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Bhavani seeing light food/khichdi served during lunch asks if someone is fasting. Pakhi says her favorite bahu wanted to have it. Bhavani says even she wanted to have a lighter food today like her. Pakhi says she is talking about Sai as Sai is Bhavani’s favorite bahu now and their thinking match. Bhavani asks who told her this. Pakhi says Karishma told that Bhavani’s choice has changed and Sai is her favorite bahu now. Karishma gets tensed. Sonali tries to support her, but Bhavani shuts her mouth and asks Karishma when did she tell her that Sai is her favorite bahu. Karishma nervously says after what happened yesterday, she felt Bhavani’s favorite bahu is Sai and not Pakhi. Bhavani shouts why she thinks so. Pakhi says after yesterday’s event, its obvious. Bhavani shouts even Omkar thinks same, she doesn’t even consider Sai as her bahu.

Doctor checks Virat’s reports and says they are normal, he thinks Virat’s wife is taking good care of him and he is a lucky man. Virat says yes. Doctor asks to get some more tests done. Sai asks when will Virat get well. Doctor says in 3-4 days. Sai gets happy and tells Virat that she can leave Chavan Nivas in 3-4 days. Virat acts and says he is not feeling well and may take 3-4 months to recover, so she should be with him. She says there is a lizard behind him. He jumps in fear. She asks to stop joking. He says he is trying to stop her. She says they shouldn’t stretch a rubber so much that it breaks down. He says he understood Mrs always angry and says let us go to temple now. She says she will inform Ashwini aayi that she will come late or else Bhavani kaku will set up a court at home. Virat says they will have lunch on the way and visit market to buy gifts for Harini. She agrees.

While having lunch, Omkar yells seeing khichdi. Bhavani says his bahu Karishma prepared it. Ashwini informs Bhavani that Sai called and informed that they will have lunch outside. Bhavani yells that Sai is enjoying dishes and making them eat bland food. Sonali acts as scolding Karishma for preparing Sai’s favorite food. Bhavani yells she just wants Sai out of the house. Ashwini says she forgot to tell that will be late. Bhavani says why is she informing her as doesn’t care. Ashiwini says everyone are bothered about Sai, so they are talking about her even in her absence.

Sai and Virat visit Devi and Pulkit’s house. Pulkit says he is so happy to see them. Sai asks how is he, and he says he is fine. Devi gets happy seeing them. Pulkit asks Virat if doctor permitted him to go outside. Sai says they just visited doctor and he told Virat is recovering well. She offers prasad to Devi and Pulkit. Virat says he didn’t come here as Devi’s brother or Pulkit’s BIL but as Harini’s uncle/mama. Pulkit happily calls Harini. Harini greets Sai. Sai hug her. Harini asks who is that man. Sai says he is her mama. Harini says she doesn’t have any mama. Virat says he is her mother’s younger brother. Harini asks if he is Madhuri’s brother. Virat says he is Devi’s brother. Harini says he is normal and not like Devi. Virat says Devi will be fine soon. Devi jumps happily saying she will be fine soon. Virat gives her chocolate and gifts. Harini thanks him. Pulkit asks her to call Virat as mama and Sai as mami. Harini says she didn’t know she has mama and mami. Virat says she has many other relatives and shows family selfie. She gets happy seeing Pulkit in it and shows it to Pulkit. Pulkit says they are part of this family and says Bhavani is her grandmother, Devi’s mother. Harini says Devi is not her mother. Pulkit ask her not to say that. Harini asks Virat why did he bring her gift today as her birthday is tomorrow. Virat says he will bring better gift tomorrow. Pulkit says he was about to invite family tonight. Devi happily says she will decorate house and celebrate her daughter’s first birthday. Harini says she is not her mother and asks not be present during her birthday as her friends will taunt her. Devi panics hearing that and cry that her daughter doesn’t consider her as mother. Virat and Sai console her. Virat tells Pulkit that he didn’t know Harini has not accept Devi yet. Pulkit says he was happy when Devi returned in his life, but is sad seeing Harini not accepting her as her mother. Sai says soon Harini will accept Devi as her mother. Pulkit says she should or else Devi’s mental condition will worsen.

