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Sai prepares feast for Devi and Pulkit with Ashwini’s help. Ashwini says they should inform family about her invitation. Sai says they will create drama when they see Devi and Pulkit, why should they tolerate the drama from now itself, let us conserve their energy till then. Ashwini says she is right and praises her for her concern for Chavan's family. Sai asks if she was supporting her yesterday fearing she would leave the house? Ashwini get emotional and says who wants her children to go away from her. Sai hug and consoles her. Sonali with Karishma enters and asks what is happening? Sai asks Karishma if she came to take tea for family and offers her tea tray. Karishma tells Sonali that Bhavani suggested Pakhi to prepare lunch for family, maybe Sai reads Bhavani’s mind and planned to spoil her happiness. Sai ask Ashwini to be silent. Sonali takes tea tray and walk away with her.

Karishma walks to Bhavani and her puppets and happily describes today’s Sunday special menu. Sonali says she cannot cook lunch today as Sai and Ashwini are preparing feast and will not let her enter inside kitchen. Bhavani asks what are they up to and asks Ninad if Ashwini told him something. Ninad says she never tells him anything. Mohit return with grocery bags. Bhavani asks what is it? Mohit says Sai ordered him to bring groceries. Omkar yells he doesn’t obey them and easily obeyed Sai. Ninad ask why did he bring so many grocery, if he spent on it? Bhavani jokes that he doesn’t earn at all. Mohit says Virat gave him money. Sai walk to him and ask if he brought all the grocery? Karishma yells at her to inform her before sending Mohit to market as he never obeys her. Bhavani yell at her to shut up and in her usual rude ways asks Sai why is she preparing so much food and who permitted her? Sai says her husband and MIL know about it. Ninad yells that new generation is conspiring against them and old Aswhini will rule over them. Bhavani says don’t know about Ashwini, she is sure jungli mulgi Sai will create a new problem. Sai ask Mohit to note down a number for Bhavani. Bhavani asks whose number is this. Sai says eye specialist to get her eyes checked. Bhavani yells at her. Sai says she is of new generation but knows her morales well, she is preparing food for the whole family and special guests. Ashwini walks and says Sai invited some special guests home. Bhavani yells who is Sai to invite guests without her permission and why did she spend Virat’s money, this kind of issue didn’t happen in their family till now. Virat walk down, slip, and feel pain. Pakhi rush to him before Sai and ask to give his hand. Virat says its okay. She says his care taker is busy preparing food, so he should take her support. Virat says its okay and he means he doesn’t need her support. Sai signal Virat if she should come. He signals its okay and walks to her, leaving Pakhi jealous with ugly expressions. Ashwini ask Virat why did he come down? Virst says he came down smelling Sai’s prepared food. Ninad yells at him for spending on grocery. Pakhi yells he is supporting his wife in preparing special feast for her special guests. Virat says food is also for the whole family. She ask why were they not informed about it? Virat says everyone can see Sai and Aayi cooking and Mohit bringing grocery. Pakhi yells Virat already brought 1 guest home. Sai says Pakhi must be thinking she felt bad, but she is not and is really a guest and will leave after Virat gets well. Bhavani yells will she really leave the house and asks Virat if Sai called cheap guests like her to create havoc at home? Virat says only Sai can inform them who the special guest is. Sai requests them to behave well with her guests even if they don’t like them. Bhavani yells what she thinks of herself, she wants to take house’s control within 24 hours of returning home? Pakhi yells why is she misbehaving with elders. Sai tells her that aayi asked what is her problem, she knows she is Pakhi’s problem as Pakhi didn’t want her to meet Virat, coming home with him and take care of him at home. Pakhi stands fuming. Sai asks if she should bring some sweets to sweeten her bitter tongue. Virat reminds her that she should concentrate on cooking. Sai asks Bhavani’s puppets to get a smile on their faces as guests must be coming. Bhavani yells she is teaching them how to smile. Ninad tells Virat that guests are more secret than his mission. Door bell rings. Sai reminds them to smile and opens door. Bhavani and puppets frown more in shock seeing Devi and Pulkit while Virat and Mohit get happy. Sai greet them in. Devi hug her happily. Ashwini hug Devi happily, says she is looking beautiful, and performs her nazar. Mohit says she is looking very beautiful, hug her and says she is also looking happy and they are also happy seeing her happy. Ninad yells these are Sai’s special guests from whom this drama was created?

