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Meet says if you want you can ignore me I have no problem. Meet Ahlawat says come with me and introduce her to everyone as his wife and asks his colleagues to continue with their lunch and says Meet come lets have lunch at a very good place. Meet and Meet Ahlawat seat on their car, he says let’s have food delivered by you, Meet says you eat peacefully just give me 5 stars, Meet Ahlawat says have you eaten anything, Meet says not yet, Meet Ahlawat says this is why I ordered pizza for us, Meet says when did you become so smart, and we go out to work and not timepass, no cheating with work, this is wrong, he says fine I understand and all this crankiness is all because you are hungry, have food, and I know there is lot of complications back home, so give it some time.

Babita stops Sunaina from meeting Tej and says you are no one to him, you happily decided to marry and now you have lost all rights here, so please go back, Sunaina says no one can stop me from meeting Tej, and calls Tej, Sunaina asks Ragini to help her, Sunaina says to Raj, you knew I wasn’t ready for marriage, talk to Tej he looks upset, Raj says he isnt upset with you, actually he has lost his memory.

Meet asks Meet Ahlawat to add oregano to her pizza, both enjoy their lunch. Meet says bye now, Meet Ahlawat says finish this last piece and both share it and Meet leaves.
Raj asks Ragini to move on and forget Tej, this house and Tej will just hurt her, Sunaina says how can I move on when I know Tej is here and needs me, I waited for Tej and always wanted to, how can I leave now, Raj says you are my daughter first and I want you to see you happy to, there is nothing left here for you, all these years you lived in hope of him coming back and now you want to wait more for his memory to come back, God has given you a new chance with Ravi, so move on with him, I know this is very difficult but listen to your papa and go home.

Babita says to everyone, no one will tell Meet and Meet Ahlawat, Sunaina was here I want them to stay out. Manushi sees all this and says thes people have their own weird drama.

Meet Ahlawat in his room, and has itchy back, he uses a hanger to scratch his back and calls Meet to help him, Meet walks in with Manushi, Manushi says look jiju is waiting for you, this girl is mad Jiju wanted to sleep with me but I said I don’t want to come between you two, Meet says enough of formalities and Meet Ahlawat has no issues with me sleeping, he knows and understands me, Manushi says thats nice, so he doesn’t need you but I do come, Meet Ahlawat says Meet stop and holds her hand, Manushi laughs and says I told you he doesn’t want to sleep without you, bye love birds and leaves

Meet says whats wrong with you, Meet Ahlawat says my back is going crazy its so itchy, Meet says sit and pulls his shirt up and applies talcum powder, to soothe his itching, both feel a little awkward, Meet Ahlawat cleans powder of Meet’s hand and thanks her.

Masum stops Manushi and says what are you upto, I see evil smile, Manushi says what do you mean, Masum says stop this drama, I know why you are here, we already have one trouble from your house and you are one more here, Manushi says Dadi always said a person who thinks bad sees bad, Masum shouts at Manushi, Manushi says lower your volume, if Babita aunty finds it, she will be very upset, Masum gets angry and leaves. Manushi looks at the house and says I have played big games to reach here, and its to achieve my dream, today everyone sees me uniting Meet and Meet Ahlawat because later I will separate them and I have already started my plan.

Babita on call regarding logistics for her boutique, Raj and Meet Ahlawat walks to her. Meet walks to them with Tej, talking on call regarding her deliveries. Raj says thess two are busy looks like we men have to organise Lohari, Ram says correct, no worries we will do it and its Meet’s first lohari and Tej is here too. Manushi looks at Meet Ahlawat and sends him message. Babita says I’m designing exclusive dress for her and it has to be special and memorable. Meet Ahlawat ignores Manushi’ s message, she messages again. Ragini says Meet lohari is very special function, Meet looks at Meet Ahlawat.

Meet gets call, Ragini says to Babita she will manage all arrangements, Manushi says Meet is very busy with her work, so if its fine I will help Ragini aunty, because I am free and feel awkward, so if you don’t mind. Meet walks in sorry I was busy, Babita says Ragini, if you want you can ask Manushi for help, Ragini says okay. Manushi again messages Meet Ahlawat and smiles looking at him and thinks how long will you ignore because now I am going nowhere and this Lohari will bring us closer.
Meet Ahlawat in parking see servant cleaning his car and remember what Meet told him about her father’s bike and how she love to clean it, walks to servant says give me I’ll do it, servant leaves and he start cleaning his car. Manushi come out and see him cleaning car walks to him and hold water pipe and says why didn’t you reply to my message. Meet Ahlawat says stop disturbing me and go from here do your work. Manushi says if you must have read the message this conversation won’t be happening, I asked you what are you gifting my sister on Lohri. Meet Ahlawat it’s our matter we will handle, you don’t need to interfere. Manushi says why are you complicating our relation. He says we don’t have any relation. Manushi says you cannot ignore this we have relation of in law’s and we both are important for my sister, we are trying to move on in are life and I’m sorry for what I did in Rajasthan but what can I do I thought you still love me but now I’m clear on our relation and nothing is there between us so from now on we are in law’s and Meet will also be happy after seeing our bond anyways I’ll leave and you can do your work.