Virat returns home with Sai from Devi and Pulkit’s house and tells Sai that she reunited Devi and Pulkit with great difficulty and even convinced Bhavani kaku, he thought Devi’s problems have ended as she and Pulkit were separated for many years and reunited, but he is concerned for Devi now seeing Harini’s behavior towards Devi. Sai says its a sensitive issue and they need to solve it carefully. Virat says he has an idea, why don’t they celebrate Harini’s birthday at Chavan Nivas. Sai asks who will convince Bhavani? He asks if a fighter Sai is afraid? She says its about Harini and she doesn’t want issue to exaggerate. He says she fought against Bhavani many times and convince her. She says Harini is very small and doesn’t know the world well yet, if Bhavani or any family member tell her anything, she is afraid that Devi and Harini’s relationship will spoil more and its difficult to gather shattered relationships. He says he can understand her concern, this would be a best gift for Harini and she should convince kaku with her magical wand like she convinced her for Devi and Pulkit. Sai reminisces the incident. He says he doesn’t know how and what she will do, but knows she will do it; this family is theirs and they together can fight their problem. She asks since when he started talking like her? He says its an effect of her company. She says he should stop staying with her then or else kaku will tell that jungli mulgi has done black magic on her son and he has gone out of control like her, so its better she goes back to hostel. He holds her hand and asks why she always talks about going away. Pakhi passes by and gets jealous seeing that. Virat says he will continue trying to convince Sai. Sai says he knows if her decision or his effort will win. He says he knows, but will not stop his effort; asks if she will support him or not?
The next morning, Sai with Madhuri does shopping for Harini. Virat calls her and asks if brought all the stuff. Sai jokes and says she bought almost all the stuff except cake and will reach banquet hall from here. She asks how did he convince his family and what did he tell them. He says she need not worry about it as he will handle everything. Ashwini walks to her and asks what are they doing. He tells Sai they will go according to their plan. Ashwini insists Virat to tell where they are going. He says she will find out soon. Bhavani walks in and asks what is cooking between mother and son. He says biryani. Family walks to him ready. Sonali says she is looking more beautiful. Karishma murmurs women’s eyesight goes weak after become a MIL. Sonali asks Virat where is he taking them as he goes out only with Sai. He says they will know soon. Bhavani says they should wait till Pakhi returns from bank. He says he already messaged and she will directly reach the venue. They all follow him.

After shopping, Sai tells Madhuri that Harini will be happy seeing her surprise gifts. Madhuri says Harini will as her Virat mamu/uncle is doing so much for her. She says since she is staying at Chavan Nivas, she is being insulted by Chavan family and why she is tolerating it. Sai says her Aaba taught her to end the evilness with her good deeds. Madhuri says even then. Sai says she wants to be true to herself first. Madhuri asks how can speak so maturely in such an young age. Sai says maturity comes from experience and not age and she saw a lot in her small age; says anyways let us meet at banquet hall in the evening. Madhuri hopes she has made arrangements well as there was a problem during Pulkit and Devi’s wedding. Sai says last time Virat was on family’s side and now he is on her side and she is sure he will do the best for his niece.
Chavan family reaches banquet hall with Virat and asks him what is he up to. Pakhi joins them and asks why did he call them here. Virat asks them to give him sometime and goes to meet hall’s manager. Sonali asks Pakhi if her bank task is done. Pakhi says yes. Sonali says that is the advantage of being literate. Karishma says even she herself does all her chores. Bhavani yells that she cannot do house work and will spoil outside work, Pakhi is most mature bahu and Karishma needs 2-3 lives to become like her. Her puppets laugh hearing that. Pakhi thinks even now she is Bhavani’s favorite. Ashwini tells Mohit that even Sai does all her work alone. He nods yes. Pakhi calls Virat and asks why Sai is not seen, if he wants to spend some quality time with family without her. Sonali says she forgot that Virat doesn’t do anything without Sai nowadays.

Sai enters with birthday party decoration items. Bhavani taunts if she really wants to become a doctor as she looks birthday party decoration stuff salesman. Sai laughs and says she jokes well and should crack some jokes with guests. Omkar asks why she invited guests. Sai says to celebrate birthday party. Ashwini asks whose birthday party as its none of their birthday today. Sonali says it must be Pakhi’s birthday and greets her. Pakhi taunts it must be Sai’s birthday and she is celebrating it herself as she knows family will not. Sai says she knows family will not celebrate her birthday, but she is sure Virat will do something special for her birthday. Virat says of course. Sonali asks whose birthday is it then. Sai asks Mohit to hold party stuff. Ninad questions next. Bhavani asks Virat to answer everyone’s question. Sai says they all will get their answer and takes them to party hall and plays Harini’s pics on screen. Bhavani gets tensed seeing Harini’s pic and reminiscing Sai showing it to her. Mohit asks who is Harini?

PRECAP: Sai says all the decoration is for Harini. Omkar and Ninad ask who is Harini. Sai asks Bhavani to tell who Harini is or else she will. Virat says whatever happened was a sin and they all have to repent for it, so he promised Pulkit that he will celebrate Harini’s birthday with Chavan’s family. Bhavani says she will never do that as she accept Devi and not Pulkit and his daughter.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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