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Meet ask who are you talking to? Meet Ahlawat says nothing and ask didn’t you leave for job. Meet says I left Dadi’s report so i came to take that. Meet Ahlawat think she is covering her lover in name of Dadi, says do you like colored hairs of boy, on girls it looks good because they have length but boys don’t have much length it looks weird. Meet says fashion dosent know if its boy or girl. Meet Ahlawat remember that boy and talks to himself he was looking weird and says to Meet torned jeans I never understand the logic. Meet says you won’t understand those who follow trends will know it well but your style is fixed that’s why you can’t understand that. He says it’s classy elegant and sophisticated. Meet says so when did I say anything wrong are you competing with someone? Meet Ahlawat says I’m not competing with anyone I’m happy and comfortable with my style, you must like torned jeans, coloured hair and spike hair. She says for me it’s important how a person behave it doesn’t matter to me if he wear torned clothes or is in suite. Meet Ahlawat thinks seriously is he that good from heart what does she like in him and says love is blind. Meet says don’t you wanna go to office I’m leaving come down fast let’s have breakfast together. Meet Ahlawat thinks am I so old fashioned that’s why she make fun of me and try to change his style and says to himself what are you doing if Meet dosent look at you it don’t in the end that boy looks ragamuffin, concentrate you have to support Meet.

Raj, Ragini and two female guest are sitting in hall. Guest says we thinks Babita’s antique mother jewelry will be great for exibition that’s why we approached her. Raj says Babita will be here in a minute. Ragini says I’ll go and look for her. Raj says to them that jewelry is antique so she keep it with more precautions, he takes out a pouche from his pants and start eating chickpeas and offer them. Guests take them and says we heard a lot about you but today we saw you never forget your roots. Meet and Meet Ahlawat gets down and greets them. Ragini walks to Raj and calls him. Raj says to guests I’ll be back in two minutes and ask Meet Ahlawat to take care of them.

Isha and Babita in Babita’s room. Babita panicked says I can’t find my ancestral jewelry, walks to Raj says I take out ear rings and kept it here where did it go in night. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walks in. Babita says I’m unable to find it and outside women are sitting who want to exhibit my ancestral jewelry in Chandigarh, what should I say to them my jewelry is lost what will they think about me, what will happen to our reputation. Raj says don’t panic if jewelry was in house then we will get it. Ragini says don’t worry you will get it and calls Isha and says bring water for Taeji. Babita says I don’t want to drink water. Isha looks worried to Meet. Isha says I need to leave I have an important lecture in college. Ragini stops her hold her bag. Isha says this is my college bag. Ragini says I know it’s your college bag, Babita lost her jewelry so you will not go anywhere. Babita says to Raj I’m sure that new servant did this. Raj says he is a good guy. Meet think I think so Isha is been trapped because of those boys, now it’s necessary to find out. Meet says to Babita don’t ask him directly there might be chances he didn’t do it and says to Raj I have an idea my friend has a connection who knows where all the stolen jewelers are sold. Isha gets more worried, Meet thinks might this plan work and Isha tell everything whatever she is hiding. Babita cribbing says they want to exhibit my ancestral jewelry, what will I say to them, that I lost it. Meet says I have a plan, I have a friend who have the information about stolen things who sold it and who bought. Isha look worried. Meet Ahlawat thinks is that same friend. Meet says to Babita if someone will sell it then we will get to know about him. Isha think now what will I do, I thought of selling Taiji’s jewelry and give them money. Meet Ahlawat walks to her and ask what’s his name, I called everyone for your birthday party. Meet says you don’t know him. Meet Ahlawat think is he the same guy and he can do this for Meet and ask her is he good for you because you said he have knowledge about stolen jewelry and his gentry will be of same kind, is he good for your friendship can I meet him. Meet says you can’t meet him and why are you asking so many questions like dad I said he is good no need to worry about him.

Masum and Hoshiyar go to Meet’s room. Hoshiyar ask him why did she call him here. Masum says you know Meet’s family is poor and because of Bhai’s accident she was unable to go for job so maybe she needed money and stole mom’s diamond earrings. Hoshiyar says nobody would have thought this. Masum says she must have hidden those here and they both start searching. Masum finds Manushi’s photo inside cupboard.

