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Sai says she doesn’t run away from her responsibilities. Studying and becoming a doctor is her responsibility as well and she will fulfill both her responsibilities. Sonali reminds Sai that there are more educated people in the house. Mohit ask everyone to stop for Virat at least. He has just returned from the hospital. How can they be so insensitive that even in situations like this, they want to prove Sai wrong? Bhavani says she was wondering why Mohit didn’t say anything. Her ‘guru’ is back. Sai says she is not anyone’s guru. She and Mohit can just understand each other and what problem they have with that? Ninad asks Sai why she has problem when Virat and Pakhi have the same bond? Sai says it’s not the same bond and they very well know it. They continue arguments. Sai asks why they are creating a scene when she is just back to take care of Virat? Devyani’s topic comes and Virat speaks in Sai’s favor. He says this house just cannot see anyone’s happiness. Sai forgave him and returned home, but no one is happy. Ashwini says she is happy, Mohit is happy. Mohit says some are very upset with Sai’s return and some have cried as well. Pakhi look at Mohit and asks if he’s taunting her? He says he’s just speaking the truth, but this house doesn’t like someone speaking the truth. Bhavani answers back that it’s Sai’s effect on Mohit. Now Sai answers to Bhavani which leaves everyone shocked. She then tells Virat that she will take him to his room. He says he will go by himself, but struggles. She help him. After they leave, Bhavani taunts Ashwini that she should be celebrating Sai’s return. Ashwini also taunts back.

Sai helps Virat to sit on the bed. Virat looks at her and smiles. Sai looks at the table and says he kept all her stuff safely. She thought he must have thrown everything away as he was so angry at her. He tells her not to embarrass him more. He doesn’t want to talk about the past. She says they won’t talk about it again. She was leaving and her dupatta gets stuck. She thinks Virat is holding it and asks him to let it go. She turns back and sees it got stuck and feels awkward. He says if she wants, then he can hold her back with him. She calls herself crazy. She looks at Baba’s photo and says the last time she came because he gave her Virat’s responsibility and this time she came because she took Virat’s responsibility. Virat tells her that he is happy to see her. Ashwini brings food for them. Sai says she was very hungry. Ashwini feeds them both. Sai hug her and says she missed her a lot. They both get emotional. Ashwini asks she missed her that much that she couldn’t even call her? Sai says she had turned her phone off because of a khadus jasoos. Ashwini says khadus jasoos? Sai says that she has kept that as a nickname of Virat. She won’t tell why because it’s a secret between her and Virat. Ashwini says it’s good to hear that they have secrets between them too. They have fun moments. Virat’s laughs and coughs. Sai says enough of joking. She feeds Virat and says he needs to take medicine too. Ashwini leaves two alone. Virat tells Sai that without her, this house didn’t look like a house. When he was on a mission, he didn’t know for whom to return. She asks he didn’t get happy by returning to his family? He says his family is incomplete without her. Sai says she also felt something incomplete. He says, so you finally agreed that you were missing me. She laughs saying she was talking about Devi. She is missing her a lot. For her, family will be complete when Devi and Pulkit come. He thinks that he said it with so much love that he’s incomplete without her, but she didn’t even realize it.

Sai tells Virat that their family is incomplete without Devi and Pulkit, and their post-wedding ritual is still pending, she wants to invite them home and finish that ritual. Virat says his family will not agree to it. She says let her handle the situation in her way and assures him. He says its dangerous to call them here. She wears Virat’s police cap and stick and says she is a martyr police officer’s daughter and a brave police officer’s wife, so she knows how to protect love from hate mongers. He says they should plan it properly. She says she has a college holiday tomorrow, so she will invite them tomorrow. He asks if Pulkit will agree? She says he will, knows to handle his family, and like she performed Devi and Pulkit’s wedding, she will perform their Mandav Parath ritual. He agrees and asks if she doesn’t think tomorrow is too early, how will they make arrangements so soon. She says they need not prepare food for 200 people but only for 2, feeds him medicine and says she is only here till he gets well and may return to her hostel next week, so she will prepare food tomorrow herself. He asks who will take care of him if she leave? She says she will manage both cooking and taking care of him tomorrow, he forgot her talents. He says he knows she is multitalented, but will miss him tomorrow. She jokes on him. He reply that she is jealous. She asks if she is jealous of Pakhi. He says the nurse who wants to perform his sponge bath. She gets angry. He jokes again and then asks her to do whatever she wants. She pulls his cheeks happily and says good boy.

Bhavani with Sonali takes food for Pakhi and consoles her that she is angry and sad, but should ignore jungli mulgi Sai. Sonali says with Sai’s drama, anger is obvious, she need not worry as they are all with her and know that Sai is acting as taking care of Virat and can fly high by degrading them. Bhavani says when she knows how Sai is, then why is troubling herself? Pakhi says she is not bothered about Sai, but Virat’s act. Sonali says Virat is under Sai’s control and is acting on her orders. Bhavani says Virat is acting as Sai’s puppet, but soon she will cut Virat’s rope from Sai’s hands. She suggest to her to prepare Virat’s favorite food tomorrow and rekindle their friendship, she need not worry as Sai will not enter kitchen and asks Sonali to help Pakhi. Pakhi thank her.

Pulkit feeds dinner to Devi. Devi fills another plate and says she will feed her daughter first. Pulkit says Madhuri already fed Harini and made her sleep. Devi says she is Harini’s mother and wants to feed her. Pulkit says Harini stays in the same house and she can feed Harini some other time, he convinces and feeds her. Sai calls him. He asks how is she? She says fine and informs Virat that towel is nearby. He asks where is she? She says she is at Chavan Nivas and came with Virat. He gets happy hearing that. She says she is here only till Virat gets well and invites him and Devi home tomorrow for Mandav Parath ritual. Pulkit hesitates. Sai says he is damad of Chavan family and deserves respect, so he and Devi should definitely come. Devi hearing that says she will not go there. Pulkit says Sai will also be there. Devi agrees. Sai requests not to bring Harini along as she wants Chavan family to accept them first. Pulkit agrees. Devi happily greets her bye. Sai informs Virat that Devi and Pulkit accepted her invitation and prepares grocery list. She then picks money from her purse to pay for grocery. Virat says she has invited Chavan family’s daughter and shouldn’t spend her money. Sai says she withdrew Aaba’s money and since she invited them, she will pay. Virat says he hasn’t done anything for Devi yet, so it would be his gift. She argues that she will pay. He says she should keep that money for her hostel expense. She get angry and says he is eager to send her back to hostel. He says he want her to stay back with him, will she. She says she will return back when he get well. He says he can’t understand women. She says he shouldn’t and let her do whatever she want. He says even he will do what she wants. She gigs. He asks to stop gigging and give grocery list and money to Mohit, asks when will she inform family about inviting Devi and Pulkit home? She says she will not as they will not let her cook. He says as she wish and feels headhache. She says she will massage his head. He says she will anyways go, so he will help himself. She insists and massages his head. He relaxes and fall asleep.

PRECAP: Ashwini informs Bhavani and her puppets that Sai invited a few guests home. Sai says she will prepare special feast for special guests. Bhavani yells who is she to invite guests without her permission. Sai asks her and her puppets to behave well with her guests. Ninad tells Virat that Sai’s guests are more secret than his mission. Door bell rings, and Sai opens door. Bhavani yells at Sai to not follow her and get out of her room. Sai asks where is Devi’s child. Bhavani nervously says Devi doesn’t have any child. Sai asks why she is nervous then, truth cannot be hidden.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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