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Masum hear Duggu and says so Anubha aunty is coming, now I’ll manipulate her to tell everyone what is the secret she is hiding.

Manushi ask Amma aren’t you gone yet. Amma says I’m leaving and sees Kunal ask where are you going. Kunal says yes I have some urgent work will come back till evening. Amma whispers to Manushi it doesn’t matter if you won’t come back, says I don’t understand Anubha how can she be so bias to one kid well forget it I have cooked for you, you can have it. Manushi hug her and says you are the best, you can go and pray and while coming back go and meet your friend don’t worry about me I’ll lock door, go and enjoy. Amma says I forgot to tell you one thing today Meet’s friend came and start saying today is Meet’s birthday and showing gift then he ask me what are you giving. Manushi ask then what are you giving her. Amma says I gave him cactus and says take Dadi’s gift. Manushi in shock remembers hiding jewelry in cactus. Amma says, she sow thorns in your life, she will get those in return. Kunal says good work. Manushi says excuse me freaks out and says you gifted her that cactus. Amma says yes Meet and that plant both I didn’t like, now I’ll feel calm, take care of yourself and house.

Meet is upset about no one remembering her birthday. Meet Ahlawat think I know you are feeling sad because nobody is wishing you just wait for some time after getting surprise you will feel happy. Meet gets up. Meet Ahlawat says wait where are you going, I mean I’m feeling like doing exercises can you help me. Meet says in the morning you were not in the mood. He says I want to get healthy so please help me. Meet says okay get ready and help him do exercises. She says its 52 you are done. He says I want to be healthy fast let’s do it to 100 and continues. Meet says why are you bearing pain stop it. Sunaina walks in. Meet Ahlawat says Sunaina is here and ask do you need something. Sunaina says to Meet I want to make you ready for family photo. Meet ask what family photo and go with her. Meet Ahlawat says plan to make Meet ready for party is done. Duggu on phone says well done uncle.

Kunal look at Manushi all statue and touch her. Manushi get’s shocked and Kunal says nobody is home now go get ready for me and don’t forget to wear jewelry, you will look like  a princess. Manushi says jewelry is gone. Kunal says what do you mean where are they? Manushi says I hid that jewelry in cactus and Amma gifted that to Meet. Kunal laughs. Manushi says I’m in tension and you are laughing. Kunal says who hide them in cactus and who gift cactus this whole family is mad. Manushi says how would I know that and it was having your gifted diamond necklace. Kunal remembers that gift and start taking hiccups thinks if Meet Ahlawat sees that diamond then I’m done. Manushi breakdown and start cursing her faith. Kunal says idiot why are you crying now go and get your jewelry back. Manushi give him look. He says it’s me baby I’m unable to take you to my home and because of me you have to hide your jewelry in some weird place, listen one day you have to go to your in law’s house where you have to carry them daily then from where you will get the jewelry that’s why I’m saying go there and get your jewelry because after all that’s our last backup till the time dad support us, it’s your right you can’t let it go. Manushi says you are right I won’t let it go, I have to go to Ahlawat’s house and get them back and I’ll not give single diamond to my sisters.

Sunaina blindfold Meet. Meet open her eyes and gets surprised seeing decoration. Meet Ahlawat walks in. Meet remembers how Ahlawat stop her from going out and says I never thought anyone would surprise me, you took pain to make me happy I’m feeling special you made my day. Duggu walks in and says we have more surprise for you. Everyone walks in wishing Meet. Meet sees Anubha and hug her. Anubha give her blessings, wishes her happy birthday and says you get my age. Meet says what will I do with that I don’t want, you didn’t wish me since morning you played very well. Anubha says Meet Ahlawat order me how can I think of not obeying, here I got ladoo for you. Lady says our Meet is lucky to have such a big house and a big heart family, they take good care of her. Lakhan wish her Happy Birthday and says you look beautiful. Ram says you can praise me too. She says you look like a monkey. Meet ask Anubha where is dadi. Anubha says no. Ram says but she send a gift for you. Meet gets excited and ask what. Anubha says blessings. Meet says she sent blessings for me. Anubha says yes and you look beautiful. Duggu come and says to Meet, Ustaad Mami come with me I have surprise for you. Meet go with Duggu.

