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Meet ask Meet Ahlawat why did you come back. Meet Ahlawat says I need to charge phone and looks shock while seeing Meet in dress. Meet Ahlawat says you are wierd yesterday that man ask you to wear female costume you said no to him and today you are wearing gown, you look beautiful, if you are uncomfortable you can change it. Meet says no I’m not it’s good big, open and now you said I look beautiful, we should wear sometimes. Meet Ahlawat says your statement and situation don’t match, are you thinking if someone comment on you then I’ll go and fight with them, it’s fine now I understand you and I like you the way you are, you wear things which you are comfortable for you, can remove it and wear jeans, hoodie. Meet says he is right people should other people on how they are, but how I’ll tell him ther problem. They recieve a call, Meet try to pick but couldn’t reach because of her dress. Meet Ahlawat says phone is ringing near you please pickup. Meet says I’ll not pick because I’m lady. Meet Ahlawat says good that’s a new information now pick it up. Meet says you don’t know when a girl gets ready they don’t hear anything and nothing is more important for them at that time so I’m a girl getting ready so I’ll not pick up. Meet Ahlawat walks to phone pickup says yes we will be there for party we will not miss it. Meet stumble but Meet Ahlawat catches her and his hand on her back in mirror. Meet Ahlawat help her to zip her dress with closed eyes and says now it’s comfortable, now can I open my eyes. Meet says yes thankyou. Meet Ahlawat says it’s okay now let’s go for party.

Babita, Sunaina, Ragini and Raj in hall. Babita says if Raj has decided not eat then I’ll also not eat food. Sunaina says please eat itor you will feel sick. Raj says I’m worried about your life why you don’t want to bring your life on track and says to Babita I will not listen to you. Ragini says we know you love Bhabhi so much why are you behaving this way. Raj says I know I love her a lot and obey her but there are other family members too and I cannot do settlement with Sunaina’s life, Ragini don’t you want she should have her home, Babita don’t you want Sunaina should have life partner who could love her lifelong. Ragini take Sunaina away from them and says to her they are not compromising on anything I’ll talk to Meet. Raj and Babita hear this and says nobody will disturb them. Ragini says okay I’ll not disturb but eat something. Raj says no. Babita says then I’ll also not eat.

Meet ask Meet Ahlawat what should I wear in jewellery. Meet Ahlawat take jewellery and help her to wear it says now you are looking more beautiful. Manushi seeing them

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in Christmas party. He ask her to dance and they both start dancing. A Host come and wish everyone Christmas, says we have planned a game for everyone here, I know there are many couples here who are together from long time and some are one who got married recently well that doesn’t matter much how much time you spent together but the thing which matter in game is how much you know eachother, I’ll ask every couple 3 questions and the answer will tell how much you know eachother, he walks to couple and ask there favourite colour and both answers correctly, then he walks to Mrs. Ahlawat and ask her husband favourite colour. Meet says ocean blue. Meet Ahlawat says it’s right. Host ask him Meet’s favourite colour. Meet says tell, she laugh and says he doesn’t know I won. Host walks away. Meet says you lost I won well forget let’s click picture we have to show it to our family as well and ask Santa to click picture with him. He takes selfie. Meet says thanks to Santa and ask him now you can distribute gifts. He show him photos says you are so tall I’m not visible at all now, I’ll take my picture from my phone and share it with Mom and Dadi.

