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Mohit asks Sai who is Harini followed by Ashwini. Sai says all this arrangement is for Harini’s birthday. Ninad asks who is she? Omkar says he is hearing her name for the first time. Ashwini asks if Harini is her friend? Sai says Harini is her relative, but they all are more related to her than her. Sonali ask who is this mysterious relative? Sai says Bhavani knows her well. Ninad and Omkar yell at her to tell who is Harini. Sai asks Bhavani to tell who Harini is. Ninad continues yelling and asks Virat if he brought here them to spoil their mood, they thought to spend quality time with family, but with Sai’s presence its impossible. Omkar says they will not let Sai insult Bhavani and will go from here right now. Bhavani asks Sai why is she is creating drama with Harini’s name? Virat ask Bhavani if she knows who Harini is then? Ashwini asks if even he knows who Harini is. Virat says yes and says Harini is… Sai says the family head speak about Harini. Bhavani thinks what to tell about Harini. Pakhi yells at Sai that she should be ashamed to force Bhavani not bothering about her old age. Family drama continues. Sonali asks Omkar if he knows who Harini is? Omkar says she must be someone important and hence Bhavani is tensed. Ninad yells that Sai is living on their favor and is insulting them. Virat asks if Sai is bad because she speaks the truth? Pakhi yells he shouldn’t be blind in his wife’s love that he cannot see his family’s insult. Virat asks if she wants him to hide the truth because of family, truth is bitter which is necessary. Pakhi continues yelling. Virat warns that truth must be out today. Sai asks Bhavani if she will tell the truth or should she? Bhavani asks which truth is she talking about, she is quiet doesn’t mean she can force her, she is talking about a dirty blood which can never be part of their family. Sai warn her to stop and says her past deeds cannot be changed, she thought she will repent for her sins, but she doesn’t want to change at all and is blaming an innocent child while she is at fault; how can she say this and if she doesn’t have a heart in her chest. Bhavani yells not to accuse her hearing false stories as she doesn’t know what had happened. Sai says she knows everything, what happened, why it happened, and when it happened. Bhavani asks if she is threatening her. Sai says truth can not be hidden and when it comes out, it hurts dear ones; she wants to maintain her dignity, but her adamancy is bigger than her dignity. She warns her to tell the truth before she counts to 3 or else she will tell the truth. She starts counting. Bhavani reminisces giving Devi’s baby to Ninad and Omkar asking to throw it away. Devi asks her about her baby, and she lie that her baby was born daed. Sai informing her that Devi’s daughter is staying with Pulkit and not in orphanage. Out of flashback, Bhavani reveals that Harini is Devi and Pulkit’s daughter. Family is shocked to hear that. Omkar and Ninad discuss that Harini is the same girl whom they had ransacked, that is why Bhavani got tensed hearing her name. Ashwini ask why didn’t Bhavani tell them that Devi has a daughter? Sai says Bhavani didn’t want to reveal the truth and she decides whom she has to. Ashwini says she can not understand anything. Virat ask which truth she knows that they all don’t know. Sai informs that when Devi gave birth to a baby girl Bhavani sent the baby to orphanage. Virat is shocked asks if she is telling the truth. Sai says if he doesn’t trust her, he can ask Bhavani, Omkar and Ninad supported her in this heinous act. Virat ask them to tell it's a lie. Bhavani says she had to do this as she didn’t have any other option. Virat ask how can she separate a baby from her parents as she didn’t have any other option. Pakhi says she accepts that Bhavani did wrong, but she has revealed why she lied. Sai ask how can she support Bhavani even after knowing the truth, being a literate, she should have helped her perform Pulkit and Devi’s marriage. Pakhi yells not to expect anything from her and says Bhavani did this as nobody knew about Devi and Pulkit’s marriage as they had married in a temple without any evidence, so to save family’s dignity, Bhavani sent Harini to orphanage. Ninad praises that Pakhi is a true bahu who is defending her elders and knows that elders do everything for family’s betterment; asks if Virat wanted them to bring a servant’s baby home. Virat says Pulit was not a servant and was studying then, asks Bhavani how can she do this to her own daughter? Bhavani asks if she had let an unmarried mother’s stamp on her daughter and throw her on road.
