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The Game begin at Ahlawat's mansion Ram and Ragini win first round again Isha and Sunaina. Usha announce next time is Babita and Raj again Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Meet says I can’t play this game. Ragini says no worries go. Raj says I’m busy eating Rabdi. Ram and others force Babita and Raj to play. Meet Ahlawat walk to Meet and pulls her says we won match together this is just a little game come. Raj whispers to Babita lets just sit and watch this fun and they leave. Meet try to convince Meet Ahlawat not to play but he pulls her closer, Isha dims the light, as the paper folds they both get closer. He picks her and rest her on his legs. Meet gets awkward and try to leave. Meet Ahlawat stops her and says don’t leave me and pulls her closer and whispers I love you. Everyone hears that and smiles. Masum scold Chhavi and says what have you done stupid girl.

Amma wakes up Anubha, Anubha open door and ask what is wrong? Amma says I love Manushi you know right. Anubha says what's wrong why are you panicked? Amma says I made huge mistake and says we allowed Manushi and Kunal trusting them together and explains what she saw. Anubha is shock. Amma says this is all because of that boy Parth

Meet and Deep gets Meet Ahlawat to his room. Meet Ahlawat says I’m fine, they rest him on the bed. Meet Ahlawat hold her hand and says we are in a team and we cannot loose no chance. Babita walks in. Deep says aunty what will we do we have a meeting, how will he attend in this state what happen to him? Babita says even I’m confused he was alright. Meet says I’ll go and get lemon water. Meet Ahlawat says don’t go I missed you so much, come here and makes her sit says you will not go and says mom I told you my love will be back to me and says I genuinely missed you because I love you Manushi. Meet, Babita and Deep are shock.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet, he missed her because he loves her and says I love you Manushi, Meet, Babita and Deep are shock. Meet is in tears and says I will get you lemon water, Meet Ahlawat says don’t go, Meet looks at Babita and says aunty please and leave. Babita try to make Meet Ahlawat sober.

Meet is in the kitchen thinks about Meet Ahlawat expressing his love to her thinking she is Manushi and goes in tears, and says he loves Didi so much but she left him, but look at him, he is so hurt, and I don’t even have answers to his question. Meet makes lemon water for Meet Ahlawat to make him sober. she gets some ginger too for him and controls her emotions and goes to his room.

Raj ask everyone else how did Meet Ahlawat get to this extent? Masum whispers to Chavi did anyone see you while adding tablets, Chavi says no, Masum says Dad this may be because of his medicine, Babita walk in and says I will get his medicine changed, Masum says Mom for now we have to focus on his meeting because if he looses it he will go into depression, Raj says he is not in state we have to postpone the meeting, Ram says we can’t because he may not get another chance, Meet is listening to all this, Masum says its all because of some people’s negative vibes, Babita says if Meet Ahlawat wakes up tomorrow and sees he has missed the opportunity, he will collapse, and why God do you keep testing my son, he will shatter now.

Meet thinks I won’t let Meet Ahlawat collapse, I will do anything for him to sober and don’t let his dream break.

Anubha slap Manushi, Kunal is hiding and seeing it, he says she thought they will accept her but look what she is going through, Anubha keeps slapping Manushi, saying this is what you have done, you won’t stay here, and drag her downstairs, Manushi keep on apologising to her, Anubha push her and says you broke my heart Manushi, Manushi says mummy I am really sorry, Dadu I beg you please understand me, I have never done anything wrong till now, you all kept talking about Meet, and no one thought about me but left me alone with unknown man, I was alone and had no one not even my family and all because of that Meet and I tried finding peace in Parth and so this mistake happened, Anubha says enough of your drama, Amma says stop, Anubha says not today Amaji. Kunal says God stupid plan. Amaji pulls Manushi and says we will throw her out but what about our reputation what will we tell society and there is only one option Manushi and Parths wedding. Manushi looks at Kunal and smiles.

Meet force Meet Ahlawat to drink lemon water and make him eat ginger, Meet Ahlawat refuse everything, Deep try to convince him too. Meet Ahlawat doesn’t listen to anyone and falls on bed. Meet says its important to get him sober. Meet asks Sunaina for help, Sunaina says this is not right Meet, Meet says if I don’t help Meet Ahlawat today, he would not be able bear this shock, I have to do this, we will get him ready for meeting, I need your help please, Sunaina says okay.

Amma says to Manushi you and Parth will get married tomorrow, Manushi says I have never disobey you, Anubha says really in that case you two won’t be here after your marriage, and leave. Amma says to Manushi come with me, Manushi smiles at Kunal and leaves.

Meet gets ready as Manushi, Sunaina help her look like Manushi. Meet is in tears, dressed in similar way and dress as the day, Manushi was dressed when Meet Ahlawat had fallen for her, Sunaina says Meet think again, Meet says Manushi Didi broke his heart and so to join the pieces I have to be Manushi.

Manushi hug Kunal and says see my plan worked and after marriage she will accept you and return all jewelry too, see how I changed the whole game just for you, Kunal think she couldn’t be loyal to her families how will she be loyal to me, I will hurt her so bad that she will be scare as hell all her life.

Meet walks in bedroom, Meet Ahlawat sees her and remembers Manushi, Meet prays to God to be with her, Meet sings the same song, Meet Ahlawat thinks it’s Manushi in front of him. Meet Ahlawat is intoxicated touches her face and says Manushi, you are here, my Manushi is here and smiles, and says where did you go, I was waiting for you, where did you go and why did you go, Meet think plan is working he think I am Manushi, and continues singing. Meet Ahlawat stops her, he hears Manushi saying I won’t be back to coward like you.

