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Sai watches news about Virat’s mission and gets concerned for him. She prays god to protect him. Her roommate walks in and asks if she is fine. Sai cries her husband. Roommate tries to switch off TV. Sai stops her and cries that she should have picked Virat’s call, asks if Virat would be fine. Roommate says her husband is a police officer and these kind of situation occur often in a police officer’s life, so she should be habituated to it; if not, why did he she marry a police officer. Sai says she didn’t want to. Roommate says the way she is worried for her husband, soon she will return to him. Virat continues fighting with terrorists on the other side. At home, Ashwini confronts Pakhi that Virat wouldn’t talk to her about mission when his wife is not with him. Pakhi (with expressionless face) says same wife whom Virat kicked out of house. Ashwini warns her to stop as she doesn’t need to know what her son did and Pakhi should think about her life and happiness instead of barging into other’s life as she may have to repent when Sai returns to Virat’s life. Pakhi asks what does she mean. Ashwini says she shouldn’t interfere between Sai and Virat.

Sai lights lamp and prays god to protect Virat sir as she feels something wrong will happen to him. Virat shoots down a terrorist. Sai says she wouldn’t think bad about Virat even after his misbehavior as he did a lot to her and she cannot lose him as there is no one in her life than him. Virat seeing another terrorist coming reminisces Ninad’s advice to protect his team and Kamal/Aaba bearing bullet protecting his team. He protects his team member and bears bullet no his chest. Sai watches news about situation under control and an officer incurring bullet shot, prays god to protect Virat.

Mohit asks family to stop arguing as it is not the right time. Family thanks god watching news about police’s victory over terrorists, then get concerned hearing about an officer being severely injured and prays god to protect Virat and send him home safely. Virat is transported via ambulance. Subordinate asks him if he is fine. Virat says he is fine and congratulates officers for their victory. Officer keeps his hand on Virat’s injury and it soaks with blood, asks again if he is fine. Virat says he is fine. Sai calls Virat, but his phone is switched off. She gets more tensed. Roommate returns and asks her to wait for sometime till Virat calls her back, relax and with closed eyes pray god to protect her husband. Officer encourages Virat not to lose hope as his family and wife must be waiting for him. Virat opens eyes and remembers Sai Sai also remembers time spent with Virat. He switches on phone and closes eyes, but opens eyes again when Sai calls him loudly. Sai waits for Virat’s call eagerly.

Officers take Virat to hospital where he is operated. Sai calls Virat’s number and asks if he is fine. Officer picks call and informs Sai that sir is shot in his chest and is in hospital. She asks which hospital, phone switches off just then. Doctor asks officer to call patient’s family to get signature on consent form. Sai thinks just like she disconnected Virat’s call when he had called, Virat also disconnected her call and maybe doesn’t want to meet her, she will meet her at any cost by finding which hospital he is in. Officer calls Virat’s house. Pakhi hurriedly picks call. Officer says he wants to speak to Virat’s wife Sai Joshi. Pakhi says she is Virat’s friend and bhabhi and wants to know about him. Officer says his wife Sai had called just sometime ago. Pakhi says she doesn’t stay here and insists to tell about him. Officer informs that Virat is shot and is in hospital. Pakhi shattered informs family. Family rushes to hospital. Pakhi thinks even she needs to meet Virat. Sai walking on road thinks how to find out where Virat is and calls DIG to find out his location. DIG praises Virat and says he will find out and inform her in which hospital Virat is. Sai reminisces Aaba’s death incident and thinks she couldn’t speak to Aaba during his last time, what if she cannot speak to Virat.

Sai cries thinking she couldn’t speak to Aaba during his last time, what if she cannot speak to Virat; thinks she will not let anything happen to him and calls Pulkit for help. Pakhi with Chavan family rushes to hospital. Officer asks if she is Sai bhabhi. Pakhi says Virat’s friend Pakhi, Sai will not come, and asks about Virat. Officer asks if nobody came from Virat’s house. Pakhi shouts she is Virat’s closest friend, why don’t he inform if Virat if fine. Mohit says heis Virat’s younger brother. Ashwini pushes Pakhi aside and says she is Virat’s mother, where is he. Office says Virat is shot at chest and he is in the OT. Ashwini breaks down. Mohit consoles her. Omkar consoles Ninad. Mohit tells Ninad that they should be proud to have such a brave officer in their house. Ninad says he is proud of his son, but a father’s pain cannot be forgone. Bhavani says they are all worried for Virat, especially Pakhi, but Sai who is Virat’s wife is not here at all. Mohit says it is not the time to compare Sai and Pakhi, they can discuss about it at home. Pakhi says she will not go from here and whoever wants to go home can go home. Ashwini says she is here to take care of Virat and Pakhi shouldn’t stay here. Pakhi shouts when she is not stopping her, why is she stopping her. Ashwini says she doesn’t want her to stay. Nurse asks them to maintain silence and says any 3 family members can stay here and rest can come during visiting hours. Doctor performs Virat’s surgery.

