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Ram says to Lakhan I asked Ustaad to make lots of video and take photos of airplane because we have seen aeroplane from outside but I need to see how it looks from inside. Lakhan says I also ask Meet Ustaad to take photos of Rajasthan so that we can visit Rajasthan in photo’s. Manushi hear everything and thinks Meet is going to Rajasthan for her honeymoon. Lakhan see Manushi but she run away. Everyone at Ahlawat’s family dancing and Manushi see them dancing says this cannot happen Meet Ahlawat only love me now I’ll get him back so that he won’t see my sister again. Raj says stop it’s flight time now you both can leave. Meet Ahlawat and Meet take Raj, Babita and Anubha’s blessings and leave. Raj and Babita push them in car so that they sit together and ask driver to leave.

Their aeroplane land in Rajasthan. Meet is sleeping on Meet Ahlawat’s shoulder in car. Meet says to him I’m sorry I got asleep. Meet Ahlawat says why won’t you sleep you were all time awake in flight. Meet says that person will be fool who miss all the scene from plane, it was so beautiful feels like we were bird I thought of taking my hand out and grab them, and that TV was also good it was like personal cinema hall, I didn’t know about that at all. Meet Ahlawat says finally there is something you don’t know about. Meet says in one more journey I’ll get to know everything about flight. Meet Ahlawat says in few more journey you will start flying plane. Meet looks at camel shouts. He says what is wrong with you atleast see place and then call me anything. Meet gets excited after seeing things and says we will visit everywhere, we will see sand, river everything and holds his hand. He ask driver where all places we can visit. Driver says it’s very colourful cuty you can visit forts, ride camels or you can see our dance and have dinner along with seeing dance, yoi will remember that taste lifelong. Meet ask driver how much more time it will take to reach hotel. Driver says it will take 50 minutes more. Meet says okay please drive fast. He ask why are you so excited just calm down control your emotions. Meet says how will I tell her I cannot control, take her phone and text Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says what is this, she says read it first, she wrote I want to use washroom. He text her just wait for 50 minutes. She writes him back I cannot wait for 5 minutes. He text her back but there is nothing nearby, she writes back you are here do something. Meet Ahlawat ask driver to stop car. She gets out. Meet Ahlawat see a car stopped behind them, he gets out. Manushi in car gets worried after seeing Meet Walking towards her car.

Meet Ahlawat get’s out of car and approach chasing car. Manushi inside car see him coming says did he see me what should I do and hide her face from her cloth. Meet Ahlawat walks to driver and says what are you finding in daylight with headlights on. Driver says I’m sorry, he switch off and leaves. Manushi thinks how she took help from her friend Shalu who works in bank to break FD. Shalu ask her about the documents and says I’ll help you don’t worry and go to bring water. Manushi says to herself now with the help of FD my good time will start and your bad time Meet Huddah, I’m coming to Rajasthan and when I’ll return from there will return with double investment with Meet Ahlawat.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat reach resort. Manushi ask driver to stop. Staff members welcome Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Manushi looks and says they gonna live in lavish resort. Resort members greet them and says there is a rule in our resort couple exchange garlands before going in. They both exchange garlands and remember there marriage time. Manushi looks at them in jealousy and says because of Kunal today I’m not Mrs. Ahlawat and all if these servants will be looking after now but no worries now it’s time to write my own story for becoming Mrs. Ahlawat. Manager says our highness has booked special royal suit for you please come Mr. And Mrs. Ahlawat. A servant go to Manushi ask do you have booking here or come to meet guest. Manushi says I’m more special then that please you can go now and sit inside car and ask driver to take her to cheap hotel. Driver looks at her. Manushi says I don’t keep legs in an cheap hotel but it’s not my time now, so lets go.

Dadi in hall. Anubha bring food for Dadi and says she went with anger and waa saying it’s a big house with lots of wealth but then why did she came back, Ram Lakhan told me when they try to ask her sge ran away, legally she has to be at Parth’s family then why did she come, this girl is out of are hands I’m scared of her. Dadi says I cannot imagine what she did with us after marriage, ww should not think about her much and make ourselves feel discomfort, it’s god grace that our daughter Meet is out of all this situation in Rajasthan and if Manushi came here then she will see her Dadi’s true colours. Anubha says levae all this have food. Ram Lakhan walks in and says pack your bag because Meet Ustaad has done arrangement for you two for pilgrimage travel here are the tickets. Dadi says thank God and ask God to keer her daughter happy.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat enter room and see the decorations. Meet Ahlawat says this is wrong room. Manager walks to them and says I’m your manager and welcome to your honeymoon suit this is one if the best suite of this resort and Sneha Kapoor one of the famous actress was here for her honeymoon and after going from here gave good news of her pregnancy this room has seen many honeymoon and ask Mr. Ahlawat can you feel it. Meet Ahlawat says we came from so far. Manager says I’m sorry you are tiered and must need some privacy so he leaves and bring a welcome bouquet and handover the room keys and says here is the TV remote and if you need anything let me know. Meet Ahlawat switch on TV and romantic song start playing. They both get awkward and he try to stop it. Meet walks to TV and shut down. He says it’s good you switch off, it’s good. Meet says I’m going to take shower. He says okay I’ll go and see gym.

