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Bhavani asks Devi to come and sit next to her, but Devi walks to Madhuri instead leaving Bhavani frustrated. Sai tells Pulit that she has organized a play to try to unite a mother and a daughter. Pulkit wishes her all the best. Lights get off. Everyone ask why did lights go. Virat on stage says lights are off to experience moonlight and discuss about a angel Harini. Everyone clap for Harini. Virat tells Harini that they have organized a play for her about an angel and her mother. He calls Pari’s mother/pari maa. Pakhi acts as Devi. Virat says Pari’s mother gave birth to an angel and their names are Devi and Harini. Devi asks Virat if he is describing her and Harini’s story. Virat says yes and continues that fate took angel away from her mother, her mother lost her mental stability unable to bear her baby’s separation. Devi also cries seeing Pakhi crying. Virat continues story that Pari maa herself became a child after separating from her child. Pakhi mimics exactly like Devi. Bhavani gets sad seeing Devi’s pain. Pakhi/Parimaa writes DV on paper and hopes her daughter will return soon. Harini tells Pulkit that really bad happened to Parimaa, who snatched her baby. Virat continues that Parimaa became mentally ill and got engrasped in her own world. Devi mimics exactly like Devi. Harini tells Pulkit that Parimaa is behaving like Devi. Pulit says yes.

Virat continues that god did a miracle and brought Pari back. Sai mimics Harini wearing same dress. Harini tells Pulkit that Sai maami/aunty is mimicking exactly like her and even wearing similar dress. Madhuri says she is that pari and Devi is her parimaa. Harini asks if its true. Pulkit nods yes. Drama continues. Parimaa seeing Pari’s toys excitedly insists to play with her, but Pari angrily says she doesn’t want to play with her as she is not normal. Parimaa hugs Pari and says she is her mamma. Pari pushes her away saying parents don’t play with children’s toys. Parimaa falls down. Virat continues that Parimaa’s heart broke as her pari didn’t want to accept as mother. Pari shouts she is not her mother and Parimaa cries vigorously. Virat says helpless Parimaa waited for daughter, but her daughter sent her away from her. He asks if little pari will understand her mother’s pain and will accept her. Ashwini prays god to do a miracle and let Harini accept Devi as mother. Virat says a mother sacrifices her world for her child and shatters when her own child disowns her. He calls Devi on stage and says let us see if Pari will accept Parimaa and love her or not. Devi extends her hand towards Harini. Everyone eagerly look at Harini. Ashwini prays god that Devi suffered a lot and he should clear her pain. Harini runs and hugs Devi calling her Devi mamma. Sai happily claps seeing that. Everyone clap seeing Harini and Devi’s bonding. Sai happily hugs Pakhi and then Virat. Pakhi gets jealous seeing that. Virat tells Sai that they were successful in bonding Harini and Devi. Sai says even she is. Pakhi tries to leave, Virat holds her hand and says whatever happened today is because of her, thanks her, and requests not to go.

Virat and Sai praise Mohit for his amazing direction. Mohit says his first show got so successful and if a director can make someone smile, that is his biggest achievement. Sai then praises Karishma for playing lights at the right time. Karishma says she is very talent and praises Sai and Pakhi’s acting. Pulkit sees Harini and Devi playing together and thanks god. He then thanks Sai and Virat for reuniting a mother and a daughter and says if it was in his hands, he would have given them the biggest award of the world. Virat says this is their biggest award. Sai says today is both Devi and Harini’s birthday. Virat says its not Devi’s birthday today. Sai says a mother is born when child is born and prays god for Devi and Harini’s bonding forever. Bhavani walks to Devi and says she is very happy seeing her happy. Devi says she will become a good mother like her and introduces her to Harini. Harini says she already met naani/grandma. Sai asks Harini to hug naani. Harini does. Mohit clicks their pics. Harini says thank you Mohit maami. Bhavani asks Devi to continue playing and tells Virat that she did whatever he asked and hopes he doesn’t have any issue with her now.