Ninad yells these are Sai’s special guests from whom this drama is created? Karishma tells that today Diwali will be celebrated in our house. They say blast. Pakhi look at Virat. Virat goes to Sai and asks Pulkit to come inside. Pulkit nod. Virat tells that Pulkit and Tai are Sai’s special guests and she called him for the rasam. She says they were married for a few days. Sai asks Bhavani and Ninad to welcome them. Virat asks Pulkit to come inside and says you are most welcome. Kaku says that she will not let her damad enter without the aarti. She asks Sai to bring the aarti. Sai says I will bring it. Devyani gets happy and stands with Pulkit. Virat says I will welcome both Tai and Pulkit. Devyani asks really? Virat says my one misunderstanding had blinded my mind and eyes and I couldn’t see your happiness, though I attended your wedding. He shows the aarti plate decorated by Sai and tells that she has done so much for you, but I couldn’t help her. He says he couldn’t even pull Pulkit’s ear and couldn’t ask him to take care of my Tai. He says when my Tai has come home, I will do all the rasams. Devyani says ok. He does their aarti and hopes that they have forgiven him for his past mistakes. Devyani says when you came to my marriage, I was very afraid, but now as you are speaking well, I am liking it. Virat regrets his mistake. He pull Pulkit’s ear and asks him to be with his Tai always and take care of her. Kaku asks him to twist his ear more. Pulkit promises to take care of her and keep her happy. Devyani asks Virat to leave Pulkit’s ear. Virat ask her to pull his ear. She pulls Virat’s ear. Virat welcomes Devyani and Pulkit in the latter’s Sasural. Bhavani fumes with anger. Pulkit tells Sai that he has brought sweets for everyone. Sai asks him to give to Aai, as she is the elder of the house. Pulkit asks Ashwini Kaku for blessings and asks her to take the sweets. Ashwini gets glad and emotional, tells Sai that she has realized that even she has her identity after she came in the house. She tells that she has given her precious gift, respect. She tells Pulkit that it was not needed. Pulkit says I came to my Sasural for the first time. Karishma and Sonali talk that they are racket and shuttlecock, whatever Sai tells is obeyed by Virat. Pulkit ask Sai why did she prepare for lunch, as she has done so much for them already. Sai says just like you are damad, I am bahu of the house and I have done just normal preparations. Pakhi ask why are you doing the duty of a bahu when you had said you have come here to take care of Virat? She says neither this is your family nor you are bahu of this house, then why are you fulfilling the duty of a bahu. Sai says I accept that my memory is weak and asks if everyone’s memory is weak too. She reminds Pakhi that she has told everyone that she came home for her husband, whatever she has done today is for her husband. She says Virat sir has repentance that he couldn’t be the part of Devyani and Pulkit’s marriage, so she called them here for lunch so that Virat gets free of this guilt. Pakhi asks her not to say nonsense. Ashwini tells that Sai is Virat’s wife, so she is also a family member like you. She says the truth can’t change that Sai is the bahu of this house and asks her to calm down. Sai asks Devyani and Pulkit to touch elders’ feet and take their blessings. Devyani refuses and says they want to separate Pulkit and me. Pulkit asks her to forget the past and tells her that they shall take the elders’ blessings. Devyani refuses. Sai says for me. Devyani says ok. Pulkit and Devyani touch Ashwini’s blessings. Ashwini blesses them. Sonali says how come Bhavani is hearing the nonsense? Omkar looks on. Pulkit asks Devyani to touch Bhavani’s feet, but the latter stops them. She says when I came to take you from your marriage, you had pushed me and today you are touching my feet. She push her as well. Pulkit holds Devyani and asks if she is fine. Devyani cry and says she didn’t want to come here. She says my bad Aai has held my hand tightly and pushed me. She says I want to go. Pulkit says you can tell us anything, but if anyone pushes Devi or touch her, then it won’t be good. Bhavani says she is my daughter first. Pulkit says she is my wife now. Virat tells Bhavani that whatever Devyani had done, was due to her fear and innocence. He asks her not to refuse to give blessings to her. Ashwini asks Bhavani to accept Devyani and Pulkit, and bless them. She says don’t let your stubbornness overpower your love for her. She asks her to see how happy Devi is with Pulkit. Bhavani taunts Ashwini and tells that though you got the Sai wings, the higher you fly, the faster you will fall down. She then insults Pulkit and says you were a Servant then and even now you are a Servant in my sight.

Precap: Sai comes to Bhavani. Bhavani asks how dare you to come here? Sai asks why you were shocked and drinking water. Bhavani says there is nothing and gets tensed. Sai says there is old sayings and says a mother can’t be a stepmother. Bhavani gets tensed. Sai tells the sayings that a mother can’t be a bad mother. Devyani tells Pulkit that they shall go home. Sai says you can’t go without having food. Devyani refuses. Bhavani comes there to stop Devi.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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