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Devi comes to Adhi’s room for pooja. She says I think he left for office. Now I can do pooja. She does pooja. Adhi comes to the room. Devi get scared. She turns and the tilak on her finger touches his forehead. Devi recalls him burning her, he leaves.

Masa says to Adhi where did this tilak come on your head? He recalls that Devi is good luck for him. Masa says let me clean it. He says let it be its a tilak. Don’t remove it. He leaves. Masa is angry. Devi is doing pooja. Adhi comes there. He says I wanted to say something. There is a time for pooja. So you can do this when I am here before I leave for office. Don’t delay pooja’s time.

Masa calls Adhi’s manager. She says I want proofs. I want every news related to company to get to me first. I will tell you what to do. Then you will tell Adhi.

Devi says something weird happened. When I went to do pooja. He said I should do pooja before he leaves for office. Is he looking for new way to hurt me? Kesar says you shouldn’t be scared. Devi says you are right.

Adhi is in his room. He asks his manager for the list. Adhi says my company name should be in that room. Devi serves food. She says let me take lunch to office. Urmi says you are a servant. Devi says servants take lunch to office. Urmi says to Masa she is taking lunch to office. Masa says you can go there but stay in your limits. I can get you burned complete remember that.

Devi comes to office with food. She says I don’t know how He will react. Adhi is mad at his staff for not working properly. Devi comes to office. Manager says let me take you to his room. A worker says can I go in first? I brought sweets for Adhi sir. he gives sweets to Adhi. Adhi is very happy. He says thank you. Stay blessed. Manager brings Devi in. He says bahbhi is here I think something good will happen.

Manager bring Devi to Adhi’s office. He says bhabhi came I am sure some good news will come out today. Adhi says go and do your work. He leaves. Adhi says why did you come here? She says your food. Devi leaves it on his table. Adhi says go now. She says I can’t. Masa said you have to eat first. He sits and recalls burning her. Devi serves him food. She can’t open the lunch box. He opens it for her. Adhi eats the food.

Saradh gives Kesar sweets and says this is for a goods news in business. She says thank you. He says where did you learn it from? She says from TV. They both laugh.

Devi says can I sit here? She sits on the sofa. Her back hurts when it touches the sofa. Devi says Adhi felt the same as well when he sat. Why? Devi looks at the photos on the wall. Adhi coughs. Devi gives him water.

Urmi says to Maasa this plan would work. Adhi thinks he is good for his business. But Adhi would be hurt to the news. Masa says he has to learn this for considering that girl good for his business.

Adhi drops food on his coat. Devi cleans it. Manager comes in and says the plumber is here. Manager says bhabhi I am glad you came here. Something good will happen I am sure. Adhi gets a call the his company’s name is not in tender. He looks at Devi and says go from here. The plumber says to a guy Adhi calls me here even when he doesn’t have work. I gave him work years ago. Now he keeps helping me and my people. The guy says Adhi boss helps a lot of people. He gets mad but always feels bad later. He is very nice. Devi hears all this. The manager calls masa and tells her that her work is done.

Devi tells Kesar everything she saw in office. Devi says he has so many layers.

Adhi says to Masa Devi came to my office and my company’s name didn’t come in the list. masa says but you think she is good for you. She ate her parents as well. Calm down and think that she is not good for you. Adhi leaves.
Adhi is doing exercise. He recalls what Masa said. His back hurts. Adhi recalls burning her. Adhi recalls her putting tilak on his face. He says what is right and what is wrong? Saradh says lets go there is something important. Adhi says I have another important work. He comes to closet and says why is there no kurta in closet. Devi says masa said your clothes need to go to laundry. He says go and bring me a kurta fast. Devi irons his clothes. Adhi’s back hurts. He puts medicine on his wound. Devi presses the kurta. Devi comes to Adhi’s room.
Adhi is trying to put med on his wound. Devi comes there. He hides it. He says don’t take clothes from my closet again. She recalls man saying in his office that he has a kind heart. She smiles. He says why are you smiling? She says do you need something else? He says no go from here.

Devi is doing arti. Adhi recalls everything happening lately. He recalls Masa’s words. Adhi is leaving. Devi says your tilak. He stops her hand. he says stop this drama. If you are done go from here.

Adhi is going to office. His man calls and tells him that shares he bought on Devi’s name are going way more up. They are touching skies. Adhi goes back to his room. Masa says what happened? He says I forgot something. Adhi comes back to room. Devi is doing pooja. He try to come in front of her to get tilak. Devi avoids him. He says that.. Devi keeps doing her arti. Adhi says how do I tell her. He collides with her. Devi says what is he trying to do? He comes after her. He says stop. He says there is no tilak on laddu? She apply it on laddu. Adhi try to show his forehead to her. She says what happened? he says apply tilak. She is dazed. Adhi says hurry up I am getting late for office. He leaves. Devi is shocked and happy. Adhi leaves. Devi tells everything to Kesar. Devi sees an envelop. She says I think he forgot these papers. Let me take them to his office. Masa says the same paper she is taking will have her lot written on it.

PRECAP: Adhi drops his papers. Devi says goes after him to office to give him that. She comes back. Masa breaks a glass on door and says you have to walk on it to enter the house. Masa says come in if you can. Masa calls Adhi and asks how is work? He says really well I am so happy. Masa says her game is getting better. We have to do something. Adhi asks maid where is Devi? She says Devi is not in home. Adhi says where did she go?

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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