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Pari takes Virat home and informs that he was searching for Sai, so she brought him home. Sai asks Virat why did he come here; if whatever he did was not enough that he came here to insult her again. He says he came to apologize to her and inform that he was wrong and she was always right, she did good by getting Devi and Pulkit married and reuniting 2 lovers; he trusted a piece of paper and not his wife, considered Pulkit wrong, and gave such a big punishment to Sai. He with folded hands says he is unfit to be forgiven, but she should forgive him and return home. Usha and Rachna get happy hearing that. Virat says not trusting her was his life’s biggest mistake, fake documents against Pulkit blind folded his eyes; as they say, one cannot hide smell of flowers and truth; so she should forgive him and return home. Sai asks if he thinks she should forgive him, claps, and asks when he didn’t think once before kicking 2 helpless women out of his house at midnight and didn’t even let her pick her stuff, does he think she should forgive him. Usha backs Sai. Virat says he cares for her. She says she will not return with him as its easy to injure one’s heart and then try to apply ointment of apology. He says he is her husband and their marriage. Usha says that doesn’t mean he can behave with his wife the way he likes, insult her repeatedly and then apologize.  Kale, Rachna, and Milind ask him to return back as he shouldn’t have made such a big mistake being a police officer. 

Usha says they should forgive Virat when he is repenting for his mistake and Sai should return home with him. Sai says she will not go with him. Virat with folded hands again requests her to forgive him and return home. Sai says which house is he talking about, all family members except Aai were happy when he kicked her out of the house, only Aai was crying and wanted to stop her, went against family and brought food for her and Usha maasi and he scolded aai even after that. Virat says even he misbehaved with Aai and is unable to forgive himself for paining even Aayi, it is not his aayi’s teaching and whatever he did is by himself; he is a very good aayi’s very bad son; she can punish him however she likes, he is her husband and she has right to stay in his house. She asks why didn’t he think of her right when he kicked her out of the house; she reminds him telling that she will love Chavan Nivas people so much that she will never leave them, but that day will never come and its better this issue ends right here; she will love Aayi and Devi always as Aayi loves her like a real daughter and scolded her like real daughter and didn’t break relationship blindly listening to others. He requests to return home for Aayi’s sake then. She asks if he is not ashamed to use Aayi’s name to take her back home, she will not return to his house; all bad relationships end some day and even their relationship ended similarly, so he should go from here. She walks inside home. He follows her and says he trusted her and will always trust her; he made a big mistake and accepts all the allegations made by her, Usha, and all villagers and is apologizing to her with folded hands and bent head. She asks if he informed his family that he came to apologize to her, she is sure he must have not as they wouldn’t permit him. He says he doesn’t need to inform them. She asks if he took his best friend Pakhi’s advice. He says its their personal matter and Pakhi is not involved in it. 

Sai says Pakhi is more than a friend to him. He says its not true. She asks not to act great as it will not change her decision. He requests her to return at least for her studies and she shouldn’t miss her college. She asks why he thinks that she will drop her studies? He says his family will respect her decision and will not misbehave with her. She says his family’s favorite past time is insulting her. He says he takes responsibility that his family will not insult her. She says when he cannot take up his own responsibility, how will he take his family’s responsibility; she is telling him one last time that she will not return to his house, she had already informed that she will leave him one day, that day came early all thanks to him, now he is free from her burden and promise made to her Aaba. He says she cannot be a burden on him; he knew she wouldn’t return with him, but hoped that she will forgive him and return home with him; and with teary eyes requests not to let his fear overtake his hope. She asks him not to shed cries as even she didn’t and took this decision practially and not with emotions, even she is requesting him respectfully that he should go from here. He says he will not go from here. He says she doesn’t care. A lady enters says when stubbornness overpowers, relationship fails.

Sai tells Virat that she took her decisions practically and not emotionally, so she requests him humbly to go from there. Virat says he will not go from here. She says he will waste his time then as her decision will not change. Lavani dancer Barkha tai enters saying when stubbornness wins, it means relationship is losing. They are all surprised to see Barkha there. 

