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Bhavani asks Pakhi to call hospital and find out when is Virat getting discharged. Ashwini with Mohit walk in and informs there is no need for that as Virat has returned home. Mohit call the whole family, and Ashwini inform that Virat is discharged from hospital. Ninad and Sonali says its a good news. Ashwini asks Mohit to serve sweets to everyone. Bhavani says well well she brought sweets to celebrate her son’s return home. Ashwini says its double celebration as her daughter inlaw is also returning home with her son. Bhavani and her puppet stand shocked hearing that. Sonali yells if she is celebrating for a daughter inlaw who ruined family’s dignity and denied to return home with Virat? Ashwini says they cannot understand a book’s story by just reading 2-3 pages, whatever Sai did was not her mistake, anyways its a past and they shouldn’t repeat it, she saw happiness on her son’s face after a long time because of Sai, why ddo they want to snatch it, she pray to god for Virat and Sai’s Love forever. Pakhi get jealous hearing that. Ashwini ask her to bring aarti thali to welcome her son and daughter inlaw. Bhavani yells if she really brought jungli mulgi back home? Mohit informs that Virat and Sai came. Virat enters home holding Sai’s hand. Karishma says seeing Virat and Sai, it looks like they didn’t fight at all. Ashwini stop them and says let her perform their aarti to ward off evil eyes from them, she ask Pakhi to bring aarti thali and herself goes to bring it. Sai looking at door remembers Virat shutting door at her face. Virat ask her not to think much as its her house. Sai says its neither her house nor family, she is here for his health and once he gets well, she will return to hostel. Virat think he once made a mistake of sending her away from him, now he will not let her go from his life at any cost. Ashwini bring aarti. Mohit ask Karishma to help Ashwini. Sonali stops Karishma. Mohit says dada and vahini returned home and Karishma should perform aarti. Karishma helps Ashwini. Ashwini perform Virat and Sai’s nazar and pray to god to protect them from evil eyes and keep them happy always. She looking at Pakhi orders Karishma to burn the nazar stuff as it has people’s evil eyes in it. Bhavani yells that Virat returned home victorious after defeating terrorist’s, but she seems more happy with Sai’s return. Ashwini says she is a mother and knows what is good for her children, she ward off her children’s nazar as some people are jealous seeing them together, pointing at Pakhi. Pakhi stands more jealous. Ashwini continues that a few days ago, someone’s evil eyes made her children fight, but with god’s blessings, they reunited and it was necessary to perform their nazar. She requests Bhavani to peform their aarti now. Bhavani yells not to teach her as she set all these rituals. Virat tells Bhavani that she is a pillar of this house and shouldn’t feel bad as his mother’s every act reflects her love. Sonali asks them to come in and says Ashwini is right about nazar as Sai’s evil eyes are on their house and she should perform their house’s nazar. Ashwini ask Virat and Sai to shut their eyes as they cannot shut evil mouths and perform their aarti. Virat and Sai walk in together, leaving Pakhi more jealous. Ashwini pray to god not to let Sai go anywhere now. Sonali make Virat sit. Virat feel pain and signals Sai. Sai sends Sonali aside and keep a pillow to support under his hand. Omkar ask Virat how is he now? Virat says better than before. Ninad ask him to rest till gets well completely and not think of rejoining his duty. Virat says Sai will not let him rejoin his duty and even he is not in a hurry. Bhavani says she is happy that he got well and returned home, but why did he bring Sai home? She continues that Sai boasted that she will not return to his house, but seeing a chance to returned; Pakhi is right that Sai is an opportunist and returned home with a chance. Sai says she returned here until Virat gets well and then will return back to her hostel. Bhavani yells that Virat’s family will take care of him and they don’t need an outsider’s help, and even if they need help, they can afford a nurse. Ashwini says Sai is Virat’s wife and who else will take care of husband? Virat says as soon as Sai heard about his injury during mission, she straight away came to him concerned, and Bhavani is insulting her. Ninad yells that Sai had come to hospital last night and created a drama. Mohit think what rubbish. Omkar (waiting for his chance since long) yells that Ninad gave responsibility of taking care of Virat to Pakhi, but Sai insulted Pakhi and kicked her out. Sai ask if she asked Pakhi to go out of hospital? Pakhi says she doesn’t want to speak to her. Sai says their thinking is same regarding this, but she has to answer for the drama she created at home and lied to family against her; repeat if she asked her to go from hospital? Sonali yells that Pakhi doesn’t lie. Virat says even Sai tells only truth always. Sai says she doesn’t know what Pakhi told them, it must be a plain lie. Karishma asks if she means she didn’t ask Pakhi to return home? Virat says he asked Pakhi to return home and rest as she was awake the whole night; Sai just told her that she can stay there, but she will take care of him, and he doesn’t think Sai said anything wrong. Pakhi yells why he always takes his wife’s side? Virat says he is speaking truth and asks if he didn’t ask her to go home and rest, she already proved Sai a liar and is trying to prove even him a liar; Sai is not at a mistake.