Bhavani tells Virat that she did whatever he asked and hopes he doesn’t have any issue with her. Virat says he always respects her, but was angry on her; he can understand her point of view and forgot everything and even she should. Sai jokes Masta Masta. Bhavani laughs by heart for the first time. Harini thanks Virat and Sai for making her birthday special and showing her and Devi’s play, says Sai was looking very pretty. Sai says because she was wearing pretty frock like Harini. Harini says her birthday was more special than her friend’s birthdays. Sai kisses her. Harini asks Virat if he will not kiss her. Mohit clicks their pics. Sonali and Ashwini bring birthday cake. Harini rushes to them. Virat and Sai get engrsaped in each other. Pakhi gets jealous seeing that. Virat tries to kiss Sai, and Sai walks away asking Ashiwni if she called her. Madhavi praises Pakhi’s performance as Devi followed by Pulkit who thanks her for uniting Devi and Harini. Bhavani also praises Pakhi and asks Devi to thank Pakhi for uniting her and Harini. Devi says she doesn’t like Pakhi as she interferes between Virat and Sai, but is thankful for unting her with Harini. Bhavani asks her not to say that. Devi says she thanked Pakhi, anyways Virat and Sai organized this play. Karishma asks Mohit if it was a praise, then what insult is. Ashwini calls everyone to watch Harini cutting cake.
Virat sensing Pakhi’s sadness try to speak, but she walks away remembering Devi insulting her. Virat follows her and asks her to join family. She says her presence doesn’t matter. He says her act united Devi and Harini and he is thankful for that. She says Devi should thank her, but she praised Sai instead and insulted her saying she is interfering between Sai and Virat. Virat says she knows Devi is mentally unstable and is like a kid. Pakhi yells that Sai infused this thought in Devi’s mind and provoked her. Virat says she is misunderstanding Sai as Sai would never do that. Pakhi yells that he cannot understand his wife’s tricks, she agreed to act as she wanted to reunite a mother and daughter, but Sai poisoned Devi’s mind against her. Virat gets angry and warns her to stop as Sai would never do that. Pakhi yells that he blindly trusts his wife and doesn’t want to see his wife’s true face. He asks her to stop all this and attend Harini’s cake cutting ceremony as Harini’s elder mami/aunt. Pakhi shouts not to link her with Samrat as she doesn’t know anything about Samrat than his name, he is stranger to her and she doesn’t have any feelings for him.

Ashwini search for Virat. Devi asks where is Viru? Karishma says even Pakhi is missing, if they are together? Everyone look at her. She says she means cake is very good. Sonali warns her to mind her tongue and scolds her. Ashwini says she will check where Virat is. Sai says she will and walks away. Virat tells Pakhi that Samrat is her husband and not a stranger. Pakhi asks where is her husband, husband and wife promise to stay with each other for 7 lives, but her husband didn’t even spend 7 hours with her; she acted as Devi on Virat’s request as she still has feelings for him. He says she told her that she did it to reunite Devi and Harini, but now.. She asks can’t he see her pain? Sai search for Virat and calls him, but he doesn’t pick call. 

Pakhi asks Virat if he has a stone heart that he doesn’t notice her feelings and always push her towards Samrat, he doesn’t even consider her as human forget as a friend. Virat asks her to calm down and asks what did he do? She shouts he betrayed her, played with her feelings, and betrayed her; she asks if they didn’t love each other and wanted to marry? He asks to stop her rubbish. She says the feelings which awakened for him then are still alive and he is responsible for that, but instead he blames her; they wanted to marry each other, but he went to Gadchiroli and met her life’s biggest hurdle, his wife Sai; he started loving Sai immensely and forgot his past; he boasts of his promise, what happened now? He says he can understand her pain, but till when will they discuss the same issue; today is Harini’s birthday and she is spending quality time with her mother’s family, but Pakhi is ruining the happiness. She yells that happy moment is for him and his wife, but what about her? He requests her to stop it and accompany him instead of venting out her anger. She shouts that he promised her that he will not let anyone in his life and heart except her, but he broke it. He says he said that, but that doesn’t mean that she.. Sai hearing their conversation drops water glass in shock. Virat notice her.

PRECAP: Virat asks Sai what did she hear, she misunderstood him. She says she is not. Ashwini walks in to call them and seeing Sai’s anger asks if Virat said anything. Sai says Virat hurt her. Virat says he just.. Sai says there is no need for any explanation. Sai asks Virat if he promised Pakhi that he will not let anyone else in his heart except her? He says what rubbish is this. Sai says maybe Samrat knows about him and Pakhi and hence not returning home. Virat gets angry hearing that. Pakhi hears their conversation hiding.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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