Babita says to Raj you remember earlier we use to plant trees at happy moments so that we can see them growing along with our happiness but don’t know what has happen yo us now it feels like happiness has forgotten our place but from the time I saw that shine in my son happiness so I want to plant this and see the happiness growing. Raj says that’s why I’m your fan. Sunaina says when Tej will be back I’ll also plant something. Babita ask did the kids reach. Raj says yes till now they will be there. Babita says don’t know he did breakfast or not. Raj says don’t know let’s call them. Babita says no don’t disturb them, but I’ll feel good when you talk one time. Raj says yes let’s call them and ask. Babita says if you wish to talk them you can call. Sunaina and Isha says you don’t feel good because they are not here. Raj says I talked to them when they reach airport so I’m done. Raj gets call, ask Sunaina to put phone on speaker. Man from other side greets Raj and says Jayprakash speaking. Raj says wait a minute he gets away from everyone, greet him and talk to him. Babita walks to Raj ask what happen. Raj says Jaypratash wants to meet us, Babita asks why, Sunaina and Isha leave.
Babita says to Raj, I get scared of him, Raj says Sunaina is his daughter, Babita says he always gets problems, we finally were at peace.

Meet walks out of bathroom, in robe and starts looking for clothes, she checks her bag and finds only dresses and says what's all is this, who's clothes are these. Meet Ahlawat knock, Meet says stay don’t come in, Meet Ahlawat says okay, just hand me my phone. Meet says how will I give him in this robe.
Meet removes her hand out to give phone but drops it, Meet Ahlawat sees her wearing a one piece, and is surprised, Meet shy and awkward. Meet Ahlawat gets shocked after seeing Meet in one piece. Meet says I’m telling you these aren’t my clothes, I didn’t packed these clothes I don’t even know who’s bag it is and I never wore this clothes and there is no lock in bathroom door I talked to them they say this is normal in suite now you only tell does this happen. He says no. Meet says when I came out of shower then I remember I didn’t take clothes with me then you were on door so in hurry I wear them I look like a pigeon in these clothes. Meet Ahlawat says you look nice and cute. Meet says but I want my clothes can you talk to manager. Meet Ahlawat checks luggage and find a piece of written by Sunaina saying I hope you both like my surprise, I know Meet will be looking cute and beautiful enjoy your honeymoon. Meet thinks this mean all the clothes will be same in bag now what I’ll do. Meet Ahlawat says but you look nice. Meet Ahlawat in market see a boy selling flower with rhyming poem. Meet Ahlawat walks to him says if you will do marketing in this way then you will never bear loss in your business. Manushi looks at Meet Ahlawat says my sister will be near by but why can’t I see her. Boy say to Meet Ahlawat buy flowers for you girlfriend. Manushi says if I come in front of Meet Ahlawat then I’m damn sure he will give these flowers to me because he still love me and passes by him takes his name. Meet Ahlawat gets restless thinks I heard Manushi and start looking for her and see Meet holding his hand. Meet says where were you I was looking for you, I cannot find the aunties designer saree now what I’ll wear. Meet Ahlawat shouts at her says so wear anything what’s the issue, I’m sorry I don’t feel good please take me from here and they both leave. Manushi see them going.

Sunaina in kitchen lost somewhere. Ragini walks in and ask Sunaina what happen. She says dad is coming. Ragini says why what happen. Sunaina says you know the reason why he come, I need your help, call him and tell I’m on yoga tour or in some other city, please ask him not to come. Ragini says I cannot tell a dad to not yo come and meet her daughter, I can’t say lie. Sunaina says you have my swear.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat near water. He says to Meet I want to forget Manushi for that I need your help I tried a lot to forget her but still I think she is near me, I think I’m full of anger I cannot understand where should I run away from all these feelings I don’t know how can I make you understand. Meet picks up stone from road. Meet Ahlawat says are you trying to understand what am I trying to say, I don’t want to react in the way I reacted with you in market I’m sorry for that. Meet give him stone and says I’m trying to help you, I know how you feel inside do one thing throw these stones in water and shout what you have inside and throw all your negativity out, you ask for help and I’m helping you now shout and throw. Meet Ahlawat throw stone in water and shouts why you ditched me, why you did you play with my heart, why you show me dream of getting married. Meet thinks I also want you to help by meeting you with Manushi, I don’t know how to do it but I always want you to be happy. Meet Ahlawat throw stone in water and shouts why did you do this to me, why you ran away. Meet ask him how do you feel now. He says I feel light. Meet says you know water and our emotions are alike but only have one difference it’s in our hand do we want to surround our feelings with storm or not. Meet Ahlawat says thank for understanding me things in easy way and try to leave. Meet stop him and says wait your work is done and now you are leaving I know you travelled a lot hut this is my first time let me also enjoy trip, it’s a beautiful view, now come with me.

PRECAP: Meet Ahlawat says Meet I want to forget Manushi, Meet says pick these stones and throw in water venting your anger. Meet Ahlawat in boat sees Manushi in it. Meet Ahlawat looks for Meet. Meet Ahlawat and Manushi on boat. Manushi says you want to know why I ran away from marriage, it’s because of Meet, when I learnt that Meet want to marry you and seeing dreams of getting married to you, so I was compelled I didn’t have any other option. Meet is looking for Meet Ahlawat says he must be angry on me I didn’t reach to boat in time.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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