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Ashwini get happy hearing Sai came to hospital to meet Virat. Mohit says she had also come yesterday, but Pakhi and Ninad insulted and sent her away. Ashwini ask why didn’t he inform her before. He says he didn’t want to tense her more as she was already performing fasting for Virat. Ashwini thank god that she doesn’t have to worry for Virat now. 

In the hospital, Sai says how couldn’t she worry for him, she came as soon as she heard about his condition. He thank her for coming. She says she wanted to hear this from him and says since she is here, its her responsibility to take care of him and will check with nurse about his medicine. He says he already took morning medicine. She says she will enquire about his afternoon and evening medicines. He says there is still a lot of time left for his next dose and she should sit and look at his normal handsome face and say. She laughs saying Bappa he is so handsome. He also laughs. She asks him not to laugh and to rest. He try to control his anger and feels pain. She says that is why she told him not to giggle and asks if he is feeling fine now. He says he is. Nurse walks in with his medicine. Sai says she will feed him medicine from hereon and does same. He looks into her eyes, and she feels shy. Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Me… plays in the background.

Bhavani tells her puppets that Sai surely must be troubling Virat. Sonali backs her. Omkar asks why did she return after so much happened? Ninad ask Pakhi why did she leave Virat with Sai and returned home? Pakhi says it was Virat’s decision as he himself wanted Sai to stay with him and not her, Sai insulted her taking that advantage. Bhavani yell jungli mulgi wants to return home taking advantage of Virat’s condition. Ashwini says Sai would have returned long ago when Virat went to bring her back home, Sai proved that she cares for Virat. Omkar yells if she really cares for Virat, why didn’t she return with Virat and insulted him in front of all the villagers instead. Ninad yells if Sai doesn’t remember that Virat left her. Ashwini reminds him that Virat said he will wait for Sai his whole life, this 3would have happened for sure, Sai would have met Virat and reconciled with him and they both would have expressed their love for each other, and Pakhi wouldn’t have liked this. Bhavani yell if she liked Sai insulting Pakhi? Ashwini says she is happy that her bahu returned, leaving Pakhi frowning. Sonali says she cannot joke on Pakhi like this, Pakhi is very sad. Ashwini ask if she is sad because of Virat and Sai reuniting? Sonali ask Pakhi why did Virat ask her to go back when Sai came while everyone know that she took care of Virat the whole night, Virat did really wrong. Karishma back her. Ashwini ask what is wrong if Virat wants to spend some time with his wife and sent Pakhi away; family should help a couple who wants to reconcile after a fight; what would Pakhi do sitting between them and herself should have returned home. Ninad yell not to teach Pakhi. Ashwini says she is not interested in it, but as Virat’s mother, she has to. Bhavani yell Masta Masta, how will she give what she doesn’t have; looks like she will perform pooja and keep mahabhoj/feast with Sai’s return. Ashwini says she will once Virat returns and Sai proved that she loves and care for Virat; thank god for that. Bhavani yells what about Sai troubling the whole family, Pakhi is very sad. Mohit ask why is Pakhi sad if Sai forgave her husband and returned to him, she should be happy instead as Pakhi is Virat’s good friend. Karishma stamps his foot and warns not to insult Pakhi repeatedly by supporting Sai. Ashwini says she already told Pakhi and once again is saying not to interfere between Virat and Sai and pray god for Samrat’s return to reunite with her husband. Bhavani and her puppets stand fuming.