Meet Ahlawat thinks we have been together since long but I don’t know anything about her and she knows everything about me, and all I know is she just like making everyone else happy but nothing about her, Meet walks to him and says come lets click photo here. Everyone gather around them and cheer for them, both confused, host says now come on do it, Meet asks what, Meet Ahlawat says its Mistletoe tree and when couple comes under it they have to kiss, all cheer and ask them to kiss, Manushi hiding and watching them. Meet steps out and says I’m not standing under it, but a couple forces her in and all ask them to kiss. Manushi thinks no way he won’t kiss anyone except me, not especially this tom boy sister of mine. Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet and pulls her close. Meet Ahlawat takes his jacket and covers them, inside jacket both look at eachother. Meet closes her eyes, Meet Ahlawat whispers first time I have seen you nervous, and smiles. Manushi gets angry seeing them and says he is just mine this cannot happen. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet how hard will you hold your dress, Meet smiles and says stop pulling my leg. Meet Ahlawat removes his jacket, all cheer for them. Manushi says I never thought she would do this to get him close, but I won’t let you do this, I will take my big steps and won’t let anyone play with my future and crushes rose in her hand. Host starts games for kids, he announces treasure hunt, Meet says I am playing too, Meet Ahlawat says you are still a kid, Meet says atleast not like you old before time, you manage I will go play, Meet Ahlawat says sure go. Meet starts playing with kids. Manushi keeps an eye on her. Meet starts feeling dizzy. Manushi had added sleeping pills in Meet’s juice and says Meet you will not remember anything or will be in control and I will take advantage of this. Meet Ahlawat says Meet is very smart she will crack all clues. Meet faints, Manushi catches her. Manushi says she will not come in between me now, and now Meet Ahlawat won’t go away from me and till Meet comes back he will be in my control and so I have to send her away for sometime. Manushi ties Meet and says if Kunal wasn’t waste I wouldn’t do this with you and you can adjust anything so now too you do it, I’m sorry and covers her puts in luggage trolley and pulls her away and pushes it away. Manushi push Meet inside a luggage trolley, she drags the trolley to a dark abandant lobby, Tej sees that and shouts, Manushi get scared, she puts light on Tej, he gets scared with light flashed on him and fight Manushi.

Meet Ahlawat ask kids where is Meet, kids say they don’t know, Meet Ahlawat gets worried and try to call her, but unable to reach her phone. Meet Ahlawat starts looking for Meet.

Manushi switch off light, Tej relax, Manushi get back to pushing Meet’s trolley. Tej sees Meet’s hand and stops the trolley. Manushi try to shhh him away. Tej keeps saying friend and doesn’t let the trolley go. Manushi push the trolley hard and Tej stumbles, the trolley starts moving ahead in the lobby.

Meet Ahlawat is looking for Meet everywhere.

Manushi gets scared seeing trolley fall of the window and rush. Meet’s trolley falls. Manushi says what did I do I killed her, it wasn’t on purpose, may be she had to live only this much, I didn’t do anything on purpose. Manushi hears Meet Ahlawat’s voice and runs away, on her way she try to bribe Tej and says mad man come with me I will give you food and sweets, Tej leaves with her. Meet Ahlawat arrives there looking for Meet, he find her necklace in the lobby, and gets worried and starts looking for Meet and calls her, he hears her phone ring and follows the voice, he sees Meet hanging to the window with hands tied, Meet Ahlawat says don’t get scared I’m coming, and gets down the same rope to help Meet. Meet Ahlawat gets down to Meet and holds her, and asks Meet to hold him tight, with knife he cuts the rope, tied to Meet’s hand. and gets her down. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet is intoxicated, he try to bring her to consious and asks how did you come here. Meet opens her eyes and says you are so cute, but you are bitter, and one bring problem you gets angry and irritated so quickly, Meet Ahlawat says how is she drunk, she never drinks. Meet Ahlawat says let’s go to room, Meet says I want to roam, Meet Ahlawat says quiet tomorrow we will roam lets go. Meet picks her take her to room.

Suniana scolds Jaypratap and says because of you my family here is upset please leave, Raj walk to them, Babita says Raj why did you come out, Raj says I’m fine, and says Jaypratap Sunaina is not able to understand what we both do so please don’t go, and falls down.

Meet Ahlawat bring Meet to their room and puts her to sleep, Meet hug him and doesn’t let him go. Meet thinks of Babita’s advice that she has to initiate their relationship to next step. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat, a girl has it necessary to be a good daughter, wife and daughter in law, no you don’t know you are boy, and not husband so you don’t understand and ritual is a wife take cares and hugs him back and says is it necessary to do all this and even Babita aunty said we should be together, my mind and me are always with you but now we have to be physically together and since I’m the wife I have to start, and goes close to Meet Ahlawat.

