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Devi recalls her time with her family. She says I wish I could go back to my family. Adhi comes there. Devi swipes her tears. She says what new pain is he here to give? Adhi says I told you you wont be welcomed in this house. You came here yourself. Why did you? I gave this med for you and you returned it. He leave it here and goes. 

Masa says you proved you are my son. Why are you worried? he says nothing work. She says you have my prayers with you. He says and my deeds too. We are paid for our sins. Masa says what are you saying? Adhi leaves.

Masa comes to Devi with Urmi. She says how do you feel now? You can’t take my son from me. This stain will be with you forever. This fear should never go from your face. Why did he leave your face. He left it for us I guess. Urmi comes to Devi and ties her hand. Urmi says lets celebrate diwali with fire crackers. She places firecracker near her face. Urmi says lets celebrate. when the candle blows your face will blow with this fire cracker. Devi is crying.

Adhi is angry and agitated in his office. Saradh says why do you look so tensed? Adhi think about what he did.
Devi says please don’t do this. She is crying and sobbing.

Saradh says we are about to win the case. Why do you look tensed. He get a call. He is dazed. He says we lost. Saradh says how can we lose? Adhi calls Masa. He says I wanted to ask about the house. Masa says I am here to handle everything. Devi says please let me out. 

Bharat says I am really worried for Devi. Please call her and ask how she is. They call her but can’t pick, Ambika calls again. Masa comes and picks the firecracker. She says your fear is my win. you are scared and I won. Can’t ruin my house for you. Kesar comes and releases her. She says I am so sorry I couldn’t save you. Devi is crying. Kesar says I told you to go from here. Kesar says please go from here. you don’t deserve to be here. They will ruin your life like mine. Kesar comes out and calls Bharat. She says this is me Kesar. Bharat says is Devi okay? Kesar says no she ins’t okay. She cuts the call. Bharat says I am going to pick her. She can’t stay in that hell. Ambika says Devi won’t live there anymore. But you can’t go there. Devi says to Kesar I can’t give up. I came here with hope. You have hope from me and I won't let you down. My Ishu has hope in life. I want to tell her we can make life beautiful. I will not forgive Adhi.

Adhi breaks stuff in anger. Devi says I have hope and that won't go away. We can’t leave our dreams amid. Kesar says you are so brave.
Adhi signs some papers. He recalls Devi treated Masa with the pen.

Adhi recalls what he did. He breaks stuff in anger. He is agitated. He recalls Devi screaming. He is on his way back.
Bharat and Ambika come to Masa’s house. Ambika says we want to take our daughter back. Masa says she is our servant now. She came here on her will. Chauhan says she had nothing to do with our family past. She didn’t even know. Don’t do this to her. Why did you burn her? Masa says who told you all this? Ambika says doesn’t matter who told us please don't make her suffer anymore. Bahrat says she is so young. Please don’t do this. Masa says you were asking for forgiveness? What are you Chauhan or her uncle aunt? Devi hear their voice. Kesar says I told them what happened to you. Bharat and Ambika come in. Ambika says maji please give us our daughter back. Masa says ask for forgiveness for all your words. Ambika bow down and says I am apologizing for all the sins. I can do anything please give us our daughter back we will do anything. Masa says anything is a big word? She says to her servants all servants have off today. We have two servants to clean the house. Start it. Ambika says I will do anything for my daughter. She cleans the house. Bharat is crying. Masa says why are you standing? Go wear servant clothes? She says Urmi give him bangles. He will wear them. Masa says throws her tea on the floor and says drink it. Bharat bows down. Ambika is crying. He is about to lick tea. Devi says stop Kaku. She pick him up and takes off the bangles. Devi hug him. Ambika sees her wound. Ambika says please come with us. You won't have to live here. Devi says a son gave me this wound. But a husband gave me medicine to heal it. I found such husband. Don’t worry about the past. Your words are with me. I will face everything with the power you all gave me. Trust me I will take care. Bharat says we are always with you. He hug her. They leave. Kesar says you are so strong.

Adhi comes home drunk. He sees Masa. He says Masa what are you doing? Don’t wait for me. He falls down. Masa says what happened? Adhi says told you my fate isn’t with me. I lost the case. Masa make stand up. Masa says you think you burned her thats why you lost it? you have sympathy for her? You send her meds? He says yes I sent her meds so she gets well. She says you went against your mom. He says I did what you said. Then I did what my heart said and sent the meds. With these hands I broke an idol in childhood. You said broken idol doesn’t listen to prayers. Since then I never entered temple. but I remember what you said. Then that Devi.. She is a lucky charm for me. She is good for us and this house. I didn’t want to break her but you made me do it. Please don’t do this again. I can never do that again. He comes to Devi’s room. Devi is scared. She pretends to be asleep. She is scared. Adhi recall what he did with her.

Adhi comes to Devi’s room. She pretend to be sleeping. Adhi takes off his waist coat. He falls. Adhi says I should go. He goes to his room.

Devi is doing pooja. Kesar says you should rest. Devi says I have to do pooja it makes me feel strong. Devi comes to Adhi’s room for pooja. She says I think he left for office. Now I can do pooja. She does pooja. Adhi comes to the room. Devi get scared. She turns and the tilak on her finger touches his forehead. Devi recalls him burning her, he leaves.

PRECAP: Adhi falls and the tilak from Devi’s hand falls on his head. Masa says let me clean it. He says no Masa its a tilak. Masa says she went there and Adi will realize that she isn’t good. Adhi says to Masa my company’s name didn’t come in list. Masa says you think that she is good luck for you then why this happened?

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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