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Manushi walking says to herself focus you only have 2 days left after that they will go back, till now none of your plan was successful and they are getting close to each other, you have to do something and she gets call from staff member saying a guest has called you from room no. 229. Manushi says okay in room no. 229 Meet Ahlawat is staying there and he need to meet me wao, let’s go Manushi and walk towards room 229 and ring door bell. A couple come out saying our bathroom is locked and we see on your website that k in bathroom door so can you please remove it. Manushi says sure ma’am the earlier couple demanded for love don’t worry I’ll ask staff members to remove it and couple go inside. Manushi rush to reception area and ask where is the couple staying in 229, they were going to stay for 2 more days. Receptionist says they checked out and went back today. Manushi says do you have nay idea where they went? Receptionist says sorry no idea. Manushi says to herself where did they go and why?

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on camel. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are naughty as well I thought don’t know where you are taking me to in anger with bag packed. Meet Ahlawat ask how’s the surprise? Meet says I loved it, I never saw desert this big. Meet and Meet Ahlawat sitting on table. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet you know I always loved ocean, sea, beaches and my Tej loved desert like this, whenever we decided to go on vacation Tej use to choose one of my favourite place so that I feel happy. Meet says to him it must have feel good when siblings have fun with each other, think about each other and stay like friends.

Manushi ask receptionist Mr. And Mrs. Ahlawat’s must have hired a cab while checking out, it will be very helpful if I get an idea of there location because they forgot there bracelet. Receptionist says no they hired a cab from outside, they checkout and left. Manushi says where did they go I can not figure out and cant even call them after what happen yesterday, you have to think of something it’s about your future.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet me and Tej use to have bond of best friend he was key to all of my locks and you know in school kids use to bully me so Tej use to bunk his class and always use to be with me and in this way he took away all my fear. Meet says so you were a scared child don’t relate that with innocence. Meet Ahlawat says so you are a dared evil so tell me what are you scared of. Meet says I’m claustrophobic, one time I went for delivery, I was in lift and it got stuck and I got so scared, I don’t understand how to tackle it. Meet Ahlawat start laughing and says there are only few moments where I can laugh at you so let me, here is a tip for you if you stuck again then try to calm down your breath and second start counting so that you divert your mind, you will feel relaxed, Tej taught me this. Meet says you want me to get trap in lift and try your formula. Meet Ahlawat says I’m just suggesting and they both start arguing.

Manushi thinks my dear sister I’ll find you, come what may.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat are enjoying Rajasthan’s folk dance. A couple discusses about weather forecast in Rajasthan that it is going to be sandstorm. Meet Ahlawat remembers the game they played in hotel and ask Meet her favourite colour. Meet says is world going to end that you want to know everything tonight? He says you can take it so and tell your favourite colour. Meet says it’s yellow. Meet Ahlawat what’s the logic or reason behind that. She ask tell me then why you like ocean blue? He says because that colour represent horizon of ocean and sky. Meet says how do you think so deep? He says now you tell why you like yellow. She says it makes me happy. He gets a call and he leaves. Manushi walks in disguised as one of the dancer. Manushi remembers receptionist talking to a photographer, and talks about delivering photos to Ahlawat’s, receptionist calls them and takes address. Manushi notes that address and leaves. Manushi joins the dancers, see Meet Ahlawat is busy on phone, she pulls Meet to dance with her. Manushi push one of the dancer and Meet gets pushed, she about to fall in fire but she saves her. Meet Ahlawat sees that and rush to Meet and picks her up he ask are you okay? She says yes. Meet says thanks to Manushi. Manushi leaves. Manushi says I did this to earn Meet’s trust and now Meet just wait and watch how I throw you away from Meet Ahlawat and I have only one day so I will do it in any case.

