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Devi’s mouth is all covered with haldi. Ambika throws it away and cry. Masa says congratulations everyone we will meet in the wedding. Devi comes near her and says this mud also fell on you too. You should wait for your time too. Masa leaves. Devi sits and cry. Ambika says dont’ cry. We will get justice. Call your friend. Devi calls her friend. She says where are you? please call your uncle. She says chacha has gone out of city. He will send someone maybe. Devi says everything is over. He won’t come. Tomorrow is wedding. Bharat says we will do something. Devi says I wil have to fight this my way.

Hera says to her husband’s photo I will ruin her life. We will ruin their life. That Devi will pay for your death. I will make her cry all her life.

Ishu says to Devi read me a story. Devi says there was a princess who was happy in her life. Then a beast came in her life. Then another price came and saved her. He took her. Ishu says then why are you going to that beast. I don’t like him. He is an animal. I don’t like him. Devi says this is real life. We always have to be strong and hopeful. We have to smile. Ishu says how will princess smile if moster takes her. Devi says sometimes you have to sacrifice for your family and thats the real win. Ambika comes and hugs them both.

Masa asks Kesar to take shagun to Devi’s house. She says these bangles will be her handcuff. Urmi’s mom comes to urmi’s room but urmi isn’t there. Masa says where is your daughter? There is so much work. She says Urmi isn’t well. I asked her to rest a bit. Tell me what to do. Masa says she has to work. We have wedding at house. 

Urmi comes to Devi’s house. She says I want help you Devi. Whatever happened with you is wrong. Ambika says you can’t fool us. We don’t want anyone from your family here. Urmi says listen. She says life is short. Mine is not ending. I can’t forgive myself for what happened with Ambika. That is why my life is ruined too. I want to repent by helping Devi. There is no life in that house for me. I want to help Devi. Adhi is on his way. She says please give me this chance. I will handle everything. She gives them money to send devi away from him. Ambika says you think he won’t know? Urmi says I have a plan. She explains to them. Devi says no we won’t do this. I don’t know your intentions but I wont’ risk my family. I know that your family will harm mine when he learns the truth. We will solve this problem ourselves. She leaves. After that Adhi comes. He has shagun. He says welcome me. Bharat says why are you here. He says you should be lucky that you have this gentleman marrying your daughter. Where is Devi? Ambika says you can’t meet her. He says why can’t I? She says because it is not right. Rekha says after haldi bride and groom don’t see each other. Saradh says this is the ritual. Ask her to come. Have you sent her away? Saradh says ask her to wear this chunri and come downstairs. Devi comes donwstairs in the dress. Adhi says if you send her away you would be in trouble. Adhi says ghughat looks good on you but I have to see your face. There is something less in your dress. Let me make you wear this red chunri. He ties red dupatta around her waist. She is crying. Everyone looks down. Devi is sobbing. Ambika asks Ishu to go upstairs. He takes of her dupata and makes her wear red one. He says these tears make me so happy. I want wife who speaks less and cry more. This red color is of fear for you. He throws money on her. He says don’t try to be smart. Any of you. I know you wont’ risk that. He leaves. He leaves. Devi sits there crying.

Devi is in tears. Ambika comes. She says don’t cry. When I see you I feel my past. They have ruined our both lives. Just that their way is different. She spoke so ill about my character. That it ruined my whole life. I don’t know where will it end. Devi says I will end this. I will face them. Someone has to go inside them and break them. Ambika says he will ruin his life. Devi says I have seen his weakness. He wants to see fear in my eyes. Get ready for this wedding, I will stop this animosity.

Urmi says to her mom I have to do something. Devi won’t agree. Her mom says we should do something. We can’t give up. Urmi says yes you are right.

Devi is worried. She says I will have to end all this. Ishu comes and says why are you crying? Devi saays no I am not. Ishu says everyon said you are going to that bad uncle. How will you meet me. Devi says you are always in my heart. I will always meet you. Don’t worry about me. We should always do things for our family. Ishu says this lehnga is so pretty you would look good in it. Adhi says to Saradh that contract is so important for me. Please do something. I only like winning.

Bharat is crying. Rekha says please dont cry. He says I don’t know what to do. How to save my daughter. I feel so helpless. It her days to be happy and this is happening with her.

Devi gets ready as a bride. She is crying. Bharat, Rekha and everyone is crying too. Ishu comes and says you look like a princess. Bharat says I couldn’t do the promise I made to your dad. She says please whatever I am is because of you. I am strong because you are with me. He says God took so much from you. I thought your husband will make you happy but that monster is marrying you. She says dreams never end. She says we will fix all this.

Bell rings. Devi opens the door. A thug like man comes in. He puts hand on her face. He says Vikram Rathor, senior inspector from Dehli.


Inspector Devikanth Raj comes and asks Devi to come with him. Bharat and family take urmi as a bride under ghunghat. Adhi says let me see how defeat looks on your face. He is about to take ghughat off Kesar’s face.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm 

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