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Adhi says in heart see how I ruin your life now. Masa says tell her she is a servant. Devi says this is what I was saying. Servants and owners are equal. We will respect everyone equally in this house. Adhi grasps her hand and drags her to the room. He shoves her towards the bed. He locks the door and comes near her. He says you think you can say anything in front of me and my mom? I will take revenge. She says you want to take revenge? When hero takes heroin to room like this it means something else. They must be thinking the same. Adi comes close to her and says you call me namard (not a man). What do you want? You want to see my manliness right? He touches her stomach with his fingers. Devi gets scared. Adhi comes near her. He unties her purse and takes it. He opens her purse. He takes out her phone. Bharat is calling her. She tries to take her phone but he doesn’t let her. He cuts the call.

Bharat says her phone is off. I should go and check. Ambika says no don’t go there. She will handle it. We have to trust her. If we can’t contact her then we will have to go there. Adhi says your kaku doesn’t understand you are just married. Its your first day he shouldn’t disturb us. This phone shouldn’t come between us. He takes her phone. She smiles. Adhi leaves. Devi says you are right. You are my husband after all. Your room is my room. My room is yours. Thank God you took my phone it was old. I know you will get me a new phone. You are mine and so is your phone I will call from your phone. He leave.

Adhi says come meet all the people in our house. He takes her to store. It is fill of rats. He says these are family members too. You have to spend this night with them. Devi says my husband is a lion and his strength I am not scared of these. He says okay then show what you say. He shoves her in and locks her inside. When you scream I will know you gave up and I will take you out. He leaves. Devi is scared inside. She keeps herself away from rats. She is scared. Kesar comes to open the store. A maid comes and says Adhi asked not to open the store. She leaves. Devi is scared. Devi is scared. She says I dont’ have to cry. I have to be strong. I promise kaku sa. I can handle this relationship. I can make Adhi a better human. I will fulfill my dream. I will become a doctor too. Adhi is getting things ready for Saradh. He takes out wine and drinks the whole bottle. Devi reads mantras. Adhi recalls Devi. He says my wife is a lioness she said. I have to know everything about her that she didn’t tell me. What makes her so brave. Only then I will know how to cage that sparrow. Devi says he must be thinking he won and I am his toy now. One day I will make you a human. She keeps saving herself from the rats. She says when I win you will accept me as your wife.

Devi’s dupatta gets stuck. She falls down. A rat falls on her head. She throws it away. Adhi comes outside. He says she didn’t give up yet. Devi sits on a ladder. She says I have to stay strong. She says I have to be strong. These are just rats. There is a beast outside. She says to rats. I am new here you can’t scare me here. I am Adhi’s wife. If you are his pet then you are mine as well. I will call you small Adhiraj. We have to be friends. Don’t be scared of me. I am here to befriend you all. She makes the rats eat. She says eat and don’t annoy me please.

Devi falls asleep in storeroom. Masa ask Dholki how much she screamed? She says didn’t at all. Masa says yes she didn’t scream. Dholki says she should have. The rats are wild. She might know magic. What if she does magic on Adhi as well? Urmi says what if she wasn’t there at all. Adhi says I locked her no one can dare to get her out. Masa comes to store. Kesar sees Devi sleeping. She says Devi.. Devi says you all are here. Welcome mother in law. Masa says you see what I do next.

Ishu is crying. she says sends my Devi be back home. All kids make fun of me now. Rekha says they have destroyed lives of two of our daughters. Bharat says I am going to police. Ambika says no we shouldn’t do that.

Urmi brings milk for Adhi. She says I don’t want to annoy you. I know you are mad at me. I.. I didn’t know they were fooling me. He says masa forgave you. She pardoned you and so did I. Go now. He leaves.

Kesar says to Devi you are so brave. Devi says we shouldn’t be scared. We have to fight all this together. Kesar says I never head about hope from here before.

Urmi is angry in her room. Her mom says you are doing nothing. Urmi says she will catch Adhi. Urmi says if Adhi falls in love with her we cant do anything. We have to provoke masa to kick her out of the house.

Kesar says to masa should I give her food? Masa says you are our daughter in law and she is servant. You shouldn’t be talking to her much. Devi comes there. Masa says ask her to make food. Devi says as you say masa. Masa says to kesar tell her duties of servants here. Devi gets the dinner table ready. Kesar try to help her. Masa says let the servant work. Devi serves masa. She says urmi give me your leftover daal. She takes leftover from everyone and gives it to devi and asks her to sit on floor and eat. Adhi comes in anger. He is angry. Masa says what happened? He says nothing property issues. Devi says you came on right time. Wife eats after husband. Masa gave me this thali. Eat from it with me.


Masa says to Bharat you wanna meet your daughter? Your sister will dance in front of all the guests in your daughter’s munh dikhai. Devi says stop. Devi says you want an entertainment for guests right? Ambika won’t dance I will. She dances in front of the guests.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm 

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