Meet Ahlawat sees Manushi in Meet saying what you thought I’ll come back to a person who is a coward not having guts to bear rejection and push him back, she says today infront of you is your dream project which you’ll loose, you are the one who like to be trap in darkness and are scared of moving ahead in life, you cannot do anything she says Meet Ahlawat you will cry all day because of me and I’ll not miss you a bit because you are a losser. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not a looser. Meet says you are looser you don’t have the courage to move forward in your life your dream project is in front of you but what are you doing being sad because of your heartbreak, will you be able to move on in your life, do you have the courage to forget your Manushi, she push him and says no because you are a looser. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not a looser. Meet Ahlawat keeps hearing Manushi calling him a looser and get disturbed, he shouts I’m not looser and fall down on the floor. Meet shush him and leave. Meet is at the door crying. Meet Ahlawat says again and again I’m not a looser. Deep come and ask Meet how is he? Meet says you can go in now he can concentrate on his project. Deep walk to Meet Ahlawat, he help him to get up. Meet Ahlawat says give me lemon water. Deep give him and tap on his back. Meet Ahlawat shouts I’m not a looser, I’ll show her that I’m not a coward and ask Deep to give him water. Meet Ahlawat get up and pour water on himself. Meet look at everything from outside. Meet Ahlawat gets ready for his meeting. Deep come with all the documents and laptop and wish him best of luck. Meet Ahlawat start his meeting but electricity cuts down. Meet Ahlawat thinks why did the electricity go out. Meet is standing out the room, she says I need to do something. Deep says don’t worry I’ll look. Meet Ahlawat think of using mobile hotspot and says it’s an international video call, it will be blurry on laptop I should try from my phone, his phone also did not connects and says everything will be spoiled if electricity doesn't come. Meet is fixing wire outside. Deep ask what are you doing? Meet says there is a fault in the main board, it need to be change. Deep says then how will we get electricity back? Meet shows him car battery and explains to him how system will work. Meet Ahlawat is stressed, Meet bring back electricity. Meet Ahlawat is happy and get back to meeting. Meet says today I won’t let anyone come infront of Meet Ahlawat’s dream. Meet look at Meet Ahlawat and smile.

Babita says to everyone after so long my son was happy everyone was so happy for him but look we all are upset. Masum says don’t be upset and where is your daughter in law she could atleast do something but look she is missing, wife’s do so much for there husband but look at her she is useless. Sunaina try to explain. Meet Ahlawat walks in. Babita ask are you fine? Meet Ahlawat says yes and I understand you all were worried of me but now you can calm because I had a successful meeting. Babita ask how? Meet Ahlawat says this is all because of Deep and thank him for helping, he help me get ready. Ram and Raj praise Deep. Babita thank Deep, Deep says this is all because of Meet not me. Meet Ahlawat says what do you mean? Deep explain everything to him. Meet Ahlawat is in tears. Raj says it must be difficult for the poor girl but why did she do so, we heard him accepting Meet. Babita says it was all for Manushi since he was intoxicated he vented out his frustation. Meet Ahlawat think god what did I do Meet must have felt so bad. Babita says our son kept saying he loves Manushi. Raj says I agree she follow her responsibility but what she did today is not done and why does everyone go blind when someone wrong is happening, why didn’t anyone stop her? Sunaina says I did try but she said his dream is more important and she wanted to see him happy and not break again and so she did it even after me stopping her. Meet looks at her dad’s photo says thanks for being there for me, I’m happy for him. Raj says but I’m not happy for you, everyone in this house wanted you to change but you said nothing because you wanted to be perfect for my son, today you became Manushi to fulfill his dream why did you do so? Meet says I know Meet Ahlawat is still in pain and my efforts could make his dream come true then how can I step back, we all want to bring his happiness so that everyone can be happy. Raj says what about you? Meet says this is my family when family is happy then I am too. Raj give her blessings and says nothing bad should happen to you.

Deep says to Meet Ahlawat you are doing wrong still chasing Manushi, do you remember what you did while intoxicated, once you said I love you to Meet and suddenly you said I Love you Manushi, can you imagine what she might be feeling, she did everything for your dream, killed her dreams and living with you just so that you are happy but you tell what you did, you are doing wrong with you and Meet.

Meet pray to God says thank God for Meet Ahlawat’s meeting, she says but I’m doing wrong from hiding Manushi secret but what can I do mom gave me swear I cannot break that, didi break his heart for her greed. Meet Ahlawat call Meet and says I don’t know if I should be thankful or what but I don’t want to hear Manushi’s name ever, I don’t have any questions for Manushi because I need to close this chapter now, I know I loved her she is in my heart as burning lava, I won’t be able to do anything for my people till that lava is inside me. Meet thinks your lava will keep burning till the time you don’t get closure, I’ll talk to mom to give me permission so that you can meet Manushi.


Masum says Meet did a great job last night, we should give her a gift for that. Babita ask what should we give her. Masum says let’s go and meet her family in person and thanks them for giving Meet to us. Duggu says to Meet I won’t let you go anywhere. Meet says I’m not going permanently. Duggu says but mumma was saying you won’t be returning back to this house. Meet thinks don’t know what Masum planned this time. Duggu says to Meet I won’t let you go anywhere. Meet says I’m not going for ever. Duggu says but Mumma was saying you won’t come back ever. Kunal and Manushi getting married, Meet and Ahlawat’s family knocks the door. Anubha open it and gets shocked

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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