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Pandit walks out of storeroom. Masum looks at pandit says from where did he come and ask him to stop. Masum walk to pandit. Amma rush towards them. Masum see sindoor box pick it up and ask what is this and shouts what is happening in this house I see Havan Kund downstairs, Pandit in store room and now this sindoor box and ask are you guys hiding something? Pandit says I just did marriage in this house. Everyone is shock Masum ask who got married walk to Anubha says you have only two daughters for marriage one is she and other who ran away or do you have third child too who you must be hiding as earlier you hide that Meet is your daughter? Amma says to Masum we did a wedding ritual of Tusli tree so that this house stay happy with good omen for that we call Pandit, for this we need Havan Kund and Sindoor. Meet thinks because of me Dadi is lying to everyone. Masum says okay then the marriage must be done in Angan then what was he doing in storeroom. Amma says he was doing positivity ritual in the whole house so he cane out of storeroom and ask Pandit to leave and says that girl who ran away disrespect us don’t have any relation with her she is dead for us, looks at Meet says I have only one daughter and her name is Meet, cry and hug her says this girl did more than a boy supported us, did job and save Hudda’s family reputation and did all the responsibility from the time she was young but didn’t show her pain and sadness to anyone, sometimes it take life long to understand people but its true a mirror cannot be diamond how much it shine and she is true diamond, whoever understood her is lucky. Meet says stop and how much drama queen you have become since I left. Masum think once I got Manushi then I’ll drop Meet to her house personally.

Meet Ahlawat calls Isha. Isha walks in and ask what happen. Meet Ahlawat says you know about my skin care routine and how much things I have for my skin but look at this, this is Meet’s one and only thing for skin care for everything. Isha says really from one cream she do her whole skincare routine. Meet Ahlawat says yes and ask tell me about best skincare routine for female so that I can order everything for her. Isha says you are taking care of her everything tell what’s going on? Meet Ahlawat says its not care and ask tell me if someone stressed then damage come to skin first and you know how much I follow my skin care routine and she make fun of me so I’m thinking of ordering skin care routine for her so that she stop being sarcastic to me so now we have to order before she come and I’ll explain everything to her so she leaves me alone. Isha says you know I think she will not use this. Meet Ahlawat says why won’t she use for that she have to try first same way like food. Isha says okay I’ll do it and order skincare routine for him. Servant come and says to Meet Ahlawat police have come and asking for you.

Meet says to Babita let’s go now Meet Ahlawat can ask for something. Babita says let’s go now. Masum says why are you in hurry wait first let’s complete our motto. Babita says what motto? Masum says the motto which will strengthen our relation with Hudda family, shows candle to them says we brought scented candles for you to bring positivity in your house and will strengthen our relation when mom will light these candle in each room of house. Meet thinks aunty will see Manushi if she light candle and says why are you taking trouble Pandit just did positivity ritual, after all relationship and positivity is through heart we don’t need all this. Masum says but we should take efforts think it’s our way to show love and mom will also love that. Babita says I would love to do if it to make our relation strong. Anubha says okay. Babita, Masum and Ragini unpack candles and make them ready. Masum ask Anubha, Meet and Amma to sit here and talk we will be back.

Babita and Ragini place candles. Masum is searching for Manushi.

Amma says to Meet only you can save your home, there still some time left go and stop them. Anubha says yes go. Amma says I’ll make an excuse and stop them. Meet says no Masum know Manushi is here that’s why she is doing all this.

