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Meet ask him how do you feel now? He says I feel light. Meet says you know water and our emotions are alike but only have one difference it’s in our hand do we want to surround our feelings with storm or not. Meet Ahlawat says thank for understanding me things in easy way and try to leave. Meet stop him and says wait your work is done and now you are leaving I know you travelled a lot hut this is my first time let me also enjoy trip, it’s a beautiful view, now come with me.

Ragini calls Sunaina dad and greets him says I heard you are coming so I want to tell you that Sunaina is not here she went out for an yoga trip. He says I know who asked you to say everything, Sunaina is standing beside you, I’m her dad I know what’s wrong and right for her, this time I’ll not leave empty handed, tell her, bye.

Meet take him near water and ask him to remove shoes and sit with him with legs inside water, says I feel good like this. He says don’t know I never did this before. Meet says you know doing this help to cure heart diseases, do whatever you feel like which brings happiness and sadness do not get time to attack heart, this calms you a lot. Meet Ahlawat thinks she is so smart and jolly, he take swizz knife from his bag and says it’s mine. Meet says you are so cheap first you gifted me and now taking back. Meet Ahlawat says this is your sign now this will always stay with me. Boy walks to them and says you gave me money but didn’t took flower here are your flowers, this time give these flowers to her and don’t run, you both look beautiful and go away. Meet Ahlawat holding flower and remember what Raj said to him about being a husband and give flowers to Meet. Meet remembers what Babita said to her about there relation. Meet Ahlawat handover flowers to Meet and they both smile.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet let’s do boating. Meet says okay let’s do this too. Meet start coughing. Meet Ahlawat goes to bring water. Manushi looking at them says I’ll go with Meet Ahlawat on boat, you are angry with me because we didn’t get married, I’ll start our honeymoon on boat but before that I have to remove Meet from my path, girls like to shop, colour hair but my sister like to help beggar and looks at beggar says he will help me, drop a lamp and purposely push the beggar and leaves. Beggar fall and gets hurt with broken glass. Meet looks at beggar and rush help. Meet help beggar to get up says what happen and ask is there doctor around. Meet Ahlawat walks to boat says where is Meet and looks around, he about to go find Meet, Man says boat is about to leave come fast. Meet Ahlawat says I have one more with me I’ll go and find. Man forces Meet Ahlawat to stay here and go finds Meet. Meet Ahlawat sits in boat waiting for Meet and says I told her not to leave me alone this is new place but she never listen and call her.

Meet dosent answer the phone and he gets angry, messages her. Manushi come sit in boat and thinks now is the beginning of our love story and sign to start the boat. Meet Ahlawat says madam you are on wrong boat and see it’s Manushi. Manushi says yes it’s me your Manushi. Meet cleans the beggar's wound. Meet Ahlawat in shock. Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat now I’m in the right boat. Meet Ahlawat ask to take the boat back. Manushi keeps finger on his lips. Meet Ahlawat has old memories flashes. Manushi make him sit and says I made a big mistake now everything is change I’m here to clean the mess and be with you in every decision and I’ll accept every decision first hear me once. Meet Ahlawat says you don’t exist for me and don’t matter at all. Manushi says I made a big mistake leaving you and you are trapped with my tomboy sister, whom you don’t like she dresses so ugly but anyways I know I'm your love and you love me your Manushi, your moonshine and ask I know you want to know why I left and the reason is Meet Hooda.

Man ask Meet do you know him is he your relative. Meet says to help someone you don’t need to know anyone there is a relation of humanity with him.

Sunaina remember spending romantic time with Tej. Sunaina says I know you will return Tej and remember his tattoo on his hand and Meet putting bandage on beggar who as same tattoo as Tej. Meet help him to get up.

