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Bansuri and Urmi hid their faces and are going inside. Devi says what happened? She giggles. Urmi says she will know soon.

Masa says to Urmi you are a fool. Because of you the whole house could be burned. Nothing that you are of any use. Bansuri says I have an idea. Look at this. Masa says what is this? Bansuri says this is special spider. If it bites she can be paralyzed. Urmi says it should eat her on some bruise. Masa says that sounds like a good plan. Masa says right. Devi is cleaning the balcony. Urmi leaves the spider there. Urmi ty to throw it towards Devi.

The spider comes near Devi. Devi falls down and Adhi holds her. The flowers fall on them from Urmi’s hand. Adhi says can’t you see. He leaves.
Masa says today her game will be over. But she is very clever. Devi screams. She says neck. There is something on your neck. Bansuri screams. Bansuri says was it a spider? Devi says yes. Bansuri says black big spider? Devi says yes. She says but that gives paralysis. Devi says I know how to treat it. I have to call my sir. She says sir how are you? Sir it's me Devi. She talks. Bansuri says ask him about my treatment. Devi says can someone be saved after bitten by that black spider? Bansuri says please treat me. Devi says you have to eat dog’s shit for treatment. Bansuri says how can I. Urmi says let me bring it. Bansuri is crying.

Masa says now you see what I do with you Devi. Bansuri says take that spider out. Devi says we have to treat you. Masa says why are you making noise? Bansuri says the spider we brought for her bit me? Urmi feeds dog shit they poop. Bansuri says she said dog’s poop will treat me. Masa says she is fooling you. Devi says you brought it for me and I am treating you. Masa says to Bansuri she is fooling you. Use your brain. Urmi says my mom is in danger. Devi bring her something says eat it. She thinks its dog’s poop but devi gave her something else. Bansuri its just haldi. She laugh. Devi says the spider never bit you. I caught it. She laugh. Devi says masa you hate me but you know me very well. You knew I was joking.

Saradha is worried.

Ambika and Bharat are in market. Bharat says I hope Devi stays happy in that house. Ambika says she is very wise. a truck is coming from behind and hits Bharat. he gets injured.

Devi is going for pooja. She gives Adhi arti. Her duppata gets stuck in his coat.

Devi’s dupatta gets stuck in Adhi’s coat. He pluck it and leave.

Ambika comes to hospital she call Devi and tells her everything. Devi says to Masa my kaku has met with an accident I have to go to hospital. Devi says please let me go. Masa says there is pooja in the house. Devi says please let me go. Masa says if you step out of this house you can never come back. Devi still rush towards the door. She stops at the gate. Devi says Masa please let me go once. Masa says you once did something against me by coming in. You go out and I will show you how doors of this house close for you. Devi says being married to Adhi was against my will but after that I did everything with my will. I will do my responsibility as a daughter. I will go to see my kaku. She rush out but stops at the door. Masa smirk. Devi leave. Masa says I will see how you come back here.

Ambika is crying. Devi come there. She ask doctor how is he? Doctor says calm down. He is better. Devi says thank God. 

Urmi says to Bansuri when Adhi get to know she left the house without permission he won’t let her come back.

Devi hold Kaku’s hand and ask how did this happen? Ambika says we were in the market.

Urmi says what a game she played. 

Devi ask Ambika about kaki? Ambika says they have gone to her place. I didn’t inform her yet. Devi says good. Ambika says did Masa let you come here? Devi says she said I can’t come back if I go. Ambika says you better not. Devi says that's my house now. Devi says I have to go for Lakshmi pooja. Take care. Ambika says okay go. She give her chunri. Devi says I will feel like you both are with me. She leave.
Adhi call his lawyer. He says the shares you bought on Devi’s name have doubled in rate. Devi come back to the house. Devi says masa open the door. I came before pooja. This is my first diwali in the house, Adhi says what is happening? Masa says I asked her not to go. But she went to meet her Kaku without my permission. This is her punishment. Devi says Masa please let me come in. Kesar says all doors are kept open in Lakshmi pooja. Let her come in. Masa says I will send you out too if you talk in her favor.
Masa starts pooja. Adhi is worried about Devi. He recall baba saying that your wife has brought good luck in life. he recall lawyer saying his shares are touching sky. Devi knocks masa please open the door. Everyone is in pooja. Adhi silently opens the door. Devi comes in. She joins them in pooja. Devi look at him.

Devi comes in and joins Adhi in arti. Masa sees her and is dazed. Masa shouts Adhiraj.. Who opened the door? She look at Kesar. Kesar says I didn’t.. Masa slap her and says no one would give her food for four days. Adhi goes after Masa. Devi hug Kesar. Urmi says to Bansuri Kesar was standing next to me.

Masa says to Adhi Kesar is flying because of that Devi. We have to teach her a lesson. Adhi says it's not her mistake. I opened the door for Devi. 

Precap-Masa says how did she come in?  Masa says to Adhi you brought her as a servant here and not wife. Adhi says I remember that. Masa says then go and burn her with this skewer. Kesar tells Devi. Devi says I know he has a heart.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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