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At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer gets angry and asks how dare she, and pushes her, frustratedly. Sanam is surprised,and boggled, as to how did Tanveer realise where she was, to be able to push her.  Sanam is shocked as she is pushed by tanveer, while she stands frustrated. sanam leaves, and she smiles evilly. Tanveer starts walking inside the room, where shards of glasses lie on the floor, and tanveer, after much deliberation, remembering how people have hinted about her being blind, slides the shards away with her foot, and walks past them, carefully, smiling evilly as she does so. But one of them pierces her, and she winces in pain. she makes her way to the mirror, and then eyes herself in the mirror. She sits on the dressing stool, and tries to rummage through her makeup kit, as blind people do. She picks up the fallen blusher and uses it to do her makeup.

Sanam knocks on ahil’s door, with his clothes, and keeps them on the bed, as he eyes her tensedly. She finds ahil busy in his work, and then resignedly begins to try and get his attention. When he finally looks up, he pretends to ignore her. She starts to leave, but hearing him choke and cough, as he begins with his food, he immediately rushes to his care, and he overwhelmingly eyes her. An awkward romantic gaze follows. She coaxes him to drink water, and in that bid, drops the water on his pants. She goes out, saying that she would be right back. She rushes to the kitchen, to get something sweet for him. Taking it, she goes to ahil’s room.

In his room, ahil gets dressed, tensed with sanam’s thoughts. She comes in just then to give him the Mishri, and is surprised to find him dressed in the suit that she picked out for him. She progresses towards him, and her foot gets caught up in the carpet, and she slips, and as fate would have it, lands right in ahil’s arms, who rushes to catch her. An awkward yet romantic eyelock with embrace follows. He remembers his bitterness with her, and his hurtful statements to her, as she lies in his arms. The new bride comes in just then, and she is shocked to see them like this, and drops the suitcase, breaking their eyelock. Both get tensed. She leaves. Sanam rushes after her. Ahil says that the more he tries to go away from sanam, the more she is closing in, despite the fact that she betrayed him so badly. He is tensed at this dilemma.

The new bride apologises profusely to sanam, saying that she never would have come here, had she known that sanam was with ahil, and that after much turmoils, she was coming closer to ahil, and she spoiled the moment. Sanam says that she neednt apologise, as she never did anything wrong. she says that bridging the gap between her and ahil would take a long time, and that it isnt easy. The new bride excuses herself, and gives her the Holy Quran, sayinbg that she went and prayed that they come together fast, as separation doesnt suit them. Sanam overwhelmingly thanks her, and hugs her. while the new bride is sad at her ironical fate too.

While rehaan gets dressed up, seher continues to tease him, about the weird sense of fashion. He is amused, and says that he is getting late for picking up the chief guest of the function. She asks him whats the matter today, as all are dressing up extravagantly. He says that ahil has planned a surprise for tanveer, and he didnt want to tell her, since she would be upset. She asks hm why is he so tensed. He says that this is just another of Tanveer’s drama, and he hates lies, and he has to live one every single day. He says that had it been in his will, he would have exposed tanveer this very day, but he cant. She says that she wishes she could come along, to compose him. Rehaan promises that very soon, they shall be forever with each other. She says that till that time, she has something elose in mind, and places a muffler on his neck. He says that its quite good. she says that its brilliant, and says that this would remind him of her always. He takes it off, and places it in his coat’s breast pocket instead, replacing his handkerchief, saying that this is better. he leaves, and she smiles.

At Rahat’s residence and On the road

As haya dresses herself, she finds rahat coming from behind, flirting romantically with her. She says that she has to go out for sometime, to get some necessary things. He is excited that haya is out of her phobia. She sounds very confident and positive minded, about starting afresh, leaving the bad memories behind. she hastily rushes out, while he wishes that she always smiles likes this, thats all he wants.

While haya is shopping in the market, carefree, someone is shown to be observing her every move. When she returns back, she doesnt find rahat. She calls him up, while he is on the road, in his car. Rahat says that he is out for some work. She is upset that he went without telling her. He asks why the restlessness. She says tht he shall know when he returns. He complies. She lovingly eyes the yellow flowers that she had got for him.

