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Ahil’s residence

The masked stranger, find both the girls unconscious and the plate of food, and understands that they have been poisoned. she looks outside the door, and finds Tanveer pacing nervously She closes the door. After Tanveer is gone, she take Seher’s hand and begins to drag her hurriedly.

Downstairs, Azhar’s parents tell Tanveer that they couldn't find her anywhere. The stranger drags Sanam across the hallway, on the first floor, while Tanveer downstairs, in the hall, tells Azhar’s parents to find the girl, before Ahil comes back. They see a hand from the hallway, and rush to find out. Tanveer is shocked. They find that its Sanam, and are happy when they find that she isn't breathing, while Tanveer impatiently tells them to say what they saw. they say that Sanam is dead, and Tanveer is overjoyed. She asks them to get her to her own room. Meanwhile, in the secret room, the stranger comes yet again.

In her room, Tanveer seats Sanam in a wheelchair, and asks them to get her out stealthily, so that no one knows that its her. They dress her up in Tanveer’s saree too. She gets the dupatta over her face, and then bids her goodbye evilly. Azhar’s parents stealthily drag her out in the wheelchair, while she is unconscious. Latif comes and asks what happened to Tanveer, and is told that she just fainted, and they are taking her to see doctor. The new bride and Latif tells them to uncover her face, so that she wont be suffocated. She begins to take the dupatta off, when Gazalla stops her hand, shocking her and Latif, she starts taunting her for being extra caring, and ask her to keep her hands to herself. They taunt her, while tears well in her eyes. She jerks her aside, while taking the wheelchair out.

On the road and Haya’s residence

Rahat gets the DVD from the girl, who says this is the one both the brother desperately want. He thank her for the big favour, that she did for him, by giving him the DVD. Rahat says if this DVD can save Haya and his relation, then the money that he gives is too small a price to pay, she says she cant believe they are blood related brothers. She leaves. Rahat eyes the DVD, and views it on the laptop, and finds that Faiz is the stranger. Rahat is shocked. He finds that faiz just took her in the room, and laying her on the bed, he fell off to bed. he is tensed for Haya, that she is blaming herself for what she didn't even do, and that she is innocent.

Haya begins to call Rahat, thinking she has gravely wronged Rahat, and that she should immediately apologize to him. Rahat gets Haya’s call, and she apologizes for her behaviour, while Rahat is tensed, and says that she claimed that he was an infidelity, when she herself was guilty. Rahat tells her the truth, that she didnt betray anyone, and she is pure as gold. she is boggled. He apologizes for his brother, and tells her everything. She is distraught, that faiz can stopp so low, and asks how can a brother do this, and never gave a thought that when she gets to know, how would she feel, at having been used. She says that she is going to talk to him straight away, as Faiz shall have to give her some answers. but he stops her, and adds that Faiz is not in the right frame of mind, and can take any drastic step. Rahat says that if he knows they know the truth, he might take any action, and says that he is returning home, and till then she shouldn't give it away. He asks if she trusts him, and she says that she trusts him more than life. He asks her to do exactly as she says then. she comply.


In the graveyard and Ahil’s residence

Gazalla and Razaak, get sanam in the car. Azhar’s parents dig a fresh grave for her, right beside her parents, and then bury Sanam inside it, while covering the grave back. They call Tanveer that her work is done, and she gets very excited and overjoyed hearing this news. She asks them to go to a seven star hotel, and spend all that they can, and then thank them profusely. She is unable to control her excitement, and then thank the lord too. She says that she is very happy. Suddenly the light start flickering. She gets surprised. Meanwhile, Tanveer is shocked when she hears Sanam’s voice, telling her sarcastically, that sometimes a person can have heart attack by just over excitement and happiness. Tanveer is shocked. Sanam/Seher is shown to be behind Tanveer, in a ghost like appearance. Tanveer is shocked, and ask how can this be, and the ghost says no power can separate her from Ahil. She takes the night stand and begins to hit her, but she disappears. The ghost says she may have killed her, but not her soul, and asks how can she ruin the soul? Tanveer says this isnt possible. The ghost says when there’s love, nothing is impossible, and says having killed her, she has given her supernatural strength, that can't hurt her, but she can hurt Tanveer all that she wants. Tanveer is grabbed at the throat. She is very scared. The ghost taunts her. Tanveer goes berserk, while the apparition disappears, and Tanveer in her disheveled state, falls on the floor, unconscious.

