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Masa says this girl won't go anywhere. Ambika says but Devi said you have no issues. Devi says it's okay. I met you people anyway when masa said you can’t see me. You people are my family. Bharat hug her. Devi says to Adhi my last ritual is completed but my favor isn’t returned. Get my Ishu back in school. Devi pick his phone and give it to him. The principal pick up. He says bring Ishika’s papers back and give her admission. He says okay. Devi says thank you, you are so kind. She hug Ishu. Devi and says dont’ worry. Bharat says you are so brave and we are proud of you. He hug her and they leave. Devi says I didn’t want to go either. I thought you won’t let me come back and this is my home. She says to Adhi you didn’t want me to go right? Masa is worried. Urmi says she always win. He has started listening to her already. She is trying to hook him.

Devi cleans the floor. She has made a mop so her back doesn’t hurt. Bansuri says to Masa she is clever. masa says you will sit outside store all night and make sure she doesn’t come out. Devi overhears. She says oh this is your plan.

Devi is going towards Adhi’s room. Masa says where are you going? Devi says I am the maid here. I was going to clean. Urmi says don’t go there at all. Masa says then who would clean? Masa says go clean the room and come out fast. Devi cleans the room. Devi is about to fall Adhi hold her hand. The theme song plays in the background. Adhi leaves her hand. He says I saved you. She says I fell because of you too. He says what are you doing here? She says cleaning the room. I am the servant. Can I go to my store? He says your rats would be waiting for you. She says they are not a problem anymore. He says go. Devi says my neck hurts. He says go. She try to pick her purse. She says thanks for what you did for Ishu. Adhi says stop. He says clean the sheets. Adhi says Devi you are playing so well. You have no idea what I am going to do.

At night, Devi is sneaking out to the corridor. She spills rat food everywhere. She comes to the storeroom. Bansuri sits outside store and Devi goes inside. She says there are so many rats. Bansuri is scared. The rats start going outside.

The rats come to Adhi’s room as well. He wakes up scared. Adhi says rats in my room. Where did they come from. He sees rats outside as well. He comes to hall but rats are there as well. He goes from there as well. Adhi comes to the store. he sleeps next to Devi. Devi pretends that she is asleep. Devi says what are you doing here? He says I was looking for something? She says tell me I will send it to your room. He says this is my house. He says where are those rats? She says I don’t know I have been looking for them they have gone somewhere. She said are you scared of rats? He says no I am not scared. She says I know why you came here. He ask why? She says because you want to stay close to me. He says this is my house I will sleep wherever I want to. She says okay stay here. She sleeps. He says I will sleep here too. She says you can’t sleep here. There is no space. He says I don’t care. he sleeps. Devi’s lehnga gets stuck in his shirts and she falls on him while he is asleep. Devi sleeps as well. Adhi feels like his shirt is smelling like rats. He takes off his shirt and sleeps. Devi sleeps as well.

The next morning, Urmi says where is Adhi? Masa he says must have gone to work. Devi says give me this tea. Urmi says you are servant. Devi says my husband is in my room. Come and see. Bansuri says she is lying. I was outside the store all night. She is lying. Devi says come and see. Masa comes with her and see Adhi sleeping in store. she is dazed. Masa says Adhi. he says why are you shouting.

Masa screams Adhi.. He wakes up shocked. Drvi says your tea. Did you sleep well? Masa says what is this? He says there were rats in my room. She says didn’t know that my son who becomes lion was scared of rat. He says where is my kurta? Devi says where you took it off. I will press it and send it to your room. Adhi comes to his room. All the maids giggle at him.

Kesar is in her room. Saradh comes. He says Adhi I feel like he is falling fore Devi? Kesar says I hope she gets the love I never got. No one remembers me here. Saradh says remember you talked about a TV serial? How is it going? She says yes. Saradh says if she got a chance what would she do? She says a lot of things. A lot of dreams.

Masa screams Adhi.. He wakes up shocked. Drvi says your tea. Did you sleep well? Masa says what is this? He says there were rats in my room. She says didn’t know that my son who becomes lion was scared of rat. He says where is my kurta? Devi says where you took it off. I will press it and send it to your room. Adhi comes to his room. All the maids giggle at him.

Kesar is in her room. Saradh comes. He says Adhi I feel like he is falling fore Devi? Kesar says I hope she gets the love I never got. No one remembers me here. Saradh says remember you talked about a TV serial? How is it going? She says yes. Saradh says if she got a chance what would she do? She says a lot of things. A lot of dreams.

Urmi says to Bansuri your sleep did this. Adhi went in and you couldn’t see him. Bansuri says to Masa she is so clever. I think she gave me sleeping pills in food. Masa says we have to keep an eye on her.

Adhi says I will make her suffer. She made me insulted in front of my family. He takes her clothes out of closet and burns them all. Devi is showering. He says I will see how you come out now.

Masa has called Guruji. He checks Adhi’s hand and says your good days are now starting. The women in your house will play important role in your success. He says yes my mom always prays for me. Guruji says villagers told me that he got married. Masa says she is just a servant. Not our daughter in law. Devi says how do I get my clothes. Adhi has burned them. She finds Adhi’s clothes and wears them. Masa says she came who has no respect. Guruji says its not like that. Love of husband is her respect and I feel like she has that love. Devi touches Guru’s feet. He gives her blessing. She says I want to do the durga pooja. He says yes you will do that pooja. You are such a good girl. Masa says your chauhan pooja’s won’t happen here. Devi says I am doing this pooja for rajawats. Urmi says you are not our master. Devi says I am married to Adhi and this sindur makes my relation stronger. Guruji says well done. you have to do this pooja. Truth always wins. Stay blessed and married. He leaves.

Adhi stops Devi. He says how dare you wear my clothes. Take it off right now. She says here? why are you being so romantic in front of everyone. Urmi says you have no shame. Go to store and wear your clothes. Devi says I have no clothes what will I wear? Adhi says to Urmi give her your clothes. Adhi leaves for work. Masa says to Devi you want to do pooja right? I will see how you do it. Devi prepares things for pooja. She says first time I will do pooja in this house. Please help me do it well God. Devi is looking for Kalash. Kesar gives her Kalash. Urmi takes it from them she says are you mad? She can’t touch pooja stuff. Masa will be so mad. I am sorry but I can’t give you this. Masa said you cant touch anything. Kesar says I am sorry. Devi says don’t be. I knew it. I will do this pooja. Devi goes out to look for it. Bansuri says you can’t go out. Devi says what should I do? 

PRECAP: Devi is taking shower. Adhi burns her clothes that are outside. he says you got me insulted in front of my family in the morning. I will see how you come out of your bathroom without clothes. Urmi takes the kalash from Devi. She says Masa said you can’t touch pooja stuff. Masa throws the flour on the floor instead of Devi’s hands.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm 

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