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Seher sees some shadow outside her room. She calls out who it is. Suddenly someone puts his hand on her shoulder and she screams. She says someone was there. He covers her eyes and brings her out in the lawn which he has decorated with valentine day balloons. She says its not my birthday. Rehaan says am going to Dubai and want to take your memories with me, memories of our love. He says its my last night with you before leaving so I want to spend it with you. Seher asks how will I live without youu. Rehaan says do you think I can live without you? Sorry I didn't tell you about my trip but I promise I will settle there soon and come back to take you with me. Seher says I can wait for you my entire life. He says I won't take that much time. Will go and come back in a blink. Seher sees all the gifts there and is excited. She says for me. He nods. She thanks him and hugs him. Seher goes to change. Rehaan is painting Sehers portrait. BG- Mere rang me. Seher comes out wearing western gown. Rehaan kisses her hand. The duo share a slow dance. Rehaan kisses her shoulder and neck. They hold each other in each others arms and close dance. Rehaan touches her nose with his. Rehaan shows Seher a teddy and they kiss behind it. Seher changes into a saree. Rehaan gives another final gift to Seher and says this one is not a dress, its my most beautiful dream. He puts a wedding veil around Seher and she is emotional. She hugs Rehaan. The duo look at each other and backhug. Rehaan and Seher sit on a sofa and he touches her dimple. The duo move for another kiss. Screen fades.

Seher feeds sandwich to Rehaan. Seher says need a puppy. Rehaan says will give you as many as you want. Seher say shut up and says talking of doggies. Rehaan says ok white one and Rehaan says black one. Rehaan says name it tuffy. Seher says no Chimanrao. Rehaan says what. Sanam comes and watches the duo chat adoringly. Rehaan says meri hone wali begum will do as you wish. Seher gets up and leave to get sweets for Rehaan. She stops seeing Sanam. Rehaan gets up seeing Sanam. Sanam tells Rehaan to take Seher along as Tanveer can do anything. Rehaan says will take her with me soon but i know u need ur sister now. Am sure all will be well soon and Ahil will find out whole truth. Sanam-Seher cry and Rehaan teases them about having family habit of crying. Sanam puts Taveez on Rehaan and says this will keep u safe and give u success. Please come back soon. U are even more closer to me than before.

Haya returns with Faiz in Rahats house and recollects moments with Rahat. Faiz asks her the matter and she says nothing. Faiz doubts about Haya playing games with him. Haya makes tea for him but is shown staring at the rat poison. A few minutes later she serves tea to Faiz who seems suspicious. Haya tells him not to worry and says havent added poison in it yet. She turns and self thought, ur scared of death. Well wont kill u so easily, will make u suffer. Now see how i make u dependent on me. Faiz is still doubtful about the tea.

Tanveer threatens Suleman and tells him to leave the city and never show his face ever again. Sanam overhears and thinks, Suleman knows something, need to stop him. She walks straight into Sanam-2 who questions her. Sanam says none of ur business. Sanam-2 ur body language shows ur doing something for Ahil and i need to know. Sanam says by spending one night with someone, u dun become a wife. And if u think so, then well, i have spent several nights with Ahil on the same bed.

Suleman is packing to leave town. He stops seeing a holy writing and Sanam comes and tells Suleman that this used to give courage to Ahil and this will give courage to u to tell the truth. She tells him i know u took care of Ahil in past. Ahil needs u today. He is blinded with Tanveers love. U r thinking i am quiet myself despite knowing all. Suleman says what ‘all’. Dunno what u talking of. Leave. Sanam says i want u to know that i am Ahils wife but Tanveer has turned him against me. He doesnt listen to me. The woman he worships has snatched his property, his love and will snatch his life. Can u see Ahil living like a simpleton on the streets, sleeping in the grave. Can u see it. Suleman says i cant let this happen. I will tell Ahil all. Sanam-2 overhears the whole thing.