Ahil’s residence

As Gazalla and razaak come inside, with full stomachs, they are shocked to find Tanveer unconscious, and get her back to consciousness, by sprinkling water on her. she gets furious and grabs them by the throat. Azhar’s parents are gagged and strangled in the throat, but they keep pleading insistence, that they buried her. Tanveer is irritated and frustrated, as she finally let them go. Gazalla asks why she feels that Sanam is alive, and Tanveer slaps her, saying that they have lost their minds, and confirms if they have actually burry her, and asks them to verify. They rush out, and start venting their frustration at her. Tanveer, in her room, keeps thinking that she is going mad. 

At the graveyard

As Azhar’s parents reach and frantically dig the grave, they find Sanam’s dead body underneath it, and are shocked.

On the road

Rahat drive frantically to reach to Haya ASAP, but in doing so, he hits the car on a boulder.

At Haya’s residence

Haya waits impatiently for Rahat to arrive, but a sudden hand on the shoulder alarm Haya, and she happily believes that its Rahat, but is shocked when she finds that its Faiz, in a drunken state, and inebriated starts ranting lustily, as he pins her against the wall, while she is disgusted, by his proximity, as he plead with her to get close to him, she asks him to go to his room, as he is drunk. He says he is inebriated with love, and shall go to his room but with her. He takes her forcibly to his room, and try to get close to her. Haya try to tell him that he had promised to wait, but he says he cant stay away from her anymore, and her love in her eyes, always attract him to her. He push her on the bed, and he catches her in a compromising position. She desperately tries to struggle, and then grabs the flower vase, on the night stand and hits him with it, causing a blackout.

Rahat return home and is shocked to find the house in a disheveled state. he screams out to Haya, and then rushes to her room, to find it all upset too, along with the bed, and then starts imagining what must have happened, and how the bangles must have broken, when Faiz stopped her hand midway, while imposing himself on her. Rahat is appalled, as he reimagine the trauma that Haya must have gone through, when Faiz became violent with her, as the scene tells him, and then finally Haya being tied by Faiz, and then taken in his arms, while she helplessly and distraught watches Rahat. Finally he screams and extend his hand out to her, as she is being taken away. He collapses on the floor, refusing to believe the unimaginable, while recalling their intimate romantic past moment together and screams out Haya’s name.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer is tensed that gazalla and Razaak haven't returned yet, and then is aware of someone’s sudden presence, she is shocked, when a hand approaches her. Tanveer surely ask if Sanam’s grave is empty, and that she isnt there. they are shocked. Razaak tells Tanveer that god is playing a game with her. Azhar’s parents tell Tanveer that they went and found Sanam’s dead body inside the grave itself. Tanveer asks if its so, then how can she hear Sanam’s voice here? The masked stranger hears them from a distance. Tanveer is shocked to know this, and wonders how is this possible, as she doesn't believe in ghost. Gazalla says this might be hallucination, and Tanveer shuts her up and shooes them away.

