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At Ahil’s residence

Despite Ahil is shocked when tanveer tells him in front of sanam, holding a glass of milk, that sanam has poisoned this to kill tanveer. He asks whats this nonsense. Sanam says that she shall drink, and then a struggle follows between sanam and ahil. seher watches tensedly from behind the pillar. razaak too in hiding thinks that if the trap dosnt fall in place, then everything would be ruined. Just as ahil is about to drink it, tanveer snatches the milk. She says that she shall prove by drinking it, and complies. she then falls unconscious in his arms, much to her horror and shock. sanam is shocked. Ahil turns away from her, saying that she caused this. Razaak tries to give her the antidote injecvtion but is unable to. Rehaan comes distraught and then they call the doctor, and take her to her room.

In the kitchen, sanam tells seher that she hasnt given poison as she cant do something like this. seher asks her to relax as she knows that she hasnt done anything, and that tanveer is just doing drama, and shows her the injection, which shocks sanam. She says that she saw the syringe in the window, and hence got to know the entire plan. Sanam says that she touched her arms, and found that she had gone cold. Seher says that its good if she dies, as noone would want her alive. sanamn says that ahil would feel she killed her, and that she wont ever be able to prove that she didnt mix anything in the milk. She says that if she died, ahil would never forgive her, nor would turn away to look at her, and she wont be able to live without ahil. seher says that she must have thought of an antidote too, and hence she wouldnt die that easy. Sanam is still tensed. In the room, ahil and rehaan pray and hope that tanveer comes to senses. Razaak thinks that tanveer had said to give the antidote in ten minutes, or else she would actually die. he starts screaming tht sanam killed tanveer. rehaan says that he doesnt believe it. Ahil berserkedly calls the doctor asking whats the matter, and the reason for delay. Rehaan asks ahil if this is true, and ahil doesnt respond. Razaak tries to give n injection, and ahil surprised asking whats he doing. He leaves the injection, and goes to get salt water from the kitchen, as instructed by ahil.

When seher finds razaak coming, she hides. Razaak tells sanam that tanveer is dying. He makes the salt water and leaves rushedly from there. He gives the salt water, to ahil, who tries to make her drink it, but she doesnt comply, as rehaan’s moments with his mother flash before his eyes, and he gets apalled, while ahil desperately tries to make her drink it, and goes down the memory lane herself. Meanwhile, seher goes to find why the doctor hasnt arrived yet. Sanam is tensed. Seher comes with the doctor to tanveer’s room. The doctor checks the pulse, and ahil insistently asks him if she would be fine. the doctor says that he fears that they shall lose her. All are shocked. The screen freezes on sanam and tanveer’s face.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil and rehaan are tensed as they hear what the doctor says. They both start venting out their frustration on sanam, and razaak gets the chance to give the injection to tanveer, and she regains movement. Ahil and rehaan are overwhelmed with emotions, as the doctor tells them that she shall be just fine. as they all sit tensed, the doctor comes and tells them that tanveer has come back to  senses. They both rush to her. Ahil tells her that she neednt have done that. tanveer tries to reinforce that her life is for him only, and asks him if he believes that sanam wanted to kill her. Seher begins to go, when razaak tells him that she is runnig away. she is boggled. Ahil confronts her, and she asks if he actually feels this, and if he really thinks that she can do this. tanveer continus to instigate him against her, while he remembers what sanam did for him, and is distraught, not knowing what to believe. She ask him if he wants to settle his life for the person, who wants to kill his mother, and that she would give even her life, for making him, see sanam’s true life, and that she has sacrificed earlier too, and shall do so again gladly. Ahil tells rehaan to keep her out of sight, in the outhouse, before he does something wrong. Seher is shocked, as rehaan takes her hand and asks her not to speak. He turns away from seher, while she is tensed, as rehaan takes her out of the room. Tanveer smirks evilly. Ahil remembers his romantic moments with sanam.