Meet Ahlawat says what did you say? Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat I swear I wanted to marry you but I found out she loves you and wants to marry you so for my sister’s happiness I left you and killed my happiness it’s true, I know my sister is tomboy. Meet Ahlawat thinks I wish you did not leave me or didn’t keep space in my life. Manushi says I know Meet Ahlawat you deserve a beautiful girl like me and sits beside him and try to go close to Meet Ahlawat and says Meet has no grace or charm like me but don’t worry I will make everything fine and rests her head on his shoulder. Meet Ahlawat push her away and says enough not a word against her and whatever you did, I don’t want to know and it doesn’t matter but what matter to me is you cheated me and insulted me and my family, and shouts take the boat back. Manushi try to stop Meet Ahlawat, she says look into my eyes, Meet Ahlawat leaves the boat. Manushi loses calm.

Babita sees sweets and says here comes Jaypratap, he bring sweet but leaves with bitterness. Jaypratap walks in, Raj welcomes him and Jaypratap says to Babita promise this time I won’t spread bitterness, Raj says all good, Jaypratap says no but may be while leaving. Sunaina and Ragini walk to him. Jaypratap says won’t you meet your Dad, Sunaina hug him. Jaypratap asks how are you, Sunaina says happy and everyone here take care of me, Jaypratap says sure but house is with your man and till when will you have these false hope, we don’t even know if he is alive. Babita gets angry.

Meet asks where is your house Baba I will drop you, Baba is confused, and points randomly, a boy says didi he has lost his memory, we call him Bhula Baba and he keeps reading English books.

Sunaina says my husband is alive and when your daughter is saying you have to believe it and its better if you leave. Jaypratap says when kids go wrong way, its parents duty to get them on track, tell me where is Tej if he is alive and even if he is alive, he is dead to you, because he didn’t think about his parents or you, till when you will keep giving yourself false promise, forget him move on.

Meet asks any idea, Boy says no and leaves. Meet says I will pray you get your family back, anyways I am Meet, Baba says Meet.

Sunaina says my heart knows my Tej will be back soon and we should stop this discussion and you leave. Raj says to Jaypratap please don’t leave, Jaypratap closes the door and says Sunaina I will not go alone, you have to promise me you will remarry and goes sit inside. Sunaina looks at Raj.

Meet says call me I will come help you. Meet sees him shivering.

Meet Ahlawat sees Manushi earing and throws it.

Manushi says Meet Ahlawat you wlll give me entry in your life now.

Meet is trying to call Meet Ahlawat says he must be so angry.

Meet Ahlawat being restless because of Manushi and remember what Manushi said to him for running away from marriage. Meet Ahlawat gets call from Meet but didn’t answer and find Manushi’s earing oh his shoulder and remember what he said to Meet while taking her swizz knife and shouts Manushi’s name. Meet Ahlawat looks for Manushi’s earing which he throw earlier and walks away from fountain. Meet says he must be angry with me because I didn’t reach on time and he is not picking up his phone. Meet Ahlawat come from back and pick her up and says where are your shoes did you took any oath to walks without shoes, you will get hurt and gravel don’t know if legs knowa we if are Shahbadh or Rajasthan. Meet says put me down, I gave it to someone needy. Meet Ahlawat mocks her. Meet says are you done, so put me down. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll take you to bench and you can wear my shoes. Meet says then you will walk on gravel, no need. He says okay keep your legs on my legs then we can walk and they both start walking toward bench. Meet says let’s sit here for a while.

Manushi thinks what Meet Ahlawat said to her about her existence and not to say a word about Meet. Manushi says how dare you Meet Ahlawat you shut me up because of Meet Hooda, this mans Meet is more important to her then me.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are cool I was thinking you might be angry because I didn’t come for boating. Meet Ahlawat gets flash of boat. Meet ask what happen. He says I want to say something, on boat. Meet ask what happen at boat. Meet Ahlawat says leave it lets talk something else. Meet says okay you know I meet someone and it felt like he is so close. Meet Ahlawat says in real life it’s different if someone is unknown will be unknown to you ever cannot be with you whole time, it happens when you make connection with someone unknown and then they leave you burning. Meet ask what happen. Meet Ahlawat thinks should I tell her about Manushi or not, says you want to buy footwear and clothes too so come lets go and pick her up, he thinks why did I stop from telling her about Manushi.