Babita scared says to servant what are you doing here go and look. Raj walks to Babita says he is not in room. Ram walks down says he is not in balcony too. Everyone gather says don’t know where he is. Babita calls Tej. Meet Ahlawat hear rush to Babita says what happen mom. Babita says we cannot find Tej did he run away again. Meet Ahlawat don’t worry I’ll find me, I’ll go and check on terrace. Meet walks to them says he is not there I checked already. Babita says to Raj go to police and file a complaint. Raj says it’s 15min. Only wait for sometime then we will go to police station. Manushi looking everything from corridor. Everyone sees Sunaina with Tej coming inside. Tej take nods his head and take her inside. Meet walks to Sunaina says thankgod he is with you we all were worried. Babita walks to Tej and Sunaina and push her hand away from Tej says how dare you. Sunaina show her divorce papers and says now I can live here and take better care of Tej. Meet thinks how much she love Sunaina. Sunaina says can you see him smiling I took him to his favorite place. Babita throw away the paper says do hell with this, you have crossed limits. Sunaina says please let me live with my Tej I can live with him in any condition. Babita says you will live in servants quater do you agree. Raj says what are you saying Babita. Sunaina says I can live wherever you want if Tej is with me. Meet says to Sunaina you can live with us in our room. Sunaina says no if mom wants me to live in quaters I’ll live. Meet try to explain Babita. Babita says he deserves this and you both stay away from this matter go do your job. Manushi says this family already have there issues, this will help me in my plan continue Ahlawat’s.

Meet in her room. Ragini walks to her says see I cannot untangle this wool can you help me. Meet says okay you can do your work I’ll help you in this. Meet Ahlawat walks to her ask what are you doing. Meet says Ragini ask me to untangle wool so doing that. Meet Ahlawat says I think so are relation is also tangled like this wool, I talked to Dad he told me Ravi is perfect match for Sunaina she shouldn’t have come bacyand move on, I know she was our family member but now she should move on. Meet says what about love she still love him and she forced to get married Raj told this, everyone is seeing that she is doing wrong but not trying to find what she is facing. Meet Ahlawat says you we cannot hold everything in our life you know Tej’s condition that’s why I think she should move forward. Meet says it’s easy to say but difficult to follow and she is stuck between force marriage and old love and in this matter I’m with Sunaina. Meet Ahlawat start helping her to untangle wool. Meet says relation are like this wool if you start untangling it you can make it done.

Sunaina in kitchen. Masum walks fridge and drop kheer and start acting to pick it up says I have pain in my back can you please clean this. Sunaina says no worries I’ll do it. Meet says I will clean it. Masum says whatever whoever wants clean it and leave.
Meet walks to clean. Sunaina says no it’s my fight for my love I’ll do it. Meet says I respect your love but you are my elder sister, do anything for your love but when it come to your self respect don’t sit quiet and no need to worry I’m with you. Sunaina hugs her.

Manushi see Babita is coming downstairs, start acting like she is cleaning. Babita stops her and says what are you doing I ask you to help for Lohri prepration servants are here to do this job. Manushi says it doesn’t matter I was just resting in my room then Sunaina walks into my room says you are just resting here so can you help me in dusting and asked me to clean washroom too so I’ll do it when dusting is done. Babita says no need of that leave it, it was Sunaina’s choice to live like servant, see I’m sorry what Sunaina said to you because of you my Tej is back and with me you are very important for me and this cleaning part Sunaina will do. Manushi says very sweet of you I’m sorry to interfere in family matters but if Sunaina get insulted in fornt of outsider then she might leave and go away I’m really concern for her. Babita says this is what I want she stay away from Tej and I try to understand her with love but she don’t understand and leaves. Manushi says they got money but don’t have brain specially Babita, I won’t take time to control over her.

