocked, while the new bride eyes her nervously. tanveer smiles evilly. the screen freezes on both the sanam’s shocked face.


Rahat apologises to haya for leaving her unattended, and alone, and says that this wont happen again, and begs her not to be upset or sad. haya shocks him by demanding for a divorce. Tanveer tells that when both the sanam’s are in front of each other, then they should shake hands, and makes them do so, while sanam is stunned, and the new bride is tensed.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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