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Isha and Meet Ahlawat think what to gift Meet, Isha says give her smart watch, and she will always think of you, Ragini nod no and says we are giving Meet a gift, she is special, so her gift should be special, Meet Ahlawat says suggest something, Ragini says gift something she will remember life long. Manushi says I know what we can give Meet. Ragini says Isha come lets go look after presentation. Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi, I don’t need your suggestion and I am sure you know nothing about her, Manushi says okay, you think on your own, Manushi writes on a notepad and says you can read this if you can’t find anything, because Meet will definitely like this and leaves. Meet Ahlawat leaves.

Meet noting expenses, Meet Ahlawat walks to her and asks how many deliveries you did, Meet says I will make it 50 tomorrow, Meet Ahlawat says which one of gifts you delivered you liked. Meet says some are expensive, some are weird, I liked the bouquet, Meet Ahlawat says you liked flowers, Meet says I didn’t the person did, Meet Ahlawat says anything interesting, Meet says wheelchair, a son bought for his father and some father sent laptop for his son, Meet Ahlawat thinks what will I give her now, and says you like laptops, Meet says forget that tell me what you did with Tej, Meet Ahlawat says we went to lake and then restaurant and came home singing songs, Meet Ahlawat sees Meet fell asleep abd smiles and picks her up and rests her on bed. Meet Ahlawat looks at Manushi’s note and says if Meet is important I don’t care who's idea it is and pick note and sees its blank, Meet Ahlawat gets angry, Manushi comes to him laughing and says I purposely did this, here is the note which has the idea, Meet Ahlawat think of Meet and about to take note, Manushi pulls it back and says you have to pay for this idea, you have to praise a beautiful girl like me, Meet Ahlawat says stop this nonsense, we have no relation between us, so stop this nonsense and there are many people here so lower your voice, Manushi says problem is you, so ask yourself first what you want and hands him note and says do ask yourself what you want and leaves. Meet Ahlawat looks at note and thinks of how Manushi left him and how Meet helped him and says my heart is clear and thoughts very clear, I have no problem and crush the note. Meet Ahlawat wakes up and sees Meet isnt beside him and has left him a note, which reads, I had important work so had to leave early.

Meet walk to Anubha and asks why did you give money back and there are so many expenses here have cash, Anubha says I’m not a penny from you, Meet finds it weird and asks why so angry, my Dadi will take it and goes hug her, Amma looks at Anubha, and keeps money back, and goes near temple. Meet asks Anubha what is wrong, did she do anything wrong, she will apologise and try to correct her behaviour, Anubha says I’m sorry I took money from you, Meet says I’m daughter of this family why should things change, Anubha says you are guest here now, we don’t take money from guests, Meet says look Dadi how is mummy talking, and mummy what is wrong did anyone say something, Anubha says my guilt is killing me that I run my house with your money, Meet says you always said everyone should have a daughter like me why this, Anubha says we feel like burden, Meet says what nonsense are you talking, you raised us to b capable, Anubha says that was my responsibility.

Meet ask Anubha why is she calling herself a burden, Anubha says a mother has to teach a daughter to be daughter in law, Meet says so I don’t have responsibilities of this house because I am married, and I don’t care because I promised Papa I will take care of this house like he did and you know how stubborn I am when it comes to these things, and no one can stop me because I am daughter and have right, Anubha says your father is no more and I am capable enough to take care of my mother in law and myself and now you can return only as daughter and not someone who wants to be my bread winner, and pushes Meet out of the house and says go now and closes the door. Anubha closes door and breaks down, Meet outside keeps asking what is wrong. Amma walks to Anubha and hug her.

Meet Ahlawat in his room, staff hands him a note found in his pocket, Meet Ahlawat remembers its given by Manushi. Manushi walks in and sits beside him and says read the note please, Meet Ahlawat gets up, Manushi try to go close to him and keeps asking something in your heart, Meet Ahlawat says listen carefully, I have only my wife Meet in my heart, Manushi says then open the note jiju. Meet Ahlawat push everything from table and realizes it was his imagination and says I will give my Meet a special gift, and opens the note, which reads Meet likes Revdi made by papa, this will be the best gift for her, I will wait in the kitchen at 2pm and no one will be there I will tell you, Meet Ahlawat says I have moved on and so has Manushi, so I will go for my wife Meet to the kitchen.

Meet is eating spicy pani puri, and think of Anubha’s surprising behaviour and keeps on increasing spice, Ram Lakhan confused and worried for Meet and keeps asking what is wrong, Lakhan stops Meet and asks what happened, Meet says till yesterday Mummy was proud of me but today she has changed.