Manager gives parcel to Meet for sector says I thought you eill do your job as timepass after marriage,you are daughter in law of a big family still doing this job, tell me your in law’s are rich and you don’t require to work. Meet says you are right my in law’s are rich but my family members are ordinary so Meet Huddah need to work and after seeing my hardwork my mom and dadi get’s happy which I love a lot after all Lohri is here my mom wiill be facing lot’s of expenditure on my in law’s so I want my mom should be tension free from spending money, so you gave me parcel to earn. Manager says you will get don’t worry. Meet get’s on her bike and leaves.

Babita bring Tej to garden make him sit says you like bookd so here are plenty for you, you can do whatever you want you got many colours here to play with. Babita walks to servant says take good care of Tej his cure has started so no sweet for him or else his medicine will reach so be alert. Sunaina walks to Tej. Babita see her with Tej and gets angry, she asks what are you doing, how dare you touch Tej with your dirty hands. Sunaina cleans her hands and sits beside Tej, Babita pulls her away and says you are a servant here, you can’t sit here. Sunaina sits on ground, Babita walks to Tej and says I will get you juice and leaves. Tej looks at Sunaina, Sunaina asks what are you writing, Tej goes sits beside her, Sunaina asks you like sitting down, do you like lawn, greenery, Tej blushes.
Babita wakhs in and sees Sunaina written on table, Sunaina gets up and sees Sunaina written, and smiles.
Isha and Meet Ahlawat think what to gift Meet, Isha says give her smart watch, and she will always think of you, Ragini nod no and says we are giving Meet a gift, she is special, so her gift should be special, Meet Ahlawat says suggest something, Ragini says gift something she will remember life long. Manushi says I know what we can give Meet. Ragini says Isha come lets go look after presentation. Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi, I don’t need your suggestion and I am sure you know nothing about her, Manushi says okay, you think on your own, Manushi writes on a notepad and says you can read this if you can’t find anything, because Meet will definitely like this and leaves. Meet Ahlawat leaves.

Meet noting expenses, Meet Ahlawat walks to her and asks how many deliveries you did, Meet says I will make it 50 tomorrow, Meet Ahlawat says which one of gifts you delivered you liked. Meet says some are expensive, some are weird, I liked the bouquet, Meet Ahlawat says you liked flowers, Meet says I didn’t the person did, Meet Ahlawat says anything interesting, Meet says wheelchair, a son bought for his father and some father sent laptop for his son, Meet Ahlawat thinks what will I give her now, and says you like laptops, Meet says forget that tell me what you did with Tej, Meet Ahlawat says we went to lake and then restaurant and came home singing songs, Meet Ahlawat sees Meet fell asleep abd smiles and picks her up and rests her on bed.

Meet Ahlawat looks at Manushi’s note and says if Meet is important I don’t care who's idea it is and pick note and sees its blank, Meet Ahlawat gets angry, Manushi comes to him laughing and says I purposely did this, here is the note which has the idea, Meet Ahlawat think of Meet and about to take note, Manushi pulls it back and says you have to pay for this idea, you have to praise a beautiful girl like me, Meet Ahlawat says stop this nonsense, we have no relation between us, so stop this nonsense and there are many people here so lower your voice, Manushi says problem is you, so ask yourself first what you want and hands him note and says do ask yourself what you want and leaves. Meet Ahlawat looks at note and thinks of how Manushi left him and how Meet helped him and says my heart is clear and thoughts very clear, I have no problem and crush the note.

Meet Ahlawat wakes up and sees Meet isnt beside him and has left him a note, which reads, I had important work so had to leave early.

Meet walk to Anubha and asks why did you give money back and there are so many expenses here have cash, Anubha says I’m not a penny from you, Meet finds it weird and asks why so angry, my Dadi will take it and goes hug her, Amma looks at Anubha, and keeps money back, and goes near temple. Meet asks Anubha what is wrong, did she do anything wrong, she will apologise and try to correct her behaviour, Anubha says I’m sorry I took money from you, Meet says I’m daughter of this family why should things change, Anubha says you are guest here now, we don’t take money from guests, Meet says look Dadi how is mummy talking, and mummy what is wrong did anyone say something, Anubha says my guilt is killing me that I run my house with your money, Meet says you always said everyone should have a daughter like me why this, Anubha says we feel like burden, Meet says what nonsense are you talking, you raised us to b capable, Anubha says that was my responsibility.

PRECAP: Manushi and Meet Ahlawat in kitchen, Manushi purposely trips so that Meet Ahlawat can catch her and so he does. Meet has very spicy pani puri, Ram and Lakhan ask her what is wrong. Meet Ahlawat calls Meet and ge asks her to come as sion as possible. Meet gets dashed by a bike.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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