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Kunal is waiting with a car, and says Manushi look Dad sent us car, Manushi says if we would be in different city your Dad would have sent a chopper, Kunal says yes, and think now I will exchange this bag with one with the ones with bricks in it, Manushi says this car is spacious so lets keep our luggage with us in front, Kunal says no lets keep in trunk, Manushi says this bag has jewellery and I don’t trust this driver and keeps suitcase in front seat and sits in car with Manushi and thinks I won’t give up quickly.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat pack their bags, Meet sees Meet Ahlawat packing her shoes and stops him, Meet Ahlawat says you touch my shoes I don’t say anything why should you bother, Meet says stop copying me, Meet Ahlawat says its okay now move.

Masum asks Mani Kaka to get coffee, he says Raj and Babita has asked for Meets, Masum says to Chavi we have to find out what they are discussing.

Meet visits Babita, Meet says give me instructions and I will note down everything and won’t disappoint you, Babita says come sit with me. Meet Ahlawat meets Raj, Raj says I know you married because of me and I choose Meet because I understand her, you all were against her and I’m happy I’m not wrong because I can see why. Chavi is hiding and listening to Raj and Meet Ahlawat.

Masum is hiding and listening to Meet and Babita, Babita says I’m happy Raj chose you for my son, I know you must be hurt when Meet Ahlawat said I love you Manushi to you, and Meet Ahlawat hasn’t forgotten his pain but he can move on if he has you, he can change if you have you.

Raj says to Meet Ahlawat, Meet has always stood for you, now its your turn, she fought all pains but was always there for us and you and on her birthday you said her happiness matters too, now its time to show it, even she is hurt help her.

Babita says to Meet no longer hates you and is concerned and its all because of your efforts.

Raj asks Meet Ahlawat to perform his responsibility as a husband now. Babita says to Meet make space in Meet Ahlawat’s heart and she wants to see them in love and its no condition but just a wish to see my kids happy, I want my son happiness his happiness.

Meet says to Babita, love will find its way, it can’t be forced, Babita says I know but you are his wife.

Raj says to Meet Ahlawat, tell me will you give love a chance? Meet Ahlawat says yes, he will try. Meet says to Babita yes she will try

Chavi binge eating, Masum stops her, Chavi says I’m going back to Delhi, Masum says I won’t let them mingle and I won’t let them go, we will have to injure someone bad to stop them, Chavi says you will hurt your parents, Masum says no it will be Meet’s family, and I will hurt them and they can’t go to honeymoon and she will go to her house to take care of her Dadi and Mom and you get a chance to go close to Meet Ahlawat.

Dadi is celebrating with Lakhan and Ram and others, Anubha on call with Meet, Meet ask why so much noise, Anubha says its your Dadi, she is happy you going by plane, talk to her. Dadi says listen I’m very happy, you are first to go in plane, you made us all proud. Meet says to Anubha good Dadi is happy, Anubha says we have you, nothing wrong can happen, Meet tells Anubha that her exams are here and she had decided to go study on tour and Babita wants me to take marriage forward. Anubha says I understand and this means all have accepted you and now its a chance make your way, Meet says but he likes Manushi, how can I go ahead. Meet Ahlawat hears Meet talking to Anubha. Meet Ahlawat makes a call and asks to make things quickly. Anubha asks Meet to listen to her mother in law and take things ahead. Meet asks when will you two come, Anubha says don’t worry we will reach in time. Meet says I won’t go without you.

Kunal’s car breakdown, he says come lets stand there Manushi and signs driver to exchange the bags. Driver exchanges the bag. Manushi says Kunal you were so excited to take me home, don’t be upset and we will soon enter rich comfortable life. Kunal thinks I won’t spend a minute with you.

Anubha and Dadi meet Meet, Dadi makes lot of food for Meet, and says I got you pickle too, I couldn’t go anywhere else but I heard hotel doesn’t give you good food so you two eat this homemade food. Meet says even you come with us, Dadi says what will Meet think, Meet says what will he think, we both will live in one room and Meet Ahlawat in other, Dadi says enough of joking. Everyone walks to them and welcomes them. Mani Kaka gets them juice. Masum thinks who will she injure , Dadi picks juice, Masum push her purposely and says sorry, Dadi says no worries I will clean it, Meet says come with me Dadi. Babita calls Meet, Anubha says I will take Dadi, you go. Sunaina says aunty you relax I will help Dadi. Masum think it will be fun when Dadi slip on floor with soap water.

