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Babita says to everyone after so long my son was happy everyone was so happy for him but look we all are upset. Masum says don’t be upset and where is your daughter in law she could atleast do something but look she is missing, wife’s do so much for there husband but look at her she is useless. Sunaina try to explain. Meet Ahlawat walks in. Babita ask are you fine? Meet Ahlawat says yes and I understand you all were worried of me but now you can calm because I had a successful meeting. Babita ask how? Meet Ahlawat says this is all because of Deep and thank him for helping, he help me get ready. Ram and Raj praise Deep. Babita thank Deep, Deep says this is all because of Meet not me. Meet Ahlawat says what do you mean? Deep explain everything to him. Meet Ahlawat is in tears. Raj says it must be difficult for the poor girl but why did she do so, we heard him accepting Meet. Babita says it was all for Manushi since he was intoxicated he vented out his frustation. Meet Ahlawat think god what did I do Meet must have felt so bad. Babita says our son kept saying he loves Manushi. Raj says I agree she follow her responsibility but what she did today is not done and why does everyone go blind when someone wrong is happening, why didn’t anyone stop her? Sunaina says I did try but she said his dream is more important and she wanted to see him happy and not break again and so she did it even after me stopping her. Meet looks at her dad’s photo says thanks for being there for me, I’m happy for him. Raj says but I’m not happy for you, everyone in this house wanted you to change but you said nothing because you wanted to be perfect for my son, today you became Manushi to fulfill his dream why did you do so? Meet says I know Meet Ahlawat is still in pain and my efforts could make his dream come true then how can I step back, we all want to bring his happiness so that everyone can be happy. Raj says what about you? Meet says this is my family when family is happy then I am too. Raj give her blessings and says nothing bad should happen to you.

Deep says to Meet Ahlawat you are doing wrong still chasing Manushi, do you remember what you did while intoxicated, once you said I love you to Meet and suddenly you said I Love you Manushi, can you imagine what she might be feeling, she did everything for your dream, killed her dreams and living with you just so that you are happy but you tell what you did, you are doing wrong with you and Meet.

Meet pray to God says thank God for Meet Ahlawat’s meeting, she says but I’m doing wrong from hiding Manushi secret but what can I do mom gave me swear I cannot break that, didi break his heart for her greed. Meet Ahlawat call Meet and says I don’t know if I should be thankful or what but I don’t want to hear Manushi’s name ever, I don’t have any questions for Manushi because I need to close this chapter now, I know I loved her she is in my heart as burning lava, I won’t be able to do anything for my people till that lava is inside me. Meet thinks your lava will keep burning till the time you don’t get closure, I’ll talk to mom to give me permission so that you can meet Manushi.

Meet Ahlawat make Meet sit and says I’m your enemy, I punish you for your sister's mistake, dad always told me to try to understand you how good and kind hearted you are but I was unable to see that because of Manushi as you are hersister but afterwards I understood how different you two are one who breaks heart and other you just fix them, when I meet your Mother I’ll ask her why you are so kind and good after so much if negative you are always thinking good of me, saved me from goons, took good care of me and today you saved my dream and for that I always hurt you, for that I'm genuinely sorry but I have a way not to hurt you again, he hold her hand and says come with me. Meet ask where are you taking me to. He shush her and says don’t ask questions let me give you answer. Meet and Meet Ahlawat are in the garden. He says you know sometimes I think and ask questions to God there are many people in this world but why are we together and after thinking a lot I understood, I have a live volcano inside me and that need to go silent so God send you here to help me to get out of this situation, I need to come out of this suffocation, want to live freely and happy but for that I need your help that’s why you have to help me and this deal is done and most important thing I have to say sorry to this kind heart and do sit-ups. Meet says no need to and hold his hand Meet Ahlawat shouts in pain. Meet says who told you to do sit-ups, you got hurt now tell me what happen. He start laughing at her. She says no need to laugh I knew already so I was acting with you. He says you got worried I saw your face. He mock her and they both get into argument. He act again and laugh at her. Meet chase her to beat but they fall down and laugh, turn around and see sunrises. He says sunrise is a sign of new beginning, he says to her I also want to start a new beginning, promise me from now on you will not take Manushi’s name and never hurt yourself in dressing like Manushi. Meet think if I promise him then he will not get his answers ever and without that his lava will not cool down. Meet and Meet Ahlawat fall asleep there. Meet is sleeping on his hand she gets up on phone vibration says from last 2 hours we were sleeping, everyone would be awake by now. She picks up phone of doctor. He says I checked all his medicine and there was no medicine which could intoxicate him, he must have eating something or could have drink something. Meet thank doctor and keep phone says he doesn’t drink and mixing something in food who will do this everyone is family member. Ragini call Meet. Meet shouts yes. Ragini says I’m calling Meet Ahlawat send him. She says yes and says I think something was mixed for me but he mistakenly he ate that.

