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Meet and Meet Ahlawat in room. Meet says why are you staring at the curtains. Meet Ahlawat says I’m thinking something and ask Meet to get in bed. Meet ask why. Meet Ahlawat says don’t ask questions come up and give her hammer and says remove that nail. Meet says if I remove the nail then the curtain will fall. Meet Ahlawat says that’s what I want don’t look at my face remove it fast. Meet remove the curtains. Meet Ahlawat says now we don’t need this anymore earlier its use to remind md of Manushi’s face and get angry at you but now when I see you I feel good and calm and who will never leave me alone and want good for me, earlier I use to think you are sister of Manushi who helped her in her plan but now I see a friend in you. Ragini shouts Meet come down everything is ready. Meet shouts we will be back and thinks God I don’t know what Masum has planned now. Meet Ahlawat calls Meet and says after long you are going out of the house enjoy. Meet says I’ll leave now. He says listen when you go out of the house always says I’ll be back and ask why are you so dull what happen? Meet nods her head and says I want to. Ragini shouts her name, she says Chachi is calling and leave.They both go downstairs.

Amma ask Pandit everything is fine. Pandit says I didn’t get Ganga Jal. Amma says I’ll bring it and ask Anubha to give Ganga jal. Manushi and Kunal see the Pandit is same the one who wedded them and they turn around. Pandit says why are they both getting married again. Amma come and says to Kunal and Manushi wait where are you going, give Ganga jal to Pandit. Pandit ask Amma why are you getting them married? Manushi says it’s our personal matter you are here to get us marry pl soease do that. Amma and Anubha leaves to bring garland. Manushi walks to pandit says please don’t tell about our marriage to anyone and don’t worry about money. Pandit thinks this two are fooling their own families how will they be truthful to me and says what can you give me now. Manushi says we don’t have anything for now. Pandit says then this marriage cannot happen.

Meet is blindfolded in car ask where are we going? Masum says have patience. Meet is thinking there is something fishy I’m not finding it right.

Manushi says to Kunal give me your ring fast. Kunal says you have lot of gold you give. Anubha and Amma walks in and ask why can't they get married. Pandit says because their stars don’t match and this is not a good time for wedding. Amma pray to God and says what are you doing. Kunal thinks I have to sacrifice my ring for all the jewellery and give the ring to Panditji. Pandit says they can get married now everything is fine. Amma thnak God.

Meet hear noise outside the car and understand they are near my house market so Masum is taking us to my house.

Manushi and Kunal take phera.

Meet is about to remove her blindfold. Masum stops.

Kunal ties mangal sutra and apply sindoor to Manushi. Pandit says now they are married.

Masum dosent let Meet use her phone. Meet thinks how will I inform mummy now.

Amma says such and upsetting wedding this was, Anubha do one thing take one photo of them in your phone as memory. Kunal thinks if they will take photo and they will have evidence that I got married to Manushi, I have to avoid it. Anubha bring phone. Kunal start acting as he has injured his leg. Amma says don’t worry stand beside and let us take photo as memory. Kunal says where am I running now I’m all yours you can click whenever you want and I feel hot because of fire and says please finish fast. Manushi says yes Parth is right lets finish it. Anubha click photo of Amma and Manushi. Pandit says now take blessings. Manushi says no need of that. Amma says to Manushi I’ll never be angry with you, you will always be my Lado and hug her. Manushi push Ammaji. Anubha scolds her.

Ahlawat family reach Hudda’s house. Ragini untie her blindfold says surprise.

Manushi says I don’t want your fake love you have no money to give me so keep your poor blessings with you. Amma says what are you saying? Manushi says I’m saying truth now I’m married and a stranger to you. Amma says what are you saying you are my life, this boy is not right for you but still I accepted him. Manushi says enough not a word against my husband and says he is that guy who will fullfill all my dreams, luxury which you can never give, he is diamond for me but you poor people will never know so I’m no more part of this poor family.

Meet ask why are we here? Ragini says to thank your parents for you. Babita says you liked it lets go in.

Manushi says today in this Kundal I’ll burn all my past related to you. Amma is shock.

Masum stops Meet and says it will be fun when Manushi open door the.

Manushi says I’m no more related to this house or you people and will never come back to this house and don’t interfere. Anubha ask Amma to calm down. Amma is shock.

