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Sai ask Pakhi to tell the truth and make her and others’ lives easy. Sonali thinks Sai is very courageous to expose her husband’s secret. Omkar warns her to shut her mouth. Ashwini asks Sai to sort out her personal issues with her husband in the room and not in open. Sai says she is speaking the truth and Ashwini can understand what she means as she suffered for years. Ashwini says let us not talk about it. Sai says she silently supported lies for years, but her Aaba taught her not to support lies. She tells Pakhi she always accuse her and questions her, but today she will question her; she challenges her to dare say yes or no to her questions; she wants her to experience how it feels when one is accuse. Pakhi asks Virat if he can’t see his wife accusing and insulting her and why don’t he shut her up. Sai asks why don’t she answer her and end this issue. Virat says he is trying to explain to her since yesterday, but she is adamant. Pakhi yells that she just likes stretching the issue and insulting others. Ninad yells not to pay attention to Sai as she just wants to create problems between Virat and Pakhi. Omkar yells next. Sai walks towards Ninad to answer him and twists her ankle. Virat holds her and asks if she is fine. She pushes his hand away and asks why is he bothered? Ninad yells Sai is misbehaving with even Virat. Sonali yells that she is acting as twisting her ankle to know if Virat is worried for her or not. Sai says she is just getting truth out. Bhavani yells if she is Raja Harischandra who speaks only truth, she should stop her heinous allegations on Virat and Pakhi. Sai says her Aaba taught her that truth cannot be hidden, but in Chavan family, its a sin to speak the truth. She asks Virat when he always encouraged her to answer everyone’s questions, why don’t he answer and stop his dual nature. Virat says her question doesn’t deserve anwer, she can think whatever she wants to with half truth, he doesn’t want to be part of it. Sai asks if he didn’t say that he married her to fulfill his promise he made to Aaba and not to expect anything from this marriage? He says he told that during their wedding. She asks if he said that because he loved Pakhi. Virat remembers the incident. Sai ask him to reply if she is lying; if a bit of lie is mixed in the truth, truth turn into lie; she doesn’t have right to say this, so he should tell if the love between him and Pakhi is still alive; she doesn’t mind if he wants to support Pakhi, but she cannot tolerate him controlling her. Bhavani yells again if she is not ashamed to accuse Virat and Pakhi, why is she bothered even if Virat and Pakhi were in love before marriage? Sonali says when she has decided to leave Virat once he gets well, why is she bothered? Sai says Bhavani’s rule is different for her and others, she is covering up Virat and Pakhi’s secret while she always tried to expose her. Bhavani says she will support Virat and Pakhi. Omkar backs her. Ashwini asks Bhavani to stop. Bhavani yells that Sai wants to prove Pakhi characterless, but truth is Pakhi is from a well-cultured family and not mannerless like Sai, so she should keep her truth to herself. Pakhi says everyone trust her and will not believe Sai, then why is Sai creating this drama. Sai says she has help her get what she is trying hard to get; she will leave this house once the truth is out, then Pakhi can do whatever she wants. Karishma asks if she will really leave the house. Sonali says Sai just needs attention. Bhavani says she is right, even Virat will not bring her back seeing her behavior. Ashwini requests Sai not to talk about leaving the house as they all want her and Virat to live happily. Sai says everyone don’t want that, Pakhi was always jealous of her and this wouldn’t have happened if Virat and Pakhi had revealed their truth. Ninad yells at her to stop her shamelessness their family is very pious and well cultured, she is joking on Samrat’s wife who will return one day, so she should dare not try to harm their feelings. Bhavani yells that Pakhi is in sorrows and is trying to protect family’s dignity, but Sai is trying to mentally harass her. Omkar yells that he is ashamed of Sai’s cheap thinking. Sai says their thinking is cheap that they are hiding the truth. Mohit tells Sai that he just knows that she is Virat’s wife and Pakhi is Samrat’s wife. Ashwini says Mohit is right, Sai is Virat’s wife and she shouldn’t mind people’s baseless allegations. Sai says she is very innocent and cannot understand people’s evil nature. Pakhi yells that she induced hatred against her mother in Devi’s mind and made it look as if she supported Devi; she makes a well calculated move, but sometimes it fails; she got a proof how she induced hatred in Devi’s mind.