Manushi and Kunal are in store room. Manushi is anxious. Babita, Masum and Ragini in the kitchen. Amma says this was the reason they visit us. Meet says yes and says to Anubha I’m done with this hide and seek lets face truth one time. Masum remember Amma closing store room gate and says to Babita lets go to store room. Babita says okay. Meet says if Aunty break my relation with Meet Ahlawat because of Manushi then let it be, I cannot see you and Dadi saying lies any more if that house is my responsibility then same goes with this house too, I love them, they are good people but I cannot see my mom and dadi keeping there head down because of lies, we are lying again and again, I’m not that selfish to have happiness because of your pain and says to Dadi you called me your grand daughter it’s a big thing for me, this granddaughter cannot give her Dadi more pain and won’t let you be more disrespected. Masum walks upstairs. Meet pray to God says you know everything, my mom and dadi are not liars they lied because of their daughter just to keep them both safe. Masum at store room door open it. Kunal and Manushi hide themselves.

Meet Ahlawat get inside house and walks to Meet ask are you alright? Meet says yes. Babita sees Meet Ahlawat says what is he doing here he is not well. Masum is still looking in store room . Kunal and Manushi are scared. Masum close door and go downstairs. Meet Ahlawat pray to God says thank you so much. Meet says now get ready to say sorry, why did you come here everyone is a fool right, you are not well at all. Meet Ahlawat says I’m sorry because I was worried about you and couldn’t stop myself that’s why I came. Babita walks to Meet Ahlawat says why did you come out you know you are not well what was the emergency? Meet Ahlawat says stop I’ll tell you, police came to house and told Goons who attacked me are out of Jail and now Meet is in danger, police said they have been seen near Shahbadh and Meet is in danger because she helped police in identifying them, so I came so that Meet can go home safely under my protection. Meet Ahlawat greet Anubha and Dadi and says if you permit me can I take her home she is not safe here. Anubha says yes you can no need to ask she is your wife you can take her whenever you want. Meet Ahlawat says thanks to them and ask everyone to leave. Masum shouts it’s enough walks to Meet and try to remove Meet Ahlawat’s hand from Meet. Meet Ahlawat give look to Masum and leave it. Masum say why is everyone behind Meet what she did, this girl is not true she is liar and cheater, you know what she did, she and her family has hidden Manushi in this house. Everyone is shock. Masum says and she know this very well. Masum walks to Babita and says ask her if I’m telling lie, says to Meet Ahlawat you came here to protect her she doesn’t deserve that value, now you know the truth, still you will take her with you? Meet Ahlawat leave her hand and walks out of the house. Meet thinks Masum did what she want and Meet Ahlawat is broken again. Masum says to Meet you know very well how sensitive this topic is for Meet Ahlawat, did you see the result he left and don’t want to see your face, it was a false relation and see the destiny that relation is also broken where it was made, marriage is broken now. Meet try to leave but Meet Ahlawat holds her hand smiling, holding a duppata in his hand and says I forgot this in this car this is blessing from Matarani who will save my wife from every bad things. Anubha and Amma gets happy. Meet Ahlawat try to put on duppata on Meet but Masum holds his hand and stop him.

Masum says to Meet Ahlawat what are you doing are you mad she kept a big secret from you and you are forgiving her, I’m warning you, you are doing mistake. Meet Ahlawat what am I doing wrong is it wrong to take my wife side, I’m taking her side because she took that decision after thinking a lot and I’m 100% sure she did it to save both families and I don’t want to know anymore secret. Meet is in tears. Masum walk to Babita and says why don’t you say something you remember you and dad came here for a request to have no relation with Manushi but she break that promise, they cheated you and she knew everything but still she hid that, do you still trust her. Babita walks to Meet says I love my son so much in this world and I have faith in my son’s trust, if my son have no issues with her then I have no problem, my son’s happiness come first if he is happy then I’m happy and I can see my son’s happiness is in Meet then nothing matters to me. Meet Ahlawat puts duppata on Meet and they take permission to leave. Dadi says to Meet Ahlawat our daughter is a diamond so please take care of her, love her a lot and keep her happy. Meet Ahlawat says I know very well please keep your blessings with us. Meet hug Amma. Amma says go and live happily in your in law’s house and here this is my blessings which I never gave to you. Meet remembers Dadi made it for Manushi as blessings. Dadi says you are the right owner of this my granddaughter, stay happy, 

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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