Anubha walks in Manushi room and try to wake her up. Manushi says let me sleep. Anubha says give me number of Parth’s parents atleast we should know who your in-laws are and what do they do? Manushi think if she find out that I don’t know Kunal’s family then she will stop the marriage. Anubha says what are you thinking give me number you must be having it in your phone. Manushi says don’t take tension they are very good I met his father they are very good people and they have construction firm, they are very rich. Anubha says so what give me the number. Manushi says can’t give you because Parth’s family is not in India they are on world tour and Parth promise me that he will take me to meet them personally. Anubha says but in marriage family members do matter along with girl and boy, how can we do anything without telling them. Manushi says you are right we need to marry and think if we get late and if Parth don’t accept me and go to take shower.

Masum is meditating. Chhavi says it’s difficult to find an idea to defeat Meet. Meet is at the gate listening to everything. Chhavi says she always win and says to Masum all your idea’s are perfect but don’t know why I’m feeling that you cannot defeat her. Meet is recoding everything. Chhavi says I should have gone with my Delhi boyfriend because like this I cannot be Mrs. Ahlawat. Masum shout yes you cannot be Mrs. Ahlawat because you are an expert in doing mistakes now shutup and let me think, she remembers Anubha saying to Meet that I’ll send Manushi to one of her friend in Delhi in 2-3 days, she says I got idea. Meet shout from gate I also get evidence against you two. Chhavi says so you recorded everything we said. Meet says yes and what you did last night… Chhavi says oh my God you know that I mix intoxication pills in food, but no body was there I didn’t tell anyone tell me how did you see it? Meet says you should not be here you should be in scientist lab to know how a person can live without brain, who need friends when we have enemies like you? Chhavi says I’m your enemy. Masum says what will you take of being quiet. Meet says yesterday you were saying he got intoxicated because of his medicine so I asked doctor, he told me not to worry about that but I got to know from Chhavi that someone mix in sometime in his food says thanks to her and says I have good amount of evidence against you, you are his sister but for defeating me you played with his dream, for me family comes first and their happiness and if you try to harm this happiness then I’ll show this video to aunty. Chhavi says I’ll be the first one to go out. Meet says Masum might also go. Masum says don’t worry I’ll see things don’t repeat it again. Meet says thanks and thinks her phone was switched off and thinks they don’t know I did not record anything and she leaves. Chhavi says you let her win. Masum says if you want to defeat someone then stay silent infront of them, understand her move and then attack.