Masum sees Anubha alone and walk to her and greets. Anubha greets her. Masum says you look good, here have this drink, says did you talked to your Meet, she looks in lot of tension. Anubha says what I don’t understand. Masum says that secret she feel heavy because of that. Anubha remember what she said to Meet about Manushi. Masum says to Anubha did you say anything to Meet she looked in tension. Anubha says what I don’t understand. Masum says that secret, she was feeling heavy from hiding it. Anubha remember what she said to Meet about Manushi and says how you. Masum says she love us lot and become close to family so she unintentionally tell something which are not to be said infront of everyone. Anubha thinks I think so she knows about Manushi, says that our daughter is not like that it was Manushi. Ram walks in and ask Anubha to come because Meet is calling her. Masum says wait we are talking. Ram says to Masum forget this and takes Anubha.

Hoshiyar walks in and ask did you get information. Masum says I was about to know but Ram came and took her, don’t worry night is long. Hoshiyar says let's celebrate your brother has thrown such a nice party for Meet I think he started caring for her. Masum says first love, first school, first job nobody forget and Meet’s first love is Manushi.

Manushi arrive at Ahlawat’s house in auto and says how I’ll go in if mummy will see me then she will make fuss out of it. Man is talking on phone for joker, how we will arrange a new one party has already begun how will I arrange a new one. Manushi hear it.

Meet, Meet Ahlawat and Duggu walks in hall. Manushi enter house see it and gets numb says I took wrong decision, I was going to enter here as a daughter in law but entering house as joker how unlucky am I and this Meet is living like me, anyway I need to focus on my task, while walking she stumble and fall, everyone laugh. Duggu says to Meet lets cut cake. Meet says let Raj and Babita come then we will cut. Meet Ahlawat says if you want can cut cake. Meet says no we will wait for them till that time we will enjoy. Tae walks in says it’s a beautiful moment lets take a selfie. Meet Ahlawat says give me I’ll take it.

Manushi is walking in corridor. Meet Ahlawat bump into Manushi. Meet Ahlawat reach her nose and play with it saying first time I saw female as joker attire that too scared, well good job you were going somewhere. Manushi says after you . Meet Ahlawat walk away.

Meet walks to Anubha and says you look upset what happen? Anubha says Masum was asking me questions as if she knows everything. Meet remembers and says I didn’t tell her anything and I’ll never break your promise. Anubha thinks if Meet didn’t tell her then she was trying to trick me.

Kids are playing on trampoline. Manushi try to run away from them but Ram catches her and start playing with her. Manushi says who need gift. Duggu says me. Manushi says then shift I’ll get some and run away.

Manushi is looking for Cactus. Meet walk near Manushi and says you have done a good makeup and wig but look thirsty and calls waitee and says drink this you will feel fresh I saw how you entertained kids good job Miss Joker. Manushi get’s scared and leaves. Meet says wait and stops her from stepping on Cactus and says so many kids are also around anyone could get hurt and picks the pot and leaves. Manushi think thankgod I’m save and see the package in pot. Meet throws that in dustbin and leaves. Manushi says thankgod she left and how come Meet is getting so lucky and me getting unlucky, tries to go near dustbin but kids rush to her and start troubling her, meanwhile staff takes away the dustbin. Manushi shsss the kid and see the dustbin is missing, she says god I'm so unlucky what will I do now.

Kids start dancing. Everyone joins them. Meet Ahlawat push Meet to join them and encourage her to dance and gets happy after seeing her happy.

Manushi reach the dustbin location and see there are many.

Masum walks to Anubha and ask are you not having anything. Anubha says I’m full. Masum says you were saying something. Anubha says my daughter is so lucky to have family like you look she is so happy, excuse me and leaves. Masum gets annoyed and says she is so cunning but how long will they hide.

Anubha thanks god for helping her because Masum is so much behind finding the truth before she creates problem for Meet because of Manushi I should send Manushi I should send her to Delhi.

Meet Ahlawat starts dancing, Meet try to stop him but he starts dancing with her. Anubha sees them and smiles.

