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Pakhi continues badmouthing about Sai and tells Virat that Sai wants to make him her puppet. Virat warns her to dare not speak against Sai and asks if she is an expert to comment on Sai. Pakhi says she doesn’t need to be an expert to know Sai’s intention, Sai knows that she has a special place in his heart and its true, she is misusing this fact and playing with his emotions; Virat realized his mistake and apologized to Sai, but she didn’t accept his apology and is doing all this drama as she knows that he will be burdened with her favors and will do whatever she wants. He claps and says she is great that she knows about Sai so much, which he doesn’t know as a husband. Ashwini asks him to think of bringing Sai back home and not bother about others as they all hate Sai and are jealous of her. Virat says Sai will come to Nagpur for sure as she will not waste her studies. Ashwini says she will go and bring her home. Virat says he wants Sai to come home when she wants to as she cannot be herself when she come here on someone’s force, he will bring Sai when she forgives him and will wait till then. Ninad asks Virat not to waste his time on Sai and try to bring her home. Virat says he doesn’t know Sai’s importance, Devi’s life is filled with happiness because of Sai and what a brother had to do, Sai did it; his emotions regarding Sai have changed as nobody could have done what she did for the family. Bhavani yells well well, well, Sai is important to him than them; he is supporting an arrogant and stubborn girl and its clear that Sai has done black magic on him.

Ashwini says she is feeling pain as family supports a person in pain, but they can’t understand how much pain he is in. Mohit asks Virat not to worry as Sai will return for sure. Karishma asks what if Sai doesn’t return. Ashwini says even Karishma is a woman and wife, what if family kicks her out of the house and Mohit just waits for her to return instead of bringing her back. Karishma says she is just worried for Virat. Bhavani says Karishma is right, they are all worried for Virat, but he is blind behind Sai and wants her back home. Virat says she is not showing her real expression of happiness after Sai left home, they all should celebrate instead and distribute sweets. He gives money to Karishma to bring sweets and celebrate. Ninad warns him to stop as he is insulting them. Virat says he has just started and asks what was he doing when he insulted Sai and kicked her out of the house? Bhavani yells that Sai has made him mad and blind. He says he was blind with their fake love and kicked Sai out of the house, he will never forgive himself for kicking Sai out of the house and his life. Bhavani asks if he is blaming her. He says she is equally responsible. 

Ashwini tells Virat that Sai will have to return to this house as its her house and she has right to stay here, she will bring her home. Virat says he not only broke Sai’s heart, but also her trust. She says he repented for that. He says he needs to wait till Sai forgives him and she returns home  herself, till then he doesn’t want anyone to convince or force her to return. He walks towards his room. Pakhi try to walk behind him. Ashwini stop her and pleads to leave her son alone as he is already tensed regarding Sai. Pakhi says he doesn’t want to tense him. Ashwini ask her to leave him alone then and not pester him as she doesn’t want him to be in more pain.

Sai visits Barkha tai’s house and says she used to look at her house from outside and dreamt of looking at it from inside once. She gets surprised seeing Barkha’s trophies from all around the world. Barkha says she dreamt of making Lavani dance famous in the whole world. Sai says tai fulfilled her dream, even she will fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor and a make her Aaba proud. Barkha makes her sit, offers her a lot of snacks, and goes to bring aamras. Sai gets sad reminiscing Ashwini bringing her food and she denying to have it. Barkha notices that and asks if food is spicy. Sai says she remembered Aayi who used to feed her with love similarly and that night she didn’t respect her. Barkha asks if something had happened. Sai says Aayi brought her food when Virat kicked her out of the house, but she insulted aai; she continues that she never saw her mother as her mother died after giving birth to her; she found her mother in Ashwini aayi who loved her immensely like a true mother, but she never valued Aayi’s love. Barkha says a mother’s love never changes even if the whole world changes; she has everything she needs, but misses love; Sai is very lucky that she has a loving MIL and a husband who realized his mistake and apologized her, but she chose her self-respect instead. She asks her to consider her as her elder sister and says Virat loves her a lot and hence she should change her heart in the future and consider returning to him. Sai says more than love, self-respect and value matters, Virat never respected or valued her and never loved her, so he will not miss love or her. Barkha tai tells Sai that Virat loves her a lot. Sai says Virat loves someone else, so he will never feel lack of love neither will he miss  her.

