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Ambika says stop. How dare you come here. Devi says please she didn’t come herself. She has been forced. She is our guest. Ambika says she can never be our guest. Devi says she is scared. Please. Devi says to Kesar come with me.

Adhiraj meets his friend. Kesar says to Devi thank you. I know everyone here is mad at me for coming. I am sorry. I can’t help you. Devi says I know no one can help me. Sometimes we have to help ourselves. She says bahbhi sa we have to put on mehdni. Devi says I am not your bhabhi sa.
Adhiraj says to his friend I want that land at any cost. He says I am trying. i came here to talk about it. But you are getting married. Adhiraj says both marriage and this land are important for me. He says your luck with that land is not going good. Maybe your wife will bring good luck.

Devi says try to understand. Relationships are not made with force. I am becoming a doctor. I can’t give up on my dream. Kesar says please put this on. He said I can’t come back home without mehdni on your hand. Kesar says please put this mehindi. Devi says we can’t live under pressure of others. I won’t marry him. Kesar says you have to please. Bharat says Devi asked you to go. Devi says please go from here. Kesar says I know I can’t lie. Please become the bride otherwise he won’t leave you. Devi says I can’t do this. Kesar hugs her and leave. Devi says to Bharat you won’t react anymore. He won’t force. we will use that against him. He can’t force me to put it on my hands.

Urmi calls her mom and says Devi said she won’t put on mehndi. Her mom says wow thats such a good news. Urmi says I will put on that mehndi on my hands. Kesar comes home. Masa says did she put on mehdni or not? Kesar is silent. Adhi says what is she asking? He leaves in anger.

Urmi comes to Devi’s house with her face hidden among the people Adhi has sent there. She comes near the mehdni. Adhi comes in. He says wow the celebration is good. Devi apply a little mehndi on her hand. He says I told you I won’t harm anyone from your family. But I can harm other. He calls the maid and says why didn’t you put mehndi on her hand? She says Devi didn’t let me. Adhi says this is not right. I told you that you have to get the mehndi on her hands. You will pay for this. Put mehdni on her hands. The woman says please put on mehndi. Please save me she is crying. Devi says let her go. Adhi says then put on mehndi. She says I wont. Don’t fool me. His men grasps the maid. Adhi takes out a knife and cuts her braid. She is crying. 

Devi is shocked. Everyone is dazed. Adhi says see. Adhi says I told you not to mess with. I promised you. Why did you make me do this. Devi says shut up. What you think you are God. I am not scared of you. I wont’ touch this mehndi. he says I love that you are not scared. I will make you scared. He takes out blade. They make the maid sit on the chair. He is about to shave her head. Everyone is in tears. The maid is crying. Devi says please no. Stop. Okay I will put on mehndi. The storm is raging. 

Devi goes to shut her window, adhi is standing here. She says what are you doing here? He says don’t shiut what if your family sees me? what will you say what are you doing here? You know who I am your husband to be. He holds her tightly. He says wanted to see your mehndi if it gave color. I didn’t know hatred has color too. She says go from here. He says I do what I want to. Wanna know what is going in my heart? I really enjoy this game now. Breaking your ego. Couldn’t stop myself from coming here. You have only four days after that these games will end and bigger games will start. Bharat says Devi.. Adhi leaves. Bharat says didn’t you shut the window? She says yes was doing that. Bahrat says are you okay? She says yes. She goes upstairs.

Devi calls her friend. She says don’t worry. I will talk to my uncle you are my best friend. Bharat is worried. His wife says don’t worry. Bharat says he has decided wedding date after four days. If he marries her will ruin her life. Doorbell rings. Devi is about to open the door. Bharat says I will see. She says no I will. Devi opens the door. It’s a postman. He gives Devi her result. She opens the results and says yayy i passed third year. Bharat hugs her. He says that’s such a good news. Everyone congratulates her. Ishika says I will be your assistant. Kaki says let me bring sweets for everyone. The paper also says five lac is the fees for the admission for new year. Bharat asks what happened? She says its final year form/ Fees date is after two days. The letter came to us late. Bharat says I will arrange it don’t worry. She says where will we get 5 lacs in two days? Post man asks her to sign the receiving. He leaves.

Adhi’s men kidnap the postman. They hit him. He says forgive me whats my sin? Adhi says I am the only postmaster of Sujhan garh. Any letter goes after my permission. It should have come to me first. Now tell me what was in the letter? His men hit him. Postman says I know what was written in it. She received it and was so happy. Adhi says what made her so happy? Postman says it was form her college with admission form. She was talking about 5 lac admission fees. Adhi asks his men to let the postman go.


Adhi’s men sprinkle petrol on her and ishika. Adhi comes there and says whom will you save? This fire will surround you if you don’t agree to what I say. Adhi says i want shagun too put haldi on my feet. Kesar brings haldi and she strips. All of it falls on adhi’s face. His lawyer friend holds her. Masa says to devi I will ruin your life. Devi says this marriage is a challenge that I will face.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm 

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