At Ahil’s residence

While rehaan is talking of arranging for a cab, tanveer asks if he has decided and asks why. Rehaan wonders why did she still pretend to be blind in front of her. tanveer asks why does he need to work. rehaan says that he wants to live a respectable life, and that he doesnt need all this, but she has gone so far away, she couldnt hear his screams, and that he would wish that she too comes back, before its too late, and she gets punished severely, tanveer gest emotional and says that no mother does this intentionally, as he can see her present, but not the past, her desires but not her helplessness, as she didnt want her past to spoil his future. She thinks that she did the right for him, but then doubts her own descision. tanveer laments that she shouldnt have separated him, and if he had a sister or brother, he would have been happy, and hopefully, she gets everything right back in time. He hides and wipes his tears, saying that he too wishes, he can believe her, but seeing her history of lies, he finds it difficult. He says that he is going far away from this house and her too, irrespective that he gets her blessings or not. He leaves, while she stands distraught.

Meanwhile, suleiman in front of sanam, tells ahil on the phone, that he remembers everything and wants to tell it to him. ahil is shocked. He asks ahil to meet him at the airport road, and that he shouldnt tell this to anyone, not even to tanveer. ahil complies. Sanam tells suleiman that he did right, as the criminal should be punished, and now tanveer shall be exposed.

While tanveer laments rehaan’s disappearance, she gets the new bride’s call, asking her to beware, telling her about sanam and suleiman’s meeting, and his talk with ahil. She also asks tanveer to get ahil to give the respect and love that she deserves as ahil’s wife. tanveer cancels the call. tanveer says that its been enough, and now she would get rid of the problem, from the very core. she is frustrated.

Rehaan is packing, while seher keeps giving him advises and suggestions. He assures her that he shall come back soon to get her, to marry her. She gets emotional and fights back tears. she sys that she shall come to the airport, but he says that it would be extremely difficult for him to go then, and also hesitatingly adds, that maybe he asked too much from the lord, as he thought that tanveer would tell him once before going, that she can see him, her only child, but he had forgotten that tanveer doesnt have any place for his emotiona, as only name, fame and money hold place in her heart. she comes and says thats why he is going. he kisses her on the forehead. He takes his bags and leaves. she calls out to him. He says that people shouldnt be called when they are leaving. She says that she just wanted him to go to the temple, before going to the airport. As he leaves, seher breaks down into tears apalled and distraught. Rehaan eyes his mother’s house, and latif comes and tells that tanveer isnt here, as she has gone out. He thinks that he just wanted to wish her goodbye, but the lord doesnt want it. Rehaan leaves, while seher watches him from the balcony. They both remember their past romantic moments. As he leaves, rehaan’s taveez falls off, which seher notices. She rushes out to find rehaan going, and then stops as he remembers that he doesnt like being called from behind when he is leaving. She doesnt say anything, and he doesnt look back. he leaves. She prays to the lord, to let rehaan be safe and not let anything happen to him.

On the road

While tanveer is in the car, she thinks that she has borne enough, but not anymore, and the reason she had to do this all, and separate her own children, she would end it completely now. She thinks that due to sanam, she couldnt even give rehaan a proper goodbye. rehaan, too in his cab, thinks that he wont bear it anymore, and that his past life shall end, and now he shall not live a life of lies.

On the airport road, Sanam assures suleiman, that soon ahil would come, and then everything would be okay. He starts getting impatient, and says that he thinks something bad is going to happen, as he knows what tanveer is capble of. sanam starts getting tensed. He wishes to go, while she asks him not to lose hope, as ahil would only believe him, and then he would be able to save ahil from tanveer. He says that tanveer could go to any limits, to save herself. she tells the trauma that she went through, and requests his help. She decides to call ahil.

The new bride thinks that the pawn would be someone else’s while she would play the bet. She says that she shall mix reality and fake, so easily, that ahil wouldnt be able to believe her even if he wants to, and shall end it.