Mohit asks everyone to go and let him stay with Virat. Pakhi shouts she will not go anywhere. Bhavani says Pakhi is right, she and Ninad should stay here with Mohit, and Mohit should inform them regularly about Virat. Ashwini says she will also not go from here and asks Mohit to inform Sai about it. Pakhi gets angry hearing that. Bhavani yells there is no need for that as Sai didn’t even bother to come here even after watching news, she is selfish who didn’t even bothered about Virat’s favors. Mohit says he will inform Sai and asks her to go home. Ashwini leaves with Omkar. Mohit calls Sai, but Ninad snatch phone from him and yells not to call selfish Sai. Mohit says Sai is Virat’s wife and should know about Virat’s condition. Sai enters. Pakhi stop her. Ninad asks Pakhi to asks Sai why did she come here? Sai asks Pakhi where is Virat, she wants to meet him. Pakhi says she cannot meet Virat. Sai says she hasn’t come here to argue she came to meet Virat. Ninad says when her son came to take her back home, why didn’t she come then. Pakhi yells to answer Ninad and says she will not let her near hospital. Sai asks if she owns the hospital. Ninad yells only family members can stay in hospital and she is not part of the family. Pulkit enters and asks why Sai is not part of this family, Virat and Sai are husband and wife. Pakhi says they were. Pulkit says they are and every husband and wife fight, that doesn’t end their relationship, he ask Ninad if he is right. Ninad yells he doesn’t speak to strangers. Mohit tells Sai that he will take her to Virat. Ninad pulls him aside and warns him to sit silently.

Virat’s surgery continues. Sai tells Pakhi that she will ask hospital staff why can’t a wife meet her husband. Doctor comes out of OT and informs that operation was successful. Pakhi asks if she can meet Virat. Doctor says he is under observation and nobody can meet him for sometime. Sai and everyone thank god. Mohit tells Sai that he is happy that she came. She asks even if he thinks she is so bad that she will not come to meet Virat. Mohit says he knows she cares for everyone, especially Virat; he was sure that she will come. Sai says if he had not informed her about Virat’s dangerous mission, she wouldn’t have known at all. Pakhi gets angry with Mohit. Ninad shouts at Mohit why did he do that. Mohit says Sai is Virat’s wife. Ninad asks Sai why didn’t she return when Virat came to take her back. Sai says he knows the reason and who all misbehaved with her, and a small apology was not enough; they all insulted and set a spark of anger in her and it will take time to set off that fire; she took him to forget her pain; they shouldn’t talk about right or wrong as they should be ashamed if she speaks what all they did with Devi and Pulkit, so better they not dig out skeletons or else their sins will be out in open; she just wants to meet Virat once and will go away from here. 

Pakhi yells when Virat kicked her out of house, why she thinks he will meet her. Sai says its her and husband’s problem and they will solve it themselves, so a third person shouldn’t interfere. Pulkit says its waste to talk to these people as Ninad already told he doesn’t consider her as his bahu. Sai says she doesn’t care as her relationship doesn’t need anyone’s approval. Pulkit says he thinks. Ninad (as rude as usual) shouts to shut up as he is not their relative and if the thinks he teams up to take revenge from them. Pulkit asks what does he mean, there is nothing wrong if he teams up with Sai for some good work and they shouldn’t have any problem. Pakhi says only 3 family members can stay here, so Sai should go from here. Sai says when hospital people will find out that she is Virat’s wife, will they allow another woman to stay here? Pakhi burning in jelaousy shouts to shut her mouth. Ninad says he is Virat’s father and only he has right to say who will stay here, she should go from here and never return in his life. Pulkit warns that Sai will not go from here as he is a doctor and arrange Sai’s stay here. Sai asks Mohit to take her to Virat. Pakhi stops Mohit and asks Sai if she cannot understand her simple words. Ninad also yells to get out. Sai says let Virat’s wife and his bhabhi ask hospital staff who can stay here. Pakhi yells that she is shameless to create a drama here, she will escape and will leave them in humiliation; once Virat gets conscious, let him decide who will stay with him.


Pakhi rushes into Virat’s hospital room and seeing him holding Sai’s hand tells that Sai forcefully came here and had told that she will go if Virat asks her to go. Sai asks Virat to tell if she should stay here or not.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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