Rehaan gets her inside the room, while she continuously tries to protest. He says that till now, she was an idol of simplicity and genuinety, but not anymore, as he cant stoop down to taking someone’s life. He shuts the door and locks seher inside it, and her hand comes in the doorway. she screams out Bappa in pain, making rehaan stop in amazement. He asks if she is his sunehri, and asks her to confess if she is, and not the sanam that they are thinking. seher overwhelmingly complies. They both hug each other. Suddenly, rehaan remembers that she just poisoned tanveer, and asks whats she doing here, and where’s sanam, and if she gave poison to tanveer. She asks if she can actually stoop that low, and she would tell if he really wants to know. she says that tanveer herself mixed poison, and played this drama on death, so that the entire blame can be on her sister. Rehaan is boggled. Rehaan is shocked as seher tells him about her relation with sanam, and how tanveer, their begum sahiba, spoiled and ruined their entire family, in her massacre. He stands stunned, as she narrates the entire massacre, and that this haveli is made on the graves of her family. He is distraught, as she says that all of this has been done by tanveer, who they idolize and worship.

Tanveer and razaak celebrate their so close victory, at the cost of her life, and how she threw sanam out of the house, just like she had promised, and that no one can come between her and her dreams. razaak too tags along, as to how her life was almost gone. She gets angered saying that he was so careless that she actually could have died, and thinks of punishing him, but he apologises profusely saying that her work did accomplish. Tanveer smiles, and says that its okay, as he flatters wonderfully. she says that she is very happy, and had he asked for anything else, he would have been given that. he is relieved.

Sanam is very disturbed in her room, wondering how is tanveer, and why is seher taking so long. She offers to go out, but then thinks that it wont be right. sanam is distraught and appalled, and a boggled, torn between contrasting emotions, ahil also stands, in his room, dishevelled and in tears.

In the garden, seher asks her lord ganesha, as to why this was needed to create a woman like Tanveer. a girl comes and asks for an address, and seher asks if she is a heroine. she says that she is a modal, and comments on her lord ganesha fetish, and says that she too is her devotee. seher starts talking about her love for being a heroine. The girl advises her and says that if you dream, you should pursue, and hence she is going to Mumbai for the calendar girl comp, but this industry takes more than it gives, and there are lots of secrets embedded in her too. She then advertises about her event, ZEE DHAMAKA. 

At Ahil’s residence

Seher tells Rehaan the entire story, professing as to how when she got to know her true identity, she changed, and isnt a thief anymore, and that tanveer isnt a nice woman, and knows he would find it difficult to believe, as he genuinely cares for her. rehaan remembers tanveer’s fake love for ahil. she continually tries to emphasise about tanveer’s true identity, and how she has blinded ahil with her sacrifices and pretentious love, and tells that she did this all due to property. rehaan is embarassed to hear this, as he knows this all along. He says that she didnt just do it for property, but for him, and Seher is shocked, when rehaan reveals that he is the actual her son, even if illegitimate of tanveer, and the woman lowlife that she is talking about is his mother. Seher stands stunned, and says that this isnt possible, and that he cant be a son to such a woman. She asks how can she behave like this with her own son. he says that this is because his mother loves money more than she loves him. Seher is shocked. rehaan tells the entire truth about tanveer, and how he knows everything about her and her fake love for ahil. He asks her to understand what he feels when he stands witness that his own mother is showering her love on someone else, and that she doesnt even refer to him as her son, and has made him a servant in front of the world. She is distraught. he tells about tanveer’s indifference to him, and how he just wants a little love and affection and not the greatest riches in the world. He narrates how she always rated money over love for her own son. He says that first he used to believe tanveer, but from what she told and he got to know today, and what she did with her family, and ahil’s father, he doesnt have any respect for her, and the woman, who never loved, never cared, and never understood love’s importance, wont love him too, and now he wont let her ruin love anymore, and shall do anything to get ahil back with sanam. Seher holds his hand, and says that he is complete opposite of his mother, and is a genuine person, and thanks him for believeing her, as it means a lot to her. He places his hand over hers, and cups it in reassurance. Rehaan says that he swears that he would unite the love couple, sanam and ahil, and expose her true face to the entire world, while seher stands by his side. He says that he hates tanveer, while seher stands determined.

