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Devi happily performs pheras with Pulkit. Madhuri says she is seeing bhau happy after many days and Sai did really good by performing their wedding. During 7th phera, Virat enters with his team and says this marriage cannot happen as its illegal according to law. Devi gets tensed. Sai walks to him and addressing him as officer asks how is it illegal according to law. He asks her not to create any more drama as she already did by switching off her phone and supporting a betrayer Pulkit. Pulkit’s friend warns him not to call Pulkit a betrayer. Virat warns him to stay away for legal proceedings. Sai requests him to listen to her once. He warns to shut up. Devi warns him not to insult Sai as she is getting her married to Pulkit. Virat says he is Pulkit is a fraud who is already married to Sangeeta Deshphande. Friend says he is mistaken as Pulkit is a honest man. Virat asks him to ask so called honest Pulkit if he is not already married. Pulkit says he is already married to Devi and there is no one else in his life than her, he is remarrying her and nobody can stop him.

Bhavani with Omkar and Ninad enters and warns Pulkit that history will repeat today and she will not let him marry Devi and ruin her life. Virat asks Ninad why did they did come here, he would have brought Devi home. Bhavani says they came here as Devi’s family and are worried for her. Devi says aayi is bad and never thought good for her and instead always made her cry, Sai always supported her and wiped her tears; she tells Virat that she wants to marry Pulkit and if he doesn’t want to see her happy. He says he wants to see her happy, so he came to arrest Pulkit. She cries saying she doesn’t know what her family did to her and how she is suffering. He says he cannot see her crying and always want to see her happy, so she should return home where nobody will make her work or punish her; she shouldn’t marry betrayer Pulkit who wants to take revenge from their family via her. She says she doesn’t want to return home where her aayi gives her bad medicines which make her sleep always, she will go to her husband’s house and stay here.

Sai tells Bhavani that life doesn’t give everyone a chance to correct their mistakes, she is getting one and should perform Devi and Pulkit’s wedding and correct her mistake. Virat warns her to dare not talk more, she will be punished for fooling Devi later, he came here to arrest Pulkit for luring a mentally stable woman and marrying her while he is already married. Pulkit asks how can he allege him wrongly, he married only Devi and will announce that he and Devi are becoming one; asks if he was having bad intention, why would he marry Devi openly. Virat says he now realized how he fooled Sai and made her to bring Devi here, so he will arrest him for marrying a mentally unstable woman. Pulkit says just like Virat is law expert, he is medical expert and can prove that Devi is not mentally unstable; her medicines are ruining her health, so he had already asked Sai to not let Devi have them. Sai reminisces the incident and says Pulkit has already spoken to an expert physiatrist who said Devi can be cured.

Pulkit’s friend says Pulkit treated his daughter and is a kind hearted doctor. Virat gets adamant to arrest Pulkit. Pulkit asks if he has any proof. Virat shows his college form where his wife’s name is written as Sangeeta Deshpande. Madhuri says its wrong. Bhavani alleges that she is having an affair with Pulkit. Pulkit warns to dare not insult a pious brother and sister relationship. Virat asks Bhavani to stay out of this issue and let him and his team handle it. He orders constables to arrest Pulkit. Sai guards Pulkit and Devi.

Virat tells Pulkit that he is under arrest and walks towards him. Sai stops him and asks if she can see arrest warrant. Virat warns to back off or else he will arrest even her for supporting a criminal and interfering between police operation. Devi requests Virat not to arrest her husband and asks Sai to explain to Virat. Pulkit says Sai had already informed him about these fake documents and whoever have made them want his defamation, so he will show him the truth. He shows original form. Virat sees Pulkit’s wife’s name as Devyani Chavan in it. Sai says this is the same document which she saw in college. Devi ask Virat if he found out truth, will he let her marry her husband. Pulkit’s friend asks if he found out truth. Virat (award winner of world’s dumbest police officer) says investigation has just started and asks Pulkit if he prepared this fake document. Pulkit says the one which he is holding is fake instead. Sai warn Virat that Pulkit and Devi are adult and are marrying willingly, so he can either attend marriage as Devi’s brother or leave from here. Pulkit says Sai is right and ask him to attend wedding as brother or leave with his family. Ninad says they will not leave without their daughter. Bhavani forcefully try to drag Devi and asks Ninad and Omkar to help her. Devi resists. Pulkit warns her to back off or else he will forget to respect her. Virat says until he is proven innocent, he cannot marry Devi and orders his subordinate to arrest Pulkit. Sai protects Devi and Pulkit and says until he has any proof he cannot arrest Pulkit or take Devi away from here. Madhuri and all guests make a circle around Devi and Pulkit. Virat warns Pulkit that he will not spare him and not let him ruin Devi’s life, he will return with proof and arrest him. He leaves with his team.

Bhavani orders Sai to move aside and let her take her daughter away. Sai warn her not todare come near Devi. Bhavani says she is worried for her daughter. Sai asks where was her concern before, they all know what she did with Devi. she asks panditji to complete the marriage with 7th phera. Pulkit’s friend says they will not let even military stop this wedding. Devi and Pulkit finish 7th phera and panditji says wedding is complete. Everyone clap while Bhavani and her puppets walk away fuming. Sai pray to god to keep his blessings on Devi and Pulkit. Devi thank Sai for her help. Sai says bappa and bappa’s pappa blessed are with her today. Pulkit thanks Sai for performing his and Devi’s wedding.

Bhavani with her puppets return home. Ashwini asks about Sai and Devi. Bhavani yells that Sai ruined her family’s dignity. Ninad yells that Sai got Devi and Pulkit married opposing them and even Virat, etc. Ashwini says how can she when even she found evidence against Pulkit. Bhavani says it was her drama, she got Chavan family’s daughter married to a servant’s son and ruined Chavan’s family’s dignity. 

Sai ask Devi to have food with Pulkit jiju while she returns home and bear family’s wrath. Pulkit says the spark which she set by irking Virat and his family will not calm down so easily. She ask them to enjoy their post wedding moments and leave. 

Sonali asks Bhavani when she called Pulkit, why didn’t he come and when Sai supported Bhavani and apologized to her, why did she change her decision? Pakhi (waiting for her dialogue chance) asks if Sai did that? Omkar says yes and it was Sai’s drama. Bhavani yells that Sai always tried to ruin their family’s dignity and succeeded today. Ashwini asks about Virat. Omkar says he has gone to police station and must be coming. Bhavani sees Virat coming and acts as feeling dizzy. Family rush to her followed by Virat who says Sai did wrong and he will not spare her.


Virat shouts nobody will speak about Sai in Chavan Nivas from hereon as Sai is out of his life and heart now. Sai rings door bell. Sai gathers neighbors and says when Chavan family didn’t bother about their daughter’s happiness, they deserve insult by others. Virat warns Sai that she is crossing her limits and will repent. Sai says she doesn’t bother about the outcome and hopes Chavan family doesn’t do injustice with others.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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