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Episode opens with the picturisiation of the mahal, with rajasthani folklore being played in the background. Gangaur celebrations were being taken care of in full swing. Jodha is seated with a few sakhis and her grandmother around, decorating shiv (gana) parvati(gauri) idols. Sukanya and Shivani talk about prospective rajkumars as husbands, their grandmother speaks of the various competitions held for rajkumars so that the ladies get the best of the best. Jodha’s mother enters and asks her to get ready for the utsav, when Jodha insists she would want to finish with the preparations, her mother says that gauri mayya has got her dulha, its time to find a dulha for herself now. As she was leaving, her mother’s jethani enters the picture and asks everyone to pray. Meanwhile Motibai comes into picture, as everyone joined hands to pray,Jodha’s eyes feel on her swollen hand. Fury filled Jodha’s eyes again. She says, there is only one thing she wanted from the almighty, that he helps her in putting an end to Jalal’s wrong doing.

Jodha mother says she shouldn’t be talking about ones enemies while praying, bcoz maata saraswati listen to their prayers, and grant wish atleast once a day. If enemy names are mentioned alongsode one’ss wishes,Sawarswati maata’s ashirwaad gets connected to the enemy as well.

At gangaur utsav exhibition is going on, Sukanya seemed like she was looking for someone.Shivani senses her feeling and teases her about Suryabaan.Very soon,they see Suryabaan Singh,Sukanya blushes. She kept stealing glimpses at him .

Jalal is shown taming a wild horse *must watch scene. Everyone praises Jalal’s valour. Meanwhile, a soldier comes and informs Jalal that his mother, mallika-e-hindustan, Hamida Banu Begum had come to see him. Jalal nods and goes to see his mother. As they come face to face she greets him,to which the mother smiles widely and puts her hand on his head affectionately. Jalal seemed cold towards her,but his actions, respectful.He bowed his head whenever he spoke to her,avoiding eye contact as mcuh as possible. He asks her what bought her here. She says that she had come to visit Ajmer Shareef(dargah) and thought she should come see her son,as she missed him.As she spoke,she tied a tabeez on his arm(possibly the one she bought for him from the dargah ). He says she should have rather written letters to him,just like his badi ammi(Maham Anga).Jalal’s expression turned softer when he spoke of Maham Anga,quite contrary to how he spoke of his own mother. The queen says that letters seem like some political message being forwarded.Feelings cannot be mixed with the seehasat. Jalal taunts her,saying,it didn’t sound right,because she herself,put the throne ahead of her,instead of her feelings,her duties towards her son. She try to reply,but Jalal didn’t give her a chance to speak.She asks him to tell Maham Anga that he misses her a lot and also totell his wives that he thinks about them atleast once or twice in a day. Feeling hurt,the queen asks him if she doesn’t miss her? Jalal reply with a yes.He says that whenever he sees an orphan,he thinks of her.It makes him feel as if even that orphan’s mother must have had some inevitable difficulty ,due to which she must have had to leave the infant,just like his own mother. Feeling bitter,Jalal then leaves angrily,the taabeez falls off. The queen picking it up,pain clearly evident in her eyes,tells her helper that they should be heading back.Jalal keeps digging up his wounds again and it affects the way he sees the world.The helper asks her to take some rest,since they had travelled so much. She refuse and says that she would like to leave.The helper asks her if she had come to see Jalal only for a few minutes and then leave? The queen says that her presence didn’t have any effect on him.So there was no point in staying. Flashback is shown,with the queen,tear eyed, handing over Jalal to Maham Anga,explaining to her that she had to leave with the King (Humayun) as he had to go towards gandhaar.She said it wasn’t safe to take Jalal along with him,in those troubled times.So she was handing over Jalal to her,since there is no one else she could trust. Humayun was in ahideout at the time after losing the battle against shershah suri. Back to the present with the queen saying that Jalal thinks of Maham Anga as his won mother and to a certain extent even she takes advantage of it. She says that Jalal’s pain needs to be withdrawn from within him.He needs to see the world differently,his unruly acts need to be put an end to.She says,she hoped that all of this changes,she hoped that someoen enters his life and changes him, for good.