Kunal says Manushi you go around wait in a restaurant and keep bag with you, I will go with driver and fix the car in garage, Manushi says okay come soon and leaves in an auto.

Sunaina get a call but she disconnect it, Dadi says you attend to call I will go don’t hesitate, Sunaina says straight here in that room. Kunal finds jewellery bag in Manushi’s bag and says to driver come lets quickly leave. Kunal sits in car and sees Manushi returning, he asks driver to race quickly, Manushi is confused, and calls Kunal but he leaves.

Dadi is on her way to washroom, Masum is keeping an eye on her.

Kunal’s car actually breaksdown, Manushi runs to him and says what happened, did father in law give new task. Manushi sees gold in his hand and asks what is this, auto driver throws bag and says you forgot it and leaves. Manushi sees bricks in the bag and realizes all the time Kunal was trying to steal her gold.

Masum says common Dadi slip quickly. Dadi steps on soap water and slips and about to get hurt by glass thrown purposely on floor, Meet saves her. Dadi says nothing can happen to me when you are here. Meet says but how did all this happen?

Meet Ahlawat decorate car for Meet. Meet looks at the car gets happy. Meet Ahlawat walks to her. Meet remembers talking to Anubha about Meet Ahlawat and Manushi and and says to him eavesdropping is wrong.

Manushi says to Kunal you did this drama to steal my jewelry, I trusted you, dadi was right you are not the right choice for me and try to snatch jewelry but Kunal push her says you are also not the right choice for me, you are liear and cheater, you chose me because I’m rich then Meet Ahlawat you cannot love anyone except money, listen Manushi Hudda I also love only money and I thought you are rich but you were broke because of you my life is hell now I’ll sell them and compensate myself for that time. Manushi says but you are rich what will you do with this less jewelry. Kunal says if I was rich then why would I live with you after knowing your truth, I’m not rich. Manushi shouts you are a liar, now I’ll teach you a lesson for lying to me. Kunal says you can punish me only when you can prove that we are married, you don’t have marriage certificate. Manushi remember Anubha telling her about marriage certificate and says I have marriage certificate and I have prove. Kunal laugh and says what’s written on that Manushi weds Parth, who is Parth because I’m Kunal now you are in trap that’s why I said no to your Dadi to take photos and I already gave money to Pandit so he will not speak now. Manushi says that means from the time you met me you were cheating me. Kunal says you’re a liar you don’t care about your family and sister who work hard so much for you, so you don’t talk about cheating, you stole in your own house so this is a lesson for you which you will remember all your life, Kunal hits Manushi with a hockey stick on her head. She faint.

Ragini and Sunaina slowly open Meet’s bag, says let’s see what she packed for her honeymoon. Ragini says look what all she packed for her honeymoon. Sunaina says she is so innocent taking saree for her honeymoon. Ragini says you are right but this innocence is her beauty, our Meet Ahlawat can’t stop himself for loving her and they will be back in love with each other. Sunaina take out shopping bags, says you are right and here is the solution for our Meets clothes.

Manushi is lying on the road, she gain conscious and scream saying I kept Meet Ahlawat as second option for Kunal, he wanted to marry me but I ditched him because of Kunal I disrespected Mom and Dadi but what did he do to me, he ran away with my jewelry what I’ll do now where I’ll go, now I have only one way.

Everyone in hall, Raj come down and says I can see everyone but where is my son and daughter in law it’s flight time. Babita says wait let me call. Isha walks to them saying everyone come outside and see what’s happening. Everyone go out and see Meet and Meet Ahlawat and decorated car.

Manushi at her door knock and call Mom and Dadi, she see lock on door and says where is Mummy and Dadi?