Virat tells Pakhi its not Sai’s mistake as she even thanked Pakhi for taking care of Virat in her absence. Pakhi says sometimes one insults other even with a thank you. Sai asks if insult is her favorite word as she feel insulted with whatever she says, nobody felt insulted by her words till now as her Aaba taught her to respect others and not insult. Sonali yells she speaks a lot and didn’t learn anything even after being out of the house for so many days. Bhavani tells Virat that he can praise his wife or do whatever he wants, but if Sai insults Pakhi, she will not tolerate it; Pakhi is elder to Sai both by age and relationship; he should teach his wife how to behave with elders; and if Sai thinks she can insult Pakhi, she will not let that happen. Ashwini thinks everyone are behind Sai and she may go back, so she says Sai didn’t say anything wrong. Bhavnai asks why is Pakhi sad then? Pakhi asks not to bother as Virat and Sai will not understand her sadness or pain and will insult her more instead. Virat asks why is she exaggerating the issue, she left hospital angrily and even here she is doing same; she should understand that Sai returned for her husband and told her same, how is Pakhi insulted if Sai is fulfilling her responsibility? Pakhi asks where was her responsibility when he was shot, when he went to apologize and bring her back, she clearly denied to return with him; she is reminding him as he forgot his family’s insult or Sai knows how to trap people in her talks. Virat stops her and says she doesn’t have to remind him anything and he wants to remind her that whatever happened was between husband and wife and a third person shouldn’t interfere as when husband and wife reconcile, a third person feels insulted and he doesn’t want Pakhi to feel same. Pakhi asks if she is a third person? Ashwini says Virat is right, Pakhi should have walked out when husband and wife met, but why did she come here crying? Pakhi says she must be happy seeing her crying. Virat warns her to behave with his mother and asks why is she feeling bad when Sai wants to take his responsibility and why did she create such a big drama for such a small issue? She asks why he only sees what she does and doesn’t see what Sai did, Sai insulted her when she told Sai not to go in when Virat is resting; she is worried for Virat, but he is not worried for her. Sai says she doesn’t think she did wrong as Pakhi wanted to kick her out of the hospital when she came to meet her husband; she wants to ask with what right she stopped her from meeting her husband? She ask Ninad why did he ask Pakhi not to let her enter the hospital? Virat says he cannot believe they were doing this to Sai behind him, especially Ninad. He ask Pakhi why didn’t she stop Ninad and Bhavani when they took wrong decision as she always advocates for right? Ninad says he did right, but Sai shamelessly came to hospital and even here. Virat asks him to stop as Sai returned for him as she has both shame and responsibility in her. He holds Sai’s hand, leaving Pakhi frowning more in jealousy, and warn Ninad not to dare misbehave with his wife; he is his father, but that doesn’t mean he can misbehave with his wife. Ninad again yells that he spoke right and Virat is misbehaving with his father for Sai. Omkar backs Ninad and says Sai has returned pitying him. Virat feel pain, and Sai supports him in concern. Virat says when you are concerned for someone, they experience pain like Sai did when he was shot she madly called him repeatedly, it proves Sai didn’t pity him but cared for him. He asks everyone if its not a good news if husband and wife fight and then reconcile, then why they are not happy? Bhavani says Virat taught them that they shouldn’t tell Sai anything or else they will be insulted; Virat learned to lie in Sai’s company, earlier he said he will not accept Sai back in his life, but he himself brought her back home. Sai says its obvious to get insulted if they interfere between husband and wife, but she is amazed to find out that experienced Bhavani learnt this so late. Omkar yells that she is insulting Bhavani again. Ashwini says she was just explaining to Bhavani. Sonali asks what does she mean? Ashwini says she is speaking right as nobody supported her till now, not even her husband; she is happy that Virat supports his wife and stands for her. Ninad shouts at her to stop this drama. Ashwini says he is right as her son just came from hospital and needs rest. Sai says she is right and this stressful environment is not good for him. Ashwini asks her to take Virat to her room. Sai says she will be with Virat always and Ashwini should take care of Virat when she goes to college. Pakhi claps and says Sai is amazing and should get world’s most clever award and one more for her dual standards. Ashwini asks what does she mean, what did Sai do? Pakhi says Sai said she came to take care of Virat, but also wants to go to college and someone should take care of him in her absence; Virat is blindfolded and cannot see his wife’s dual standards. Virat says she is blindfolded, hence she cannot see the truth; if she ever thought Sai is losing her studies because of him, she was just talking about a few hours. Pakhi says Sai’s husband and advocate Virat Chavan jumped into field to fight for her; she agrees that Sai’s studies are suffering and she should attend college, but why he thinks others should take up her responsibility; Sai is just acting and running away from her responsibility. Sai says she is not acting as even becoming a doctor is her responsibility which Virat gave her and she wants to fulfill both responsibilities.

PRECAP: Sai feeds Virat. Virat says his life and house are incomplete without her. She says even she feels one relationship is incomplete and she wants to complete it before leaving. Sai plans some surprise and tells Virat that she will cook everything tomorrow. Other side, Bhavani tells Pakhi to cook all Virat’s favorite items tomorrow to sort out differences between them.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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