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Devi apologizes Harini to forgive her and offers her teddy. Hari afraid shouts she will not come and tells Madhuri that she doesn’t want to go to her as she took her toys before and spoilt her hair. Madhuri asks not to say that as Devi is her mamma. Harini says her friends’ mammas don’t play with toys and act weird, Madhuri is her mamma instead. Madhuri asks her to speak to her once, she will realize how good her mamma is. Harini walks away saying this weird aunty is not her mamma. Devi gets panic attack shouting her daughter doesn’t like her and breaks things repeating to call Sai as she will set everything right. Pulkit calls Sai. Sai says she doesn’t want to talk about Virat. He informs that Devi has got panic attack and is calling her, she will be fine if she comes here. Sai agrees.

Ashwini prepares sheera/sweet and calls Mohit and Virat. Bhavani yells that her son and DIL are not here and she is acting to prove that they are not worried about Virat. Mohit confronts Bhavani that Ashwini is Virat’s mother and cares for him, she cannot insult a mother. Ashwini sadly says she doesn’t know where and how her son and DIL are. Mohit promises her to bring Sai back home as this house is incomplete without her. Ninad yells that he cannot find a job and earn money, he is acting as if he runs the house, he should find one proper job. Mohit says he will not find a job as Sai suggested him to pursue his dream, so he will pursue his acting career. Bhavani yells that Sai is teaching him acting and is ruining his life. Sonali backs her and yells at him. He confronts her and tells Ninad that if he stops working for this house, they cannot run this house and may have to hire a servant. Pakhi warns him to behave with elders. He asks he wants to know who are elders here? Omkar yells at him to behave. He asks if he feels he is misbehaving, why didn’t he stop Virat when he spoke loudly with Ashwini and misbehaved with her? He then confronts Pakhi that she speaks only when she sees her benefit or else her eyes and mouth are both shut.

While heading towards mission, Virat hears his subordinates speaking to their family members and calls Sai, but Sai doesn’t pick his call. Sai reach Pulkit’s house and asks what happened to Devi tai. Devi jumps happily seeing Sai. Sai reminds her to keep her hand near her heart and say everything will be alright whenever she is sad. Devi repeats and says she is happy seeing her. Sai asks her to show her house. Devi says she is very happy in this house as nobody scolds her here. Virat calls Sai. Devi seeing his calls snatch the phone and picks it. Virat thanks Sai for picking his call. Sai thinks she doesn’t want to speak to him after what he did. Virat requests to speak to him once as he is going on a mission. Devi laughs and says its her. He requests to give phone to Sai. Sai disconnects the call. Subordinate asks if he is tensed, he can share his problem. Virat says whenever his country is in trouble, he can just say Jai Hind; though his attention was diverted for sometime, he will concentrate only on the mission now and switch off his phone.

Devi asks Sai why didn’t she pick call. Pulkit calls Virat from Sai’s mobile and finds is switched off. Sai says Virat is not bothered about her, so he switched off his phone. Devi says Virat cares for Sai a lot, he told me he made a mistake and is repenting, he even came to take her home. Sai asks not to talk about Virat and she will go from here if Devi and Pulkit wants to talk about Virat. Pulkit asks how can she go without having food. Devi acts angry. Sai says she will have food and wants Devi to show her house, if Devi doesn’t want to talk to her, she will go. Devi says she will not talk to her if she goes from here. Sai says she will reconcile with her again. Devi says she will show her new house and takes her to Harini’s room. Harini shouts why did she come here and push her away. Pulkit says bad manners. Harini asks him to tell Devi not to come to her room as she spoilt her color books and crayons. Sai says she shouldn’t misbehave with her mamma. Harini says Devi is not her mamma as she plays with toys. Sai says her mamma is ill and as a good daughter, she should take care of her mamma. Pulkit says Harini is a sensible girl. Harini push them all out and lock the door. Devi gets panic attack again and asks why Harini calls her bad. Sai reminds her how to calm down and says Harini is a kid and kids take time to adjust at new place and with new people; asks if she trusts her. Devi says yes. Sai says everything will be alright and consoles Devi.