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet this is for you Mrs. Meet Ahlawat. Everyone clap for her. Dadi says, it’s written in scriptures that marriage is incomplete without Dhol, so I brought it with me lets celebrate. Everyone gets happy and Hoshiyar says if Dhol is there then we should dance a Punjabi dance and everyone start dancing. Ram says to Lakhan I asked Ustaad to make lots of video and take photos of airplane because we have seen aeroplane from outside but I need to see how it looks from inside. Lakhan says I also ask Meet Ustaad to take photos of Rajasthan so that we can visit Rajasthan in photo’s. Manushi hear everything and thinks Meet is going to Rajasthan for her honeymoon. Lakhan see Manushi but she run away. Everyone at Ahlawat’s family dancing and Manushi see them dancing says this cannot happen Meet Ahlawat only love me now I’ll get him back so that he won’t see my sister again. Raj says stop it’s flight time now you both can leave. Meet Ahlawat and Meet take Raj, Babita and Anubha’s blessings and leave. Raj and Babita push them in car so that they sit together and ask driver to leave.

Their aeroplane land in Rajasthan. Meet is sleeping on Meet Ahlawat’s shoulder in car. Meet says to him I’m sorry I got asleep. Meet Ahlawat says why won’t you sleep you were all time awake in flight. Meet says that person will be fool who miss all the scene from plane, it was so beautiful feels like we were bird I thought of taking my hand out and grab them, and that TV was also good it was like personal cinema hall, I didn’t know about that at all. Meet Ahlawat says finally there is something you don’t know about. Meet says in one more journey I’ll get to know everything about flight. Meet Ahlawat says in few more journey you will start flying plane. Meet looks at camel shouts. He says what is wrong with you atleast see place and then call me anything. Meet gets excited after seeing things and says we will visit everywhere, we will see sand, river everything and holds his hand. He ask driver where all places we can visit. Driver says it’s very colourful cuty you can visit forts, ride camels or you can see our dance and have dinner along with seeing dance, yoi will remember that taste lifelong. Meet ask driver how much more time it will take to reach hotel. Driver says it will take 50 minutes more. Meet says okay please druve fast. He ask why are you so excited just calm down control your emotions. Meet says how will I tell her I cannot control, take her phone and text Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says what is this, she says read it first, she wrote I want to use washroom. He text her just wait for 50 minutes. She writes him back I cannot wait for 5 minutes. He text her back but there is nothing nearby, she writes back you are here do something. Meet Ahlawat ask driver to stop car. She gets out. Meet Ahlawat see a car stopped behind them, he gets out. Manushi in car gets worried after seeing Meet Walking towards her car.

Meet Ahlawat get’s out of car and approch a chasing car. Manushi inside car see him coming think did he see me what should I do and hide her face from her cloth. Meet Ahlawat walks to driver and says what are you finding in day light with headlights on. Driver says I’m sorry, he switch off and leaves. Manushi thinks how she took help from her friend Shalu who works in bank to break FD. Shalu ask her about the documents and says I’ll help you don’t worry and go to bring water. Manushi says to herself now with the help of FD my good time will start and your bad time Meet Huddah, I’m coming to Rajasthan and when I’ll return from there with double investment with Meet Ahlawat.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat reach resort. Manushi ask driver to stop. Staff members welcome Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Manushi looks and says they gonna live in lavish resort. Resort members greet them and says there is a rule in our resort couple exchange garlands before going in. They oth exchange garlands and remember there marriage time. Manushi looks at them in jelousy and says because of Kunal today I’m not Mrs. Ahlawat and all if these servants will be looking after now but no worries now it’s time to write my own story for becoming Mrs. Ahlawat. Manager says our highness has booked special royal suit for you please come Mr. And Mrs. Ahlawat. A servant go to Manushi ask do you have booking here or come to meet guest. Manushi says I’m more special then that please you can go now and sit inside car and ask driver to take her to cheap hotel. Driver looks at her. Manushi says I don’t keep legs in an cheap hotel but it’s not my time now, so lets go.


Meet and Meet Ahlawat welcome at resort by staff members. Manushi looks at them says if wouldn’t be in trap of Kunal then I would be Mrs. Ahlawat today, now it’s time to write my own story. Meet Ahlawat see Meet in one piece and gets shocked. Meet Ahlawat says Meet I want to forget Manushi, Meet says pick these stones and throw in water venting your anger. Meet Ahlawat in boat sees Manushi in it.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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