Raj ask Babita now you are happy. Babita says yes. Masum walks and says all credit goes to our lovely Meet Bhabhi. Ram says correct she have a big heart. Masum says yes and let’s do something to make her happy, let’s gift her something. Sunaina says you are talking good about Meet I cannot imagine. Masum says I always says truth so people find it difficult accepting it, but I have only one reason behind this that is my family concern but what Meet did yesterday for bhai I really respect that. Babita says to Sunaina it take time to have faith in someone and Masum took that but today she is trying to do something good for her so no need to interrupt in between and ask what gift should we give her a designer jewelry, designer dress or phone. Masum says she not a materialistic girl she value emotions and family much so let’s go to her family and thanks her Mom and Dadi to send her to our house. Raj says Anubha and Dadi are not been treated with respect what they deserve so this is a good gesture. Masum says you are right we have always blamed then and I too say many bad things to them but today we should go and say thanks to them for sending Meet to us. Babita says you are right and ask Sunaina to call Meet. Masum ask Sunaina to wait and says to Babita we should keep this a secret and give her surprise, just imagine when she will go to her home and look smile on Mom and Dadi that will be worth watching. Babita says you are right. Masum thinks Meet you won’t be having any clue of this and will not be able to alert your family.

Masum says to Babita and everyone at dinner table we should keep this as secret and don’t let Meet know where we are going, just imagine when she will see her family that smile will be worth watching. Hoshiyar says good plan I’ll join you and have paratha made by Anubha anuty I’ll get Duggu ready. Masum says to Hoshiyar why are you so excited always you are his father and Duggu have online class today so you have to stay home and we will order online for you. Hosiyar says I’m not that hungry so parcel it for me. Raj says I won’t be able to join you I have an important meeting so please you can go and keep me posted, he says to Masum I love how you change your behaviour try to maintain it and Raj and Ram leaves. Ragini says to Masum Meet will live when she will meet her Mom and Dadi and says Meet is here. Babita ask Meet to get ready we all are going out. Meet says I love to but I have to take care of Meet Ahlawat. Ragini says we will be back in few hours. Sunaina says don’t worry I’m here to help him and you will also feel good. Masum think Meet Huddah just wait and watch how I’ll bring truth of your family infront if everyone.

At Hudda's house everyone is preparing for Marriage. Pandit ji ask where are relatives. Amma says no one is coming and ask Anubha to get Manushi down and pray to God what all dream I had for Manushi’s marriage but what happen, this stupid girl did all this to her sister, please protect her everytime God.

Manushi is in her room ask Anubha to give me. Anubha give her saree. Manushi says not this, I’m talking about jewelry and I’ll not sit for marriage until I don’t wear all the jewelry. Anubha says stop your tantrums and sit. Manushi says you are doing this marriage so that nobody questions you and your upbringing and not for my happiness and says don’t waste time bring jewelry for me. Amma shouts at Anubha bring Manushi down fast everything is ready.

Meet in her room getting ready. Duggu go and hug her says I won’t let you go anywhere. Meet says I’ll be back soon going out with family for sometime. Duggu says but Mumma was saying you won’t return, you are so good Ustaad Mami but why mom want to send you back, I love to play with you Mumma is bad. Meet says no Duggu and don’t talk like this about your parents, she love you so much cook noodles for you and we should give love in exchange of love and ignore this elder games. Duggu says okay and leaves. Meet thinks don’t know what Masum have planned now.

Kunal says to Manushi you are too good. Manushi says I know. Anubha come with jewelry box and give one set to Manushi. Manushi says give me the whole box and take it from her says it’s not you or Dadi’s age to keep it. Anubha says jewelry is been kept for hard time too. Manushi says for that your daughter Meet is doing job so no need of security, she bring out a chain and says keep it says its worth 50,000rs will help you and Dadi to run house and keep it safe many thief’s are around. Anubha walks to her and says you are right about thief and sometimes it’s your own family, God should never bless anyone with a daughter like you and hands her the chain. Manushi says even I’ll pray that no child gets a poor family like you she go and hug Kunal and says now we don’t need to be scared of mummy or dadi.


Duggu says to Meet I won’t let you go anywhere. Meet says I’m not going for ever. Duggu says but Mumma was saying you won’t come back ever.
Kunal and Manushi getting married, Meet and Ahlawat’s family knocks the door. Anubha open it and gets shocked

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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