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Babita see the article and start reading infront of everyone. Raj see her photo. Masum in shock. Meet Ahlawat think’s I think that journalist covered her news yesterday. Babita ask Meet where were you last night and left my son alone. Meet Ahlawat says no mom. Meet says yes I need to go for an urgent delivery. Babita says how dare you left my son alone is you deliver job was more important then my son, what if he need some help are you that irresponsible and stop giving fake promises you are so careless. Meet Ahlawat says mom I didn’t had any problem in night. Babita says that’s not the issue, issue is she not trustworthy, she is a lier, I cannot compromise for your health. Meet says I’m sorry won’t happen again. Babita says I don’t trust you. Masum thinks she come out if one step ahead from my knowledge she hid Meet Ahlawat’s secret and making space for soft corner but I have planned a surprise for you which may help to bring out your secret. Meet Ahlawat look at Meet, she bods her head to not to say anything.

Meet Ahlawat in his room remember what Babita said to Meet near dining table. Meet walks in and says what are you doing am I trying to make you healthy and you are wasting your energy by roaming, I suggest you to go in power saving mode. Meet Ahlawat says and in what mode you were downstairs to sacrifice if they get to know about my good deed then let them know. Meet says people get scolded from there family and what’s wrong if I got scolded because your oath was more important. Meet Ahlawat says listen me sometime, you got scolded because of me and I’m feeling and heavy and you don’t deserve that scolding. Meet thinks I’m lying already to everyone from not telling that Manushi is at home, you don’t deserve that and I feel heavy because of not telling you. Meet Ahlawat goes to bed. Meet thinks I have to make him happy he is sad or else he won’t get healthy.

Meet dressed as south indian man entertain Meet Ahlawat, Isha and Duggu joins her. Duggu’s lungi go down but they manage. Meet Ahlawat start smiling.

Manushi says what date night. Kunal says yes date night I feel like stranger to you and if this continues then one day I’ll ask sister who are you, I want you to get dress for me, all covered in jewellery specially for me, I want to feel special. Manushi thinks he loves me so much and rich too I want go to some stupid salon in Delhi to earn pennies and says I’ll make you feel special don’t worry I’ll get ready for you and no one will make yp apart they hug eachother and Kunal leaves. Manushi says now I’m gonna do something that will scare the hell out of mummy now I’ll show my true colours.

Guruji visit Ahlawat’s. Raj says to Guruji why did you come we could have ask our driver yo pick you. Guruji says I have been called. Masum walks in and says I called Guruji she greets him and says I think my brother is facing lots of problems in his life, last time it come to his life I was worried so I called him. Raj says yes Guruji we can handle little problem but this time it was about our kids life but our daughter in law saved her. Masum says we want to know why it’s happening we all know how kind hearted, loving and ideol boy he is then why he is always in trouble, is somebody presence affecting him. Meet thinks is because of me. Guruji says if someone have anything to speak so please says to me only then I can help you. Masum looka at Meet and thinks his expression are changing, my plan is going accordingly. Masum says we would live is it possible we can write on piece of paper so that we can be feel free from that load. Guruji says it’s possible. Isha says I’ll get pen and paper. Everyone takes diary and paper. Masum thinks I just want to know Meet’s confessions after that mom will get to know about her and her family and will throw him out of house. Everyone write there confession. Masum looks Meet writing. Meet remembers what Anubha said to her about Manushi. Everyone give there confession to Guruji. Meet goes to Guruji says I have kept my paper empty because I think what we feel should be said to everyone not to be written and keeps her copy says please give your blessings to Meet Ahlawat because he need it more of it, you can come with me I’ll tell you what I am feeling. Guruji says okay let’s go.

