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Sai tells Ashwini that she cannot have Chavan house’s food and will give it to poor instead and doesn’t want to return to this house. She says she may return if Chavan family apologizes to her. Bhavani says she saw the whole world but didn’t see a girl like her. Sai says Bhavani didn’t see a girl like her and she didn’t see a woman like her. She asks Virat to go back in as his best friend will find a lot of time to spend with him, they both can sit and enjoy chatting. Virat walks in yelling he doesn’t want to hear her rubbish anymore. Pakhi follows him. Bhavani taunts that she wanted to fly high, but her feathers are cut. Sai says one needs determination to fly high and not feathers, Bhavani will not understand it as she is big by her age but not by her thinking. Bhavani shuts door on her. Usha says she didn’t know Sai would get such a big punishment for her good deed. Sai says she doesn’t mind as Devi is happy with her act.

Devi tells Pulkit that she is happy reuniting with him with Sai’s help. He says he always used to think of her. She says when bad aayi used to give her bad medicine and make her sleep, she used to dream about Pulkit. She asks about their daughter Harini and ask to call her now. He says she will meet her in the morning and will spend this special night wit only him. She says they are seeing this special night because of Sai and asks him to call her here. He says Sai’s self-respect will not let her come here even after losing her home. She asks what he means? He says Virat will not accept her after today’s event and will send her out of the house. She says that will not happen as Sai loves Veeru and Veeru also loves her a lot, but didn’t express his love for Sai yet. He says Sai never told him about it. She says Veeru loved Pakhi before, but after marriage he realized his love for Sai. He says reunited 2 lovers and prays Mahadev to reunite Sai with her love.

Sai wakes up in the morning and reminiscing Virat’s bitter words gathers all neighbors. Ashwini prepares tea for family and seeing Virat asks if he woke up early or didn’t sleep at all. He says she forgot that he goes for jogging whenever he wakes up. She says he used to but not after joining duty as he doesn’t find time for jogging, he woke up today but will not go though; she is his aayi and knows what he does; if he will jog or.. Bhavani walks to them and says Sai and Usha must be sitting outside house till now, she doesn’t know how to face neighbors and may have to face humiliation. She asks Virat if they are still sitting outside the house. He says he doesn’t know and it doesn’t matter to him. Sai tells neighbors if they know why she sat here the whole night outside the house. Usha try to stop her. Neighbor asks if everything is alright? Sai informs that she and Usha were sitting outside house whole night as Virat kicked them out of the house. Pakhi watches her from balcony. Neighbors ask to tell what exactly happened so that they can help her. Usha drags her aside. Sai says she is not doing anything wrong by taking her good neighbors’ help. Neighbors say they are friendly neighbors and ask her to tell what exactly happened. Sai asks if they heard about Devi. Neighbor says she heard Devi eloped.

Ashwini hopes Sai doesn’t return after so much humiliation. Virat says he will not let her in even if she wants to. She says he must have become an IPS officer, but forgot that if he brought Sai here, Sai also came here with her wish. He says it doesn’t matter. Ninad with Omkar walks in and asks tea. Bhavani yells that Ashwini is still scolding Virat and supporting Sai. Usha says Virat didn’t do wrong by kicking Sai out of the house. Omkar and Ninad back her. Virat says he doesn’t want to talk about it.

Sai informs neighbors about Chavan family’s bad behavior towards Devi, Devi’s marriage with Pulkit and Chavan family opposing it as Pulkit is a servant’s son. Neighbor says Devi was a jovial girl, but lost her mental stability. Sai says its after Devi lost her love, her mental stability may return if she reunites with Pulkit again, what if someone does that. Neighbors say she will get blessings. Sai says she got Pulkit and Devi remarried again and instead of being blessed, Virat kicked her out of the house. Ashwini tells Virat that he need not worry at all as there is someone who will take care of him. Bhavani asks if she is talking about Pakhi, she really does, and asks if she is jealous of Pakhi? Ashwini says it doesn’t matter. Sonali asks if she thinks they did wrong by kicking Sai out of the ?house. Pakhi rush in and informs that they should see what Sai is doing. Bhavani says nobody they all will never question her and she can tell what did she see. Sai informs neighbors again that Virat kicked her and Usha out of house and they were standing outside house whole night. Ashiwni asks Pakhi to spill out whatever she wants to. Bhavani assures Pakhi that everyone in this house respect her and will not say anything which will hurt her, so she should tell what she wants to. Ashwini confronts that nobody respects her in this house, so they always insult her; Pakhi can spill her venom openly. Sonali yells why she always wants to fight with Pakhi. Ninad yells not to start Mahabharath early morning, its his house and she shouldn’t make it a wrestling ground. Ashwini says 4 walls don’t become a house, house is where family members respect each other; Sai who wanted to make these walls a house was kicked out of the house by them; they cannot remove Sai’s memories from her heart and she loves Sai more like her own daughter, etc.

Sai tells neighbors that only Ashwini values her in Chavan family; it was her duty to inform them the truth and fulfill her responsibility, she will go from here now and will never step back in Chavan Nivas. Virat asks Pakhi what she wants to say? Pakhi says Sai is creating drama outside. Ashwini asks what is she saying. Pakhi asks her and everyone to go out and check themselves. Bhavnai yells that Sai always does the opposite. Pakhi says Sai is spilling venom in front of neighbors. Virat asks her to be specific as he doesn’t want to go out and see a new drama. Pakhi says Sai’s drama is happening just outside their house and they all can go and watch it, she is part of this family and cannot tolerate its insult. Virat asks again what is Sai doing? Pakhi says Sai is shouting how she got Devi married yesterday and how Virat and his family kicked her out of the house. Bhavani orders Virat to go and teach her a lesson.