Isha thinks what Meet said to Babita about her friend and take out jewelry from her bag says I cannot do this I’ll return them back but what I’ll say? I’ll says I found them on the floor. Meet walks to her and see jewelry in her hand and says you thought right, now things are in open so don’t try to hide it, tell me what those boys are asking you to do? Isha hug her. Meet says now tell me what’s the matter. Isha says they are blackmailing me, I went to a party few days back and over there those boys mixed something in my soft drink because of which I fainted and then they clicked my photos in such a way that it looks like I’m doing wrong with that guy, please try to understand bhabhi I did nothing wrong, you know they have made my life miserable, they gamble and do drugs for that they need money and targeted me, they call me anytime and threaten me to make my picture go viral, I don’t want anybody to know about this that’s why I thought of selling these ear rings and will pay them whatever I’ll get. Meet says you should have told this to your parents first. Isha says what should I tell them, that I went to party and all this happen to me, they will ban me from going out and what if everyone would have doubt me for something that I have not done. Meet says but your Taji would have faced for your consequences. Isha says I’m sorry. Meet says don’t worry ask them to come and meet you at 5p.m money is arranged, tell me there name I’ll handle the rest.

Masum see’s photo says Bhai still love her, he has to bear Meet. Hoshiyar says but father in law brought her here. Masum says you are mad Hoshiyar, dad has brought a trouble home but I’ll make my brother free from her.

Kunal weigh jewelry says oh god what I did wrong to you that clever gave girl me fake jewelry. Man walks to Kunal says scene was big, she was saying a lot but I still handle the situation so when are you taking me to Mumbai. Kunal shout at him says I’m in trouble and you are thinking of going to Mumbai, my wife has all the jewelry and not giving me, I don’t have money to hire some goons and fake my kidnapping that’s why I fooled you to do acting now go from here.

Babita give guest jewelry and they leave. Babita says to Raj it was good I didn’t asked new servant about the jewelry. Raj says I told you not to panic come eat chickpeas and forget about that. Babita says but tell me from where did you get my earnings. Meet says I found it in house, looks at Isha says if I'd be late a bit we may not find them ever. Raj okay now I’ll go and get ready for my office and leaves. Meet says I’ll also leave for my delivery job. Babita says listen to me today evening you have to do a ritual at 6p.m so don’t be late come early. Meet says okay I’ll be there. Meet Ahlawat thinks she can postpone going but no, I know when she gets restless and says to Babita no need to do it we can do it later she need to go to her house. Babita says I have no problem of going her to her house but this ritual is important for couples blessings. Meet Ahlawat think there is no value for a relation which is been pushed over. Babita explain about the ritual to her and says come on time in the evening. Meet think today I have to prove my relation to sister in law. Meet Ahlawat says let it go don’t force her. Meet says don’t worry I’ll be here on time. Ragini says I’ll make all the arrangements.

Raj on phone. Masum walks to him says did you call me. Raj says yes and I know you love your brother too much and its very difficult for everyone to accept Daughter in law in those circumstances the marriage happen, I was observing one thing from many days that you are always behind her, I want to clear one point she is not here to impress you, as you are the oldest daughter of Ahlawat’s family same way she is the youngest daughter in law in this family, the you treat rest of the people in our family with love same way you have to treat her too now if you want to live in this house there is no need to interfere a lot which my affect this house happiness, if I hear that you have any issue against daughter in law then I’ll be helpless to send you somewhere else where you don’t have any problem because of her, I’m telling you clearly you have to leave this house and go and I’ll not think for a minute, do I need to make understand this in any other language because you understand hindi quiet well and leaves.

Meet with Isha at meeting location. Meet gets call from Meet Ahlawat says you go I’ll come. Isha says I’m scared. Meet says I’ll be there in 30 seconds now go. Meet pick up phone says I’m at delivery if its not urgent then can I call you later. Boys are drinking. Isha walks to them in room. Boys make her sit. Isha says I’m good. Meet says she will not sit but you my allow can I. Boy says to Isha we asked you to come alone who is she? Meet says sometimes kids do mess up so people like us come forward to clear that mess, so whatever photos you all have of Isha anywhere delete it now. Boys laugh and give them photos and pen drive says pick it up. Isha reach towards photo but boy hold her hand. Meet shouts at them to leave her hand. Boy says you have to pay in cash or else you know what I’ll do with the photo. Boy says she won’t hear like this and try to surround them. Meet pray to god to protect them from the boy’s.