Sai shows Virat’s medicines to him. Virat says the way she is explaining looks like she has already become a doctor. She says its not easy to become a doctor. He says even becoming an IPS officer is not easy and he worked hard to crack the exam. She jokes look at his face. He says girls used to die on his face. She jokes they used to die seeing his face thinking what did they see. He says girls use to have crush on him. She says since she is seeing him, he has always been khadoos/boring and mimics him. He says he doesn’t speak like that. Doctor walk in and asks how is he feeling now? He says much better and asks doctor how does he look. Doctor says he is quite handsome and when she saw him on TV, she thought Oh My God what a handsome man he is. Virat says his wife think he is not handsome. Doctor says his wife is joking on him and says even Sai looks beautiful. Virat and Sai’s nok jhok starts again. Doctor says they both look good and their jodi is more beautiful; informs that nurse will come and give him sponge bath and he can have food and relax after that. Nurse walk in. Sai insist she will perform sponge bath as its better that wife gives a sponge bathe better than nurse. Nurse leaves. Sai performs his sponge bathe. He says she is tickling his soles and laughs. She ask him to stop laughing. He says she is scolding an officer who defeated terrorists. She warn him to stop or else she will punch him. He stops. Their nok jhok continues. She gets angry and asks him to get it done by nurse itself. He holds her hand and says he will not move at all now, laughs. She scolds not to, she herself laughs and says he looks good lying silently. She then performs his sponge bath of his legs, drapes bedsheet over them, raises his bed, and performs his back’s sponge bath. He asks if she is doing his sponge bath as a a medical experiment, doesn’t want any other woman touch him out of jealousy, or considering him as a guinea pig. She warns him to shut up. He says he never saw a doctor performing patient’s sponge bath. She says sometimes even doctors do that and asks to keep silent now. He says mad. She says if he thinks, she she call his special caregiver Pakhi. He gets angry and says she spoke bitter than his medicines. She says she is acting to give him a bitter dose. He says he likes their nok jhok and misses their Gadchiroli fights and nok jhok. She asks if he is still angry on her that she didn’t return with him when he came to take her back. He says he is happy instead that she came to him by herself. She smiles. He asks if she return to befriend him or fight. She says his acts demand a fight. He says he realized that just like they need bitter medicine to heal, he needs to fight with her to elevate his mood. She says she can fight with him even now for kicking her out of house at midnight. He asks if she is still angry on him. She says his act hurt her the most and she is still angry on him for that. He asks why did she return then. She says to maintain a dignity of being a wife. He says to respect a relationship, they need to accept the relationship, that means she still trusts their relationship.

Pakhi returns to her room and feels shattered remembering hospital’s incident. She fumes that she can tolerate what her fate did to her, but can not tolerate what Virat did, why did he do this to her. Karishma hearing her conversation walk to her and says she had packed her stuff, but why did she return from hospital. Pakhi fumes more. Karishma says she is asking this to lighten her mood. Pakhi says she came here to entertain herself instead. Karishma says she didn’t mean that. Pakhi warns her that she knows what she is thinking, she should stop counting her tears or else will walk out of room crying. Karishma walks towards door. Pakhi says Sai has to pay for insulting her. Karishma walks away saying when Pakhi is here, what Virat and Sai must be doing alone.

Virat and Sai enjoy tea in the garden. Sai tells Virat that she will take care of him until he recovers. Virat asks if she is returning home with him then. She asks not to have high hope. He says he will not recover in 1-2 days. She says not to talk about it. He think he doesn’t know what is going on in Sai’s mind and says he thought she will not come out with him. She says she wants him to recover soon. He asks her to have something as she is hungry since morning, he will order food. Ashwini with Mohit enters saying there is no need for that as her children will have aayi’s prepared food. She hug Virat and asks how is he? He says he is fine. Sai excitedly hug her. She asks how is she? Sai says she is fine, how is she. Ashwini says she is happy when her children are happy, thanks god for protecting her son, and thanks Sai for taking care of her son. Mohit says Sai is taking care of her husband. Ashwini asks if she returned for Virat. Sai says yes. Ashwini jokes why did she come. Sai says Virat is her husband. Ashwini laughs and says she remembers. Virat jokes that since she came, she is telling repeatedly that he is her husband. Sai asks if she should call nurse then. Virat says she is saying even this. Ashwini says he should be thankful that Sai forgave him and is considering him as husband. Virat apologize to Sai. Sai says there is no need for that. Mohit says its great that Sai forgave Virat. Ashwini thanks god. Mohit asks when is Sai returning to Chavan Nivas. Sai says when did she say that. Ashwini says when she just said she forgave Virat, its obvious that she will return to her husband’s house. Sai says she already told that she came to take care of Virat and will return to her hostel once he recovers. Virat says he already said he needs time to recover and needs someone till then, and if Sai doesn’t want to stay with him, he will call nurse. Sai says he will not call nurse. Virat asks who will peform his sponge bath then. Sai says her Aaba told they shouldn’t leave their responsibility incomplete, so she will accompany him to his home and will go once he recovers. He coughs hearing that and pray to god that he doesn’t recover at all. Ashwini asks not to worry as they will not let Sai go from home at all; when Sai has taken steps forward, she is sure her son will not let her back off. Sai returns with water for Virat. Virat drinks water looking at her smiling. Sai says she will go and complete the discharge formalities. Mohit accompany her.

PRECAP: Virat returns home with Sai. Bhavani says she is happy that Virat returned home, but why did he bring Sai along who boasted she will never return here? Virat tells Sai its her house. Sai says its not her house and she is here only until he recovers. Sai feed Virat. Virat says without her his life and house were incomplete. She says there is still one incomplete relationship which she wants to complete before going.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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