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Adhi comes to room in anger and locks the door. Devi grasps the knife. He says you have decorated this room and dressed up. Nice. He drinks. He says have you been waiting for me? It must not be a man who would stop himself after all this. You thought.. he takes off her ghughat. he breaks her bangles and says you thought this beauty will seduce me? You wanna do this wedding night? You would never be successful. you wanna celebrate wedding night? This night will be the night of hate for you. Devi is taking the knife out.

Adhi says its a wedding night of a beast and bird. He drinks. He says you have decorated the room as well. She says when I came here as your bride I became part of your family. I left the fear out of this house as well. I wont that way. You can do what you want. You think I am challenging you. I think you start liking me. You came close to me. Find excuses to touch me. Dont worry its your right. You can come close to me. He breaks the glass and smashes her in the wall. Devi says you really like coming close to me right. What are you looking for fear? What if you find love instead. He says I would never like you. I won’t come close to you. He break all the flowers and leaves. Devi laugh. She says mistake no. 1 marrying me. Mistake no. 2 you locked the door. What would everyone think? Everyone would think we are one now. He leaves. Masa comes home. She comes to Devi’s room. She sees messed bed and broken bangles. Devi says welcome. Now I have become your daughter in law and your son my husband in real way. Masa drag her out. She locks her in the store. Masa says you only deserve to live here. Devi sits there crying. She sees her broken bangles. Devi lies on the floor crying.

Adhi recalls what she said. Saradh says what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Adhi says this wedding night will never happen. Devi says I won’t cry. I have to be strong. I will win this.

Kesar is taking milk towards Devi’s room. She says Adhi and Devi are in the room. Masa slaps her and says how dare you go against me. Go to your room or I will lock you in store as well. Urmi says how could I stop him. Thats why I called you. She makes use of her beauty. They know how to take sons from their mothers. She would try to make him fall in love with her. What if we take her beauty away from her?

The next morning. Urmi mixes something in oil. Kesar comes there. She says what are you doing? She says new brides massage with this oil. Kesar takes it to Devi. Urmi says give it  to Devi. Adhi asks Kesar what is this? She says its oil for new bride. He says give me this. I need it. He takes it from her. Kesar takes new oil for Devi. Kesar says masa was so angry. Devi says don’t tell anyone. Nothing happened between us. Kesar says no one can stay happy here. Devi says I am here to win with love.

Devi says I am talking about pag pheray. If you don’t want then okay I won’t go. But that would be my favor on you. He says call your family and ask them to come.

Kesar is crying in her room. Saradh says why are you crying? She says nothing. She is watching show. He giggles and says you are crying from the serial. She says yes this is a good situation.

Devi calls Bharat and asks them to come home. Devi says please come I will wait for you. Devi says you said yes thanks a lot. Masa looks at her angrily. Devi says don’t worry your bruise will be fine. Dholki says your Adhi is becoming hers masa. Women know how to do this. Devi meet her family she hug everyone. Ishu says I miss you. I miss my school as well. Adhi comes there. He sits on sofa. He says your family came. You can go to your house to do pag pheray. Devi says lets go. Masa stands at the door. She says there won’t be any ritual. They are very clever. This girl won’t go anywhere. Adhi says as you say masa.

Masa says this girl won't go anywhere. Ambika says but Devi said you have no issues. Devi says it's okay. I met you people anyway when masa said you can’t see me. You people are my family. Bharat hug her. Devi says to Adhi my last ritual is completed but my favor isn’t returned. Get my Ishu back in school. Devi pick his phone and give it to him. The principal pick up. He says bring Ishika’s papers back and give her admission. He says okay. Devi says thank you, you are so kind. She hug Ishu. Devi and says dont’ worry. Bharat says you are so brave and we are proud of you. He hug her and they leave. Devi says I didn’t want to go either. I thought you won’t let me come back and this is my home. She says to Adhi you didn’t want me to go right? Masa is worried. Urmi says she always win. He has started listening to her already. She is trying to hook him.

Devi cleans the floor. She has made a mop so her back doesn’t hurt. Bansuri says to Masa she is clever. masa says you will sit outside store all night and make sure she doesn’t come out. Devi overhears. She says oh this is your plan.

PRECAP: Adhi’s room is full of rats. He comes to store and sleeps there. At night, Masa comes and sees Adhi sleeping next to Devi in store.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm 

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