At Ahil’s residence

While sanam and the new bride are working in the kitchen, ahil comes and addresses the new bride, that he wants her to come along to the function too. She silently complies and leaves. Sanam stands tensed. Ahil then tells her that tanveer wanted the new bride to come, but he wants that she too should be there. She becomes happy. He says that today is very important and hence he wants everyone, gazalla, razaak, latif and she too. She feels dejected as he counts her with every other member of the family, inclusive of servants. They both eye each other. 

At the Function venue

The new bride comes and stands beside ahil, while he is receiving guests, along with rehaan. she is visibly at discomfort. The reporters throng her. sanam comes to her rescue and tries to thrwart them off. But ahil comes in just then, to stand between the two. it gets extremely uncomfortable. They ask sanam how does she feel with ahil’s second marriage, and then ask ahil which wife does he love more. Ahil shuts them asking to stop this nonsense. tanveer and azhar’s parents come, and she is frustrated to know that sanam is also here. the reporters go to tanveer, as they find her having arrived. An uncomfortable moment follows, between ahil and his two wives. Then he leaves to be by tanveer’s side and escort her to the stage. He takes the dias, and says that he thanks everyone for having come here, and then starts to rant about tanveer’s qualities, going on a praising stance. Tanveer smiles. Sanam and the new bride are both tensed, along with rehaan. He requests the mayor to inaugurate the chowk, and he complies. The mayor says that this chowk would hence forth be known as Nawab Begum tanveer chowk, and invites her to inaugurate it herself. All clap, while sanam and rehaan watch sullenly. Tanveer does the honours. tanveer is asked for a pic with her portrait. She complies. She turns around and eyes her own portrait, as ahil is thronged by reporters and they are distracted. She immensely likes the portrait and again goes back to pretending to be blind, while eyeing ahil giving his statements. sanam too mingles with the guests, and tanveer is amused, when sanam is congratulated for tanveer’s achievements. she taunts sanam if she wont congratulate her, and if this continues, then within the two weeks, the city and ahil shall have forgotten her. Sanam belittles her minor achievement, saying that she has been playing this game for a long while, but she still was, is and shall forever be Ahil’s life, adding that she shouldnt be too happy, as soon ahil would turn his face away from her, as her reality would be exposed to ahil, as only those celebrate the win before the win, who cant see what lies ahead. She says that tanveer might have been immensely lucky, and trappy woman, but she would soon outsmart her too. Tanveer goes to ahil, expressing her wish to go the dargah to pray, and asks him to be here to entertain the guests, and tells her that she shall be late in coming back home.

On the road

Tanveer asks the driver to stop on a desolate road, and then asks him to go home. He is hesitant, but follows her orders. He leaves. tanveer then ges out of her car, and takes the front seat, of the driver, and starts the car, in much glee and excitement, driving rash in the meanwhile. While a person she almost collides into, curses her asking if she is blind, she is highly amused at the irony, smiling that he is right, and that she is blind. Finally, she comes to a halt. She goes inside the building, and then opens the locked door, with a key that she has. She comes inside, a room, and takes a board and pins it against the wall. As the lights go on, Mamu, Rashid, Nazma, Asad and Zoya’s faces with a cross appear, who she had killed barbarously. Then she eyes Sanam’s face, also pinned, thinking that she would play this game all over once again, and ruin her. She evilly enjoys her moment, as she aims at a knife against Sanam’s chest.

Meanwhile, tanveer smiles crookedly as she undergoes the final operation, and after its done, the doctors ask her to open her eyes. she remembers thinking that she has wasited for these soft tissues for quite sometime, to repair the eyes that were damaged on that day. She screams and laughs in glee, as she finds that she can see again. Tanveer thinks that her darkness has lifted off, but sanam’s life would be doused in darkness now, and she wont be able to get out of it. 

At the Warehouse

Tanveer identifies sanam as the same spirited girl like her mother zoya, which is enough to make her hate sanam. she places a cross against sanam, that her mother spoiled her life, and she too shall do the same, and thats her promise. She says that zoya stole her love from her, her asad started hating her, due to sanam, and that now she shall steal sanam’s love from her, and shall torture her terribly. she says that a person’s biggest loss is when she loses the hope of living, and she would create a situation, when sanam cant see even a glimmer of hope, and now that she can see, she would lure sanam’s life in darkness, and is amused thinking that when she couldnt see, she made sanam’s life a joke, and imagines what she can do now. She starts guffawing loudly.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat searches around for haya, when she places her hand on his shoulder from behind. He turns around and they both confront each other romantically, as he caresses the flicks splashed on her face. She hugs him in love, and he too loves back. They bask in the glory of their new found love. While rahat and haya are romancing, faiz observes them from a distance, with a vengeance and fury, as he remembers haya’s betrayal after having seducing him, as he feels the stab and the bunrs yet again.

