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Meet cuts the rope with a small knife, tied to Meet’s hand. and gets her down. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet is intoxicated, he try to bring her to consious and asks how did you come here. Meet opens her eyes and says you are so cute, but you are bitter, and one bring problem you gets angry and irritated so quickly, Meet Ahlawat says how is she drunk, she never drinks. Meet Ahlawat says let’s go to room, Meet says I want to roam, Meet Ahlawat says quiet tomorrow we will roam lets go. Meet picks her take her to room.

Suniana scolds Jaypratap and says because of you my family here is upset please leave, Raj walk to them, Babita says Raj why did you come out, Raj says I’m fine, and says Jaypratap Sunaina is not able to understand what we both do so please don’t go, and falls down.

Meet Ahlawat bring Meet to their room and puts her to sleep, Meet hug him and doesn’t let him go. Meet thinks of Babita’s advice that she has to initiate their relationship to next step. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat, a girl has it necessary to be a good daughter, wife and daughter in law, no you don’t know you are boy, and not husband so you don’t understand and ritual is a wife take cares and hugs him back and says is it necessary to do all this and even Babita aunty said we should be together, my mind and me are always with you but now we have to be physically together and since I’m the wife I have to start, and goes close to Meet Ahlawat.

Raj remembers Tej coming to him in fake moustaches and wig, Raj asks what is this, Tej says just pranking Sunaina its so much fun to see the smile, and here show me research….. Raj realises he was just imagining Raj, Sunaina gets him food, Raj says no. Sunaina says you are very week I beg of you please eat food, Raj denies, Sunaina leaves. Sunaina remember Meet walking to her and saying please take care of Raj, Sunaina says we are lucky to have a father in law like him and I promise I will take care of him….Sunaina says I promised Meet how will I face her now.

Meet wakes up the next day, with heavy headache, Meet Ahlawat gets her lemon water, Meet sees her clothes changed and gets awkward and ask what happened last night, he says yes I remember, we did something that we shouldn’t have done, I tried to stop you but you didn’t listen a word and forced me to be physically with me and then I lost control too and then we, Meet kicks him and starts crying, Meet Ahlawat says sorry I was joking, we just kept talking all night, Meet says sure, he says yes,……
…… Meet drunk roaming in room and asks Meet Ahlawat only if we have physical relationship we are husband and wife, he says no Meet it is all about understanding each other, I know you are in pressure and same with me, we first have to know each other, be there for each other and trust each other and when we are like this we become soulmates and there is lot of time for that we just started knowing each other and slowly move ahead and then we will come very close to each other and then we will complete society checklist, till then we will move at our pace, Meet says you are a good boy. Meet feels relieved after hearing the truth and asks who changed my clothes, Meet Ahlawat says he called a female staff to help change your clothes, he says I understand Meet its important to see your comfort and I won’t cross line till you are okay with it, now have this you will feel better.

Manushi visits Meet Ahlawat room and says sir I have breakfast for you and walks in sees Meet, Manushi think how is she fine, Manushi smiles at Meet and says good morning ma’am, Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi someone added alcohol in Meet’s drink, who was it, Meet says may be I drank it by mistake, Meet Ahlawat says I don’t believe it, you drank and went to abandoned area wow, Meet says may be with kids I went the wrong way, but why will Manushi Didi know, and didi don’t worry he is just worried for me. Meet Ahlawat stops Manushi from leaving and says tell me the answer how did alcohol come into the glass, you are the assistant manager go find out. Manushi says okay and leave. Meet says forget it, I’m fine and we are much closer now look.

Babita walk to Raj, Sunaina and Ragini get juice for him, Sunaina says to Raj, he is getting stubborn day by day, Raj says only kids can be stubborn, Sunaina says I know its difficult this time and so I accept the proposal, I’m ready if you want me to leave you all and go, Ragini says yes she has agreed, Babita looks at Raj. Raj says Sunaina you are my daughter, I’m not sending you away, this is your house and always will be but here everyone’s responsibility is mine and you are a important part of this family and you deserve to be happy, Sunaina smiles and hugs him and gives him juice.

Tej get groomed by Meet, Meet takes him along with her, Manushi sees them and says oh god Meet is with that mad man who knows the truth, I hope he doesn’t tell her and why did Meet change his look and I have to follow them to find what are they talking. Manushi is following Meet and Tej. Meet gets him to a restaurant, and calls Meet Ahlawat to find where he is, Meet gives order and says we will have good food today. Manushi is trying to find out what they are talking about. Meet calls Meet Ahlawat, he says he is reaching in 5min. Meet says my husband will be happy to see you. Tej asks for food, Manushi thinks good he doesn’t remember anything but I have to wait and make sure he doesn’t speak anything. Meet ask Tej how did he come here and where is his family and checks the novel and says oh Sunaina my bhabhi’s name is Sunaina. Tej says Sunaina, food arrives, he gets excited and starts eating, Meet says even my husband loves Pasta. Meet thinks he has manners too, he doesn’t seems poor, but from a good family, god knows where is his family.

Tej and Meet at dinner table. Tej eat. Meet ask do you like it, she says Meet Ahlawat also like pasta. Manushi looks at Meet says I don’t know why Meet like sitting with these people she use to do same in Shahbadh, after being a daughter in law of rich family she doing the same again, I would not waste my time on these people, Manushi you should focus on Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat is coming upstairs.

Babita hold Tej photo and says I miss you where are you come back to me, I’m alone.

Meet Ahlawat is about to enter resturant. Manager stop Meet Ahlawat and says I have asked all staff members to assemble in garden area, please come with me. Meet Ahlawat go with manager. Meet says to Tej don’t know where he is, will be coming in few minutes.