Barkha says she had come to her old house and heard someone telling that Virat came to take Sai home, so she came here remembering Sai telling she is also from Gadchiroli. Kale says Sai will make Gadhiroli proud like Barkha as she is becoming a doctor. Barkha says is it and asks Sai why she doesn’t want to go with her husband? Sai says Virat is not her husband anymore as he broke up with her. Virat agrees and says he wants to keep this relationship intact. Barkha says Virat loves Sai and is apologizing by heart, she saw love in Virat’s eyes for Sai. Sai says she respects her, but she doesn’t know how badly Virat behaved with her and Usha tai. Barkha says humans make mistake and when they apologize by heart, they should forgive them as forgiver is bigger than apologizer. Virat requests to at least listen to Barkha tai and return home. Sai says she has already taken a decision. Usha says she is happy that she decided to forgive Virat and return home with him. Sai says she has decided that she will never go to Chavan Nivas with Virat at any cost. Barkha says but.. Sai says she earned a lot of fame both inhouse and abroad and must have met people who didn’t respect her talent. 

Barkha says she met many. Sai asks if she will visit them if they felicitate and award them. Barkha says she will not as her self-respect is most important to her. Sai says when Virat ruined her self-respect, how can she go with him; Virat broke relationship and not her. Barkha tells Virat that she knows his family since years and hearing about his worst behavior, she cannot tell Sai to accompany him. Virat says even he is ashamed about his behavior, he hurt Sai and insulted her and hoped she will forgive him, but will not forgive her. Kale and Usha insist Sai to forgive damadji. Virat says they shouldn’t force Sai, Sai may not return home with him, but whenever her anger calms down, she should inform her, he will pick her from wherever she is and will wait for her his whole life. Sai says he shouldn’t wait for her as the relationship which is not valued and respected is better broken and suggest to him not to do this with anyone else again. She runs to her room crying. Virat walks away sadly wiping is tears. Serial’s title track plays in the background.

Virat returns home. Mohit and Ashwini get happy seeing him hoping Sai returned home with him. Ashwini asks Virat to freshen up and she will serve them food as she knows they both are hungry after a long travel. Ninad yells if he brought his wife back. Ashwini asks where is Sai. Mohit asks if he didn’t bring her back. Virat stands silently. 

Pakhi says Sai must be waiting near door, so Karishma should bring aarti thali. Karishma asks why? Pakhi says Sai is expecting Chavan family to fall on her feet and apologize and greet her in, Sai would definitely come if Virat has gone to pick her. Shivani also questions Virat. Virat says Sai didn’t come with her. Pakhi asks Ashwini and Mohit not to get sad as she is sure Virat will go again to apologize and bring Sai home, Sai will as usual act at first and then will accompany Virat; they must have realized by now that Sai has decided to return home and is waiting to make Virat feel more guilty and obey her. 

Ashiwini warns her to shut her mouth up as she doesn’t need her advice. She asks Virat to tell her what happened in Gadchiroli. Virat says Sai didn’t forgive him as he behaved really badly with her, he lost right to bring her back, she clearly told she will not return. Bhavani and her puppets smirk hearing that. Pakhi asks till when Sai will be angry on Virat. Virat says maybe whole life. Ashwini says Sai is this house’s bahu and will return for sure. Mohit asks how will Sai complete her studies without coming here. Virat says Sai doesn’t need Chavan Nivas for her studies, she will stay in Nagpur though. Pakhi says she doesn’t believe that Sai will not return to this house. Bhavani backs her. 

Ashwini asks Virat if he apologized to her properly, he should bring this house’s bahu at any cost. Virat sits and says he tried a lot to convince her, but she didn’t as her self-respect was hurt and his apology will not fill her wound; he told her that whenever her anger calms down and she wants to return, she should inform him and he will reach wherever she is to bring her back home. Ashwini asks if he will sit silently till then. He says he will try even 1000 times to convince her but will not force her. Pakhi says Sai is forcing him to bend in front of her, can’t he understand that Sai is acting to make him feel more guilty and fall on her feet. Virat shouts he will not listen a word against Sai.


Virat informs Pakhi that he loves Sai after seeing her sacrifice for this house; 2 people fall in love at first site and then later their love vanishes, its same with them. Pakhi shatters hearing that. Virat tells Pakhi that he loves Sai and its not a sin, its not wrong if he loves and respects Sai after what she did for his family; two people can feel for each other at first site, which even they did, but its not necessary that they feel same whole life. Pakhi stands shattered hearing that.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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