Raj remembers Tej coming to him in fake moustaches and wig, Raj asks what is this, Tej says just pranking Sunaina its so much fun to see the smile, and here show me research….. Raj realises he was just imagining Raj, Sunaina gets him food, Raj says no. Sunaina says you are very week I beg of you please eat food, Raj denies, Sunaina leaves. Sunaina remember Meet walking to her and saying please take care of Raj, Sunaina says we are lucky to have a father in law like him and I promise I will take care of him….Sunaina says I promised Meet how will I face her now.

Meet wakes up the next day, with heavy headache, Meet Ahlawat gets her lemon water, Meet sees her clothes changed and gets awkward and ask what happened last night, he says yes I remember, we did something that we shouldn’t have done, I tried to stop you but you didn’t listen a word and forced me to be physically with me and then I lost control too and then we, Meet kicks him and starts crying, Meet Ahlawat says sorry I was joking, we just kept talking all night, Meet says sure, he says yes,……
…… Meet drunk roaming in room and asks Meet Ahlawat only if we have physical relationship we are husband and wife, he says no Meet it is all about understanding each other, I know you are in pressure and same with me, we first have to know each other, be there for each other and trust each other and when we are like this we become soulmates and there is lot of time for that we just started knowing each other and slowly move ahead and then we will come very close to each other and then we will complete society checklist, till then we will move at our pace, Meet says you are a good boy. Meet feels relieved after hearing the truth and asks who changed my clothes, Meet Ahlawat says he called a female staff to help change your clothes, he says I understand Meet its important to see your comfort and I won’t cross line till you are okay with it, now have this you will feel better.

Manushi visits Meet Ahlawat room and says sir I have breakfast for you and walks in sees Meet, Manushi think how is she fine, Manushi smiles at Meet and says good morning ma’am, Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi someone added alcohol in Meet’s drink, who was it, Meet says may be I drank it by mistake, Meet Ahlawat says I don’t believe it, you drank and went to abandoned area wow, Meet says may be with kids I went the wrong way, but why will Manushi Didi know, and didi don’t worry he is just worried for me. Meet Ahlawat stops Manushi from leaving and says tell me the answer how did alcohol come into the glass, you are the assistant manager go find out. Manushi says okay and leave. Meet says forget it, I’m fine and we are much closer now look.

Babita walk to Raj, Sunaina and Ragini get juice for him, Sunaina says to Raj, he is getting stubborn day by day, Raj says only kids can be stubborn, Sunaina says I know its difficult this time and so I accept the proposal, I’m ready if you want me to leave you all and go, Ragini says yes she has agreed, Babita looks at Raj. Raj says Sunaina you are my daughter, I’m not sending you away, this is your house and always will be but here everyone’s responsibility is mine and you are a important part of this family and you deserve to be happy, Sunaina smiles and hugs him and gives him juice.

Tej get groomed by Meet, Meet takes him along with her, Manushi sees them and says oh god Meet is with that mad man who knows the truth, I hope he doesn’t tell her and why did Meet change his look and I have to follow them to find what are they talking. Manushi is following Meet and Tej. Meet gets him to a restaurant, and calls Meet Ahlawat to find where he is, Meet gives order and says we will have good food today. Manushi is trying to find out what they are talking about. Meet calls Meet Ahlawat, he says he is reaching in 5min. Meet says my husband will be happy to see you. Tej asks for food, Manushi thinks good he doesn’t remember anything but I have to wait and make sure he doesn’t speak anything. Meet ask Tej how did he come here and where is his family and checks the novel and says oh Sunaina my bhabhi’s name is Sunaina. Tej says Sunaina, food arrives, he gets excited and starts eating, Meet says even my husband loves Pasta. Meet thinks he has manners too, he doesn’t seems poor, but from a good family, god knows where is his family.

PRECAP: Manushi disguised as a dancer in a show, Meet and Meet Ahlawat watching. Manushi makes Meet follow her and hide, thinks here there are lot of pits, one is for Meet. Meet falls into pit and Manushi’s says now I’ll go to my Meet Ahlawat.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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