Jodha and her mother visit the exhibit and enjoying the view.the mother catches sukanya staring into something,but she couldn’t figure out what.Jodha asks Sukanya where her chain was.The one which was smiliar to hers and was gifted to them by thier mother. Sukanya blushes and says she’ll tell her about that later on. Raja Bharmal is seen discussing political strategies somewhere close by.They talk about how to tackle the Mughals.One of them says that they shouldn’t do anything which would make Jalal their enemy.Bharmal replies by saying,but he already is our enemy. Meanwhile, Suryabaan is shown aiming spears at the centre of armours.(he hits the bullseye each time) Bharmal sees this and thinks to hismelf that he seemed perfect for Jodha.He goes and talks to his queen about this,both seem happy regarding this.

On the other hand, Jodha is shown practising archery, deep in concentration, her shawl(pallu on her head) falls off, and so does one of her chains. Motibai picks up the chain,her shawl is put in position again.Suryabaan sees Jodha for the first time,he notices the missing chain in her neck and assumes that the chain that had fallen on him the other day must be Jodha’s,since all her other jewellery matched with it. Jodha is shown seeing some bangles at one stall.teh bangles were placed in various stands,one above the other.Suryabaan is shown walking simultaneously on the other side,the bangles stacks created sort of a barrier between them.Suryabaan hands over the chain to Jodha.She asks him where he had found it.He says that his mitra had given it to him.But then corrects himself and says bhaagya(destiny) had gievn it to him. Jodha smiles and takes the chain.Suryabaan ask her name,she giggles and says him to ask his ‘mitra’ and then leaves smiling. Suryabaan seemed to have grown a liking for Jodha. He asks one of his name who she was and he gets to know that it was Rajukumaari Jodha,the eldest daughter of Raja Bharmal. Sukanya and Shivani tell Jodha about Suryabaan Singh and that Sukanya wants to get married to him.Jodha,seeing that her sister is rllaly keen on marrying him,promises her that she would talk to her parents regarding this. Jodha’s kaksh, where she is shown deep in thought. Motibai enters and asks her what she was thinking about.She mentions Jalal again.Motibai repeats what the queen had said earlier,about saraswati maata. Jodha’s eyes seem fierce again. Jodha says if saraswati maata does grant wishes,she wished that she listens to her right now,she wishes that she is able to an end to Jalal’s shrewd ways of ruling.If saraswati maata does connect her wish she connects me with Jalal.I wish the world remembers me whenever tehy talk about Jalal,they should remember me as the one who changes the history of India. Motibai jokes,saying that the amount of time and thought she puts into Jalal,if she had put it to someone else,she would have had her very own love story by now. Jodha says that she didn’t want her love story to be penned down in history books,instead she wished,that when Jalal’s biography is written,a parapraph might br written about her,statingthat she put an end to Jalal’s wrong doings. Stating that she changed Hindustaan ka naksha,for good. Motibai asks her why she hated him so much.Jodha speaks of his barbaric acts. Motibai questions her-how can she be so sure Jalal was responsible for all of them?There was also a possibility that his soldiers did all the barbaric acts and Jalal wasn’t even aware of them. Jodha retorts by saying he wasn’t blind or deaf.He is fully aware of what was happening around him.He needs to see people as people,not pawns. Whoever comes in his way,he doesn’t mind using cruel ways to push them aside.He only wants to make way for himself.That wasn’t right.She said that she had even heard that Jalal didn’t even respect his own mom.

Jalal is shown outside his tent. Bairam Khan says that he is very sure,Jalal will be known as one the greatest soormas. Jalal laughs and asks him,why had he felt so now?Hadn’t he known that before? Bairam reply by saying that surely he always knew. He praises Jalal by saying that,may it be his enemies or his feelings,Jalal knew how to control both of them. He said that since Jalal doesnt have a heart and works just right for a great ruler. A man is sharpening Akbar’s sword and in the mean while Akbar comes and says this sword has not that much edge in it which I want in mine… in the mean time a man comes to khan baba and khana baba asks whether he met jalal or not he says yes and khan baba threatens him that he can’t meet jalal without his permission but he didn’t panique and says that he can only be fired by shehenshah.. so he goes to shehenshah and shehnshah also lets him know that no one is there who can bias him against his khan baba..

In the other side Raja Bharmal seems to be happy and along with maharani he calls up jodha and then jodha gets to know that Raja suryabhan’s proposal has come to her but then she remembers that sukanya likes him too so from the behind sukanya also gets the news and she gets annoyed and she leaves for her room and jodha follows her.