Sanam asks ahil, on the phone, about his where abouts, as suleiman is waiting for him. He asks how does she know about it. Sanam tells that she is waiting along with suleiman for him to arrive. Ahil is surprised and asks whats she doing. She asks him to come here, and then she shall explain everything. Ahil hurriedly complies. meanwhile, the new bride watches sanam and suleiman from a distance. She again assures suleiman that ahil would soon reach. the new bride wonders where’s tanveer still. The new bride informs tanveer that ahil would be here in five minutes, and tanveer asks her to get to work, to delay ahil’s arrival. tanveer gets frustrated at gazalla, driving the car to take a shortcut, to arrive fast. Meanwhile, the new bride thinks that if someone has to be killed, then her hopes should dash, as thats the easiest way. She says that ahil is being expected by sanam. She eyes a nail weirdly, using black magic, and thinks that sanam’s hope that ahil would come to her, would soon be dashed, as this wont happen, as she pins the nail, in a treebark. At the same time, a nail comes in ahil’s way. 
On the road

Ahil’s car finally steps on nail, and the tyre obviously deflates, and he almost collides into a tree, trying to gain balance. The new bride gets distracted suddenly, and the stone she was scribbling on, falls, creating a noise, that alarms Sanam. but when she goes to check, she doesnt find anyone there. Suleiman says something is wrong here, and that Ahil too hasnt come yet. Sanam decides to call him again. Ahil meanwhile is changing tyres. he tells about his deflated tyre, and she tells him that suleiman is getting restless. he asks her to go to the temple. She complies and takes him to a safe location, where they wont fear anyone. the new bride gets frustrated as to where sanam is. she gets tanveer’s call, who too vents out her frustration to her stupidity in letting them get away. As sanam and suleiman reach the temple, which is the same that seher was mentioning, the new bride assures tanveer, that they wont be able to hide for long, as she would find them out. tanveer meanwhile takes the wheel herself, dropping gazalla and razaak, at full speed. As the bride reaches the temple, she previously remembers her encounters at the dargah. she is about to step in, when the bells ringing upset her badly. She tells tanveer that sanam is in the temple, where ahil too shall reach soon. tanveer drives hurriedly.
Meanwhile, seher calls rehaan, and they keep their romance continues, while she gets shy. She says that it feels like a dream, that she is living her dream life, a thug who now has everything. He gets tensed and emotional to hear this. She adds that soon he would come with her. She says she wants time to stop, and their world never changes. He teases her saying that time never stagnates for anyone. He says that she shall forever be happy with him. He tells that he came near the Ganesh temple, and she asks him to visit once, just for his sake. He romantically agrees, and enters inside, with the puja thali. While he goes to the main temple, suleiman is still tensed for ahil. sanam asks him not to think like that, and only think nice, as good shall happen then, and that god tries the good, so that he can test their patience and courage. She says that they shouldnt lose hope, but show courage, as thats what the lord wants to see, and they neednt be scared, if he is watching from above. suleiman is happy, saying that now he is assured for ahil, as she is with him, who loves him immensely. He thinks that ahil should know about his father’s murder systery as well as her love. she thanks him. tanveer comes to the temple, and calls the new bride, who is tensed, and loses her phone on the ground, which falls near the feet of a priest. She is tensed what to do now. She asks someone else to pick up the phone for her, but the priest steps in just then, and breaks the phone. she is frustrated. tanveer wonders meanwhile, what is she upto. Tanveer gets inside the car and takes the revolver out from under her seat, determined that she cant risk everything trusting someone else, and that she would have to find suleiman and sanam herself.

PRECAP: Tanveer notices ahil learning the truth from suleiman and sanam, and aims the pistol at them. rehaan finds his mother doing so from the other end, and is shocked. Seher meanwhile tries on her look as a newly wed bride, she tries to give the finishing touch by putting vermillion on the forehead, but before she can do that, the box falls on the floor, shocking seher, as a bad omen..

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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