At Farmhouse

Haya comes dressed in western attire, taking away faiz’s breath, as he is gardening. She tries to seduce him, saying that he got hot chocolate for him, flirtatiously. He drinks it, and asks what did he mix in it. she says that she just mixed choco powder. He asks whats the extra ingredient. She says that she added love this time. He gets intimate with her, and she says that being the new year, she doesnt want to party inside, and he says that they should go outside, and she says they dont need to go out to make it special. He asks whats her plan. She comes to his ears sensually, and says that he shall know soon enough. Faiz is captivated. haya eyes him sternly and leaves. As she stands in her room, tensed, faiz comes from outside, and hugs her, and she is disgusted but doesnt express it on her face. She asks him to get ready, and he says that he will, and says he wants to make the last day memorable. he tries to kiss her, and she says somethings are better awaited and hence asks him to wait. He says when they both are together, then why wait. She says that she doesnt like this house, and unintentionally too, she gets haunted by her prior memories here, and she wants her coming life to be perfect, and hence she wants to welcome the new year, outside in the lawn, under the sky, in the shine of the stars, with him. She says if he doesnt like this, then they shall celebrate the way he wants to. She says nothing matters more than him and his company, and hence she shall comply to his wishes. He holds her and says his passion begins from her eyes and ends on her lips, and it would be exactly the way she wants it. he hugs her, while she cringes at his touch, but pretends to be happy.

At Ahil’s residence

In his room, ahil is disturbed by the recent happenings, whereas tanveer enjoys her latest victory over sanam, and her eviction from the house, and that all of sanam’s efforts went in vain, and now this entire property shall be hers, and she shall live her 20 years old dream, and hence she is very happy. While ahil wanders in the lobby, disturbed and extremely upset, he goes into tanveer’s room, who has already composed herself, to pretend to be sick, under covers, lying on the bed. He asks razaak to leave, and give him a chance to serve tanveer. Ahil profusely thanks her for her effort in being such a nice mother, even though she is the step mother, and sacrificing everything for him. Sanam sees this from a distance. He remembers how she took the blame of him killing his father, and says that he shall always be indebted for what she did for him. He says that he shall do just what she wants, and that he wont ever see sanam’s face ever again, as she tried to kill the person, who he loves more than his life, his mother. sanam is shocked and distraught. He says that he loved sanam unconditionally, but for tanveer, he would forget that love too. Tanveer smiles evilly. sanam is in tears. He promises to tanveer, who pretends to be disturbed. While he is feeding tanveer, he again says that he feels he committed a crime by not listenting to her. she asks him not to bother himself over what happened in the past. He again says that she is noble, and can forget and move on, but he cant and not even forgive sanam, as the one who he trusted so much, tried to take the life of his mother. He says that they cant keep sanam captive, but she should be punished, but is unable to decide what to do. She says that she too cant understand, but sanam’s name is connected with the family, and can be a danger to the family. She says that they should give sanam to the police. Ahil is surprised but complies, when she insists. She smiles. Rehaan comes in saying that they cant do this, and shouldnt call the police, as sanam is innocent and she hasnt done anything. Ahil and tanveer are surprised. 

PRECAP: Ahil reminds sanam’s past attempts, at murdering tanveer. rehaan says that its just tanveer’s scare. tanveer says that sanam gave her the milk. Rehaan says that sanam didnt get the milk from the market. Rehaan comes and asks tanveer why are they blaming sanam, as she didnt do anything. Ahil asks how can he still advocate for her. tanveer is tensed. Then rehaan says that he has evidence, and shows the milk carton, which tells that the milk had expired, when tanveer took it. Ahil and tanveer are boggled..

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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