Raj tells Babita that boy said yes to marry Sunaina, Masoom says wow this is amazing news, and Mom lets celebrate. Babita says yes and Raj did you give the basket you personally chose, Raj says yes I did, and also the letter in the basket which you and Sunaina wrote and how Sunaina doesn’t want to marry him. Babita says what kind of boy is that, who said yes, Raj says he is Ravi, Sunaina and Tej’s friend, he loved Sunaina but she loved Tej, and so he went abroad and when he returned he learnt about Sunaina and he is a good man, he knows Sunaina will take time but said yes because he wants to help Sunaina and give her happiness back and if something like this is happening why should there be a problem and now you two won’t try to stop this marriage and I went to Guruji and he said we have to arrange wedding tomorrow because there won’t be any muhrat for a year. Masum is very happy. Babita says but Meet and Meet Ahlawat aren’t here, Raj says I will call them right away, Sunaina in tears, Raj wipes her tears.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat are watching stars through telescope, Meet Ahlawat says its so pretty right and before technology people used stars as navigators. Meet says very pretty, and thanks for such wonderful trip. Manushi sees them and gets angry.

Sunaina says to Babita she can’t marry, she is only alive for Tej, Babita says run away, because Raj won’t listen and you can only run, I will help you just don’t give up, Sunaina says I will do as you say, Masum hiding and listening to them says I won’t let this happen, because I don’t want Tej’s property to give her.

Meet Ahlawat starts coughing, Meet goes to get water, she sees Manushi crying and says this girl saved me but why is she crying and asks whats wrong, Manushi says he will kill me, Meet says I will help you, Manushi says who will look after my kids, Meet says who is trying to kill you, Manushi says I don’t want your help and leaves, Meet says poor woman who is behind her, how can I let her cry, but Meet Ahlawat is waiting and she saved my life. Meet runs behind Manushi. Manushi sees Meet following her and says this area is full of pits, I will take Meet here and she will fall into one and away from me and my Meet Ahlawat and this is my last game and start running. Meet follows her saying wait tell me what’s wrong let me help you, Manushi sees dead pit sign board and removes it, and hides it and says I don’t know how long you will be here but its necessary for me to get back to Meet Ahlawat so that when you come back we will be so close that no one can separate us. Meet starts feeling cold and says where did this woman go and I see no one around, Meet says hello dancer where are you, and moves forward, Manushi is hiding behind a tree, Meet slips into a pit. Manushi says that’s great, well done Manushi, now I will go to my Meet Ahlawat. Meet gets scared and starts calling for help.

Meet falls into a pit and shouts for help calls Meet Ahlawat and panicks. Meet Ahlawat is looking for her in hotel. Manushi says now you cannot come in between me and Meet Ahlawat. Meet remember what Meet Ahlawat said to her about panick situation in closed space and start counting. Meet Ahlawat ask people about Meet says did you see my wife she is having short hairs. Man says yes she went toward open area. He says will you help me to find her. Man says do fast whatever you want to do because people get lost in this scary desert, if you take time to find her then it will be difficult to find her and be quick because sand storm will hit this area in 24hrs. Meet Ahlawat says please help me to find her. Man agree and they leave. Manushi in desert says it is so quiet here no one is around I have to be careful from all these pits too, I cannot play with my future I’ll relax here, in the morning someone will come and rescue me. Meet in pit trying to control her panic attack says your formula worked Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat and two other man are trying to find Meet. Meet says it took time to relax but it worked now I have to try to get out of here. Meet Ahlawat is shouting and looking for her. Man says wait don’t go far from here it’s too dangerous. He says no I cannot leave without her. Man says are you aware of the storm, let’s go back I’m trying to save you too. Meet Ahlawat says you can go back I’ll not leave before finding her and leaves

The next morning. Meet gather strength and get up. Meet Ahlawat still looking for Meet. Meet try to get out of pit. Meet Ahlawat is trying to find her in desert and shouting her name. Meet Ahlawat stumble and start rolling down from a sand mountain. Meet start putting sand inside pit and make a step to climb out of pit, she finally gets out after some struggle and start moving says I need to go out from here feels like storm is coming. Meet Ahlawat scream Meet’s name. Meet walks for some distance and sit down because of less strength even Meet Ahlawat falls down because of no strength. 

PRECAP: Meet tries to get off the pit. Meet Ahlawat looking for Meet, is informed get your wife within 24 hrs theres stand storm. Meet show Meets Ahlawat photos they clicked and tell him here is my friend backside. Meet Ahlawat says he is my brother Tej, says thanks to her says because of you I found my brother you are the best life partner. Meet Ahlawat calls Raj says I found Tej. Sunaina’s complete her 7th phera and pandit says they are married now.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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