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Shivani tells Sai that if she is confident that she did right, then she doesn’t have to apologize to Chavan family. She continues that they were keeping Devi locked in a room like an animal and were not bothered about her, but today they are all worried for Devi. Ashwini requests Sai to apologize to Chavans. Sai says let her see how IPS Virat Chavan, an obedient son and a honest police officer, will keep his promise; he brought her here and if he had asked her to leave calmly, she would have gone herself, but he is so rude and blind and broke his promise. Virat says whatever she says, she cannot enter his house. Sai says Pulkit is an honest man and if Virat proves that Pulkit is a fraud and traitor, she will wear garland of Virat’s footwear. Virat says he has many old footwear lying, he will prove that Pulkit is a fraud and then will make her realize her mistake. He shut the door on her face. Ashwini asks if any husband does this to his wife, if she gave her this kind of upbringing? He says its her good upbringing that he didn’t give any rigorous punishment to Sai. He shouts that he is ending all relationships with Sai, nobody will take Sai’s name or think about her from today, she is a bad dream which ended. Bhavani and her puppets smirk hearing that. Pakhi (using same facial expresses for every emotions) says whatever happened today is because of Sai’s deeds; Virat used to support Sai by standing against everyone, but today he stopped supporting her.

Usha sitting outside house with Sai says Virat promised Kamal to take care of her, but today he kicked them out of house at midnight. Sai says Virat did whatever he had to, she is happy for getting Devi’s happiness and doesn’t mind losing her husband’s house to give Devi her husband’s house. Madhuri performs Devi’s graha pravesh. Devi gets happy seieng alta/red color and says her bad aayi never used to let her apply it, but now she is in her house and can do anything she wants. Pulkit nods yes and thanks Sai for reuniting him with Devi even after facing my problems herself. Devi prays god to protect Sai. Pulkit says Devi knows to face and fight her problems. Usha asks Sai how will she face her problems, what will she do now. Sai asks her to keep quiet for sometime. Usha says let us return to Gadchiroli. Sai says she can go then. Usha says he will not go without her. Sai asks her to keep quiet then.

Virat reminisces playing holi with Sai, giving her gifts, then fighting with Sai, etc., and thinks why did Sai did this; whenever he feels they are coming closer, she increases their distance. He cries looking at Sai’s thank you gift. Pakhi walks in and says she knows he is angry at this time as it wasn’t easy to kick Sai out of house. Virat says he doesn’t want to talk about it now. She says let us talk about something else then, she came to call him for dinner, will he have dinner. He says why will he not, he is hungry since afternoon. She provokes him that Sai is sitting at door with Usha, what if neighbors see her and create problem. He says he doesn’t care. She says he would have forgiven Sai if she had obeyed Ninad and apologized everyone and would have finished dinner together, but Sai didn’t even listen to Ashwini who supports her so much; everyone hate Sai for her misbehavior except Ashwini. He asks why is she talking about it now. Pakhi asks why Aswhini always supports Sai, is it because Ashwini herself cannot disobey family and wants to trouble family via Sai. Virat shouts to stop as she doesn’t have any right to speak ill about his aayi, he knows his aayi better than her. She says she is sorry if he felt bad, she cannot understand how can same family members think differently. Virat says all 5 fingers of a hand are not same, hence everyone’s thinking is different; if she can stop all this and serve him dinner or else shall he ask aayi. She says she will bring dinner for them both. He asks if she also didn’t have dinner, she can bring it for them both.

Ashwini takes dinner for Sai and requests her to have it. Sai asks why did she come here, if she thinks they are beggars. Ashwini asks why is she saying this. Sai says she brought them food hiding, they feed food like this if they pity on someone. Ashwini says she is her mother and a mother loves their children. Usha says even she doesn’t know what Sai is up to, she doesn’t want to go to Gadchiroli. Sai says she can go if she wants to. Usha says she knows she cannot go without her. Sai asks if even she is pitying on her. Usha says she cannot speak rudely with her and vent out someone else’s anger on her. Ashwini asks Usha to stop and tries to feed Sai again. Sai stops her and asks her to go back. Bhavani walks to them seeing door open and yells Masta Masta.