Sai questions everyone that if their ego and respect is more than the little girl’s life? She says you haven’t thought once, about the pain which your daughter has gone through all these years. She says you have kept her away from her husband and daughter, you had told her that she has no child, but a mother’s heart can feel the distance from her daughter. Bhavani says I am Devyani’s mother and knows well about her pain. She says even I have gone through the same pain seeing her in pain. She says she never wanted her to get the pain, but she has to do that. She says if anyone chooses the wrong path in this house, then it is my right to rectify them, sadly my own daughter started walking on the wrong path. She tells that she has to choose between Devyani’s happiness and the family’s prestige and tells that she has sacrificed her daughters happiness for the family. She says I have suffocated my daughter’s happiness for you all. She says I know my truth and don’t care for others’ thinking. Omkar tells Sai that she can talk big, but it is very difficult to take the big decisions. He says if Bhavani had not taken that decision that time, then don’t know what would have happened. Ninad asks him not to see the past through the present. Sonali says it was important else our family’s respect would have been ruined. Ashwini ask what wrong did Harini do? She says she had done mistake and would have thought before taking birth in Chavan’s family. She cry and says you have snatched a little girl from her mother and gave her to Orphanage. She asks if your heart didn’t melt doing this and asks where is that girl now. Sai says Pulkit jiju didn’t given up and searched for his daughter. She says he has taken care of Harini and brought her up, now she is 10 years old. Ashwini thank God and says our Devyani is very lucky to get husband like Pulkit. Mohit says it means we are uncles. Virat says along with Samrat, we have become uncles. Mohit thank God that Harini is with her Baba. Karishma asks Pakhi why Sai is scolding Kaku, when Harini is with her Papa safely? Sai says now Harini stays with her Aai and it is difficult for her to accept her Aai’s childish behavior. She says that girl is staying with her parents, but has refused to accept Devi as her mother. Virat says I can’t think of your bad behavior with Divyani. She says I met her yesterday, but didn’t know how Harini reached Pulkit. He says today this truth came out due to Sai and tells that whatever she did is for the family betterment. Pakhi asks Virat to stop it and says Bhavani is telling how she saved the family’s respect and you can’t stop praising your wife. Sai cry and says Devyani didn’t know if her daughter is alive or not. Ashwini says there might be more secrets of Bhavani which she has hidden from us and says she can’t think she can be so stone hearted. Ninad is about to slap Ashwini. Virat comes infront of Ninad and says you can’t do this with my mother, don’t think of it. Sai says Virat is right, don’t interfere. Virat says whatever you and Kaka have done is not justified and you both knew well that whatever questions I asked you after coming back, you have answered me that you brought Devi from the hostel as her mental condition worsens, but you didn’t tell me why it happened. He says it happened as you had snatched Pulkit and her daughter from her. Bhavani says she didn’t want to hurt her, and didn’t know that her mental condition will worsen. She says she has done what was expected to do being the elder of the house. She says I didn’t do any mistake. Sai says whatever you have done is a crime and not a mistake. Omkar gets angry. Sonali stop him. Sai says there is still time to rectify your mistake, accept Harini and tells that Virat and I want to celebrate her birthday with Chavans. Bhavani refuses to be a part of the birthday. Virat ask why? Why the family members will not attend Harini’s birthday party. Pakhi says so you are involved in your wife’s plan? Sai says Virat was not involved in my plan, but it was his plan to celebrate Harini’s birthday. She says I thought he can celebrate being her uncle. Virat says I can’t believe she was sent to orphanage even though she has a big family. He tells Bhavani that whatever happened is a sin and they all have to do penance for it together, we have to give love to Harini and have to make her realize that she has a big family who loves her and that’s why I have promised Pulkit that Harini’s birthday will be celebrated with Chavans. Bhavani says you should have asked us before promising. She says I feel pain seeing my daughter’s pain, each of her tears raptures my heart, but then also I can’t attend Harini’s birthday. She says I have accepted my daughter, but not Pulkit and his daughter. She ask everyone to come home. She starts leaving while Ashwini try to stop her. Everyone follows Bhavani. Ashwini asks Bhavani to listen to her and asks her to try to understand her. She says Virat and Sai are doing this for Devi’s happiness and that little girl is your grand daughter, and asks if she doesn't want to see her? Bhavani says she is not my grand daughter. Sai says the truth will not change if you don’t agree. Virat says did you know that Harini haven’t accepted Devi as her mother, and he fears that she might call her bad mother just like Devi. Sai says you are responsible for Devi’s condition and says you might feel how it feels when a daughter refuses to acknowledge her mother and that’s why Virat wants to celebrate Harini’s birthday with Chavans. Bhavani asks them to stop it and asks if they think she has come from other world and don’t have a heart? She says she never wanted Devi to get hurt and says Sai is blaming me. Sai says your decision has ruined many lives. Bhavani says enough, I just want to see my daughter happy and if you think that my daughter will be happy if I attend the birthday party then I will attend it for her. Everyone is surprised. Sai smiles.
PRECAP: Sai along with Virat tells Mohit that they have to show a play to Devi and her daughter. Mohit says I will put my life and tells that Sai will be best for Harini’s role and Pakhi will be best for Devi’s role. Virat comes to Pakhi. Pakhi refuses to play a part in the skit. Everyone is watching while Pakhi and Sai are acting as Devi and Harini. Sai push Pakhi on the stage while doing the role.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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