Manushi standing on top of fort near ledge with one foot out, she take it back and says this is not true no one can forget me once I’m in their  mind and Meet Hooda cannot defeat me, it’s not possible Meet Ahlawat is mine and it will be with me, she take her other earing out and throws it down the fort and walk away.

Babita says Jaypratap parents find there happiness in there kids, I know that you love you daughter a lot but you need to understand that you being stubborn wont make your daughter happy, Sunaina is not ready for other marriage, feom the time you told her about second marriage she locked her inside and not coming out not letting anyone get inside. Servant walks to them says come fast Sunaina is trying to harm herself. Babita, Raj and Jaypratap run towards Sunaina.

Sunaina with knife in her hand. Ragini trying to stop her says we will do what you say. Sunaina says let me die I don’t want to live. Raj says to Sunaina what are you doing. Jaypratap ask her to keep knife down. Sunaina says let me die, for who I should be alive I don’t want to live. Raj says you are my strong daughter, this is wrong wont give you any benifit, what I’ll say to Tej when he will ask about you, Raj walks to her and grab knife, hugs her. Jaypratap walks to Sunaina hugs her. Sunaina says I’m stubborn like you and I know you and me both will not bow down and to end this there is only one thing to kill myself and cry.

Manager says to Meet and Meet Ahlawat many couples come here and make there honeymoon memorable so we did same for you that’s why we kept a compitition and will follow eye blinking task, looks into eachother eye with love so lets begin. Meet says it’s a game lets play and start staring in eachother eyes. Meet Ahlawat gets flash of Manushi take away his eyes from Meet. Meet says you loss I won and ask what happen do you need to order something else or looking for anybody is coming and she start eating. Three man sitting beside there table comment on Meet and says I feel for boy he brought a girl like small kid with him, is there any shortage of girls something is wrong. Meet Ahlawat run towards him and says stop it and grab him, if you dare to say anything else I’ll not leave you. Man says what wrong did I said I was saying how she looks. Meet Ahlawat beat them and hold neck of person who was passing comments and says to him her character is of gold but this wont enter in your small brain. Meet try to stop him. Meet Ahlawat says no Meet they need to learn lesson and says to Man if you say anything more about my wife them I’ll not spare you. Meet says you have my swear leave him. They both walk away from restaurant. Meet says why were you fighting with them what they said wrong my hair’s are short and not like other girls, things won’t change if you beat them. Meet Ahlawat says I cannot hear anything against you. Meet says that’s not the matter and I don’t care what someone says because it’s my choice to keep this look, tske my swear that you won’t get angry. Meet Ahlawat says you are good but I’m not that good like you I cannot hear anything against you.

Meet takes Meet Ahlawat to swimming pool and says you are angry so we will sit here with legs inside pool till the time you don’t calm yourself. Meet Ahlawat says are you feeling the temperature its cold. Meet says but you are hot and need to cool you down to set equilibrium so come now and sit. Meet Ahlawat sit down with legs inside water. Meet says you know one time my hair’s were till my waist and when my hair use to come in comb then I use to crib a lot, that time my father use to message my head and mom use to make potion for my hair then one day my father died. Meet Ahlawat wipes her tears. Meet says after my father’s death I started working and those hair use to trouble me so one day I cut down my hair short. Meet Ahlawat she is so pure always think about others I wish to be like her.

PRECAP: Meet slips in bathroom and fall into tub with Meet Ahlawat. They both see Manushi disguised as servant inside there bathroom with bathing robe. Meet asks manager to arrange a car for them to go shopping. Manushi purposely hurts herself thinking Meet will rush to her.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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