Anubha says to Amma, I am not ashamed of my daughter but proud that she still cares for us even after marriage but I am scared because Meet keeps working hard for us and Manushi is there will steal away all the happiness from Meet, and so I want Meet to be home and focus on her relationship.
Manushi is waiting for Meet Ahlawat, and says I know he will come here to prove that I don’t matter to him.

Meet tells Ram and Lakhan, she is feeling so empty and lonely, and feel so tired because she knew her mother and Dadi are happy but today she said I am hurting her and I can never do that.

Anubha tells Amma, I know she must be hurt but this is just for her happiness because Manushi is behind Meet Ahlawat and acting to be kind and for this Meet has to be with her husband. Amma says negative never wins, truth always wins.

Manushi sees Meet Ahlawat and hides behind wall, Meet Ahlawat walks in, he sees Manushi isn’t around, Manushi says hi welcome to my kitchen, I knew you would come here for my little sister Meet, Meet Ahlawat says tell me the recipe, Manushi gives him vessel, she purposely try to go close to Meet Ahlawat while giving recipe instructions. Manushi purposely steps on a stool to get jaggery and acts as if she is slipping so Meet Ahlawat could hold her and he does. Manushi says thank you, for saving me. Meet Ahlawat takes the jaggery, Manushi continues giving instructions. Meet Ahlawat burns his hand, Manushi pulls his hand and blows on it, Meet Ahlawat says you continue I will come back and leaves.

Anubha opens door and sees Meet standing, Anubha says why didn’t you go, Meet says I will do anything but don’t do this, Anubha says okay give me money but in front of everyone like a beggar right, and then break my pride and reputation, Meet says why are you doing this, Anubha says then you stop all this, you can come back to us only when you will forget about our expenses and everything. Meet pick her bag, wipe her tears and leaves on her bike. Anubha says I just want you to be happy. Meet in tears, and tells her boss, she won’t deliver today and will continue later, boss says don’t worry take rest. Meet is thinking about Anubha’s words.
Meet Ahlawat in his room says Manushi is bothering me but I have Meet and she is important to me.

Meet think about Anubha’s behaviour, and sad. Meet Ahlawat goes to his room, says Manushi is affecting me, Meet is very important to me, Manushi is my past and Meet my present and I’m happy, and so she doesn’t matter to me. Meet Ahlawat picks a marker and starts writing on mirror that Meet trusts Meet and Manushi exit. Meet Ahlawat in tears and remembers Meet’s swiss knife and starts looking for it, he doesn’t find it and says Meet come back I need you, and calls Meet, and says please come quickly I need you, I don’t feel good, I know you are busy, Meet says I’m coming. Meet Ahlawat says you don’t sound good should I come, Meet says I’m fine, I’m coming home. Meet picks her bag and walks thinking about Anubha and gets hit by a bike.

Babita on call says all gowns should dispatch by tomorrow, Sunaina walks in and asks where is Tej, Babita says I have sent him away because of you, Sunaina says why are you hating me so much, I didn’t marry on my wish and even filed for divorce, Babita says what about night you spent with Ravi, Sunaina says we didn’t have anything between us, we didn’t even sleep in our room, Babita says what proof you have and have some shame atleast, leave now. Sunaina leaves, Babita on call aske to get Tej back.

Meet Ahlawat is waiting for Meet and says I have lost my confidence and only you can help me, I need to talk come soon. Meet reach Ahlawat mansion and says Meet Ahlawat sounded very worried, I can’t tell him my problem and walks to Meet Ahlawat, and smiles asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says today, Meet says look at me don’t worry what happened, Meet Ahlawat holds her hand, Meet gets hurt, Meet Ahlawat says show whats wrong and sees her hand wounded, Meet says just a little scratch, Meet Ahlawat says your whole hand is bleeding, why can’t you take care of yourself, sit here. Meet Ahlawat gets first aid and cleans her wound, Meet Ahlawat see Meet has woudned her foot too and picks her up and takes her inside. Manushi sees that and gets angry.

Ragini brings Tej back, Babita try to talk he ignores her, Ragini says to Babita, are you sure your behaviour against Sunaina is right, Babita says I know you were close to Sunaina and this is for my son’s future, Sunaina is hurt with what I said today, she won’t force again.

Meet Ahlawat gets Meet turmeric milk and asks is she fine, Meet says yes and asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says its not more important than you, have this milk, Meet drinks milk, Meet Ahlawat wipes her lips and asks her to go to sleep, switches of light and sleeps beside her.

PRECAP:Babita and Sunaina with gynac, Babita asks doc to test Sunaina if she had physical relation with her husband and will pay any amount. Meet sees them and stops Sunaina and says Sunaina won’t take any tests, science may have advanced but not more than a woman’s self respect.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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