Virat looks at Sai’s gift reminisces shutting door on her face and ordering that she should return to Chavan Nivas. He thinks why didn’t he trust Sai. He turns and seeing Pakhi standing holding juice asks what is she doing here. She says she knows he is angry on her, since he traveled a long distance and must not have had anything, she brought him juice. He says he is not hungry. She says he should understand that Sai is not mature enough to forgive him, so he should forget her and have juice. He asks her to talk about something else or else leave as he is not interesting in talking to anyone. She says he is troubling himself and everyone in family are worried are feeling bad for him. He asks if everyone are feeling bad, then why did only she come to inform about it. She asks if its wrong or sin to worry about him, if she cannot enter his room. He says she is this house’s bahu and can go anywhere. She asks if going to some other room and his room are same. He asks what she wants to say. She asks if Sai has taken over his mind so much that he forgot their relationship, he had promised to be her friend forever, if he forgot that promise. She touches his hand, and he backs off. She asks whenever she tries to speak her heart out, he shuts her mouth. He says he didn’t do that and never broke his promise, he is just her friend. She says he is more than a friend to her and his place in her life.. He says his brother should have a place in her life and not him; though his brother is missing, he doesn’t want her to say something which will hurt him. She says she doesn’t want to do that and at least expects him not to forget their past. He says nothing will change between them without Samrat and Sai’s absence; asks which relationship she is talking about when they are already married to someone, so she should understand that and move on. She says this is not the reason for his change, truth is he never loved her and was just timely attracted to her; if he had loved her, he wouldn’t have spoken to her like a stranger and would have realized her pain. He says he doesn’t want to talk about it. She says she can understand as he loves Sai now. He agrees that he loves Sai, he likes Sai and there is nothing wrong if he loves Sai after what she did for his house and family. She reminds his promise that he will not let any other girl than her in his life during her and Samrat’s marriage and even his marriage with Sai. He says he had told that, but life cannot go on with one thinking; they had feelings for each other for sometime, but they cannot live with it; when they meet someone else, their feelings can change. She says he is a liar and two-faced person and truth is he was never fit for her love like Sai is unfit for his love, he will also suffer like her and spend life for a person who doesn’t love him; he will reap what he sow; she didn’t get a person whom she loved and even he is not with a person whom he loves; if Sai had valued his love even a bit, she would have forgive him and returned with him, but she instead humiliated him in front of all villagers and sent him back; when they truly love someone, they cannot see their defects like he cannot see Sai’s defects and she cannot see his defects, she truly loves him. He asks her to speak slowly and not come to his room often. She says he just now told that she can go anywhere. He says he told but only when she has some work; if she comes to his room unnecessarily, people will misinterpret, so she should remember his words. He opens his room door and asks her to leave. She asks if he is insulting her and asking her to go as Sai did same with him; Sai didn’t listen to him and insulted him when he knelt down and pleaded to forgive him. He warns enough, whatever happened there was between husband and wife and a third person cannot interfere, so she should go from there. 

Pakhi blames him for her condition and says she married his brother on her order and trusted him, but he gave her place to Sai and betrayed. She asks him to go. She says she will not go without getting answer to his question; what is there in Sai that she doesn’t have, if she is not educated, if she doesn’t behave with his family, she is far better than Sai who is arrogant and stubborn, but he chose Sai instead of her; why should she stay in this house now. He says their relationship has a few restrictions, they can be friends nothing else, he just wants to request her to respect the restrictions and never broke them; the way she compared herself with Sai, he can just say that they both are different people and cannot be compared, Sai is his wife and he doesn’t want any woman to compare herself with his wife. He shows her door again. She shatters hearing any other woman and walks away.


Virat leaves home and informs Ashwini that he got a call to go on an important mission. He calls Sai on the way, but she doesn’t pick his call. Mohit messages her that Virat is going on a dangerous mission and to pray for safety.  Virat on the way to his mission calls Sai, but she doesn’t pick his call. Mohit messages Sai that Virat is going on a dangerous mission and she should pray for him

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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