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Devi says I will write my tomorrow with good deeds.

Adhi and Masa are on her way. Masa says do you have anything for that girl? Adhi says why are you asking that. I don’t like her at all. I hate her. She is your servant nothing else matters. Adhi’s car breaks down. He tries to check whats the problem. Devi is climbing the stairs down with those metal balls on her feet. Masa feels suffocation inside the car. She doesn’t have her asthma pump. Adhi is is looking here and there for mechanic. Masa tries to call him but he doesn’t listen. Adhi sees her. He tries to give her water but Masa’s condition worsens. Adhi says let me call doctor. Masa is suffocating in the car. Adhi calls here and there. His signals are not working He looks a lift. Devi is trying to get down with metallic balls. She hears Devi’s voice. Masa has an asthma attack. Devi is trying to come close to them. Adhi says masa nothing would happen pleaase don’t worry. He looks here and there for help. He sees Devi. He says masa she is not well. Please save her. She says nothing would happen happen to her. He sees the balls in her feet. Her feet are bleeding. Adhi picks her up and takes her to the car.

Devi sees Masa and treats. She gives her right first aid. Devi gives her CPR. Kesar apply honey on Devi’s bruises. She says your feet are so bleeding. How do you have so much strength. Devi says thank you for being my doctor. Only you care about me here. Kesar says you care about me as well. Adhi caresses Masa’s face and makes her sleep. He recalls Devi helping her. Adhi comes to store and sees Devi sleeping there. He sneaks in and locks the store. Devi is asleep. Devi says I know everything. Adhi gets scared. Devi says I will rest all day. She is talking in sleep. Adhi makes sure she is asleep. He falls on her. She is still sleeping. Devi says I wont even make food. Adhi giggles. Devi says Devi is not scared of anyone. Where are my rats? He runs out.
Devi wakes up. She says I acted well. She sees Adhi left a phone next to her. Devi smiles and takes it. Devi calls all the guests for pooja. Kesar says he gave you phone thats so good. Urmi says who gave you phone? Devi says my husband did.

Adhi gives Masa her meds. Urmi comes and says I wanted to know. I saw a phone in her hands. ADhi says I gave her so she can treat anyone in the house. She saved Masa’s life. She will do that again if she has a phone. Adhi says my masa’s health need her. He leaves. Urmmi says he has fallen for her. He is doing all this for now. Bansuri tells Maasa that Devi is doing kaniya pooja. Masa says I wont let this happen. Devi says why has none of the guests come? Masa has asked all of them not to come. Devi calls Ishu. Bharat says would it be okay to send ishu here? Devi says don’t worry I can send her. Ambika says I will bring her. Devi says press is in loan custody. Devi says why didn’t you tell me. Bharat says I will handle you don’t worry. Masa says why none of the girls come for pooja?
Masa says she is planning a pooja for young girls. Adhi says I will ask them to leave. She says no i will do something. Adhi says its all upto you. He leaves. Devi washes feet of all the girls. Adhi comes there he looks at her and leaves. She says thank you. He says do whatever you want but don’t insult my mom.
Devi does arti of all kids and gives them chunri.

Urmi says you will what happens now. evi says you want something urmi? She says let me serve the kids. She serves the kids rice. Urmi mix plastic rice in the food. Kesar says let me help you in taking these. She gives the rice to Kesar and she serves all the kids.

PRECAP: All the young girls come in the house. Masa is dazed. DEvi says mata can come in any face. Masa mixes something in Ishu’s food. Devi says to masa yu are the owner of this house yu have right of getting blessings from these kids first. She bows down in front of ishika.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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