Rahat loads their stuff in the car, while haya stands beside him and watches him. As haya and rahat move ahead to get inside the car, faiz stealthily follows them from a distance, and then gets right behind haya. She is suddenly aware of something, and turns around, but doesnt find anyone. She is still scared, but sits inside the car, oblivious that faiz is hidden behind the car. rahat asks haya if she is happy, and she says that she is, as this is that start of their new life. Faiz slides inside their dickey. They drive off.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer impatiently waits for the newspaper, and when it comes, she eyes the headlines about her splashed across the newspaper. Gazalla and razaak start praising her, and knowing that she is blind, they hide the lavish breakfast that she had ordered. She senses it, and amusingly asks them to take out what they hid. They wonder how she got to know. Razaak says that tanveer can see again, and mentions this to gazalla. tanveer is interested. They start to congratulate her, and say that they were checking if her sight has returned. latif comes and hears them talking. Tanveer sees her and gets surprised, and asks whats she doing here, addressing her as latif. she gets boggled, asking how did she know he was here. tanveer is tensed, but composes saying that she doesnt need eyes to sense her, and distracts her, by asking what she came here for. Latif says that ahil is looking for her. She says that she would just be down. latif leaves. After she leaves, tanveer grabs them both by the collar and hollers at them for being so careless, and tells them that till the right time, noone should know that she can see. They get scared and comply.

While she is putting flowers in the vases, Sanam finds tanveer avoiding the furniture, so that she doesnt get hurt, while walking in the hallway. She is shocked and wonders how is that possible, when she cant see. In that, she accidentally slips a vase down, and this alarms tanveer, who pretends to be blind again, and accidentally stumbles on the vases kept in the middle of the floor. But sanam is still alarmed, and wonders if there is more to it than it seems. Ahil tells tanveer that he hopes that she could see the frontpage picture, of herself, in the headlines today. She pretends to be modest and says that she would see her news and life through him. He excitedly starts reading the newspaper. She thinks that ahil feels bad for her being blind, but actually he is blind, that he cant see how she is writing the story of his ruins. He finds her lost and she starts coughing to make up for it. He rushes out to get the paper, while she smiles evilly, and starts reading the paper. Ahil walks back to the room, talking on the mobile, with the glass of water in his hand. He comes across sanam, and hands her the glass of water to be given to tanveer. She takes it, and is shocked to find tanveer reading the newspaper, as she remembers the morning incident. Before she can react, Ahil too comes, and asks sanam why she didnt give water to tanveer. tanveer is alarmed and instantly changes the paper the other way. He gives her the water. Ahil finds the paper upside down, and shows it to her. tanveer pretends to be blind, and says that she was just feeling, the love between the two brothers together for the first time. Sanam is shocked and apalled, at her shrewdness.

When sanam tells this to rehaan, he refuses to believe it, saying that if this was true, he would have found out, and noone pretends to be blind all their life. sanam tries to emphasise what she just saw. Seher says that there’s nothing wrong in finding out, and maybe she is able to see now, as it doesnt mean that she would be blind forever. Rehaan is still unconvinced. She says that it doesnt matter, as if sanam has seen something, then there’s no point in checking it. Rehaan says that they wouldnt gain anything. Seher says that this isnt a loss or profit situation, but something thats essential to be done. she says that they just want to know that tanveer can see or not. Rehaan stands tensed. She says that if tanveer can see, then all their plans would be ruined. Rehaan says that they can go ahead and satisfy their query, but he still feels that this isnt true. sanam says that razaak and gazalla have to be handled first to go ahead to check about tanveer. seher says that she knows what to do.

PRECAP: While seher narrtes out the plan, Rehaan asks whats her problem, and that he knows his mother, and that he is on their side, but this. He asks her how can she do this, to a blind woman. Seher is tensed. Seher thinks that she never thought, that between their love, anything could come, but due to tanveer, they have even begun to fight. She is sad.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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