Anubha gets Amma water, she deny to take it. Babita knocks the door. Anubha thinks who must it be? Masum smirks at Meet. Anubha open the door and is in shock. Masum says Anubha aunty why do you look so shock like a thief and push her and walks in and sees no one inside. Anubha says you all here. Babita says to surprise Meet. Anubha hug Meet. Masum says lets go in. Masum is looking around trying to find Manushi. Amma walk in, Babita says all is good. Masum thinks now just wait for Manushi to arrive. Meet whisper to Anubha I had no idea of all this. Anubha says I know it otherwise you would have informed me. Amma says let’s go upstairs. Masum says I’ll go get my phone from car. Amma says okay. All go upstairs. Masum start looking around for Manushi. Anubha says I’ll get tea for you. Meet says I’ll help you. Meet ask Anubha where is Manushi? Anubha says don’t take her name. Masum is hiding and watching them. Anubha says good Meet Ahlawat called us, or else our reputation would have ruined, she tells Meet about Manushi’s wedding and how Meet Ahlawat send food and called to inform about surprise. Meet says this Manushi never get tired of this and ask who is this Parth. Ragini walk to them and ask all good? Anubha says we are just emotional after meeting. Meet think good Meet Ahlawat called and this Masum is behind to reveal Manushi.

Ragini, Anubha and Meet go upstairs. Masum comes out and says I’m sure Manushi is hiding here I’ll find her.

Babita says to Anubha giving Meet a surprise was an excuse to say thanks to you. Anubha says you are always welcome why you need to say thanks. Babita says for giving such a beautiful daughter in law to us. Masum is looking for Manushi. Babita says to Anubha I love my son but the way your daughter took care of my son situation, she must have learnt it from you and ask Ragini where is Masum. Meet think Manu didi is in the house and Masum is looking for her says I’ll go and see Masum. Ragini says you talk to your family I’ll call her. Masum gets call from Ragini she says I’m here nearby talking to Hoshiyar's relative I’ll be back soon. Ragini says okay come fast. Babita ask what did she say? Ragini says she talking to Hoshiyar relative she is coming.

Manushi and Kunal are in store room. Manushi kill mosquito and says I’m not able to understand why we are lock inside, we have all the jewellery and are legally married let’s go out. Pandit says I don't need to go out for pooja or else I’ll not get my payment. Kunal think and if I come out infront of Babita Mami then I’ll be exposed. Manushi says you stay here I’m leaving.

Masum is searching for Manushi and says give me your one glimpse, where might she be, I didn’t give time to Meet to alert her family.

Kunal says Baby stop. Pandit says don’t call me baby I’m pandit. Kunal says okay and says to Manushi we have jewelry but your sister is outside. Manushi says so what I don’t care about her if she loose her family, I’m stuck inside because of them. Kunal says okay let’s face your sister and if she remembers that I’m Kunal not Parth then you will handle everything, you know what will happen then your mom will take all the jewellery. Manushi says I’ll die but not give my jewelry. Pandit says I don’t care about your family drama I need to go and drop luggage while leaving. Everyone hear that noise. Masum think who is there when everyone is outside. Babita ask what was that voice? Anubha says kid’s must be playing outside so it might be because of there ball. Masum drop her purse near stairs, gets down to pick up and see smoke coming out of a jute sack remove that sack and see havan kundu hiding below that says it seems like someone put it out recently, what was happening?

Kunal says where are you going staying here is your benifit and take money from Manushi and give him says it’s real.

Meet go downstairs and see Masum in between and stops her from going upstairs. Masum says stay away from me I’ll uncover your secret. Meet says if you know Manushi is here then go and tell your family why are you playing games? Masum says you and your family break your promise first and then hid her in the house, you break mom and dad's trust you are big liars. Meet says I cannot listen to anything against my family and mom and dadi are in trouble because of Manushi and they do not have any intention to hurt your family. Masum says if your family is so pure then what is the problem in bringing out the truth and you only say if someone is pure then Matarani don’t let happen anything to them. 


Meet says now lets leave. Masum says wait what is hurry first lets complete to work. Masum says to Meet you know what they did they have kept Manushi hidden in this house. Masum says to Meet Ahlawat what happen to you are you mad I’m warning you, you are doing wrong. Meet Ahlawat says taking your wife side is wrong. Masum says to Babita you remember when you and Dad came to meet and she gave you promise and break it, they played with you mom.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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