Meet take Guruji to room. Meet says he is sleeping because of medicine I’ll wake him up. Guruji says let him rest and give Meet Ahlawat his blessings and start walking. Meet calls Guruji and says my father use to say, that you pay for every mistake in this life itself does hiding a truth hurt whole family. Guruji says when we see someone happy we gets happy in that same way every emotion affect each other when it’s from someone close to you. Meet says I have a confession to make I cannot write it on paper and I want to say it in person. Guruji says tell what you want to say. Masum watching everything from outside says now you come to confess what your family is planning and all the doors will be closed for you in this house. Meet is about to say but hear a sound and look for the source, she close the door. Masum says she closed the door if you are cunning then I’m also from Ahlawat’s family I’ll look from main door and walks to other side says I can see and hear everything. Meet says to Guruji these people are very rich and are very kind hearted, everyone have faith in me and love me I don’t like to hide anything from them, last night my mom ask me to hide something which is impossible for me to hide and I feel very heavy because of that and remember what Anubha said to her last night and think Mummy gave me her swear not tell. Meet Ahlawat cough. Meet rush towards him to look and rub his chest. Guruji says you don’t need to say anything I understand sometimes in life we have to do things and sacrifice for our families happiness, I know you cannot led this family down have trust in god and time everything will be fine and bless her. Meet says you made me feel light and touch his feet. Guruji says now I have to leave. Masum listening from outside gets upset about not finding anything and says I will find out what she is hiding.

Manushi is painting her nails. Anubha walks to her says start kneeding dough and I’ll go cook daal. Manushi says I have just painted my nails, so you do it. Anubha says okay then go was the utensils, useless girl does nothing. Manushi says what are you doing scolding me infront of guests what will he think how rude you are. Anubha says then ask your guest to leave, guest don’t stay for so long and if they do they are shameless. Kunal hears and thinks who wants to stay here I’m just here for jewelry. Anubha scolds Manushi and she go wash utensils. Manushi makes faces while cleaning utensils. Kunal drops her a message reading will my baby get ready for me tonight. Manushi checks her phone and reply not tonight, tomorrow. Kunal reply why. Manushi says to Anubha tomorrow it’s Meet birthday tomorrow so what gift are you giving her. Anubha says I cooked ladoo for her, will go to temple early morning tomorrow and pray for her and give ladoo as prashad. Amma upstairs hearing all this. Manushi says good idea she will love it. Amma says it’s my late grandson birth date too, so make some kheer I’ll distribute in poor kids. Anubha says okay. Manushi winks at Kunal.

The next day, Meet is making Meet Ahlawat exercise. Meet keeps pushing him to complete the set. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet is busy, and stops exercising and keeps counting. Meet turns around and sees he is busy on phone. He looks at her and start exercising again. Meet says how dare you cheat now stand up. He says you are just like a hitler. Meet says okay standup. Meet Ahlawat says as punishment may god spoil your icecream, book suspense and no one wishes you on your birthday. Meet says okay start exercising, she stands up on sofa and help him in exercising. He completes 50 and lie on bed. Kaka walks in with flowers. Meet Ahlawat says maybe from office as a get well soon. Meet says you rest I’ll get you soup. Meet Ahlawat says don’t come back.

Meet in kitchen. Babita walks in and ask what are you cooking? Meet says vegetable soup. Babita says who add ladyfinger and capsicum in soup when did I teach you. Meet says you told me green vegetables are good for health. Babita says god save us don’t come to kitchen Ragini will help you join cooking classes then you can cook. Meet says you are the best chief you teach me just like mother and you know everyone liking too. Babita says I have to attend to my boutique I’ll send Ragini till then don’t touch anything and she leave.

Duggu rushes to Meet’s room and ask Meet Ahlawat where is she. Meet says she killed me exercising. Duggu ask where is she I want to wish her its her birthday. Meet Ahlawat says don’t lie for cake. Duggu says I’m not and picks the bouquet and reads card on it Happy Birthday Meet Ustaad I thought it’s for me and even she didn’t tell anyone also I said to her that no one will wish her on her birthday but it was just a joke, what should I do? Duggu ask what will you gift her? Meet Ahlawat says I’ll plan a surprise birthday for her where everyone she knows wish her this will be a good gesture. Duggu says but Badi Maa won't let you. Meet Ahlawat says she is my mom I can convinces her but before that I need to do something.

Anubha is cooking, she gets call from Meet Ahlawat. Manushi says mummy your loveable son in law is calling and picks the phone. Meet Ahlawat hears her voice. Anubha snatch the phone from Manushi and greets Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat ask who spoke before you. Anubha says neighbour I was in the kitchen. Manushi leaves. Anubha asks Meet Ahlawat how is he doing. He says your daughter takes very good care of me and says I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left that way. Anubha says I understand your pain and I’m happy how Meet is she is pure gold. Meet Ahlawat says I know how she is, she is taking good care of me, I’m planning a surprise birthday party for her. Anubha says that’s very good. He ask her to get everyone Meet knows to make her happy. Anubha says we will be there and keeps the phone goes to God and pray for them.