Neighbors support Sai and says they will not let any injustice against their society girl and will confront Virat for his mistake, though he may be a police officer. They ask if Virat said something else. Sai says Virat told she is immature and the whole Chavan family thinks same. Neighbors say how can Chavan family think so? Virat with family walks to them. Sai says he is her husband IPS Virat Chavan who cleared tough exams and took rigorous training, but with one anonymous letter gave verdict without investigation that Pulkit married someone else also along with Devi and betrayed Devi, Pulkit tried to explain to him repeatedly that he loves only Devi and married only her, but he didn’t trust Pulkit or even his wife and trusted a piece of paper. Ashwini try to stop her. Sai asks not to worry and asks Chavan family if they have any answer for this? Bhavani yells at neighbors to stop their drama. Neighbors laugh that even she is standing here. Sai says Bhavani came yesterday to stop Devi and Pulkit’s wedding, but without any proof, she couldn’t stop the wedding. Sonali asks Bhavani to shut Sai’s mouth or else she will ruin their remaining dignity. Ninad rudely shouts at Sai to shut her mouth and get inside home. Sai says when Virat kicked her out of the house, he or anyone didn’t say anything and when she is telling the truth to everyone, he wants her to get inside the house; he should decide whether she should come inside the house or go out. She tells neighbors that still Virat wants to separate Devi and Pulkit without any proof, neighbors should ask what proof he has? Neighbor says they will ask them, she should get inside house now. Sai says she will not step back into Chavan nivas again. Neighbor says she shouldn’t forgo her right and should file police complaint against Chavan family. Sai says she doesn’t want to file any complaint.

Virat tells neighbors if their drama and jokes are over, they should go back home. Nieghbor says they didn’t know Chavan family is so uncultured even after being so literate. Bhavani says they are staying together since years, even then they are supporting Sai. Ninad yells they should have thought many times before accusing them. Omkar yells next. Virat asks him to calm down and asks neighbors when he doesn’t interfere in their family issues, they shouldn’t interfere in his family issues. Another neighbor says he did wrong with Sai. Virat shouts Sai is mentally unstable and needs medical treatment. She says she became mad when she told the truth, she says she can expect same from a true police officer. Pakhi asks Virat not to waste his time arguing with Sai and not to spoil his mood. She holds his hand and drags him inside. Sai says Pakhi is a married woman whose husband is missing and she is not bothered about her husband, but always finds a chance to hold my husband’s hand; how can a mature and literate girl eye on someone else’s husband? Neighbors say they found out Chavan family’s truth today. Sonali asks Bhavani to give them a befitting reply. Bhavani yells at neighbor Pawardhan that his daughter eloped and returned home after 1 month. Patwardhan says his daughter didn’t insult her family like Bhavani’s bahu; if Bhavani has any problem, she should go inside. Pakhi says when a girl discusses her family problems with the whole world, she is mad. Neighbors say Sai is mature and one who is bothered about others happiness is really good. Virat asks Sai if she is happy insulting them. Sai says she just wants to warn them that if they try to bring back Devi home forcefully, neighbors will inform her and will stand against them. She thanks neighbors for supporting her and says she will go now. Neighbors say she should return to Chavan Nivas and they will support her. Sai says she just wanted Devi’s happiness and safety and alerted them, her work is done and she will go now. Virat thinks safety from Devi’s own brother. Sai tells him that her Aaba also wore police uniform and always used it for other’s betterment and not like him, the letter he got against Pulkit is fake and was sent to defame Pulkit, how can anyone just send a letter and not come herself, its because there is no woman named Sangeeta Deshpande and someone from his family wrote that letter. Bhavani and puppets frown like bulldogs. Sai returns Virat’s bought bangles and thanks him for helping her till now. Virat drops them down breaking them into pieces. Sai looks at him emotionally and says she will go now. Ashiwni requests Sai not to go. Sai says mother and daughter’s relationship will not break if they want to and walks away away with Usha.

Sai takes Usha to her college. Usha asks if she brought her here to remove her name from college. Sai says she will not and asks her to inform her if Virat comes here. She then walks to principal’s office and informs that Pulkit married yesterday and needs their help as someone tampered with Pulkit’s official documents and she doubts its someone from the office. Principal asks how can it be? Sai explain the whole drama and requests her to question Vinayak. Virat reach college. Vinayak reach principal’s office. Sai says his truth is out and he should accept it. Principal asks if he tarnished Pulkit’s official document? He deny Sai threatens that her husband found out the culprit who helped him and will arrest him. Vinayak agrees that someone gave him money to change Pulkit’s wife’s name and pleads not to restricate him from job as he has small kids to take care of. Sai says he broke someone else’s family and is worried for his own family. Principal asks him to bring Pulkit’s original document. Usha sees Virat coming and informs Sai.


Virat threatens Vinayak to inform who bribed him to change Pulkit’s wife’s name in his document. Vinayak shows Omkar’s pic. Virat returns home. Pakhi asks why didn’t he bring Devi with him, Bhavani asks if he arrest traitor Pulkit, Sonali says Pulkit betrayed them. Virat says their own family member betrayed them.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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