Pakhi asks Virat why can’t they have dinner in his room instead of dining table as he usually eats food with Sai here. Virat asks what problem she has if he wants to have dinner on dining table? She asks why is he venting out Sai’s anger on her? He insists. She says he must have forgotten, but she hasn’t; if she is embarrassing him. He says can’t we follow rule and have dinner on dining table? She asks then why did he break rules that day. He says that day was special. She says even today can be special. He says it can’t be. She says (her favorite dialogue) he is insulting her. He says he isn’t and just wants to have dinner on dining table. She says he has moved on, but she is standing at the same place; he may pamper his wife, bring her favorite food and feed her from his hand, but when she is requesting to have food in his room, he is denying. He says if she has problem having food on dining table, he will not have food at all. She says he must be enjoying insulting her often. He says he wanted to sleep and wake up early to punish Pulkit and bring Devi home, but he will not do that now. She says he is missing Sai as she is sitting outside the house, he likes pampering his wife and feeding her from his hands, etc. He asks her to stop. She says Sai is not like she portrays herself and doesn’t want to leave this house, else she would have already left. He says he doesn’t want to listen to anything and just knows that Sai did wrong by taking Devi away, let her sit outside the house whole night.

Bhavani yells at Ashwini that she brought food for Sai who made Devi eloped and got her married to a servant’s son, she didn’t earn this food to waste it on a traitor. Ashwini says she spent her whole life in this house tolerating everything, but not anymore, Bhavani should go back in; she didn’t utter anything when Virat send Sai out, but as a mother she cannot see her child hungry. Usha says Ashwini is concerned for them and brought them food, but they didn’t have it. Bhavani rudely yells at her to shut up as she is no one. Sai confronts her that she has problem with her and cannot insult Usha. Bhavani yells when Virat kicked her out of the house, what is she doing here. Ashiwni says where will she go from here, she cannot wander at night, this house belongs to Bhavani but not the lawn. Usha says let us go from here. Sai says she will not go. Bhavani challenges she should wait and watch what she can do now. Bhavani calls Virat and inform him that Ashwini is feeding Sai. Virat walks to Ashwini and asks what is she doing? Ashwini says a mother cannot see her child hungry, so she is trying to feed her child; Virat did wrong by sending Sai and Usha out of the house, everyone supported him and she kept quiet, but now she cannot do that; she cooked for family her whole life and served them, if someone else would have been in her place, they would have given her a lot of salary, she didn’t ask anything in return and just took a plate of food, etc. Virat asks her to tell Sai and Usha to get out of here. Usha says they will go in the morning. Virat asks why not now, they should have gone to Pulkit’s house by now. Pakhi yells that they will wait till morning to gain Pulkit’s sympathy. Sai confronts that she will return her insult with interest one day; Pakhi is provoking everyone against her, but she will not do same with Pakhi due to her Aaba’s good upbringing; god will punish Pakhi for her sins though. Pakhi complains to Virat that sending Sai out of house was his and elders’ decision, but Sai is blaming her instead. Sai says its a wrong decision. Virat says he doesn’t want to see a person who is not related to him or his family. Sai says he should close his eyes then as she will not move from here or he can shoot her as she will not go from here alive. Bhavani yells that Sai didn’t get peace after shattering their lives and even now conspiring against them. Sai says Bhavani who conspired against others her whole life knows about it best, she may think that she will not go from the city without taking revenge from them; let her know that there are people who can give a befitting reply to her heinous act; she will stay here the whole night and if her brave son think he can kick her out even from lawn towards road, he is thinking right as he is powerful, but he cannot throw her from road. She shows her wrist to Virat and ask him to hold it and throw her on the road. He reminisces bringing bangles for her. Pakhi provokes Virat that Sai is challenging him and he is standing silently. Usha confronts her that her husband is not here and she is provoking someone else’s husband, she is seeing Pakhi’s heinous acts since she came to this house, Bhavani and others may support her acts though. Sai asks her to calm down. Virat asks Ashwini again to come in. Ashwini says she will not go in until she feeds Sai. Sai says her kind act may not go well with her family, she will not have this food or will return to this house again.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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