Meet Ahlawat is in garden with Manushi and other staff members. Meet Ahlawat see bandage in Manushi’s hand and ask how did you get hurt? Manushi says I slipped in corridor one of the staff member says yes I saw her there. Meet Ahlawat says to manager do me a favor show me last night CCTV footage. Manager ask Manushi to take him to CCTV room. Manushi says okay and take him.

Babita with Tej photo in her hand says Sunaina is thinking to get married somewhere else, she will go please come back. Sunaina hear and everything says to Babita I still love Tej but my love bow down in front of my families responsibility, I can not see dad in this condition and hug Babita.

Meet Ahlawat and Manushi are going to CCTV room. Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat you are doubting me how can you think that I can do this bad with my sister, am I so bad for you, there was time when you use to love me a lot. Meet Ahlawat and Manushi in CCTV room. Meet Ahlawat ask a man to zoom video. Manushi scared remember mixing tablet in Meet’s drink. Meet Ahlawat see Meet fainting and video stop. Meet Ahlawat ask where is rest of the video? Man says sorry sir only this much video was capture of party. Meet Ahlawat says means you don’t have more footage. Manushi thinks thankgod footage is deleted I thought it’s not deleted because of electricity cut. Meet Ahlawat walk away.

Raj walks in hall says to Kaka are all the gift pack for boy’s family. Kaka says yes it’s done. Raj says okay and ask Mani kaka all these gift are for boys so keep them separate. Jaypratap walks to Raj says Sunaina use to say me that you treat your daughter in law as your own daughter and today I can see that, believe me I have seen boy and his family you won’t feel any regret. Raj says what are you talking you are Sunaina’s father you must have knowledge about the family. Jaypratap says thinking like you can open happiness door for kids like Sunaina. Raj ask Mani kaka to keep everything with care and don’t leave anything, Jaypratap and Raj leave. Babita holding a letter in her hand says after reading this letter any boy will say no to this marriage, it’s very important to reach it to boy but how, Babita look’s at gift and hide it inside that.

Manager says to Meet Ahlawat I have a request please don’t report to police it’s a question for our reputation. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry. Manager says thank you and if you doubt anyone from our staff tell me I’ll fire him. Manushi thinks if Meet take my name then manager will fire me and no job means I cannot be near around Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat looks at Manushi and says to Manager I have no doubt on your staff and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat enter restaurant and says to Meet sorry I’m late where is your friend. Meet says you said of 5minutes where were you, my friend came eat lunch and left, well forget that let me tell you something interesting, my friend was happy when I brought him here and he also like pasta like you and he know how to use spoon and fork, he was using better than me. Meet Ahlawat gets call picks up says okay good and hang up. Meet ask what happen?

Manushi walking says to herself focus you only have 2 days left after that they will go back, till now none of your plan was successful and they are getting close to eachother, you have do something and she gets call from staff member saying a guest has called you feom room jo. 229. Manushi says okay in room no. 229 Meet Ahlawat is staying and he need to meet me wao, let’s go Manushi and walk towards room 229 and ring door bell. A couple come out says our bathroom is locked and we see on your website that k in bathroom door so can you please remove it. Manushi says sure ma’am the earlier couple demanded for lovk don’t worry I’ll ask staff members to remove it and couple go inside. Manushi rush to reception area and ask where is the couple staying in 229, they were going to stay for 2 more days. Receptionist says they checked out and went back today. Manushi says do you have nay idea. Receptionist says sorry no idea. Manushi says to herself where did they go and why.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat on camel. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are naughty as well I thought don’t know where you are taking me to in anger with bag packed. Meet Ahlawat how’s the surprise. Meet says I loved it, I never saw desert this big. Meet and Meet Ahlawat sitting on table. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet you know I always loved ocean, sea, beaches and my Tej loved desert like this, whenever we decided to go on vacation Tej use to choose one of my favourite place so that I feel happy. Meet says to him it must have feel good when siblings have fun with eachother, think about each other and stay like friends.

Manushi ask receptionist Mr. And Mrs. Ahlawat’s must have hired a cab while checking out, it will be very helpful if I get an idea of there location because they forgot there bracelet. Receptionist says no they hired a cab from outside, they checkout and left. Manushi says where did they go I can not figure out and cant even call them after what happen yesterday, you have to think of something it’s about your future.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet me and Tej use to have bond of best friend he was key to all of my locks and you know in school kids use to bully me so Tej use to bunk his class and always use to be with me and in this way he took away all my fear. Meet says so you were a scared child don’t relate that with innocence. Meet Ahlawat says so you are a dared evil so tell me what are you scared of. Meet says I’m claustrophobic, one time I went for delivery, I was in lift and it got stuck and I got so scared, I don’t understand how to tackle it. Meet Ahlawat start laughing and says there are only few moments where I can laugh at you so let me, here is a tip for you if you stuck again then try to calm down your breath and second start counting so that you divert your mind, you will feel relaxed, Tej taught me this. Meet says you want me to get trap in lift and try your formula. Meet Ahlawat says I’m just suggesting and they both start arguing.

Manushi thinks my dear sister I’ll find you, come what may.

PRECAP: Manushi disguised as a dancer in a show, Meet and Meet Ahlawat watching. Manushi makes Meet follow her and hide, thinks here there are lot of pits, one is for Meet. Meet falls into pit and Manushi’s says now I’ll go to my Meet Ahlawat. Meet tries to get off the pit. Meet Ahlawat looking for Meet, is informed get your wife within 24 hrs theres stand storm.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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