Pakhi reminds Bhavani that when she asked Devi to thank her, Devi told she doesn’t like her as she interferes between Virat and Sai. Sai says she doesn’t know if Devi said that. Bhavani says she knows only what she likes and provoked Devi against her and Pakhi. Sai says she never provoked Devi against them; though Devi is mentally unstable, she can differentiate between right and wrong; when Devi can notice that, even others must have noticed that; Devi is like a kid and kids don’t lie; Devi warned her when she came to this house to beware of Pakhi as she is eyeing on Virat, now she realized that Chavan family women eye on their devars; she ignored Devi at that time, but whatever she is saying today is true and she doesn’t lie like them. Virat asks when did he lie? She says he is not accepting the truth and what she saw with her eyes will not change. He asks what did she see? She says he doesn’t have the courage to tell the truth or else he wouldn’t have hidden what is happening. She tells Pakhi that now she must have experienced how it feels when someone wrongly alleges them; she is courageous to give a befitting reply to Pakhi, but Pakhi doesn’t have that courage; she doesn’t have much time to waste on her as she needs to go to college. She tells Virat that she thought she will provoke him to tell the truth, but failed. She picks her bag and leaves. Pakhi says they all made her feel like a criminal, nobody stopped Sai from insulting her. She tells Virat that she considers him as her friend, then why didn’t he stand against his wife for her; she will never forget whatever happened to her today. Virat standing in balcony reminisces Sai’s words. His senior calls him and asks how is he now. He says he is fine. Senior asks him to rest and not be in a hurry to join the duty. He says he is fit now to join duty back. Senior says he heard he recovered soon because of his wife. He thinks Sai is taking good care of him for the time being, tells senior that he will meet him soon, thinks why Sai is alleging him and not understanding there is nothing between him and Pakhi. 

On the other side, Karishma tells Mohit that they found out first about Pakhi and Virat and hid it, but Sai exposed it royally today. Mohit says one should learn how to set fire from her. Karishma says she is excited to see the new drama Sai will create after returning from college, there is no lack of entertainment in this house. Mohit warns its Virat and Sai’s problem and if she speaks against Sai again, he will kick her out of the room. She snatches his script and says its nothing in front of life’s real drama which has mystery, suspense, romance, etc., and starts her sensational commentary.
Omkar comes for dinner. Sonali tells seeing today’s drama, she doesn’t think anyone will have food today; says today she found out that there is something between Pakhi and Virat and Sai is right, people say right that a boy and a girl cannot just be friends. Omkar yells that a rotten fish Sai has spoilt even her. Sonali says she feels bad for Sai and thinks Virat and Sai don’t stay together even in the same room. He asks what does she mean? She says Sai and Virat don’t want to stay together. Bhavani with Ninad walks in and says she is right, nobody wants to stay with Sai. Ashwini serves them food worried for Sai. Ninad asks if she will not speak in her DIL’s favor. Bhavani says why don’t she speak when her DIL is wrong, where is her DIL? Ashwini says she is worried for Sai, don’t know if she had food since morning or not. 

In college, Pulkit tells Sai that he cannot see her in this condition and insists her to accompany him to his house and have food together, her mood will be good if she meets Harini and Devi. Sai says its already evening. He insists.
Back at home, Bhavani yells that Ashwini cannot see her bahu’s mistakes and is worried for her instead. Ninad says let Sai go to hell. Omkar yells if his bahu is ill mannered like Sai, he doesn’t know what he would have done. Sonali asks not to compare Sai with their bahu, she agrees that Karishma is a fool but is not ill mannered like Sai. Karishma walks to Bhavani and says Pakhi didn’t have anything since morning and is sitting in her room, she is worried for her. Sonali asks why don’t she take food for her then. Karishma says Pakhi scolded her last time, so she will not go. Ashwini says she is surprised with their dual nature, they are worried for one bahu and hate another. Bhavani forcefully takes Pakhi to Virat’s room and says she didn’t have anything since morning because of his arrogant and shameless wife who insulted Pakhi. Virat asks if Sai returned from college? Pakhi yells that Virat is blind folded in his wife’s love and cannot see her wrong doings, she cannot see all this and will go to her room. Bhavani stops her and tells Virat that his wife hasn’t returned from college, if she didn’t call and inform him, she forgot that Sai does what she wants. She provokes him against Sai and says no college will be open till this time; she just came here to inform him that Pakhi is deeply hurt; what is wrong if he and Pakhi were in love before marriage, Sai shouldn’t have created an issue out of it.

PRECAP: Sunny cheers up Virat and offers him vada pav. Virat says its Sai’s favorite, don’t know if she had food or not. Sunny says he is worried for Sai, Sai also loves him and hence gets angry when she sees him with Pakhi. Pakhi hears their conversation.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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