Meet Ahlawat meets Ragini and ask where is mom she is not answering calls. Ragini says she has some important clients visiting her. Meet Ahlawat says now mom is not here so me and Duggu need you help, we have to planned surprise birthday party for Meet. Ragini says so nice I’ll definitely help you. Meet Ahlawat explain the whole plan to her. Meet walks in and ask Meet why are you downstairs okay now have soup here. Meet Ahlawat and Ragini says no, Meet Ahlawat says I’ll comfortably have it in my room let’s go. Meetsays  aren’t you throwing lot of tantrums come lets go. Masum is hiding and listening to all this and says says bhai it's good you invited Anubha now she will tell me the hidden truth because I’ll make her do it.

Anubha packs ladoo. Lakhan walks in and ask how am I looking. Anubha says very handsome. Lakhan says I’m very excited for the party and you didn’t tell her right, Anubha says no infact this is the first time I haven’t wished her yet. Amma walks in cribbing, everyone is excited for Meet’s birthday but no one remember my late grandsons death, because of Meet I lost my grandson, did you make kheer as I asked. Anubha says yes and won’t you come to Meet’s in law’s. Ammaji says as per old saying it is a sin to have food at daughters in law’s and anyways I have no relation with her good riddance. Anubha feels bad and in tears.

Duggu informs Meet Ahlawat about all the arrangements. Ragini look after the arrangements. Isha ask at food stall is sweet here and teeks Ragini says everything is available. Duggu says arrangement are on point to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says when everything is fine then ask Ragini to start plan B. Meet walks in. Meet Ahlawat ask her where are you going. Meet says outside. Meet Ahlawat says no you can’t go outside. Meet says why? Duggu says to Meet Ahlawat on call everything is done. Meet Ahlawat says when things are done ask Sunaina to to go for plan B. Meet walks in do her work and go out. Meet Ahlawat stop and says where are you going. Meet says I’m going out. Meet Ahlawat says you cannot go outside right now because. Meet says why can’t I go, are you teacher that you are saying no to me for going out, are you thirsty or hungry. Meet Ahlawat says no. Meet says then why I can’t go let me talk to aunty or else she will scold me. Meet Ahlawat says we were going to watch movie come lets go. Meet says when did we talk. Meet Ahlawat says we talked of watching movie. Meet says I don’t remember and I don’t want to watch, just keep pillow with you and watch any movie you want. Meet Ahlawat stops her and says you need to watch with me because its horror movie and I feel scared of watching horror movie, he thinks I need to plan surprise that’s why I said about being scared or in normal day I won’t have said anything like that. Meet smile and says a big man is scared or horror movie. Meet Ahlawat says yes if you don’t want to watch then leave it because I’ll see and if I get scared I’ll shout and make movement while scared which can injure me again and you will be responsible for that. Meet says this is the first time I’m getting blackmailed for watching movie can’t you watch with someone else. Meet Ahlawat says you took the responsibility to take care of me. Meet says okay come. Meet Ahlawat says switch on TV and whispers on call what is the status Duggu. Meet ask which film you want to see. Meet Ahlawat says comedy.

Lakhan, Amma and Anubha in the house. Lakhan says I bought new shirt for Ustaad she love yellow colour that’s why. Anubha says did you forget now she wear Saree. Lakhan says okay forget this and ask Amma what you bought for Meet? Amma picks a cactus and hand it to Lakhan says give it her say I sent it and says to Anubha your daughter took all the happiness of Manushi life and planted thorns. Anubha says what are you saying it’s her birthday today don’t curse her today. Amma looks at Lakhan and says what are you doing here go from here and keep this on her hand or else I’ll slap you now go from here. Lakhan run away.


Isha bring Meet blindfold and surprise jer. Mest says I never thought that you will plan a surprise for me. Meet and Meet Ahlawat dancing. Babita walks in and shouts stop the music and scolds Meet. Everyone leaving.
Meet Ahlawat stops Manushi disguised as joker ask who are you. She says I’m joker. Meet Ahlawat says organisers didn’t send any joker, who are you

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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