In Sukanya’s room Jodha try to pacify but then she blames jodha that she has always usurped her things and also starting from her bangles to everything in the mean while there mom comes and tries to pacify but sukanya leaves and says she is paying for being a younger sibling. then in raj kaksh raja bharmal is saying that he doesn’t need medicine as he is happy because time is with him if jodha will get married to suryabhan then the situations of the rajputs will be really be powerful . and mughal cannot attack on us easily

Jodha says may raja’s enemies get attacked by mughals. her brothers say that look at there a daughter has so many privillage than a brother and bharmal says that girls have this becuase they are just guests in her parents home and boys do move around all there life with parents only.Jodha comes and says so that she wants to talk to raja bharmal in lone and raja agreed. Jodha says she wants talk about the doli which will go after marriage to Raja suryabhans’s palace . Bharmal says that he will fit diamonds in the doli but jodha says in which sukanya will be sitting bharmal gets annoyed and says that he has to fulfill his duty regarding his Rajya. He has to take care of people .. and other’s daughters too . Jodha says it would have been better if she would be a normal girl of rajputs rather than being a rajkumari

Akabr comes out of his tent and wants to go to amer but his servants are denying but he wants to go . he was about to start his journey a man comes with a knife and increases his speed towards jalal… but.. but he kills the snake which was going to attack jalal and jalal says he will always remember his honesty but he must believe his Shehenshah and he says plz say khan baba that i am gone for haunting Akbar is on his journey . speaking to himself.. that amer was attracting me i dun knw why and in the other side jodha was upset as her sis is angry and her father has given a promise . Jodha says she has trust on his kanha and she knows that he’ll find a way for her. Akabr reaches amer and praises amer … and says .. amer is butful and says abdul its a buty while he says it looks like a devil.. akbar says so lemme go to devil alone. Jalal jumps from the heal and he talks to himself that He will soon conquer Amer and also remembers the Shehzadi Jodha

Ganghor festival is on its full swing, jalal entered the festive place and is roaming around watching things. A man was sharping his knife, he ask Jalal that if he’s only there to look at things or will buy something and ask to try his knives, its the best here, its sharpness is good and it can cut the head of mughals in a second, Jalal smirk and moves towards him and takes his knife and check its sharpness and then gave him his knife and says its called sharpness, he sharpen that knife and then goes towards a bundle of sugarcane and then try that knife, the man come and says nothing happen, Jalal touch that bundle and it fall down, the man is shocked. The man ask who’s he?, Jalal came closer and says what if he says he’s SHEHANSHAH -E -SULTANATE JALAL-UD-DIN MOHAMMAD, the man laugh and says then he’s king Bharmal, Jalal ask why is it unbelievable that he’s Jalal, the man says that its impossible that Jalal came here alone, Jalal says its also impossible to cut Jalal’s head, he smiles and moves from there, the man says bye and calls him as Jalal in fun and as he moves the knife from another bundle of sugarcane and it got cut and fall down.

Voice over, Jalal was there in a different world, the world in which he lives is very much different and its the world where Jodha lives, everything is changing, Sukanya is still angry and burning like a diya, Jodha in order to help Sukanya, one more time crossed her limits n wrote letter to Suryabhan n call him to meet.

Suryabhan came to meet Jodha, she come there but talk to him from other side of the wall having holes, she has covered her face with dupatta, Suryabhan says by meeting like this thy have broken the rajput ritual of not meeting before marriage. Jodha ask him she knows it but now she wants to know if he’s happy with this relation or not. Suryabhan ask the same question to her n she says no, suryabhan was shocked, jodha clarifies that the girl he saw was her sister n it was her necklace which he returned, she likes him n on that suryabhan says that he likes her, n thr relation is not a political alliance n now if he moves back will be against his heart, if he’ll not marry her then he’ll not marry anyone ever, jodha was shocked, suryabhan says that today when she do the puja n floats the diya in river she’ll see his reflection in the water, jodha leaves.

In the market, announcement happen that royal ladies are arriving, firstly Mainawati’s palanquine/palaki passes, then Sukanya and lastly Jodha’s, Jalal is also there, as he heard her name he moves towards her palanquine, as he saw a lil of her through curtains, his eyes stuck there, he is all lost in Jodha. 

PRECAP: Winds are flowing away and jodha and akbar is about to meet. Mainawati ask jodha that behind her, her future was standing, jodha replied that future is always in front of not behind.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundat At 4pm

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