Babita walks in with Chhavi and others she sees Meet Ahlawat dancing and shouts stop the music. Masum get happy. Babita says what nonsense is this and scolds Meet, she says how could you be enjoying, my son need rest I keep warning you but you never understand, stay away from my son and his life and I know for you only your family is important nothing for my son he is last person in your life, my son just returned from near death accident and you are enjoying. Meet Ahlawat says mom one minute. Babita stop him and scolds Meet says you promised me to take good care of him and look what you are doing first you left the other night and now partying. Raj stops her and says her family is here. Ragini walks to her and try to calm her down saying, today is her birthday don’t say anything bad. Babita says so what if its her birthday my son is not well he is more important then her birthday, what will happen if she don’t celebrate for one time, when my son is healthy can celebrate then, you will get many occasions to celebrate but if he will go then will never come back like my Tej.

Anubha and everyone is about to leave with guests. Meet Ahlawat stops her and tells Babita I throw this party for her to surprise her, I called you but you were busy and also other night Meet went outside with me to fulfill my promise and she came with me to take care of me. Meet says keeps quiet. Meet Ahlawat says let me handle it, I don’t like it thta you getting scolded because of me. Babita ask what promise. Meet Ahlawat tell everyone his promise for Tej.

Manushi hear everything says he is so fake, use to talk to me for hours and now after Meet being his wife he changed and also he left my house in anger, well forget it keep yourself busy till that time I’ll look for Cactus.

Babita says go and take rest. Meet Ahlawat says one minute we all know about everyone happiness in this house and take good care of each other, do things for each other but we never thought about Meet she also left her home and came to us we never thought what makes her happy we never did that. Meet Ahlawat says to Babita we never think about Meet, she also left her home alone we never try to think what she like and make her happy, we never did that. Whenever we are angry or frustrated or any thing bad happen in this house we blame Meet that’s wrong, today is her birthday did anyone wish her no, we do preparation and be happy all day but for Meet no she is our punching bag, she represents Ahlawat’s family and ask her how to wear what to eat but did we ask what daughter in law need, no, it’s her birthday but we did nothing it’s Meet she will adjust even I’m wrong I was angry on her never listened but I know in that condition I only remember Meet and ask her to help, she came without even caring about her life saved me from those goons, she took good care of me, she could have taken rest but still she help me that’s why I throw a party to bring a smile on her face so that I feel good and I don’t think I took wrong step of throwing this party please try to understand mom. Babita leave. Raj walk to Meet and wish her and says to Meet Ahlawat I liked you saying true be like this and I’ll see her. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat what did you do, you shouldn’t have talk to aunt like this she must be feeling bad it’s not good to hurt parents. Meet Ahlawat says do you think I’m that kind of son who will hurt his parents and feel good I was trying to say something. Meet says go and say sorry to auntyji. Meet Ahlawat gets call from organizer says we are sorry for not sending joker to party because he is sick. Meet Ahlawat says that’s okay and thinks who is this joker at the party.

Manushi is looking in dustbin to find packet. Manushi open stinky dustbin says what they eat I’m sure Kunal house must be bigger then this and will be having Island too. Manushi find jewelry says everything is fine thankgod and leaves.

Manushi in corridor. Meet Ahlawat bumps into her. Manushi’s fake nose come out and drops her jewelry she put on her nose and try to leave. Meet Ahlawat stops her and ask who are you? Manushi looks at jewelry says I’m joker a lady Joker. Meet Ahlawat says organizers didn’t sent joker who are you and try to remove her fake nose. Anubha walks in and ask Meet Ahlawat what are you doing says to Joker you did great job in entertaining kids now come let’s go. Meet Ahlawat says she is fake I talked to organizers they said their Joker was sick who is she. Anubha says she is not fake we brought him from Shahbadh we got to know your joker isn’t coming so we thought of bringing ours. Manushi till the time picks up jewelry. Meet Ahlawat says you brought. Anubha says yes you go to Meet I’ll be back. Manushi run away.


Meet Ahlawat stops Manushi and ask who are you. Manushi says I’m joker. He says but organiser didn’t arrange any joker. Masum says Manushi is in house it means after ask Mom to not keep any relation with Manushi she still brought her home.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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