Madhuri serves food to Sai and asks her to eat well. Sai says she is and realized the value of food when Virat kicked her out of the house at midnight. Pulkit says whatever happened was wrong, but Virat is repenting for his mistake. Sai says let us call Devi for lunch. Madhuri says she will feed Harini later. Devi says Harini is her daughter and she will feed her. Pulkit says she saw Harini’s behavior and should wait until her behavior changes. Devi says she will just feed Harini and calm her down. Pulkit asks what about Sai, she will feel bad if Devi leaves her midway. Devi says she will have food with Sai first and then meet Harini, starts food and tells Sai that she never used to have food with family earlier and now she is having food with her family here. Sai says soon Harini will have food with her. Devi says good that her bad aayi doens’t know about Harini, else don’t know what she would have done. Sai asks her not to think about her mother. Pulkit says soon he will take Devi to Chavan Niawas. 

Devi panics that her mother and uncles will harm them again. Sai asks her to calm down as nobody can harm them. Pulkit says they are married now and need not worry about anyone, so they will visit Chavan Nivas for sure. Madhuri says when the person who got them married doesn’t stay there, why will they go there; they should wait till Sai returns to Chavan Nivas. Sai says she will never return to Chavan Nivas. Devi says Sai cannot stay without Virat for long and will go to him for sure. Pulkit says Devi is right, Sai will return to Virat for sure. Sai says situation and people change. Pulkit says its not easy to change situation and people back and needs a lot of courage. Sai gets Mohit’s message that Virat has gone on a dangerous mission and requests to pray for his safety. Pulkit says it must be the same dangerous mission. 

Devi says Viru went for mission when Sai didn’t forgive him. Pulkit requests Sai to reconcile with Virat. Sai says they should stop talking about Virat or else she will go to hostel and have food. Madhuri request her not to go. Pulkit request her not to insult food and she will not get tasty food in hostel. Sai reminisces Virat stopping her from having food, later requesting her to have food with him, kicking her out of the house, then requesting her to return home with him. She tells Pulki that he is right, nobody can prepare tasty food like a mother, she will eat everything and munches all dishes. She cry saying Aayi brought food for her, but she denied to have food and insulted Aayi and food; anyways she doesn’t care about all this, she coughs, and drinks water weeping and saying she doesn’t bother about Virat or his family. She reminisces Virat bringing her favorite food and Pulkit telling her that Virat wants to talk to her while on a dangerous food. Pulkit says when lips don’t speaks, eyes speak and she should understand it. Sai continues praising Madhuri’s food and weeping.

Viait reaches mission venue to fight with terrorists and goes in ordering his team not to shoot until he signals. He checks terrorists’ locations and informs that terrorists are all over the place, they all will follow him. Sai returns to her hostel room and while studying thinks why she is thinking about Virat, what can she do if he has gone a dangerous mission as part of his duty. Virat orders terrorists to surrender. Terrorists shoot towards him, and he retaliates. Reporters cover news outside venue. Sai feels nervous, she gets Aniket’s call who asks to switch on news channel. She switches on TV and sees news about Virat fighting with terrorists and drops remote in concern. She reminisces Virat calling her to inform her about mission, but she disconnecting call; thinks how can she be so selfish. Chavan Family watches news about Virat bravely fighting with terrorists.

Pakhi says she knew Virat went on a dangerous mission, why did she hide it from them. Mohit says Virat cannot reveal about his mission to them, they should just pray for his safe return. Ashwini worried saying Samrat also went on a similar mission and didn’t return. Bhavani yells at her to stop thinking bad, nothing will happen to Virat. Ashwini says Sai is also not here. Bhavani yells even now she is thinking about Sai, why didn’t she return when Virat went to take her. Ashwini says why will Sai lose her self-respect. Sonali asks if she means they don’t have self-respect. Ninad yells that they didn’t forgot how Sai insulted them in front of neighbors. Pakhi says they should speak to virat and calls him. Ashwini snatch phone from her and asks how can she be so dumb to call Virat when he is on such a dangerous mission?


Virat is shot by terrorists. Sai calls Virat and is informed that he is shot. She rushes towards hospital. Sai reaches hospital where Pakhi and Ninad stops her. She says she will go now and will return tomorrow as Virat would definitely want to meet her. Pakhi asks what if he doesn’t want to. Sai promises that she will never meet virat again.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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