In her room, while Gazalla is applying cream on the scratches Tanveer made on her face, and curses Tanveer for this. Razaak comes too, and they both are shocked to see Sanam’s ghost behind the curtains. They are scared and go to Tanveer, but are scared to silence with the shock of having seen Sanam’s ghost. Tanveer says they are useless, and decides to take the matter in her own hands. Tanveer lights a fire and burns all of Ahil and Sanam’s pics, in the middle of the hall, while Gazalla is scared. Tanveer says Sanam’s ghost is in this house, hence they have to burn her off here too. Tanveer says when a person loves something terribly, then that person’s untimely death lead to the soul wandering around for it. Tanveer finally take the dreamhouse, remembering the love and affection behind it, and when Sanam isn't there, then there’s no point to keep the dreamhouse. A hand stop them, and she is surprised. Gazalla and Razaak are shocked to find Sanam holding Tanveer’s hand. Sanam snatch the house, while Tanveer smiles, thinking its said, that souls can't feel, but she proved her otherwise, and this was all just a drama to expose her. She smiles evilly. She also reminds Sanam that no one can defeat her, and tells her that she would accept defeat from now on, so that sanam can try her best. She says this time, Sanam may have saved herself, but not the next time. Sanam doesn't say anything. Tanveer begin to go but then grabs her. tanveer holds Sanam and says she had given her one month, but she is giving her four days, and within those four days, she shall throw her out of the house, and Sanam wont be able to do anything. She guffaws, while Sanam is tensed. They all leave, while Sanam emotionally eyes the house.

In the graveyard

Sanam comes to Seher, in the graveyard, and they both hug each other. they are surprised to find that the stranger who saved them is actually the new bride. They all confront each other. Sanam thank her profusely, for having saved their lives, and doing the noblest work, and that she hasnt just saved their lives, but also saved a relation that is invaluable. Seher too thank her. The flashback shows how she saved both their lives by giving them the antidote. The bride says their thanks isnt necessary, when she should be apologizing for what she did, and that she didnt want their marriage to break, as she was forced by Tanveer to do this. Sanam says she need not clarify, as she knows Tanveer and her traits, to use others’ helplessness. Seher ask when did she know that they were two? She says she saw when Seher was taking food. They are shocked, and outraged when she saw that they were planning to poison her. She says she tried to say, but Latif came and interrupted them, and then she saw that they had been poisoned. She gave them the antidote. She also clarify that she knew that this is their secret, hence she had to take one of them out. She says that by the time, one got caught by Azhar’s parents, she saved Sanam. she says she saw them coming out with one of the sisters, and followed them when she couldnt stop them, in the dicky of the car. Seher says she got conscious due to the antidote, and she didnt alarm them, as she just wanted to be a dead body for them. The bride says she pulled her out, the minute they went after burying her. Sanam says when she woke up, she got to know the truth, and scared the hell out of them, by pretending to be a ghost. Seher asks why is she taking this on herself, and where did she get the guts from? Sanam says she would have done anything for revenge. She says they are in this together. The bride continues to blame herself for Ahil leaving, and also for spoiling Sanam’s marriage, but Sanam says she indeed did them a favour, by saving them, and not letting them be lost again, as she wouldnt have been able to meet Ahil again. Seher is furious at Tanver, while the bride says she would do everything to help them have their revenge on Tanveer. They are determine to find out about Ahil first, wondering where could he be.

At the Farmhouse

Faiz drives a trailer on the road, and arrives at a farmhouse, and asks for unloading of the case. As they get to doing so, he asks them to be super gentle and careful, as he has something very precious of his in this case. As Faiz pays off the guys, he asks them to be lost, and never see him again, saying that he doesnt need anything, in this desolate area, as he has what he needs. He locks the door. Meanwhile, Faiz evilly eyes an unconscious Haya, lying inside the box. Faiz starts singing a lullaby, as Haya is asleep

At Rahat’s residence

The police start investigating around the house, and interrogate Rahat about faiz’s kidnapping of Haya. One of the constables find a paper and a letter. Rahat is shocked. the inspector surfs through it, while Rahat gets impatient, and surprised, when he finds that its written that she went on her own. As the police gets to searching the house, rahat reads the letter from haya saying that she doesnt have the guts to face him now, and their relation can never materialize, hence she is going far away from him, forever, and by free will. She says whetever happened, after that there cant be any relation between them. She asks him to sign the divorce papers, as she has already done. Rahat is frustrated and distraught to read this.


Tanveer asks Ahil to remember what sanam did, and asks him to throw her out of the house. as ahil grabs sanam by the hand, and begins to take her out, sanam starts protesting that he cant do this. tanveer smiles evilly. tanveer smiles, while he says that he also doesnt want to do this, and adds that she would stay here, but as a servant. tanveer gets tensed..

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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