Boys surround Meet and Isha. A man come and slap one of the boy. Meet walks to him saying these boys took this place for studying but look what they are doing, if they would have been goons then I would have called police but they are from good families that’s why I called you, these are boys that’s why you must have thought they would do anything wrong, nobody would have thought of looking after them, these boy’s thinks they are allowed to do anything, there are many families who don’t allow their girls freedom, only few families allow their girls to do what they want but boys like you think you have license to tease girls, you must respect each girl like your mother and sister, it’s your duty to bring them on track. Uncle says you must feel ashamed of yourself. Uncle says apologize to Isha because of boys like you and families dont give their girls permission to to put now delete every evidence. One of the boy try to hit uncle but Meet stop him and beat them. Meet start video recording them. Meet says I have recorded everything in my phone if you want me not to go to police don’t dare to move forward, says to Isha delete everything and ask a boy in specs to delete everything from the laptop and don’t try to be over smart. Isha tear all photos and break phone. Meet says now go and slap them to teach them a lesson. Isha slaps everyone. Meet says to uncle after looking at them it feels like to hand them over to police because they will not come on track easily I’ll go and call police. Meet call police, One of the boy grabs knife and move forward to stab Meet. Isha says beware Meet. Meet Ahlawat come in between to save Meet. Boy stab Meet Ahlawat but Meet save him with help of plate. Meet Ahlawat thank her, beat him and ask Meet how did you do this. Meet says I just grabbed this plate and used as shield, now tell me what are you doing here and how did you come to know we are here? Meet Ahlawat says I tracked your phone. Meet says means you were spying on me. He says no I’m worried about you since those goons came out of jail so I installed tracking app in your phone. Meet says so when I was teaching them moral science chapter that time you call me. Meet and Meet Ahlawat beat them in between and start talking. Meet Ahlawat says yes then I tracked your phone, says you must know how a boy’s behaviour is before liking anyone. Meet says what are you saying. A boy says from back I was saying. Meet Ahlawat slaps him. Police walks in and take them. Uncle says I’m sorry and I’ll take responsibility for bringing them on track. Meet says only 20 minutes are left for ritual we need to hurry Isha or else auntyji will not spare me.

Meet, Meet Ahlawat and Isha are in car going back home. Meet ask him what were you saying about relation. Meet Ahlawat says I was saying that if you want to move on from a force relation then you should take that step. Meet says I don’t understand what  you are saying did you had anything else. Meet Ahlawat says I know you are trying to trick me to tell you everything. Meet says if you know what is going on in your head then only you can tell that. Meet Ahlawat says to Isha and says listen to songs through your earpods because I want yo talk to your bhabhi. Isha says I can see what you are talking. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I already know you like one of them and talk to him in the kitchen during night time and when you got to know about their reality. Meet says stop making stories and who told you that I’m meeting a boy secretly. Meet says you don’t have to hide anything I have heard you talking to boy and if you like someone you can go with him I’ll help you. Meet says stop talking I’m not talking to anyone my exams are near so I’m taking online classes during night time. Meet Ahlawat gets shocked and says why didn’t you tell me? Meet says so you don’t get worried and won’t let me do things, I want to do things by my own not with help of our family members and says to Meet Ahlawat look forward what are you doing. Meet Ahlawat stops car and says then what were you doing there. Isha nods no to Meet, Meet remembers Isha’s confession and how everyone will stop her. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat, I was going with Isha to drop her to college and they were goons so we led to fight and I have you I don’t need more, and is this joke, we are married now and I have no thoughts of leaving you, Meet Ahlawat says okay. Isha says to Meet, Bhabhi its impossible to reach in 10 min. Meet thinks its important to reach in 10 min, what will I do now.

Kunal walks to Manushi and sees broken CCTV, Manushi hugs him and says look I saved you, Kunal says why did you give them fake jewellery, Manushi says how do you know, Kunal says they called me and threatened me again, Manushi says I thought it was your father taking my test to see my love towards you, and can I save you, and look all CCTV camera are here and he is not so free to come check videos and good there were real goons and now I can tell your father, I saved their son and look I packed too lets go. Kunal says I will talk to Dad and we will go tomorrow. Manushi says okay and leaves. Kunal thinks she is so cunning but I will hurt her so bad she will cry blood tears, she will meet the real Kunal now.

Raj and Ram reach, and says good we reached on time I thought we were late, Masum says but your daughter in law is late and will come if she wants and Mom ask her if she needs only commission money or cares about family too. Raj says Meet is responsible one. Meet walks in and says to Babita I am sorry, Raj says you are on time. Babita says couldn’t come little early and show respect, Meet says sorry, Raj says its okay lets start, don’t pull this. Ragini asks Masum to start ritual and Meet Ahlawat to sit with her.


Meet says to Isha to delete photos from laptop, till that time I’ll call police. A boy grabs a knife to stab her but Meet Ahlawat gets in between.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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